10 research outputs found

    What is the response profile of deciduous pulp fibroblasts stimulated with E. coli LPS and E. faecalis LTA?

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    BACKGROUND: Oral fibroblast immunological responses to bacterial stimuli are well known. However, there are few studies about pulp fibroblasts from deciduous teeth (HDPF) responses, which are important for the treatment of pulp infections in children. The aim of this study was to evaluate expression and production of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines by HDPF when challenged with bacterial antigens normally present in advanced caries lesions. METHODS: Triplicate HDPF from 4 children (n = 4; 2 boys and 2 girls) were cultured by explant technique and challenged or not with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide/1 μg/mL (EcLPS) or Enterococcus faecalis lipoteichoic acid/1 μg/mL (EfLTA) for 6 and 24 h. Most of published studies employed immortalized cells, i.e., without checking possible gender and genetic variables. mRNA expression and protein production were evaluated by RT-qPCR and ELISA MILLIPLEX®, respectively, for Interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, IL-17, Chemokine C-C motif ligand 2/monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (CCL2/MCP-1), Chemokine C-C motif ligand 3/macrophage inflammatory protein 1-alpha (CCL3/MIP1-α), Chemokine C-C motif ligand 5/ regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted (CCL5/RANTES), C-X-C motif chemokine 12/ stromal cell-derived factor 1 (CXCL12/SDF-1), Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α), Interferon-gamma (IFN γ), Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF), Colony stimulating factor 1 (CSF-1) and Macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF). RESULTS: EcLPS increased IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-8, CCL2, CCL5, TNF-α and CSF-1 mRNA and protein levels while EfLTA was only able to positively regulate gene expression and protein production of IL-8. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study confirmed our hypothesis, since pulp fibroblasts from deciduous teeth are capable of increasing gene expression and protein production after being stimulated with EcLPS and EfLTA

    Investigation of the modulation of the inflammatory response in human oral cells by Angiotensin II

