114 research outputs found

    Geophysical investigation of landslides : a review

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    International audienceIn the last two decades, shallow geophysics has considerably evolved with the emergence of 2D spatial imaging, then 3D spatial imaging and now 4D time and space imaging. These techniques allow the study of the spatial and temporal variations of geological structures. This paper aims at presenting a current state-of-the-art on the application of surface geophysical methods to landslide characterization and focuses on recent papers (after 1990) published in peer-reviewed International Journals. Until recently, geophysical techniques have been relatively little used for the reconnaissance of landslides for at least two main reasons. The first one is that geophysical methods provide images in terms of physical parameters which are not directly linked to the geological and mechanical properties required by geologists and engineers. The second reason shown through this study probably comes from a tendency among a part of the geophysicists to overestimate the quality and reliability of the results. This paper gave the opportunity to review recent applications of the main geophysical techniques to landslide characterisation, showing both their interest and their limits. We also emphasized the geophysical image characteristics (resolution, penetration depth) which have to be provided for assessing their reliability, as well as the absolute requirements to combine geophysical methods and to calibrate them with existing geological and geotechnical data. We hope that this paper will contribute to fill the gaps between communities and to strength of using appropriate geophysical methods for landslide investigation

    Characterisation of soils with stony inclusions using geoelectrical measurements

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    Characterisation and sampling of coarse heterogeneous soils is often impossible using common geotechnical in-situ tests once the soil contains particles with a diameter larger than a few decimetres. In this situation geophysical techniques - and particularly electrical measurements - can act as an alternative method for obtaining information about the ground characteristics. This paper deals with the use of electrical tomography on heterogeneous diphasic media consisting of resistive inclusions embedded in a conductive matrix. The adopted approach articulates in three steps: numerical modelling, measurements on a small-scale physical model, and field measurements. Electrical measurements were simulated using finite element analyses, on a numerical model containing a random concentration of inclusions varying from 0 to 40 %. It is shown that for electrode spacing 8 times greater than the radius of inclusions, the equivalent homogeneous resistivity is obtained. In this condition, average measured resistivity is a function of the concentration of inclusions, in agreement with the theoretical laws. To apply these results on real data, a small-scale physical model has been built, where electrical measurements were conducted both on the model and on each phase. From these laboratory measurements, a very satisfying estimation of the percentage of inclusions has been obtained. Finally, the methodology applied to a real experimental site composed of alluvial fan deposits made of limestone rocks embedded in a clayey matrix. The estimated percentage of rock particles obtained via electrical measurements was in accordance with the real grain size distribution

    Multiconfiguration GPR measurements for geometric fracture characterization in limestone cliffs (Alps)

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    Until now, geophysical methods have been rarely used to investigate vertical limestone cliffs, mainly due to the extreme conditions for data acquisition. Nevertheless, these techniques are the only available methods which could provide information on the internal state or a rock mass in terms of discontinuities, which play a major role in rock-fall hazards. In this case study, detailed GPR measurements were carried out on a test site with different acquisition configurations deployed on vertical cliff faces. Conventional 2D profiles, common midpoints (CMP) and transmission data were acquired to evaluate the potential of radar waves to improve the characterization of the geometry and properties of the main discontinuities (fractures) within the massif. The results show that the 3D geometry of fractures, which is a crucial parameter for stability assessment, can be retrieved by combining vertical and horizontal profiles performed along the cliff. CMP profiles acquired along the cliff allow a velocity profile to be obtained as a function of depth. Finally, transmission experiments, which generate complex radargrams, have provided valuable and quantitative information on the rock mass, through the modelling of the waves generated. On the other hand, a velocity tomography obtained from the first arrivals travelling through the rock mass from the transmitters to the receivers, shows an image of the investigated zone with a poor resolution

    Borehole seismoelectric logging using a shear-wave source: Possible application to CO2 disposal?

