211 research outputs found

    Methodology for assessing the social effectiveness of exhibition activity

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    Improving the exhibition activity efficiency is a rather complex and multi-purpose task that requires taking into account many factors and using various methods and tools. To achieve success in this field, it is necessary to apply an integrated approach, considering the relationship between the economic and social effectiveness of exhibition activity, as well as to use innovative technologies and the latest research methods. The article presents the methodology developed by the authors for the quantitative assessment of social efficiency, which is complex and also includes the calculation of the selected elements’ sensitivity of social efficiency to different changes. The indicators’ calculation of the exhibition social significance the makes it possible to assess its impact on society and determine how much it contributes to the development of culture, coverage of topical issues and familiarization of the general population with cultural and scientific achievements. The quantitative assessment methodology of the exhibition activity effectiveness based on the calculation of the social efficiency integral indicator can be supplemented with methods of organizational support of the exhibition process, meta-planning and risk assessment

    Delayed dislocation following metal-on-polyethylene hip replacement due to “silent” trunnion corrosion

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    AimsWe present a case series of ten metal-on-polyethylene total hip arthroplasties (MoP THAs) with delayed dislocation associated with unrecognised adverse local tissue reaction due to corrosion at the trunnion and pseudotumour formation.MethodsThe diagnosis was not suspected in nine of the ten patients (six female/four male; mean age 66 years), despite treatment in a specialist unit (mean time from index surgery to revision was 58 months, 36 to 84). It was identified at revision surgery and subsequently confirmed by histological examination of resected tissue. Pre-operative assessment and culture results ruled out infection. A variety of treatment strategies were used, including resection of the pseudotumour and efforts to avoid recurrent dislocation.ResultsThe rate of complications was high and included three deep infections, two patients with recurrent dislocation, and one recurrent pseudotumour.ConclusionThis series (mean follow-up of 76 months following index procedure and 19 months following revision THA) demonstrates that pseudotumour is an infrequent but important contributor to delayed instability following MoP THA. It is easy to overlook in the differential diagnosis, especially if the alignment of the components is less than optimal, leading to an assumption that malalignment is the cause of the dislocation. The instability is likely to be multifactorial and the revision surgery is complex. Take home message: Due to the high complication rate associated with revision in this cohort, the diagnosis should be borne in mind when counselling patients regarding the risks of revision surgery. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2016;98-B:187–93.</jats:sec

    Medicine and improvement in the Scots Magazine; and Edinburgh Literary Miscellany, 1804-17

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    Megan Coyer’s chapter engages with periodical print as a vehicle for an improving medical culture in Scotland, concentrating on the second series of the Scots Magazine. Coyer demonstrates how the Scottish press often complemented improving civic initiatives like the Edinburgh Lunatic Asylum campaign. She focuses attention on the distinctive national dynamics associated with medical improvement efforts in early nineteenth-century Scotland, with the Scots Magazine ‘providing a public forum for the expression of a national medical identity’. This identity, as Coyer shows, had an ideology of improvement at its core. This work recovers the cultural significance of the Scots Magazine as ‘the third major player in popular periodical culture in Romantic-era Scotland’; a status overshadowed by the recent critical attention devoted to the second Edinburgh Review and Blackwood’s in Scottish Romantic studies. Coyer also shows how the efforts of public health reformers highlight the complexity of improvement as both a material and moral process. She argues that print efforts dedicated to improving public health represent a ‘discursive strand in the magazine identifying a lack of cleanliness … as a moral and material blight on an otherwise improving Scottish society’. This bringing together of moral and practical aspects of improvement in the Scots also finds expression in the magazine’s series of Scottish medical biographies, whose narratives, Coyer notes, provide ‘ideal exemplars of lives dedicated to a culture of improvement’