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    Além da capacidade de regular, de maneira sistêmica, diversas funções essenciais do organismo, como as relacionadas à pressão sanguínea e à homeostase cardiovascular, o Sistema Renina-Angiotensina (SRA) tem sido relatado como um importante imunomodulador de atuação local, em diferentes tecidos. Seus componentes podem exercer atividades pró ou anti-inflamatórias, colaborando com a recuperação do tecido lesionado ou com a manutenção e evolução da inflamação, ocasionando danos teciduais. O fibroblasto é o tipo celular mais abundante do tecido conjuntivo que, dentre outras funções, atuam como sentinela, sendo capazes de expressar diversos mediadores inflamatórios na presença de diferentes estímulos. A hipótese do presente estudo foi que a Angiotensina ll (Ang II), uma vez ligada aos seus receptores AT1 em células orais humanas, seria capaz de promover a liberação de mediadores inflamatórios, colaborando com o estabelecimento e/ou manutenção do processo inflamatório local. Por outro lado, a Ang II, ligada aos receptores AT2, atuaria de maneira oposta às características citadas sobre os receptores AT1. Sendo assim, para melhor compreender o papel da Ang II nas doenças inflamatórias orais, este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar, in vitro, o potencial pró-inflamatório e/ou anti-inflamatório da Ang ll em culturas primárias de fibroblastos orais humanos, após interação com os receptores AT1 e AT2 em condições basais e após pré-estimulo com interleucina 1b (IL1b). Culturas primárias de fibroblastos foram obtidas a partir de explantes de gengiva, ligamento periodontal e polpa dentária (n = 3) e foram caracterizados pela análise morfológica e expressão de FSP (fibroblast surface protein) por imunofluorescência (IF). Citotoxicidade e viabilidade celular foi verificada pelo ensaio AlamaBlueÒ. A expressão gênica relativa foi investigada por Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase quantitativa (qPCR) precedida da Transcrição Reversa (RT), após estímulos com Ang II, IL1b e drogas antagonistas dos receptores AT1 (valsartan) e AT2 (PD123319). A imunofenotipagem dos receptores AT1 e AT2 foi verificada por citometria de fluxo em situações basais de cultivo e após estímulo com IL1b. Estímulo com Ang II por 24h, não foi capaz de modular a expressão de mediadores inflamatórios em nenhum dos tipos celulares. Em tempos menores de estímulo, as células responderam para alguns mediadores (P<0,05), entretanto, os bloqueadores não foram capazes de antagonizar as respostas observadas. Quando as células receberam a IL1b por 24h antes da Ang II, e foi mantida por mais 3, 6 e 24h, não se observou efeito aditivo ou sinérgico entre estas moléculas. Tanto o receptor AT1, quanto AT2 foram detectados por citometria de fluxo. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que, nas condições experimentais adotadas, os fibroblastos de gengiva, ligamento periodontal e polpa dentária não demonstraram um papel importante no estabelecimento e/ou manutenção do processo inflamatório local, frente ao estímulo com Ang II.In addition to the ability to regulate, in a systemic manner, several essential functions of the body, such as those related to blood pressure and cardiovascular homeostasis, the Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS) has been reported as an important immunomodulator of local action in different tissues. Its components can exert pro or anti-inflammatory activities, collaborating with recovery of injured tissue or with the maintenance and evolution of inflammation, causing tissue damage. Fibroblast is the most abundant cellular type of connective tissue, which, among other functions, acts as a sentinel, being able to express several inflammatory mediators in the presence of different stimuli. The hypothesis of the present study was that Angiotensin ll (Ang II), once bound to AT1 receptors in human oral cells, would be able to promote the release inflammatory mediators, helping to establish and/or maintain the local inflammatory process. On the other hand, Ang II, linked to AT2 receptors, would act in the opposite way to the characteristics mentioned about AT1 receptors. Therefore, to better understand the role of Ang II in oral inflammatory diseases, this study aimed to investigate, in vitro, the pro-inflammatory and/or anti-inflammatory potential of Ang ll in primary cultures of human oral fibroblasts, after interaction with AT1 and AT2 receptors under baseline conditions and after pre-stimulation with interleukin 1b (IL1b). Primary cultures of fibroblasts were obtained from explants of gingiva, periodontal ligament and dental pulp (n = 3) and were characterized by morphological analysis and expression of FSP (fibroblast surface protein) by immunofluorescence (IF). Cytotoxicity and cell viability was verified by the AlamaBlueâ assay. The relative gene expression was investigated by Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) preceded by Reverse Transcription (RT), after stimuli with Ang II, IL1b and AT1 (valsartan) and AT2 receptor antagonist drugs (PD123319). The immunophenotyping of AT1 and AT2 receptors was verified by flow cytometry in baseline culture situations and after stimulation with IL1b. Stimulus with Ang II for 24h, was not able to modulate the expression of inflammatory mediators in any of the cell types. In shorter times of stimulus, the cells responded to some mediators (P <0.05), however, the blockers were not able to antagonize the observed responses. When the cells received IL1b for 24h before Ang II, and was maintained for another 3, 6 and 24h, there was no additive or synergistic effect between these molecules. Both the AT1 and AT2 receptors were detected by flow cytometry. The results of this study suggest that, in the experimental conditions adopted, the gingival, periodontal ligament and dental pulp fibroblasts did not demonstrate an important role in the establishment and/or maintenance of the local inflammatory process, when stimulated with Ang II

    Nonsyndromic isolated cleft palate: a study of its phenotype, familial recurrence and gestational history

