234 research outputs found

    Cross-border banking in Europe: An empirical investigation

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    This paper investigates bilateral trade in banking services within the European Union. The attention has been addressed to two main issues. First, to test the bank's motivations for setting up the different forms of overseas offices, and secondly, to assess the importance of barriers to entry across national European banking systems. Empirical results confirm the existence of different motivations for establishing representative offices, branches and subsidiaries in foreign locations. In addition, evidence has been achieved about the importance of non-regulatory barriers that could make difficult the existence of a single European market for banking services.Cross-border banking, barriers to entry and form of representation

    The influence of size on cost behaviour associated with tactical and operational flexibility

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    This paper contributes with an empirical analysis, using a sample of farms, on the influence of size on cost behaviour under operational and tactical flexibility. Results indicate that small farms behave advantageously with respect to biggest farms in situations of operational and tactical flexibility. On the one hand, the increase in indirect costs with product diversification is higher in bigger farms than in smaller. On the other hand, while most farms are flexible enough to avoid cost stickiness, the biggest face considerable rigidities in downsizing indirect costs when activity decreases.Agricultural economics, Tactical flexibility, Operational flexibility, Cost behaviour, Size.

    Conocimiento, Actitudes y PrĂĄcticas sobre el uso de Levonorgestrel como mĂ©todo anticonceptivo de emergencia de las estudiantes de la carrera deQuĂ­mica-FarmacĂ©utica, departamento de QuĂ­mica, Recinto universitario “RubĂ©n DarĂ­o” UNAN-Managua del 1 de octubre al 31 diciembre del 2014

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    El uso inadecuado e irracional de Levonorgestrel para prevenir embarazos no deseados, genera afecciones en la salud de sus consumidoras, lo cual afecta su calidad de vida. Para evaluar si las estudiantes de la carrera de QuĂ­mica FarmacĂ©utica del Recinto Universitario “RubĂ©n DarĂ­o” practican adecuadamente el uso de levonorgestrel se evaluaron sus conocimientos, actitudes y prĂĄcticas sobre mĂ©todo anticonceptivo de emergencia (levonorgestrel), siendo un estudio descriptivo, prospectivo, de corte trasversal, cuali-cuantitativo del 1 de octubre al 31 diciembre del 2014. La poblaciĂłn fue constituida por 180 estudiantes. La muestra probabilĂ­stica estuvo conformada por 123 estudiantes, muestreo aleatorio estratificado y estimada mediante la ecuaciĂłn de nĂșmeros finitos. Las edades de las estudiantes se encontraron entre 19 a 21 años con un 71% (87), de 16 a 18 años un 22% (27) y de 22 a 24 años un 6% (7), estado civil de soltero con 92% (106). La minorĂ­a de la poblaciĂłn hace uso de levonorgestrel pero de manera inadecuada. AdemĂĄs presentaron poco conocimiento acerca las presentaciones de levonorgestrel disponibles como mĂ©todo anticonceptivo de emergencia y como puede afectar el uso recurrente en la salud. Y en cuanto a la actitud ante la prĂĄctica de anticoncepciĂłn de emergencia, las estudiantes demostraron una actitud negativa señalada por el desinterĂ©s que mostraron sobre el uso adecuado de la pĂ­ldora de levonorgestrel

    Audit tenure and audit Qualifications in a low litigation risk setting: An analysis of the Spanish market

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    The main role of the external auditor in the classical corporate governance scheme is to verify the accounting information provided by the firms' managers. Lengthy audit engagements are viewed as a main threat to preserve auditor independence, and therefore regulators have established mandatory rotation rules in many countries worldwide.Tenencia de auditorías y calificaciones de auditorías en un ambiente de bajo riesgo de litigios. Un anålisis del mercado españo

    The interaction effects of firm and partner tenure on audit quality

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    This paper investigates the impact of firm and partner tenure on audit quality, where audit quality is proxied by discretionary accruals. We study a sample of Spanish listed companies between 2005 and 2011 and address both the individual and the interaction effects of firm and partner tenure. Our study is motivated by the current debate, particularly intense at the EU level, on the impact of the auditor rotation regime on the quality of auditing. We find that, without considering the interaction effects, firm and partner tenure do not seem to play a relevant role as determinants of audit quality. Importantly, the interaction of firm and partner tenure shows stronger effects on audit quality than both forms of tenure separately considered. Finally, our analysis suggests that audit quality is maximized when medium firm and partner tenures interact. However, results for the interaction variables are sensitive to the accruals estimation method

    Indicaciones de césarea en el Hospital Militar Escuela Dr. Alejandro Dåvila Bolaños en el periodo Abril a Diciembre 2014

