2,177 research outputs found

    Valley-Polarized Quantum Transport Generated by Gauge Fields in Graphene

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    We report on the possibility to simultaneously generate in graphene a {\it bulk valley-polarized dissipative transport} and a {\it quantum valley Hall effect} by combining strain-induced gauge fields and real magnetic fields. Such unique phenomenon results from a resonance/anti-resonance effect driven by the superposition/cancellation of superimposed gauge fields which differently affect time reversal symmetry. The onset of a valley-polarized Hall current concomitant to a dissipative valley-polarized current flow in the opposite valley is revealed by a e2/he^2/h Hall conductivity plateau. We employ efficient linear scaling Kubo transport methods combined with a valley projection scheme to access valley-dependent conductivities and show that the results are robust against disorder.Comment: 2D Materials (accepted for publication

    The rise of «human-based enterprises» in Spain: a new paradigm or an inevitable outcome?

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    L’article exposa una sèrie d’estudis de cas etnogràfic d’empreses espanyoles de «base humana», anomenades d’aquesta manera pel fet de potenciar el factor humà com a avantatge competitiu. Aquestes empreses posseeixen certs trets en comú: operen en l’economia del coneixement, els seus fundadors són joves emprenedors talentosos, apliquen coneixements de les humanitats, són flexibles i cooperatives, tenen una gestió horitzontal i no persegueixen el lucre com a objectiu únic. Aquestes empreses despunten en oposició als models de gestió i producció industrial i de negocis tradicionals, i posen en primer pla la innovació centrada en les persones davant la innovació tecnològica econòmica clàssica. Ara bé, són realment pioneres?, suposen un canvi de paradigma en la gestió i organització empresarial a casa nostra?, o potser són una conseqüència lògica de la producció flexible, la mercantilització expansiva del capitalisme tardà i un ressò d’iniciatives que irradien d’altres centres neuràlgics empresarials?El artículo presenta una serie de estudios de caso etnográfico de empresas españolas de «base humana», denominadas de este modo por potenciar el factor humano como ventaja competitiva. Estas empresas poseen ciertos rasgos en común: operan en la economía del conocimiento, sus fundadores son talentosos jóvenes emprendedores, aplican conocimientos de las humanidades, son flexibles y cooperativas, realizan una gestión horizontal y no persiguen el lucro como único objetivo. Tales empresas despuntan en oposición a los modelos de gestión y producción empresarial e industrial tradicionales y ponen en primer plano la innovación centrada en las personas frente a la innovación tecnoeconómica clásica. Sin embargo, ¿son realmente pioneras?, ¿suponen un cambio de paradigma en la gestión y organización empresarial en nuestro país?, ¿o acaso son una consecuencia lógica de la producción flexible, la mercantilización expansiva del capitalismo tardío y un eco de iniciativas que irradian de otros centros neurálgicos empresariales?This paper presents a number of ethnographic case study of Spanish so-called “human-base enterprises”, since they enhance the human factor as a competitive advantage. These companies do share certain traits: they operate in the knowledge economy, founders are talented young entrepreneurs, knowledge from humanities and arts are usually applied, are flexible and cooperative, apply horizontal management, and do not necessarily pursue profit as their main objective. These companies stand out in opposition to traditional businesses and management models, and human-centered innovation is stressed over classical technological and scientific innovation. However, are these enterprises genuinely groundbreaking? Do they lead a real paradigm shift in management and business organization in our country? Or, instead, are they a logical outcome of flexible production, commodification and the expanding character or late capitalism

    Distribució de la dedicació d'estudiants de máster i doctorat d'Antropologia durant dos anys. Lliçons pràctiques per programar els cursos en format ECTS

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    L'objectiu de l'experiència és esbrinar el nombre d'hores de dedicació del doctorands al programa de doctorat mitjançant un qüestionari autoadministrat, per tal de fer una conversió realista als ECTS i al nou programa de doctorat de l'EEES

    La emergencia de las "empresas de base humana" en España : ¿nuevo paradigma o consecuencia inevitable?