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    A fissura labiopalatina (FL/P) é uma das malformações craniofaciais mais comuns em humanos, com variação epidemiológica nas diferentes populações. Possui diferentes apresentações clínicas, divergindo de acordo com a extensão e estruturas acometidas, podendo acometer somente o lábio ou lábio e palato em conjunto, uni ou bilateralmente, de maneira completa ou incompleta ou apenas o palato (FP) tanto completa como incompletamente. Podem fazer parte de um quadro sindrômico, recebendo a denominação de FL/P sindrômica ou acontecer como um fenótipo isolado, sendo chamada de FL/P isolada ou não sindrômica. Em relação a etiologia da FL/P não sindrômica, a literatura afirma ser multifatorial com a predisposição genética associada a fatores ambientais. Apesar de se apresentarem frequentemente associadas, a FL/P e FP não sindrômicas são consideradas etiologicamente e embriologicamente distintas. Objetivo: Aprofundar e ampliar o conhecimento das FP isoladas não sindrômicas, descrevendo o fenótipo principal (FP isolada) e seus subfenótipos clínicos, investigando o fator genético relacionado à recorrência por meio do histórico familial e buscando elucidar possível fatores ambientais envolvidos por meio do histórico gestacional. Material e métodos: Foram coletados dados de 165 prontuários médicos de pacientes com FP isolada não sindrômica matriculados no Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade de São Paulo (HRAC-USP). Para a coleta desses dados foram analisados segmentos do prontuário referentes a atendimentos realizados no HRACUSP em diferentes setores. Resultados: Em 165 pacientes estudados, o sexo feminino foi o mais acometido com 106 casos (64,24%) encontrados. O tipo de FP predominante foi a incompleta correspondendo a 88,48% da amostra total, sendo dentre elas a fissura de palato duro parcial a mais prevalente. Em cinco casos não foi possível realizar a classificação nos grupos referentes ao tipo de fissura adotados, sendo necessária a criação de um grupo de classificação adicional. Recorrência familial positiva foi relatada em 28,47% de 144 casos em que havia informação, e na maioria das vezes havia apenas 1 outro familiar acometido. A média da idade das mães e dos pais no momento da concepção foi de 26,9 e 31,4 anos, respectivamente. A porcentagem de abortos anteriores foi de 11,95% dos 92 casos informados e a consanguinidade foi de 3,29% dos 91 casos informados. A intercorrência mais frequentemente relatada (25 em 154 casos informados) foi o uso de medicamentos, tais como, antibióticos, anti-hipertensivos e medicamentos que auxiliam na prevenção do parto prematuro. Conclusão: O fenótipo FP isolada possui variações quanto à extensão de cometimento, sendo que as fissuras incompletas foram as mais frequentes e o sexo feminino predominantemente acometido. Em relação ao histórico familial e gestacional os dados que mais chamaram atenção estão relacionados ao percentual de recorrência familial (28,47%) e o uso de medicação durante a gestação.Cleft lip and palate (CL/P) is one of the most common craniofacial malformations in humans, with epidemiological variation in different populations. It has different clinical presentations that diverge according to the extension and affected structures, and may either affect the lip or lip and palate together, unilaterally or bilaterally, in a complete or incomplete way or just affect the palate (CP) completely or incompletely. CL/P can either be related to a syndrome, classified as syndromic CL/P or unrelated to a syndrome, occurring as an isolated phenotype, designated as isolated or nonsyndromic CL/P. Regarding the etiology of nonsyndromic CL/P, research indicates multifactorial causes with a genetic predisposition associated with environmental factors. Although it is often present in association, nonsyndromic CL/P and CP are considered embryologically and etiologically distinct. Objective: To deepen and broaden the knowledge of individual nonsyndromic CP, describing the main phenotype (isolated CP) and its clinical subphenotypes, investigating the genetic factors related to recurrence through family history and to elucidate possible environmental factors involving gestational history. Material and Methods: Data were collected from 165 medical patients records with isolated nonsyndromic CP enrolled at the Hospital de Reabilitação de Anomalias Craniofaciais da Universidade de São Paulo (HRAC-USP). For data collection, segments of the records pertaining to care provided by HRAC-USP in different sectors were analyzed. Results: In the 165 patients studied, females were the most affected with 106 cases (64.24%) found. The predominant type of CP was incomplete corresponding to 88.48% of the total sample, and among these incomplete CP, the clefts involving partial hard palate were the most prevalent. In five cases it was impossible to classify the type of cleft, and the creation of an additional classification group was required. Positive familial recurrence was reported in 28.47% of 144 cases where information was available and in most cases there was only one other affected family member. The average age of mothers and fathers at conception was 26.9 and 31.4 years respectively. The percentage of previous miscarriages was 11.95% of the 92 reported cases and consanguineous marriage was found in 3.29% of the 91 reported cases. The most frequently reported complication (25 in 154 reported cases) was the use of drugs such as antibiotics, antihypertensives drugs, and drugs used to prevent premature birth. Conclusion: The phenotype Isolated CP presents variations in the extent of involvement, and incomplete clefts were the most frequent, with females predominantly affected. Regarding family history and gestational data what calls more attention were the percentage of familial recurrence (28.47%) and the use of medication during pregnancy

