58 research outputs found

    Pressurised Liquid Extraction of Capsaicinoids from Peppers

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    Se presenta el desarrollo de un método de extracción de capsaicinoides en pimientos mediante la técnica de extracción mediante fluidos presurizados

    Fast determination of capsaicinoids from peppers by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography using a reversed phase Monolithic Column

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    This article reports the development of a rapid and reproducible method of HPLC with fluorescence detection for the determination and quantification of the main capsaicinoids (nordihydrocapsaicin, capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin and homodihydro-capsaicin) present in hot peppers by employing a monolithic column

    Ultrasound Assisted Extraction of capsaicinoids from peppers

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    The development of a rapid, reproducible and simple method of extraction of the majority capsaicinoids (nordihydrocapsaicin, capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin and homodihydrocapsaicin) present in hot peppers by the employment of ultrasound-assisted extraction is reported

    Optimization of a new extraction technique for analysis of verbenone and cis-verbenol in pine seeds

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    Results from a systematic study of the factors affecting extraction of cis-verbenol and verbenone from pine seeds are presented. Five extraction conditions were investigated: extraction solvent, method of extraction, extraction temperature, volume of solvent, and the ratio of the mass of sample to the amount of extraction solvent

    Development of Head Space Sorptive Extraction Method for the Determination of Volatile Compounds in Beer and Comparison with Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction

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    A headspace sorptive extraction method coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (HSSE-GC-MS) was developed for the determination of 37 volatile compounds in beer. After optimization of the extraction conditions, the best conditions for the analysis were stirring at 1000 rpm for 180 min, using an 8-mL sample with 25% NaCl. The analytical method provided excellent linearity values (R-2 > 0.99) for the calibration of all the compounds studied, with the detection and quantification limits obtained being low enough for the determination of the compounds in the beers studied. When studying the repeatability of the method, it proved to be quite accurate, since RSD% values lower than 20% were obtained for all the compounds. On the other hand, the recovery study was successfully concluded, resulting in acceptable values for most of the compounds (80-120%). The optimised method was successfully applied to real beer samples of different types (ale, lager, stout and wheat). Finally, an analytical comparison of the optimised HSSE method, with a previously developed and validated stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) method was performed, obtaining similar concentration values by both methods for most compounds

    Rapid determination of simple polyphenols in grapes by HPLC using a monolithic column

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    The development of a rapid, reliable and reproducible LC method for the determination and quantification of 13 polyphenols (gallic acid, protocatechuic aldehyde, gentisic acid, catechin, vanillinic acid, caffeic acid, vanillin, epicatechin, syringaldehyde, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, sinapic acid and resveratrol) in grapes and derived products is reported

    Influence of Temperature during Pre-Fermentative Maceration and Alcoholic Fermentation on the Phenolic Composition of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ Wines

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    This study presents the effects of different working temperatures on the transfer of compounds during the pre-fermentative and fermentative stages of the wine making process with 'Cabernet Sauvignon' grapes. Two different procedures have been evaluated. Firstly, the pre-fermentative maceration of the crushed grapes at two different temperatures (20 degrees C and 10 degrees C). Then, the alcoholic fermentation under two different sets of conditions, the fermentation at a constant temperature of 20 degrees C and the fermentation under a positive temperature gradient from 10 to 20 degrees C. According to the experimental results, the phenolic contents (total phenolics, total anthocyanins, and total tannins) were mainly conditioned by the fermentation temperature, however the pre-fermentative conditions also affected the content levels of these compounds. Furthermore, the use of a fermentation temperature gradient improved the organoleptic characteristics of the wines. However, the color was not as stable as that of wines produced through fermentation at a higher constant temperature. Consequently, the implementation of a temperature gradient during the alcoholic fermentation process is recommended and a longer period at high temperature over the last phase of the process would be desirable to obtain aromatic wines with the desirable color stability.This research was co-financed by the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia. Project reference: FEDER-UCA18-108366

    Simplification of the DPPH assay for estimating the antioxidant activity of wine and wine by-products

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    The DPPH assay is one of the most commonly employed methods for measuring antioxidant activity. Even though this method is considered very simple and efficient, it does present various limitations which make it complicated to perform. The range of linearity between the DPPH inhibition percentage and sample concentration has been studied with a view to simplifying the method for characterising samples of wine origin. It has been concluded that all the samples are linear in a range of inhibition below 40%, which allows the analysis to be simplified. A new parameter more appropriate for the simplification, the EC20, has been proposed to express the assay results. Additionally, the reaction time was analysed with the object of avoiding the need for kinetic studies in the method. The simplifications considered offer a more functional method, without significant errors, which could be used for routine analysis

    Analytical Characterization and Sensory Analysis of Distillates of Di erent Varieties of Grapes Aged by an Accelerated Method

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    The wine spirits used for the elaboration of Brandy de Jerez are mainly obtained from wines produced from the Airen type of grape, which comes from the vineyards located in the region of La Mancha (Central Spain). This entails a limitation when achieving a product classified as "protected geographic designation". For that purpose, it is necessary that the grape used for the wine spirit comes from the area and not from Castile la Mancha, as has happened until now. Due to this fact, it is necessary to search for a possible alternative grape variety which allows the produced brandy to be eligible for a "protected geographic designation". For that purpose, an accelerated ageing process has been implemented with a method previously optimized to distillates obtained from wines from different varieties of grapes (Airen, Colombard, Corredera, Doradilla, Garrido Fino, Jaen blanco, Moscatel de Alejandria, Palomino Fino, Ugni Blanc, and Zalema) grown in the Jerez Area. They were evaluated, both from the analytical and sensory points of view. The distillates made from Jaen Blanco and Zalema have properties that make them interesting for future development and incorporation into oenological practice

    Estudio de algunos compuestos de interés en preparados cosméticos realizados con residuos de vinificación del Jerez

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    Actas XI Congreso Nacional de Investigación EnológicaEl uso del vino en cosmética no es algo novedoso. Hay escritos que indican que ya desde la edad antigua se utilizaban mezclas preparadas con vino para el tratamiento de alteraciones de la piel. Lo que sí resulta una novedad es la posibilidad de utilizar los residuos de la vinificación con dicha finalidad. La uva y por consiguiente los residuos de la vinificación, presentan distintos compuestos de gran interés cosmético. Éste es el caso de los compuestos polifenólicos, que debido a su gran eficacia para atrapar radicales libres favorecen la integridad celular, pudiendo actuar como antioxidantes en fórmulas antienvejecimiento. De igual forma, algunos α-hidroxiácidos como el láctico, cítrico o tartárico, presentan importantes propiedades cosméticas debido a su efecto astringente. Estos compuestos al ser aplicados por vía tópica forman una fina capa protectora al reaccionar con las proteínas superficiales de la piel, generando una acción antitranspirante que a su vez produce un efecto hidratante y reafirmante. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido determinar el contenido en diversos α-hidroxiácidos, así como el contenido polifenólico total y la actividad antioxidante en distintas muestras cosméticas que han sido elaboradas utilizando residuos de la vinificación de Vinos de Jerez