2,098 research outputs found

    Environmental discourse in natural disaster scenarios

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    This research analyses crisis communication and intends to compare the content of the messages issued by environmental nongovernmental organisations (N.G.O.s) in the context of natural disasters, to determine the way in which they manage communication in crisis situations. This includes the content analysis of messages posted on the social network Twitter in 2017, during the course of hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria, by environmental NGOs

    Overexpression of mitochondrial if1 prevents metastatic disease of colorectal cancer by enhancing anoikis and tumor infiltration of NK cells

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    Increasing evidences show that the ATPase Inhibitory Factor 1 (IF1), the physiological inhibitor of the ATP synthase, is overexpressed in a large number of carcinomas contributing to metabolic reprogramming and cancer progression. Herein, we show that in contrast to the findings in other carcinomas, the overexpression of IF1 in a cohort of colorectal carcinomas (CRC) predicts less chances of disease recurrence, IF1 being an independent predictor of survival. Bioinformatic and gene expression analyses of the transcriptome of colon cancer cells with differential expression of IF1 indicate that cells overexpressing IF1 display a less aggressive behavior than IF1 silenced (shIF1) cells. Proteomic and functional in vitro migration and invasion assays confirmed the higher tumorigenic potential of shIF1 cells. Moreover, shIF1 cells have increased in vivo metastatic potential. The higher metastatic potential of shIF1 cells relies on increased cFLIP-mediated resistance to undergo anoikis after cell detachment. Furthermore, tumor spheroids of shIF1 cells have an increased ability to escape from immune surveillance by NK cells. Altogether, the results reveal that the overexpression of IF1 acts as a tumor suppressor in CRC with an important anti-metastatic role, thus supporting IF1 as a potential therapeutic target in CRCThis research was funded by grants from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (SAF2013-41945-R, SAF2016-75916-R and SAF2016-75452-R), CIBERER-ISCIII (CB06/07/0017) and Fundación Ramón Areces, Spai

    La coordinación de materias de economía en el Grado de Marketing e Investigación de Mercados

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    El objetivo del proyecto es conocer la existencia de posibles solapamientos de contenidos en las asignaturas de economía que imparte el departamento de Economía e Historia Económica en el Grado de Marketing y evaluar el grado de satisfacción del alumno con la metodología utilizada. Para ello, se ha realizado una encuesta de elaboración propia a los alumnos matriculados entre los cursos académicos 2004-2005 y 2008-2009. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten descartar un excesivo solapamiento de contenidos, tan solo el 10,6% de la muestra manifestó dicha opción. En cuanto a la metodología docente un 60% considera que se debería combinar las clases magistrales del profesor, con la preparación y posterior exposición de contenidos por parte de los alumnos. En cuanto a la motivación del alumnado a partir del trabajo de los profesores, la respuesta supera una media de 3 en la escala de Likert, lo cual implica que no hay una clara desmotivación, aunque es susceptible de mejora al no encontrarse una media de 4The goal of this research is to ascertain the existence of overlaps in the contents of Economics subjects given by the Economics and Economic History Department of the degree in Marketing, and to evaluate the satisfaction level of the students with the methodology applied in the different subjects. To this end, our own survey of the students enrolled between the academic years 2004/2005 and 2008/ 2009 has been conducted. The results enable the existence of an excessive overlap of contents to be ruled out since only 10.6% of the sample suggests that this be the case. As far as teaching methodology is concerned, more than 60% of the sample considers that traditional lectures should be combined with the preparation and later presentation of subjects by the students. With respect to student motivation from the work of teachers, the response exceeds an average of 3 on the Likert scale, which implies that, although no clear discouragement is present in relation to the subjects given by the Department, there is room for improvement in this are

    La coordinacion de materias de economia en el Grado de Marketing e Investigación de Mercados

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    El objetivo del proyecto es conocer la posible existencia de solapamiento de los contenidos de las diversas asignaturas de economía que imparte el departamento de Economía e Historia Económica en el grado de Marketing y evaluar el grado de satisfacción del alumno con la metodología utilizada a fin de mejorar la misma. Para ello, se ha realizado una encuesta de elaboración propia a los alumnos matriculados entre los cursos académicos 2004-05 y 2008-09. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten descartar un excesivo solapamiento de contenidos, tan solo el 10,6% de la muestra manifestó dicha opción, y para el 43,6% de los preguntados los contenidos de las asignaturas resultan complementarios. En cuanto a la metodología docente aunque no parece distar de la adecuada en función de las respuestas, un 60% considera que debería combinar las clases magistrales del profesor, con la preparación y posterior exposición por parte de los alumnos de contenidos teóricos y prácticos de las asignaturas .Sí manifiestan una excesiva carga teórica que dificulta en ocasiones la comprensión de las materias. En cuanto a la motivación del alumnado a partir del trabajo de los profesores, la respuesta supera una media de 3 en la escala de Likert, lo cual implica que no hay una clara desmotivación, aunque es susceptible de mejora al no encontraese con una media de 4The goal of this research is to determine if there exist overlapping contents among the different subjects of economics given by Economics and Economic History Department at the Marketing degree. In addition, we try to evaluate the student’s satisfaction with the methodology applied in the different subjects in the past, in order to improve it. To achieve these goals, we have carried out our own survey to the students along the academic years between 2004/2005 and 2008/2009. The main results can be summarised as follows: On the one hand, the existence of excessive common contents can be rejected since only the 10% of the sample suggests that such common contents exist. Moreover, for the 43,6% of the students, the content of the different subjects are complementary. On the other hand, as far as educational methodology is concerned, the answers given in the survey allow us to conclude that in general they have been satisfactory for the students. Nevertheless, more than the 60% of the sample considers that the methodology should combine the traditional lectures with personal work and later exposition of theoretical and practical contents of subjects by the students. Furthermore, students suggest that theoretical contents are excessive in comparison with the practical ones which can be an obstacle to understand the subjects. Concerning students’ motivation, on average the answer is over 3 in the Likert scale, which implies that, although there is not discouragement in relation to the subjects given by the Department, improvements can be done in this are