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    Activated ester of a carboxylic derivative of europium diethylenetriaminetetraacetate has been synthesized by the interaction of europium salt of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid aminoethylamide with di-N-succinimidyl-p-phthalate. This reagent was applied to introduce rare earth metal ions in animal immunoglobulins (monoclonal antibodies). The proteins labelled with Eu3+ provide the required characteristics of fluorescence intensity, background, sensitivity and selectivity in diagnostic systems of lanthanide immunofluorometric assay.Взаимодействием европиевой соли 2-аминоэтиламида диэтилентриаминпентауксусной кислоты с ди-N-сукцинимидным эфиром n-фталевой кислоты получен активированный эфир карбоксипроизводного диэтилентриаминтетраацетата европия. Этот реагент использован для введения ионов редкоземельного металла в структуру молекул моноклональных антител. Белки, меченные Eu3 +, обеспечивали необходимые характеристики интенсивности флуоресценции, фона, чувствительности и специфичности в медицинских диагностических наборах лантанидного иммунофлуориметрического анализа

    Revision for adverse local tissue reaction following metal-on-polyethylene total hip arthroplasty is associated with a high risk of early major complications

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    AimsFretting and corrosion at the modular head/neck junction, known as trunnionosis, in total hip arthroplasty (THA) is a cause of adverse reaction to metal debris (ARMD). We describe the outcome of revision of metal-on-polyethylene (MoP) THA for ARMD due to trunnionosis with emphasis on the risk of major complications.Patients and MethodsA total of 36 patients with a MoP THA who underwent revision for ARMD due to trunnionosis were identified. Three were excluded as their revision had been to another metal head. The remaining 33 were revised to a ceramic head with a titanium sleeve. We describe the presentation, revision findings, and risk of complications in these patients.ResultsThe patients presented with pain, swelling, stiffness, or instability and an inflammatory mass was confirmed radiologically. Macroscopic material deposition on the trunnion was seen in all patients, associated with ARMD. Following revision, six (18.2%) dislocated, requiring further revision in four. Three (9.1%) developed a deep infection and six (18.2%) had significant persistent pain without an obvious cause. One developed a femoral artery thrombosis after excision of an iliofemoral pseudotumor, requiring a thrombectomy.ConclusionThe risk of serious complications following revision MoP THA for ARMD associated with trunnionosis is high. In the presence of extensive tissue damage, a constrained liner or dual mobility construct is recommended in these patients. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2018;100-B:720–4.</jats:sec

    Химическая модификация белков поликарбоксилатным комплексонатом европия

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    A new technique for chemical modification of proteins with polycarboxylate metalochelates has been proposed. The conjugates of immunoglobulin and streptavidin, a bacterial protein, with Eu3+ complexonates have been synthesized. Protein metallochelate complexes prepared using diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid dianhydride have been compared to those prepared from mono-N-hydroxysuccinimide ester of Eu3+ polycarboxylate complexonate, using dissociation-based timeresolved fluoroimmunoassay systems.Предложена новая методика химической модификации белков поликарбоксилатными металлохелатами. Синтезированы конъюгаты иммуноглобулинов и микробного белка стрептавидина с комплексонатом Еu3+. В системах лантанидного иммунофлуориметрического анализа и с помощью электрофореза в полиакриламидном геле проведено сравнение белковых металлохелатных комплексов, полученных с помощью диангидрида диэтилентриаминпентауксусной кислоты и моно-N-оксисукцинимидного эфира поликарбоксилатного комплексоната европия


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    Aim: to reveal the Khabarovsk region territories that are under high risk of spread of dysentery in the period of large-scale flood fallout liquidation. Materials and methods. There was the analysis conducted of dysentery incidence during the period of 2003-2012 including distribution of annual and long-term annual average indicators per 100 000 inhabitants throughout administrative entities of Khabarovsk territory. We used methods that reveal tendencies and evaluated dynamic rates of dysentery epidemic process in time. Results and discussion. Khabarovsk region shows uneven levels of manifestations of epidemic process of dysentery not only during evaluation of annual incidence but also among certain administrative territories. During ten years preceding the flood in the Amur River region, long-term annual average level of incidence equaled to 42.7 ± 1.740/0000 The epidemic process was most intense in the Nanayi region, in other six administrative regions long-term annual average levels of incidence were exceeding similar averaged levels in Khabarovsk region. An intense epidemiologic situation on dysentery in several territories of the region was associated with registration of foci of clustered incidence caused by dysentery Sonne of alimentary and water-borne origin including atypical variants of Shigella Sonne. Conclusion. A year before the flood the elevation of dysentery incidence was registered in most of the territories of Khabarovsk Kray, and there was the evidence of outlined tendency of activation of epidemic process. This served as a basis for required adequate emergency measures for prophylaxis of dysentery