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    El artículo presenta una serie de estudios de caso etnográfico de empresas españolas de «base humana», denominadas de este modo por potenciar el factor humano como ventaja competitiva. Estas empresas poseen ciertos rasgos en común: operan en la economía del conocimiento, sus fundadores son talentosos jóvenes emprendedores, aplican conocimientos de las humanidades, son flexibles y cooperativas, realizan una gestión horizontal y no persiguen el lucro como único objetivo. Tales empresas despuntan en oposición a los modelos de gestión y producción empresarial e industrial tradicionales y ponen en primer plano la innovación centrada en las personas frente a la innovación tecnoeconómica clásica. Sin embargo, ¿son realmente pioneras?, ¿suponen un cambio de paradigma en la gestión y organización empresarial en nuestro país?, ¿o acaso son una consecuencia lógica de la producción flexible, la mercantilización expansiva del capitalismo tardío y un eco de iniciativas que irradian de otros centros neurálgicos empresariales?L'article exposa una sèrie d'estudis de cas etnogràfic d'empreses espanyoles de «base humana », anomenades d'aquesta manera pel fet de potenciar el factor humà com a avantatge competitiu. Aquestes empreses posseeixen certs trets en comú: operen en l'economia del coneixement, els seus fundadors són joves emprenedors talentosos, apliquen coneixements de les humanitats, són flexibles i cooperatives, tenen una gestió horitzontal i no persegueixen el lucre com a objectiu únic. Aquestes empreses despunten en oposició als models de gestió i producció industrial i de negocis tradicionals, i posen en primer pla la innovació centrada en les persones davant la innovació tecnològica econòmica clàssica. Ara bé, són realment pioneres?, suposen un canvi de paradigma en la gestió i organització empresarial a casa nostra?, o potser són una conseqüència lògica de la producció flexible, la mercantilització expansiva del capitalisme tardà i un ressò d'iniciatives que irradien d'altres centres neuràlgics empresarials?L'article présente un ensemble d'études de cas ethnographiques portant sur des entreprises espagnoles «de base humaine», dénommées ainsi afin de favoriser le facteur humain comme avantage concurrentiel. Ces entreprises ont certains éléments en commun: elles opèrent sur l'économie de la connaissance, leurs fondateurs sont de jeunes entrepreneurs talentueux, appliquent des connaissances dans le domaine des humanités, sont flexibles et coopératives, pratiquent une gestion horizontale et leur objectif n'est pas uniquement l'appât du gain. De telles entreprises s'opposent aux modèles de gestion et de production d'entreprises industrielles traditionnelles et mettent au premier plan l'innovation centrée sur les personnes plutôt que l'innovation techno-économique classique. Cependant, ces entreprises sont-elle réellement pionnières ? Supposent-elles un changement de paradigme dans la gestion et l'organisation d'entreprises dans notre pays ? Ou ne sont-elles, peut-être, qu'une conséquence logique de la production flexible, de la marchandisation expansive du capitalisme tardif et un écho d'initiatives qui irradient d'autres centres névralgiques d'entreprises ?This paper presents a number of ethnographic case study of Spanish so-called "human-base enterprises", since they enhance the human factor as a competitive advantage. These companies do share certain traits: they operate in the knowledge economy, founders are talented young entrepreneurs, knowledge from humanities and arts are usually applied, are flexible and cooperative, apply horizontal management, and do not necessarily pursue profit as their main objective. These companies stand out in opposition to traditional businesses and management models, and human-centered innovation is stressed over classical technological and scientific innovation. However, are these enterprises genuinely groundbreaking? Do they lead a real paradigm shift in management and business organization in our country? Or, instead, are they a logical outcome of flexible production, commodification and the expanding character or late capitalism

    Using causal maps to support ex-post assessment of social impacts of dams

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    This paper presents the results of an ex-post assessment of two important dams in Brazil. The study follows the principles of Social Impact Management, which offer a suitable framework for analyzing the complex social transformations triggered by hydroelectric dams. In the implementation of this approach, participative causal maps were used to identify the ex-post social impacts of the Porto Primavera and Rosana dams on the community of Porto Rico, located along the High Paraná River. We found that in the operation of dams there are intermediate causes of a political nature, stemming from decisions based on values and interests not determined by neutral, exclusively technical reasons; and this insight opens up an area of action for managing the negative impacts of dams.Financial support of the Auracaria Foundation of Investment and Research in Paraná, Brazil through projects 9527/2006, 14354/2009, and 13015/2008

    Del cooperativismo a la economía socialmente orientada

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    A partir de una revisión de la literatura sobre la economía social y de los resultados de una investigación sobre empresariado social llevada a cabo en Cataluña, hemos identificado la necesidad de avanzar en una conceptualización teórica de la "economía social" que tenga en cuenta sus orígenes, realidad actual y marco normativo pero que dé cuenta también de la relativamente reciente irrupción del fenómeno de "empresariado social" y de otras iniciativas surgidas a partir de la crisis financiera e inspiradas especialmente en el modelo cooperativo. A partir del análisis crítico de las características atribuidas al "empresariado social" por actores públicos y privados, se propone el concepto de "economía socialmente orientada" como campo que incluye tanto la economía social tradicional como los nuevos espacios orientados bien al mercado, bien al intercambio, pero que toman en cualquier caso la economía social como modelo.From a review of the literature on social economy and the research carried out in Catalonia, it has been identified the need to advance in a theoretical conceptualization of the "social economy" sector that take into account not just its historical origins, and its normative framework but also the recent emergence of the "social entrepreneurship" phenomenon, and other initiatives inspired on the cooperative model. Departing form the critical analysis of the characteristics attributed to "social entrepreneurship" by both public and private actors, we suggest the concept "oriented socially economy " as a field that includes both the traditional social economy and the new spaces oriented either to the market or the exchange but that takes the social economy as model of reference