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    International audienceThe behaviour of CO2 deposition sites-and their surroundings-during and after carbon dioxide injection has been matter of study for several years, and several geophysical prospection techniques like surface and crosshole seismics, geoelectrics, controlled source electromagnetics among others, have been applied to characterize the behaviour of the gas in the reservoirs. Until now, Seismolectromagnetic wave conversions occuring in poroelastic media via electrokinetic coupling have not been tested for this purpose. In this work, by means of numerical experiments using Pride's equations-extended to deal with partial saturations-we show that the seismoelectric and seismomagnetic interface responses (IR) generated at boundaries of a layer containing carbon dioxide are sensitive to its CO2 content. Further, modeling shear wave sources in surface to borehole seismoelectric layouts and employing two different models for the saturation dependence of the electrokinetic coefficient, we observe that the IR are sensitive to CO2 saturations ranging between 10% and 90%, and that the CO2 saturation at which the IR maxima are reached depends on the aforementioned models. Moreover, the IR are still sensitive to different CO2 saturations for a sealed CO2 reservoir covered by a clay layer. These results, which should be complemented by the analysis of the IR absolute amplitude, could lead, once confirmed on the field, to a new monitoring tool complementing existing ones

    Evidence of the theoretically predicted seismo-magnetic conversion

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    We acknowledge the Geophysical Journal International and the Association/Society and Blackwell Publishing. The definitive version is available at www.wileyinterscience.com. The reference is : Bordes, C., L. Jouniaux, S. Garambois, M. Dietrich, J.-P. Pozzi, and S. Gaffet, Evidence of the theoretically predicted seismo-magnetic conversion, G.J.I., 174, issue 2, 489-504, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2008.03828.xInternational audienceSeismo-electromagnetic phenomena in porous media arise from seismic wave-induced fluid motion in the pore space, which perturbs the equilibrium of the electric double layer. This paper describes with details the original experimental apparatus built within the ultra-shielded chamber of the Low Noise Underground Laboratory of Rustrel (France). We measured seismo-magnetic conversions in moist sand using two induction magnetometers, and a pneumatic seismic source to generate the seismic wave propagation. We ensured to avoid the magnetometer vibrations, which could induce strong disturbances from induction origin. Interpretation of the data is improved by an analytical description of phase velocities for fast (P_f) and slow (P_s) longitudinal modes, transverse mode (S) as well as the extensional mode due to the cylindrical geometry of the sample. The purpose of this paper is to provide elements to measure correctly co seismic seismomagnetic fields and to specify their amplitude. The seismic arrivals recorded in the sample showing a 1200$-1300 m/s velocity have been associated to P and extensional waves. The measured seismo-magnetic arrivals show a velocity of about 800 m/s consistent with the calculated phase velocity of S waves. Therefore we show that the seismo-magnetic field is associated to the transverse part of the propagation, as theoretically predicted by Pride (1994), but never measured up to now. Moreover, the combined experimental and analytical approaches lead us to the conclusion that the measured seismo-magnetic field is probably about 0.35 nT for a 1 m/s2 seismic source acceleration (0.1 g)

    Experimental and numerical evidences of the observation of the Biot slow wave thanks to its electrokinetic conversion

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    International audienceAs originally described by Biot in 1956, seismic propagation in fluid-filled porous media should include two longitudinal contributions: the fast and slow P waves, the latest being commonly referred to as the 'Biot slow wave'. This seismic wave has been seldom observed in natural rocks at laboratory frequencies due to its low amplitude properties and has never been recognized at seismic frequencies due to its diffusive properties. In porous media, a part of seismic energy mayalso be converted into electromagnetic fieldsbya coupling phenomenon of electrokineticnature: the so-called seismoelectric effect. Most seismoelectric studies focus on the observation of co-seismic or depth-converted electric fields generated bythe propagation of fast P-waves, mainly to detect or to image new physico-chemical contrasts. Based on Pride's theory (1994), numerical modeling of seismo-electromagnetic wave propagation suggests that the observation of the Biot slow wave could be boostedby its electrokinetic conversion, i.e. that it would be easier to record the electric fields accompanying Biot slow waves generated by a mechanical source rather than the seismic fields. In order to confirm these numerical predictions, we designed a specific laboratory experiment involving a silica sand tank excited by using a homemade pneumatic seismic source. The investigated frequency range [0.5-5kHz] contains the Biot (transition) frequency separating the diffusive from the propagation regimes of the slow wave.Numerical seismoelectromagnetic experiments were also performed at this scale to compute the seismoelectric response in homogeneous and partially saturated sand with this acquisition configuration. The comparison of these experimental data to numerical results provides new perspectives for the detection, study and potential use of the Biot slow wave

    First laboratory measurements of seismo-magnetic conversions in fluid-filled Fontainebleau sand