    The Embryonic Chick Femur Organotypic Model as a Tool to Analyze the Angiotensin II Axis on Bone Tissue

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    Activation of renin–angiotensin system (RAS) plays a role in bone deterioration associated with bone metabolic disorders, via increased Angiotensin II (AngII) targeting Angiotensin II type 1 receptor/Angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT1R/AT2R). Despite the wide data availability, the RAS role remains controversial. This study analyzes the feasibility of using the embryonic chick femur organotypic model to address AngII/AT1R/AT2R axis in bone, which is an application not yet considered. Embryonic day-11 femurs were cultured ex vivo for 11 days in three settings: basal conditions, exposure to AngII, and modulation of AngII effects by prior receptor blockade, i.e., AT1R, AT2R, and AT1R + AT2R. Tissue response was evaluated by combining µCT and histological analysis. Basal-cultured femurs expressed components of RAS, namely ACE, AT1R, AT2R, and MasR (qPCR analysis). Bone formation occurred in the diaphyseal region in all conditions. In basal-cultured femurs, AT1R blocking increased Bone Surface/Bone Volume (BS/BV), whereas Bone Volume/Tissue Volume (BV/TV) decreased with AT2R or AT1R + AT2R blockade. Exposure to AngII greatly decreased BV/TV compared to basal conditions. Receptor blockade prior to AngII addition prevented this effect, i.e., AT1R blockade induced BV/TV, whereas blocking AT2R caused lower BV/TV increase but greater BS/BV; AT1R + AT2R blockade also improved BV/TV. Concluding, the embryonic chick femur model was sensitive to three relevant RAS research setups, proving its usefulness to address AngII/AT1R/AT2R axis in bone both in basal and activated conditions

    Human DNA extraction from whole saliva that was fresh or stored for 3, 6 or 12 months using five different protocols

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    Saliva when compared to blood collection has the following advantages: it requires no specialized personnel for collection, allows for remote collection by the patient, is painless, well accepted by participants, has decreased risks of disease transmission, does not clot, can be frozen before DNA extraction and possibly has a longer storage time. Objective and Material and Methods This study aimed to compare the quantity and quality of human DNA extracted from saliva that was fresh or frozen for three, six and twelve months using five different DNA extraction protocols: protocol 1 – Oragene™ commercial kit, protocol 2 – QIAamp DNA mini kit, protocol 3 – DNA extraction using ammonium acetate, protocol 4 – Instagene™ Matrix and protocol 5 – Instagene™ Matrix diluted 1:1 using proteinase K and 1% SDS. Briefly, DNA was analyzed using spectrophotometry, electrophoresis and PCR. Results Results indicated that time spent in storage typically decreased the DNA quantity with the exception of protocol 1. The purity of DNA was generally not affected by storage times for the commercial based protocols, while the purity of the DNA samples extracted by the noncommercial protocols typically decreased when the saliva was stored longer. Only protocol 1 consistently extracted unfragmented DNA samples. In general, DNA samples extracted through protocols 1, 2, 3 and 4, regardless of storage time, were amplified by human specific primers whereas protocol 5 produced almost no samples that were able to be amplified by human specific primers. Depending on the protocol used, it was possible to extract DNA in high quantities and of good quality using whole saliva, and furthermore, for the purposes of DNA extraction, saliva can be reliably stored for relatively long time periods. Conclusions In summary, a complicated picture emerges when taking into account the extracted DNA’s quantity, purity and quality; depending on a given researchers needs, one protocol’s particular strengths and costs might be the deciding factor for its employment

    Human DNA extraction from whole saliva that was fresh or stored for 3, 6 or 12 months using five different protocols

