278 research outputs found

    Adding X-security to Carrel: security for agent-based healthcare applications

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    The high growth of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) in Open Networks with initiatives such as Agentcities1 requires development in many different areas such as scalable and secure agent platforms, location services, directory services, and systems management. In our case we have focused our effort on security for agent systems. The driving force of this paper is provide a practical vision of how security mechanisms could be introduced for multi-agent applications. Our case study for this experiment is Carrel [9]: an Agent-based application in the Organ and Tissue transplant domain. The selection of this application is due to its characteristics as a real scenario and use of high-risk data for example, a study of the 21 most visited health-related web sites on the Internet discovered that personal information provided at many of the sites was being inadvertently leaked for unauthorized persons. These factors indicate to us that Carrel would be a suitable environment in order to test existing security safeguards. Furthermore, we believe that the experience gathered will be useful for other MAS. In order to achieve our purpose we describe the design, architecture and implementation of security elements on MAS for the Carrel System.Postprint (published version

    Diseño, configuración e implementación de un dispositivo basado en el sistema de posicionamiento OptiTrack para el control integral de un Quadrotor

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    [ES] Este trabajo se ha orientado a la creación de un dispositivo que pueda controlar de forma integral un quadrotor en vuelo libre. Para ello se ha utilizado el sistema de posicionamiento Optitrack, se ha montado un quadrotor a partir de los elementos existentes en el laboratorio y el software desarrollado por el Ai2, se ha programado un servidor para comunicar el sistema Optitrack y el quadrotor y se ha diseñado físicamente el dispositivo, estableciéndose las experiencias necesarias para constatar el buen funcionamiento de todos los elementos. Los resultados de los experimentos confirmaron la bondad de los diseños. Se trata por tanto de un proyecto transversal que engloba diferentes áreas de conocimiento como pueden ser la informática, la automática, el diseño, la electrónica y las telecomunicaciones.[EN] This paper is dedicated to the creation of a control device, which is able to fully manage a flying quadrotor. In order to achieve that goal, Optitrack position system has been used. Also, a complete quadrotor was set and even a client-server program was written. Finally, a physical design of the control device was made and the necessary experiments were performed in order to check the right working of every element. The results of the experiments confirmed the rightness of the design. Therefore, in this paper we can find knowledge from a wide variety ob subjects such as IT, automatics, design, electronicas and even telecommunications.García Salinas, C. (2018). Diseño, configuración e implementación de un dispositivo basado en el sistema de posicionamiento OptiTrack para el control integral de un Quadrotor. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/106812TFG

    Estudi de recursos tècnics a internet.

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    Con el objetivo de conocer los recursos técnicos más útiles que existen en Internet, se ha realizado un importante trabajo previo. Para ello se ha encuestado a profesionales del sector de la química e ingeniería. También en el estudio preliminar, se ha recurrido a prensa de actualidad del sector (automatización, química, ingeniería…) para acceder a sus directorios de páginas WEB de empresas de cierto potencial competitivo. Se han realizado a través de Internet, visitas y descargas con el fin de detectar sus recursos, posibilidades y ventajas. Una vez conocidas las necesidades de los profesionales y sus herramientas reales se ha hecho un trabajo de búsqueda y selección de recursos que existen en la red y son de utilidad para los técnicos según el trabajo preliminar, poniendo a prueba dichas herramientas y su utilidad e inconvenientes antes de clasificarlas como “útiles”. A este grupo se ha añadido la información y recursos comerciales disponibles en la red según la segunda parte del trabajo preliminar. Todas las herramientas y recursos estudiados han sido claramente clasificados y puestos a disposición de los usuarios de Internet, mediante la creación de una página WEB estructurada para facilitar el acceso a la información de una forma práctica. Una vez generada la página WEB y gracias a los recursos en ella expuestos, se ha hecho un trabajo de retroalimentación que ha permitido optimizar la misma gracias a sugerencias, pruebas, ampliaciones y actualizaciones. Dicha optimización ha permitido que la página sea una importante fuente de información y recursos a la hora de afrontar un desarrollo técnico. Evidentemente, el contenido de la página es también de gran interés para el estudiante, ya que salva la distancia entre el mundo empresarial de “a pie de industria” y el mundo académico. Las observaciones y conclusiones después de haber realizado todo este trabajo permiten hablar de las actuales necesidades y recursos de los técnicos en la red, posibilidades de mejora en las páginas visitadas, posibilidades de ampliación en los recursos técnicos, de gestión o de la Administración, recursos imprescindibles para estudiantes, aplicación de la tecnología de hoy para aprovechar dichos recursos y otros puntos que marcarán el trabajo de los técnicos del futuro