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    The analysis of informing the public about radiation and radiation risks is made on the basiс of publications on the Fukushima nuclear accident after the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011, by five newspapers and the official internet sites of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being and the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. The analysis of the data suggests that the population is satisfied with its request in timely, clear, and reliable information on the radiation situation, protective measures and forecast of the situation development in the future. The possibility to learn about different viewpoints positively affects the mood of readers and reduces their anxiety. However, it should be recognized that, if the information have been provided by a single media only, the population would not have adequate understanding of the situation related to the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.Информирование населения о радиации и радиационном риске выполнено на основе анализа газетных публикаций об аварии на АЭС «Фукусима» после землетрясения и цунами 11 марта 2011 г. в пяти газетах и на официальных Интернет-сайтах Роспотребнадзора и Росгидромета. Анализ информации позволяет считать, что удовлетворен запрос населения на своевременную, ясную, правдивую информацию о радиационной ситуации, о защитных мерах и о прогнозе развития ситуации в будущем. Возможность ознакомиться с разными открыто выраженными мнениями положительно влияет на настроения читателей, снижая уровень их обеспокоенности. Следует признать, однако, что если бы информирование осуществлялось только одним изданием, население не могло бы иметь адекватного ситуации представления об аварии на АЭС «Фукусима»

    Total hip replacement in young adults with hip dysplasia: Age at diagnosis, previous treatment, quality of life, and validation of diagnoses reported to the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register between 1987 and 2007

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    Background and purpose: Dysplasia of the hip increases the risk of secondary degenerative change and subsequent total hip replacement. Here we report on age at diagnosis of dysplasia, previous treatment, and quality of life for patients born after 1967 and registered with a total hip replacement due to dysplasia in the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register. We also used the medical records to validate the diagnosis reported by the orthopedic surgeon to the register. Methods: Subjects born after January 1, 1967 and registered with a primary total hip replacement in the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register during the period 1987–2007 (n = 713) were included in the study. Data on hip symptoms and quality of life (EQ-5D) were collected through questionnaires. Elaborating information was retrieved from the medical records. Results: 540 of 713 patients (76%) (corresponding to 634 hips) returned the questionnaires and consented for additional information to be retrieved from their medical records. Hip dysplasia accounted for 163 of 634 hip replacements (26%), 134 of which were in females (82%). Median age at time of diagnosis was 7.8 (0–39) years: 4.4 years for females and 22 years for males. After reviewing accessible medical records, the diagnosis of hip dysplasia was confirmed in 132 of 150 hips (88%). Interpretation: One quarter of hip replacements performed in patients aged 40 or younger were due to an underlying hip dysplasia, which, in most cases, was diagnosed during late childhood. The dysplasia diagnosis reported to the register was correct for 88% of the hips

    Pediatric supracondylar fractures of the distal humerus

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    Supracondylar fractures of the humerus are a common pediatric elbow injury that are historically associated with morbidity due to malunion, neurovascular complications, and compartment syndrome. True anteroposterior and lateral radiographs are essential not only for an accurate diagnosis, but also for creating a treatment plan for these injuries. A staging system (based on the lateral radiograph) for classifying the severity of the fracture helps guide definitive management. Nondisplaced fractures are treated initially with a posterior splint, followed by a long-arm casting. Closed reduction and percutaneous pinning is the preferred treatment for displaced or unstable fractures. If there is any question about fracture stability, patients should be seen within 5 days postoperatively for repeat radiographs to ensure that the reduction and pin fixation has been maintained. Understanding the anatomy, radiographic findings, management options, and complications associated with this fracture allow physicians to limit the morbidity associated with this relatively common pediatric injury