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    Indicaciones de Cesårea en el Hospital Militar Escuela Dr. Alejandro Davilas Bolaños en el periodo abril a diciembre 2014 OBJETIVO: Describir las principales indicaciones y el porcentaje de cesårea realizadas en el Hospital Escuela Dr. Alejandro Dåvila Bolaños en el periodo comprendido de abril a diciembre del 2014 Tipo de diseño: Descriptivo de corte transversal La indicación mås frecuente fue cesårea por cesårea anterior (361)(50.2%), seguido de variación de la FCF y preeclampsia (42 casos, 5.8% para cada uno), oligoamnios 39(5.4%), taquicardia fetal 31(4.3%), pélvico 24(3.3%),NST no reactivo 23(3.2%), SFA 22(3.1%), gemelar 19(2.6%), Trabajo de parto detenido 18(2.5%), macrosomía 17((2.4%), DCP 15(2.1%), bradicardia 14(1.9%), distocia funicular 11(1.5%), Riesgo de pérdida de bienestar fetal 10(1.4%), expulsivo prolongado 8(1.1%), condilomatosis 8(1.1%), Placenta previa 6(0.8%), transverso 8(1.1%), inducción falllida 5(0.7%), miomatosis uterina 4(0.6%), post-término 3(0.4%), pretérmino 3(0.4%), antecedente de IVPH 3(0.4%), RPM 4(0.6%), DPPNI 2(0.3%),FCF en límite inferior 2(0.3%),fractura de pelvis 2(0.3%), polihidramnios 2(0.3%), HELLP 2(0.3%), variedad distósica 2(0.3%), distocia cervical 2(0.3%), corioamnionitis 2(0.3%), (epilepsia 1(0.1%), Wolf-Parkinson-White 1(0.1%), conización cervical 1(0.1%), distocia de partes blandas 1(0.1%) Se evaluaron un total de 1217 pacientes a quienes se les atendió el parto en el Hospital militar entre abril y diciembre del 2014; 498 partos y 719 cesåreas. El índice de cesårea calculado para el periodo del estudio es de 59.07%. En general el promedio de edad de las pacientes fue de 28.3 años, para las pacientes cuyo nacimiento fue vía parto el promedio de edad fue del 27.8 años, mientras que para los nacimientos por cesårea el promedio fue de 28.8 año

    20 años de investigación sobre Gobierno Corporativo Internacional

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    International Corporate Governance is a topic of growing interest. Despite all the results that have led years of research, this issue remains an interesting topic in Economics and Finance. This article examines the scientific literature on international corporate governance since the first article was published in 1992. The data is obtained from the database ISI Web of Science, resulting in 338 articles that have been analyze to obtain the most cited articles, the evolution in the number of publications, the authors and journals cited and Index of Scientific Collaboration.El Gobierno Corporativo Internacional es un tema de creciente interĂ©s en el ĂĄrea de EconomĂ­a y Finanzas, ya que a pesar de todos los resultados que han supuesto dĂ©cadas de investigaciĂłn, este tema sigue estando en el centro de atenciĂłn y en ello mucho ha tenido que ver la crisis financiera desatada a finales del 2007. El presente artĂ­culo analiza la producciĂłn cientĂ­fica sobre gobierno corporativo internacional desde que se publicĂł el primer artĂ­culo en 1992 hasta 2010. Los datos se han obtenido de la base de datos ISI Web of Science dando por resultado 338 artĂ­culos que se han analizado obteniendo los artĂ­culos mĂĄs citados, la evoluciĂłn temporal del nĂșmero de publicaciones, los autores y revistas mĂĄs citados y el Ă­ndice de colaboraciĂłn cientĂ­fica

    Audit firm tenure and audit quality: A cross-European study

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    Directive 2014/56/EU and Regulation (EU) No. 537/2014, which came into effect in June 2016, introduced the mandatory rotation of audit firms after a maximum period of 10 years with the same client. We conduct a cross‐European study with the aim of assessing whether long audit firm tenures are associated with lower levels of audit quality. The sample for the study is based on the constituents of the Standard & Poor's Europe 350 index for the years between 2009 and 2016, and we utilize three different sets of proxies for audit quality: discretionary accruals, differences between reported earnings and earnings benchmarks, and accounting restatements. The main result of the study finds that companies with more than 10 years of tenure with their auditors do not have a lower audit quality than other firms. In fact, this study provides some evidence of a higher audit quality for these firms. The results are robust to various checks. Therefore, if there does not seem to be a problem of a lack of audit quality associated with long audit firm tenures, the necessity of establishing a maximum tenure, as the new European regulation does, may be questioned

    Board gender diversity and firm solvency: Evidence from Scandinavia

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    The implementation of a board gender quota in Norway in 2006 resulted in an extraordinary increase in the number of female directors over a short period of time. As a result, previous studies have used this unique scenario to examine the effects of appointing female directors on various corporate outcomes, such as the cost of debt. Extending this line of research, this study explores whether the appointment of female directors to the boardroom has a significant impact on a firm's solvency. The empirical analysis draws on a sample of firms from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden and implements difference-in-differences estimations. The extant evidence is scarce and inconclusive and, more importantly, has been obtained without controlling for endogeneity. Our findings strongly suggest that the solvency of Norwegian firms did not change significantly after the appointment of a large number of female directors. This result is robust to a battery of sensitivity checks

    A critical approach to the evaluation of the quality of accounting research in the Spanish university system and its implications

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    Este trabajo analiza la conveniencia y consecuencias de los criterios de evaluaciĂłn de la actividad investigadora en contabilidad establecidos por ANECA, concretĂĄndonos en los criterios para la acreditaciĂłn de catedrĂĄtico de universidad, asĂ­ como el patrĂłn y posibilidades de publicaciĂłn de los acadĂ©micos contables en España, Europa y a nivel mundial. Encontramos que los acadĂ©micos del ĂĄrea contable tienen unas dificultades para publicar que son substancialmente superiores a las de los acadĂ©micos de otras ĂĄreas de empresa. La mayor parte de los acadĂ©micos afiliados a instituciones españolas que consiguen publicar en las principales revistas acadĂ©micas contables recurren a co-autorĂ­as, principalmente estadounidenses y britĂĄnicas, y a focalizar el contenido de sus trabajos en contextos y problemĂĄticas no españolas. La normativa española de acreditaciĂłn acentĂșa este comportamiento. Esta situaciĂłn puede tener graves implicaciones para la supervivencia del ĂĄrea de conocimiento, el tratamiento de las temĂĄticas y problemĂĄticas especĂ­ficamente ligadas al contexto español