    Aceleración de la NFFT en hardware mediante el uso de FPGAs

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    El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido aprovechar todas las ventajas que ofrece el diseño hardware mediante el uso de dispositivos programables como las FPGAs y su integración conjunta a un ARM, en lo que se ha denominado como APSoC (All Programmable System-on-Chip), y aplicar dicha tecnología a un algoritmo de actualidad y cuyas exigencias de recursos fueran críticas

    Institutional investors and corporate risk at the origin of the international financial crisis

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    The 2007 financial crisis served as a stark reminder of the vulnerability in the relationship between institutions and companies, as it revealed that many companies collapsed despite government interventions. Two crucial factors that influenced the crisis’s impact on firms were the level of creditor rights protection and corporate risk management. In this study, our aim was to investigate the impact of investment funds and banks on corporate risk prior to the 2007 financial crisis. We conducted an analysis across 21 countries to examine how institutional factors determined the influence of mutual funds and banks on corporate risk, ultimately leading to critical levels of collapse and the global spread of the financial crisis to the real economy. Additionally, we explored the role of mutual funds and banks as reference shareholders. The findings of our study reveal that the process of financial deregulation preceding the 2007 financial crisis contributed to an increase in corporate risk. In other words, financial deregulation facilitated greater involvement of institutional investors in companies, thereby encouraging the adoption of excessively risky and speculative strategies that were not necessarily aligned with the long-term sustainability of firms

    Influence of the tetraneutron on the EoS under core-collapse supernovae and heavy-ion collisions conditions

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    Recently, a resonant state of four neutrons (tetraneutron) with an energy of E4n=2.37±0.38(stat)±0.44(sys)E_{4n}=2.37\pm 0.38 \rm{(stat)} \pm 0.44 \rm{(sys)} MeV and a width of Γ=1.75±0.22(stat)±0.30(sys)\Gamma=1.75\pm 0.22 \rm{(stat)} \pm 0.30 \rm{(sys)} MeV was reported. In this work, we analyse the effect of including such an exotic state on the yields of other light clusters, that not only form in astrophysical sites, such as core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers, but also in heavy-ion collisions. To this aim, we use a relativistic mean-field formalism, where we consider in-medium effects in a two-fold way, via the couplings of the clusters to the mesons, and via a binding energy shift, to compute the low-density equation of state for nuclear matter at finite temperature and fixed proton fraction. We consider five light clusters, deuterons, tritons, heliums, α\alpha-particles, and 6^6He, immersed in a gas of protons and neutrons, and we calculate their abundances and chemical equilibrium constants with and without the tetraneutron. We also analyse how the associated energy of the tetraneutron would influence such results. We find that the low-temperature, neutron-rich systems, are the ones most affected by the presence of the tetraneutron, making neutron stars excellent environments for their formation. Moreover, its presence in strongly asymmetric matter may increase considerably the proton and the α\alpha-particle fractions. This may have an influence on the dissolution of the accretion disk of the merger of two neutron stars.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Economic Analysis of Biodiesel Production from Waste Vegetable Oil in Mexicali, Baja California

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    Mexicali, capital of Baja California, Mexico, has a motor vehicle fleet of diesel estimated at 14,000 units and cargo transport. The transport cargo sector with 11,861 units, consumes about 169 million liters of diesel. The diesel used in Baja California comes from southern Mexico and is one of the causes of CO2 emissions that affect air quality in Mexicali, it is therefore important to explore options for replacing it with biodiesel, which produces less CO2 and can be obtained from waste material. Thus, in the analysis, was considered the use of waste vegetable oil from the Mexicali restaurant industry as a raw material for the production of 4.78 million liters of biodiesel energy equivalent to 4.45 million liters of diesel. The environmental benefit involving the replacement of such a volume of diesel with biodiesel is to reduce emissions by about 9,700 tons of CO2, 22 tons of SOx and 11 tons of PM10. To determine the economic feasibility of producing biodiesel, were applied the methodologies of net present value and internal rate of return. The results indicate that the production of biodiesel is profitable. However, the recovery time of investment, coupled with the uncertainty presented by the biofuels market, make necessary a policy that implements local tax resources to support the promotion, production and use of biodiesel for the transport sector. Therefore, under the circumstances considered in this analysis, the production of biodiesel is feasible if it is developed a synergy among the productive sectors, education and government. Key words: Biodiesel; Economic analysis; Waste vegetable oil; Transport cargo secto