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    Abstract Saliva when compared to blood collection has the following advantages: it requires no specialized personnel for collection, allows for remote collection by the patient, is painless, well accepted by participants, has decreased risks of disease transmission, does not clot, can be frozen before DNA extraction and possibly has a longer storage time. Objective and Material and Methods This study aimed to compare the quantity and quality of human DNA extracted from saliva that was fresh or frozen for three, six and twelve months using five different DNA extraction protocols: protocol 1 – Oragene™ commercial kit, protocol 2 – QIAamp DNA mini kit, protocol 3 – DNA extraction using ammonium acetate, protocol 4 – Instagene™ Matrix and protocol 5 – Instagene™ Matrix diluted 1:1 using proteinase K and 1% SDS. Briefly, DNA was analyzed using spectrophotometry, electrophoresis and PCR. Results Results indicated that time spent in storage typically decreased the DNA quantity with the exception of protocol 1. The purity of DNA was generally not affected by storage times for the commercial based protocols, while the purity of the DNA samples extracted by the noncommercial protocols typically decreased when the saliva was stored longer. Only protocol 1 consistently extracted unfragmented DNA samples. In general, DNA samples extracted through protocols 1, 2, 3 and 4, regardless of storage time, were amplified by human specific primers whereas protocol 5 produced almost no samples that were able to be amplified by human specific primers. Depending on the protocol used, it was possible to extract DNA in high quantities and of good quality using whole saliva, and furthermore, for the purposes of DNA extraction, saliva can be reliably stored for relatively long time periods. Conclusions In summary, a complicated picture emerges when taking into account the extracted DNA’s quantity, purity and quality; depending on a given researchers needs, one protocol’s particular strengths and costs might be the deciding factor for its employment

    Rosehip Extract-Functionalized Magnesium Hydroxide Nanoparticles and Its Effect on Osteoblastic and Osteoclastic Cells

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    Considering the role of magnesium in bone metabolism and the increasing relevance of plant-mediated green-synthesis, this work compares the bone cytocompatibility of magnesium hydroxide nanoparticles (NPs) produced by using pure water, Mg(OH)2, or a rosehip (RH) aqueous extract, Mg(OH)2RH. The NPs were evaluated for dose- and time-dependent effects on human osteoblastic and osteoclastic response, due to the direct involvement of the two cell types in bone metabolism. Mg(OH)2 NPs presented nanoplatelet-like morphology (mean diameter ~90 nm) and a crystalline structure (XRD analysis); the RH-mediated synthesis yielded smaller rounded particles (mean diameter &lt;10 nm) with decreased crystallinity. On the ATR–FTIR spectra, both NPs presented the characteristic Mg-OH peaks; Mg(OH)2RH exhibited additional vibration bands associated with the presence of phytochemicals. On osteoblastic cells, NPs did not affect cell growth and morphology but significantly increased alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity; on osteoclastic cells, particles had little effect in protein content, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity, percentage of multinucleated cells, and cell area. However, compared with Mg(OH)2, Mg(OH)2RH increased osteoblastic differentiation by inducing ALP activity and promoting the expression of Runx2, SP7, Col1a1, and ALP, and had a negative effect on the expression of the osteoclastic genes NFATC1, CA2, and CTSK. These observations suggest the potential usefulness of Mg(OH)2RH NPs in bone regeneration

    Analysis of Plasma Proteins Involved in Inflammation, Immune Response/Complement System, and Blood Coagulation upon Admission of COVID-19 Patients to Hospital May Help to Predict the Prognosis of the Disease

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    The development of new approaches allowing for the early assessment of COVID-19 cases that are likely to become critical and the discovery of new therapeutic targets are urgently required. In this prospective cohort study, we performed proteomic and laboratory profiling of plasma from 163 COVID-19 patients admitted to Bauru State Hospital (Brazil) between 4 May 2020 and 4 July 2020. Plasma samples were collected upon admission for routine laboratory analyses and shotgun quantitative label-free proteomics. Based on the course of the disease, the patients were divided into three groups: (a) mild (n = 76) and (b) severe (n = 56) symptoms, whose patients were discharged without or with admission to an intensive care unit (ICU), respectively, and (c) critical (n = 31), a group consisting of patients who died after admission to an ICU. Based on our data, potential therapies for COVID-19 should target proteins involved in inflammation, the immune response and complement system, and blood coagulation. Other proteins that could potentially be employed in therapies against COVID-19 but that so far have not been associated with the disease are CD5L, VDBP, A1BG, C4BPA, PGLYRP2, SERPINC1, and APOH. Targeting these proteins’ pathways might constitute potential new therapies or biomarkers of prognosis of the disease