14,297 research outputs found

    The management of schools’ websites in Cantabria, Spain

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    School websites are not only sources of information and documentation, but also means of communication that are increasingly being accessed by members of society, especially by the different educational communities, thanks to the democratisation of Internet access. This paper deals with a qualitative research project in which information and communication technology coordinators of infant and primary publicly funded private schools (concertados) and state schools in urban, rural and semi-urban/rural areas within the Region of Cantabria (Spain) were interviewed in order to understand how school websites are managed. The findings show a range of views and practices in the schools’ management of their websites, some positive developments in their uses and functions, and numerous opportunities for improvement. School websites are essential communication tools, which need to be continuously improved/updated by their managers, with the support of the education authorities

    "Reyerta", un poema de creación visionaria.

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    Hernán Godoy Arzúa: El oficio de las letras.

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    La idea de justicia en Edipo, Rey. Un cruce de culturas en la elaboración de una tragedia

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    The present investigation analyzes the tragedy Oedipus King from the point of view of justice. Firstly, it deals with the theme of destiny both in philosophical cosmology and in the theological Greek period, so as to deal, secondly, with the several hybris Oedipus suffers.En la presente investigación, se estudia la tragedia Edipo, rey desde la idea de justicia. Se analiza primeramente el tema del destino en la filosofía cosmológica y en la etapa teológica griegas para considerar así, después, las distintas hybris que sufrió Edip

    Regional devolopment and solidarity in Spain: the relationship between the E.C. and the internal solidarity funds.

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    This paper will analyse the importance that the Regional Solidarity Funds have acquired in the financial systems of those Autonomous Communities able to benefit from them, and the influence that these Funds have had in their development. In addition, the special role that Structural Funds have had in order to bring the Autonomous Communities’ development in line with the average level of the European Member States will be referred to. Then, the different EC tools that are connected with regional development will be described and analysed; next, the Spanish regions that have benefited from these tools since Spain joined the European Union in 1986 will be studied. The Internal Solidarity Funds and their relationship with the EC Structural Funds will also be analysed. The effects of these mechanisms will be examined from three different points of view. First of all, the impact of these resources on the regional financial system will be considered; secondly, the coordination between the EC Structural Funds and the Internal Solidarity Funds, and the impact of this relationship will be analysed; and finally, whether or not these mechanisms are efficient enough to achieve the aim of regional unity will be determined, and their influence in different areas of production will also be observed. Key words: Fiscal Federalism, Spanish Autonomous Communities, Structural Funds, Inter-regional Solidarity. JEL Codes: H7, H77.

    Los nuevos centros escolares europeos. Las euro-redes de centros

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    El progreso y la competitividad de la nueva Europa unida se fundamenta en la educación de todos los ciudadanos de forma que nazca y se consolide una gran sociedad cognitiva; esta sociedad está impregnada de la acción de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Razones de todo tipo justifican su introducción en los centros escolares. Una novedad son los intercambios de experiencias, informaciones, prácticas educativas, etc. entre centros europeos conectados en euro-redes; éstas ofrecen numerosas posibilidades de modernización de los mismos, y de asunción de la dimensión educativo-europea exigida a los estados miembros