269 research outputs found

    Learning with technology. The use of ICT Tools and digital resources to avoid the overuse of the English textbook in order to boost students’ motivation

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    El presente estudio analiza e intenta dar solución a la excesiva dependencia del libro de texto de inglés y a la falta de motivación de los alumnos en la clase de inglés en un grupo de 2º de ESO de un instituto concertado de Zaragoza durante las segundas prácticas del máster. Por ello, este trabajo lleva a cabo una propuesta didáctica cuyo objetivo final es mejorar la necesidad indicada utilizando herramientas TIC y recursos digitales e integrando una combinación de diferentes áreas de estudio que van desde la enseñanza comunicativa de la lengua, el currículo aragonés perteneciente a la ESO, el aprendizaje de lenguas basado en proyectos y el aprendizaje cooperativo.<br /

    Software Process Accessibility in practice: a case study

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    Software processes are recognized as fundamental assets in development organizations since they support the capability to produce better products. A means for handling the complexity of these processes is through models, and software process modeling languages (SPMLs) are languages to express those processes. Different requirements for SPMLs have been identified by some authors, but accessibility is not one of them. There is little empirical evidence of the use of software processes by people with accessibility difficulties in software organizations. The goal of this case study is to investigate what are the requirements to make software processes become accessible. The subjects are users of a methodology called NDT and its support tools, and who have a kind of disability. The objective is to know the main requirements in order to read and execute software processes and become a process engineer. Conclusions and future work in this field are also presented to improve this area.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2010-20057-C03-02Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2010-20057-C03-01Junta de Andalucía TIC-578

    Non-invasive diagnostic biomarkers in canine gliomas and meningiomas

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    PòsterJunyMeningiomas and glioma are the most common primary intracranial tumors in dogs. Clinical signs usually appear progressively and the most common clinical manifestation is seizures. Currently, brain tumors in dogs are diagnosed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histological evaluation of biopsy samples

    Artistas japoneses contemporáneos en España : una aproximación al caso de Cataluña

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    Los artistas japoneses contemporáneos en Cataluña son analizados con una perspectiva sociológica e histórico-artística, en el contexto de la diáspora de creadores nipones por el mundo y de las relaciones hispano-japonesas, así como de la presencia japonesa en España. De este modo, se abordan, entre otras, sus características generales; su evolución cronológica o las motivaciones que llevaron a estos artistas a salir de Japón y establecerse en Cataluña. Igualmente, se examina la formación recibida en España y la fusión con su propia tradición; los problemas de adaptación personal y profesional a los que se han enfrentado; los círculos artísticos donde se han insertado o la valoración que su trabajo ha obtenido.In this paper, contemporary Japanese artists in Catalonia are analysed through a sociological and an art history perspective. We take into account the context of the diaspora of Japanese masters around the world and the Spanish-Japanese political relations, as well as the general presence of Japanese people in Spain. As a result, we will analyse, among others, its general characteristics, its chronological evolution and the motivations that led those artists to leave Japan and settle in Catalonia. Moreover, we will focus on the training they received in Spain and how they merged it with their own tradition, the adaptation problems - both personal and professional - they have faced, the artistic circles in which they have been placed, or the appraisal their work has received

    Software process modeling languages: A systematic literature review

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    Context Organizations working in software development are aware that processes are very important assets as well as they are very conscious of the need to deploy well-defined processes with the goal of improving software product development and, particularly, quality. Software process modeling languages are an important support for describing and managing software processes in software-intensive organizations. Objective This paper seeks to identify what software process modeling languages have been defined in last decade, the relationships and dependencies among them and, starting from the current state, to define directions for future research. Method A systematic literature review was developed. 1929 papers were retrieved by a manual search in 9 databases and 46 primary studies were finally included. Results Since 2000 more than 40 languages have been first reported, each of which with a concrete purpose. We show that different base technologies have been used to define software process modeling languages. We provide a scheme where each language is registered together with the year it was created, the base technology used to define it and whether it is considered a starting point for later languages. This scheme is used to illustrate the trend in software process modeling languages. Finally, we present directions for future research. Conclusion This review presents the different software process modeling languages that have been developed in the last ten years, showing the relevant fact that model-based SPMLs (Software Process Modeling Languages) are being considered as a current trend. Each one of these languages has been designed with a particular motivation, to solve problems which had been detected. However, there are still several problems to face, which have become evident in this review. This let us provide researchers with some guidelines for future research on this topic.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2010-20057-C03-02Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN 2010-12312-EJunta de Andalucía TIC-578

    La enseñanza de la expresión oral en la clase de ELE

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivos analizar diversos manuales para comprobar si siguen la pauta del Marco Común Europeo, averiguar cuáles son los problemas principales de los alumnos a la hora de expresarse en español y dar solución a estos problemas. Para ello, se han resumido brevemente los métodos y enfoques más significativos en la enseñanza de idiomas y se han analizado tres manuales en dos niveles distintos. En este análisis se han estudiado detenidamente todas las actividades que pertenecen al ámbito de la expresión oral y se han comparado con los requisitos del Marco Común Europeo. Para averiguar los principales problemas de los alumnos, se ha pasado una encuesta, tanto a estudiantes como a profesores, gracias a la cual se ha podido crear, posteriormente, la propuesta didáctica para poder solucionar dichos problemasAquest treball té com a objectiu analitzar diversos manuals per a comprovar si segueixen la pauta del Marco Común Europeo, esbrinar quins son els problemes principals dels alumnes a la hora d'expressar-se en espanyol i donar solució a aquests problemes. Per poder fer-ho, s'han resumit breument els mètodes i enfocaments més significatius de l'ensenyament d'idiomes i s'han analitzat tres manuals en dos nivells diferents. En aquest anàlisis s'han estudiat detingudament totes les activitats que pertanyen a l'àmbit de l'expressió oral i s'han comparat amb els requisits del Marco Común Europeo. Per esbrinar els principals problemes dels alumnes, s'ha passat una enquesta, tant a estudiants com a professors, gràcies als quals s'ha pogut crear, posteriorment, la proposta didàctica per poder solucionar aquests problemesThe purpose of this assignment is to investigate and analyze different manuals to see if they follow the patterns of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and figure out what the main problems of students are when talking in Spanish and find a solution. So as to do so, a little summary has been made about the most significant methods for language teaching, and three manuals have been analyzed. In this analysis all the activities related to the oral expression have been studied and compared to the requisites of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In order to find out the main problem of students, a survey has been passed to both students and teachers and then a didactical proposal has been created to solve all these difficultie