    Simulation of air and ground temperatures in PMIP3/CMIP5 last millennium simulations: implications for climate reconstructions from borehole temperature profiles

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    For climate models to simulate the continental energy storage of the Earth's energy budget they must capture the processes that partition energy across the land-atmosphere boundary. We evaluate herein the thermal consequences of these processes as simulated by models in the third phase of the paleoclimate modelling intercomparison project and the fifth phase of the coupled model intercomparison project (PMIP3/CMIP5). We examine air and ground temperature tracking at decadal and centennial time-scales within PMIP3 last-millennium simulations concatenated to historical simulations from the CMIP5 archive. We find a strong coupling between air and ground temperatures during the summer from 850 to 2005 CE. During the winter, the insulating effect of snow and latent heat exchanges produce a decoupling between the two temperatures in the northern high latitudes. Additionally, we use the simulated ground surface temperatures as an upper boundary condition to drive a one-dimensional conductive model in order to derive synthetic temperature-depth profiles for each PMIP3/CMIP5 simulation. Inversion of these subsurface profiles yields temperature trends that retain the low-frequency variations in surface air temperatures over the last millennium for all the PMIP3/CMIP5 simulations regardless of the presence of seasonal decoupling in the simulations. These results demonstrate the robustness of surface temperature reconstructions from terrestrial borehole data and their interpretation as indicators of past surface air temperature trends and continental energy storage

    First assessment of continental energy storage in CMIP5 simulations

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    Although much of the energy gained by the climate system over the last century has been stored in the oceans, continental energy storage remains important to estimate the Earth's energy imbalance and also because crucial positive climate feedback processes such as soil carbon and permafrost stability depend on continental energy storage. Here for the first time, 32 general circulation model simulations from the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) are examined to assess their ability to characterize the continental energy storage. Results display a consistently lower magnitude of continental energy storage in CMIP5 simulations than the estimates from geothermal data. A large range in heat storage is present across the model ensemble, which is largely explained by the substantial differences in the bottom boundary depths used in each land surface component

    Choose, buy, pay - Paradoxes of shame-relieving processes among impoverished Spaniards after 2008's great recession

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    Purpose - The aim of the paper is to ethnographically detail the poverty-shame nexus in contemporary Spain, and to highlight the contradictions of the newly adopted consumption-based models of inclusion led by charities. Design/methodology/approach - Drawing on 39 cases out of a sample of 78 gathered through two long-term research projects, the paper employs a mixed-methods approach that mainly draws on a multi-sited ethnographic approach and interviews. Findings - The paper ethnographically documents major contradictions that shed light on the complex relationships between poverty, shame, work and consumption in modern societies. Research limitations/implications - This paper analyses the sources of shame in the experience of poverty and downward mobility, but also it opens new ground for understanding the complex poverty-shame nexus and lets some questions unanswered. Practical implications - The contradictions highlighted shed light on the complex relationships between poverty, shame, work and consumption that may inform modern policies to fight poverty. Ethnography gives voice to these individuals that currently experience an increasingly precarious and unequal modern world. Social implications - The paper contributes to a better understanding of the processes that underlie modern poverty and downward social mobility and points out the contradictions generated by consumption-based models of inclusion. Originality/value - While the poverty-shame nexus has been already analyzed from the point of view of stigma and exclusion from the labor market, the links between a growing consumerism and the neo-liberal values that underlie our modern societies are largely unexplored. The ethnographic contribution and the detailed case studies are also original in the case of Spain

    The embeddedness of social capital in personal networks

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    The dataset contains 60 cases of social entrepreneurs in two countries, Mexico (N=30), and Catalonia, Spain (N=30). The variables describe egos, and social venture characteristics, along with the aggregates of two methods of alter elicitation: Multiple Name Generator (MNG), and Position Generator (PG). The MNG enquires about 8 types of support for starting or running the business (emotional support, financial capital, advice or information, help with administrative issues, clients or suppliers, collaborators, and others). In order to measure the social capital embedded in the personal network elicited with the MNG, respondents were asked to report the main occupation of each alter. The occupation was coded using the same occupational labels and prestige score tables as in the case of the PG (SIOPS-08)