    Capillary liquid-chromatography-ion trap-mass spectrometry methodology for the simultaneous quantification of four angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitory peptides in Prunus seed hydrolysates

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    Prunus genus fruit seeds are sources of highly angiotensin-l-converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory peptides. The presence of peptides IYSPH, IYTPH, IFSPR, and VAIP seems to be related to this activity but no previous work has demonstrated the direct relationship between the concentration of these peptides and the antihypertensive activity of hydrolysates. This work describes the development of a method for the quantification of these peptides in Prunus seeds hydrolysates based on capillary liquid chromatography-IT-MS/MS. The analytical characteristics of the method were evaluated through the study of the linearity, LOD, LOQ presence of matrix interferences, precision, and recovery. The developed methodology was applied to the determination of the four peptides in seed hydrolysates from different Prunus genus fruits: peaches (7 varieties), plums (2 varieties), nectarines (3 varieties), apricots (2 varieties), cherry, and paraguayo. Peaches and plums seed hydrolysates yielded the highest concentrations of these peptides while paraguayo one showed the lowest concentrations. A high correlation between peptides concentrations was demonstrated suggesting that the four peptides could be released from the same seed proteins

    Microbiota composition of the dorsal patch of reproductive male Leptonycteris yerbabuenae.

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    Bacteria and other types of microbes interact with their hosts in several ways, including metabolic pathways, development, and complex behavioral processes such as mate recognition. During the mating season, adult males of the lesser long-nosed agave pollinator bat Leptonycteris yerbabuenae (Phyllostomidae: Glossophaginae) develop a structure called the dorsal patch, which is located in the interscapular region and may play a role in kin recognition and mate selection. Using high-throughput sequencing of the V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene, we identified a total of 2,847 microbial phylotypes in the dorsal patches of eleven specimens. Twenty-six phylotypes were shared among all the patches, accounting for 30 to 75% of their relative abundance. These shared bacteria are distributed among 13 families, 10 orders, 6 classes and 3 phyla. Two of these common bacterial components of the dorsal patch are Lactococcus and Streptococcus. Some of them-Helcococcus, Aggregatibacter, Enterococcus, and Corynebacteriaceae-include bacteria with pathogenic potential. Half of the shared phylotypes belong to Gallicola, Anaerococcus, Peptoniphilus, Proteus, Staphylococcus, Clostridium, and Peptostreptococcus and specialize in fatty acid production through fermentative processes. This work lays the basis for future symbiotic microbe studies focused on communication and reproduction strategies in wildlife

    HPLC-Q-TOF-MS identification of antioxidant and antihypertensive peptides recovered from cherry (Prunus Cerasus L.) subproducts

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    The processing of fruits, such as cherries, is characterized by generating a lot of waste material such as fruit stones, skins, etc. To contribute to environmental sustainability, it is necessary to recover these residues. Cherry stones contain seeds with a significant amount of proteins that are underused and undervalued. The aim of this work was to extract cherry seed proteins, to evaluate the presence of bioactive peptides, and to identify them by mass spectrometry. The digestion of cherry seed proteins was optimized, and three different enzymes were employed: Alcalase, Thermolysin, and Flavourzyme. Peptide extracts obtained by the digestion of the cherry seed protein isolate with Alcalase and Thermolysin yielded the highest antioxidant and antihypertensive capacities. Ultrafiltration of hydrolysates allowed obtaining fractions with high antioxidant and antihypertensive capabilities. HPLC-Q-TOF-MS together with bioinformatics tools enabled one to identify peptides in these fractions

    State of the art of financial research in Mexico

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    El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en presentar el estado que guarda la investigación en el área financiera, a partir de los trabajos académicos presentados en los tres principales foros que agrupan a una gran parte del sector académico en Ciencias Administrativas en México: Academia de Ciencias Administrativas, Foro de Investigación UNAM-FCA y Congreso de Análisis Organizacional UAM, por un período de 5 años 2003 a 2007. Los hallazgos permiten determinar que ha sido incipiente el alcance de la investigación financiera que se ha desarrollado en México en comparación con los países de Europa y Estados Unidos, el desafío para los investigadores en México es el desarrollo de temáticas como: Finanzas personales, Finanzas del comportamiento e innovación financiera, ya que han sido temas poco estudiados y contextualizados en nuestro medio.The objective of this research is to present the state of research in the financial area, from the scholarly papers presented at the three main forums which bring together much of the academic sector in Mexico Administrative Sciences: Academy of Administrative Sciences , Research Forum FCA-UNAM and UAM Congress Organizational Analysis, for a period of 5 years 2003 to 2007. The findings help determine which was the extent of incipient financial investigation that has developed in Mexico in comparison with the countries of Europe and the United States, the challenge for researchers in Mexico is the development of themes such as: Personal Finance, Finance behavior and financial innovation, as they have been little studied and contextualized issues in our environment