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    International audienceSeismic wave propagation in fluid-filled porous materials induces electromagnetic effects due to small relative pore-fluid motions. In order to detect the seismo-magnetic couplings theoretically predicted by Pride (1994), we have designed a small-scale experiment in a low-noise underground laboratory which presents exceptional electromagnetic shielding conditions. Our experiment included accelerometers, electric dipoles and induction magnetometers to characterize the seismo-electromagnetic propagation phenomena. To assess the electrokinetic origin of the measured electric and magneticfields, we compared records obtained in dry and fluid-filled sand. Extra care has been taken to ensure the mechanical decoupling between the sand column and the magnetometers to avoid spurious vibrations of the magnetometers and misinterpretations of the recorded signals. Our results show that seismo-electric and seismo-magnetic signals are associated with different wave propagation modes, thus emphasizing the electrokinetic origin of these effects

    Monitoring water accumulation in a glacier using time lapse magnetic resonance surveys

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    International audienceSince the catastrophic subglacial lake outburst flood in 1892, the risk of a new event in the glacier of TĂȘte Rousse, in the Alps (close to the Mont Blanc) has been thoroughly studied until now (Vincent et al., 2010, 2012). In the last 5 years, the combination of several geophysical technics has provided valuable input for the glaciologists to better understand the structure and the evolution of sub-glacial liquid water (Garambois et al, 2015). Ground penetrating radar which has proven for long to be a very efficient tool in glacial environment has been used here, providing fine imaging of internal structures, bed rock depth estimate, crevasses and the top of the main cavity. In addition, Magnetic resonance has been performed in 2009, confirming the existence of the liquid water volume, and applied in 2010 along a tight array of loops to provide a 3 D image and an estimate of the total water volume. Indeed, this latter parameter is of major importance to evaluate the level of risk

    Seismoelectric wave propagation numerical modelling in partially saturated materials

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    International audienceTo better understand and interpret seismoelectric measurements acquired over vadose environments, both the existing theory and the wave propagation modelling programmes, available for saturated materials, should be extended to partial saturation conditions. We propose here an extension of Pride's equations aiming to take into account partially saturated materials, in the case of a water-air mixture. This new set of equations was incorporated into an existing seismoelectric wave propagation modelling code, originally designed for stratified saturated media. This extension concerns both the mechanical part, using a generalization of the Biot-Gassmann theory, and the electromagnetic part, for which dielectric permittivity and electrical conductivity were expressed against water saturation. The dynamic seismoelectric coupling was written as a function of the streaming potential coefficient, which depends on saturation, using four different relations derived from recent laboratory or theoretical studies. In a second part, this extended programme was used to synthesize the seismoelectric response for a layered medium consisting of a partially saturated sand overburden on top of a saturated sandstone half-space. Subsequent analysis of the modelled amplitudes suggests that the typically very weak interface response (IR) may be best recovered when the shallow layer exhibits low saturation. We also use our programme to compute the seismoelectric response of a capillary fringe between a vadose sand overburden and a saturated sand half-space. Our first modelling results suggest that the study of the seismoelectric IR may help to detect a sharp saturation contrast better than a smooth saturation transition. In our example, a saturation contrast of 50 per cent between a fully saturated sand half-space and a partially saturated shallow sand layer yields a stronger IR than a stepwise decrease in saturation

    Seismic wave propagation in heterogeneous limestone samples

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    International audienceMimic near-surface seismic field measurements at a small scale, in the laboratory, under a well-controlled environment, may lead to a better understanding of wave propagation in complex media such as in geological materials. Laboratory experiments can help in particular to constrain and refine theoretical and numerical modelling of physical phenomena occurring during seismic propagation, in order to make a better use of the complete set of measurements recorded in the field. We have developed a laser Doppler vibrometer (laser interferometry) platform designed to measure non-contact seismic displacements (or velocities) of a surface. This technology enables to measure displacements as small as a tenth of a nanometer on a wide range of frequencies, from a few tenths to a few megahertz. Our experimental setup is particularly suited to provide high-density spatial and temporal records of displacements on the edge of any vibrating material (aluminum, limestone, ...). We will firstly present experiments in cuboid and cylinders of aluminum (homogeneous) in order to calibrate the seismic sources (radiation diagram, frequency content) and identify the wave arrivals (P, S, converted, surface waves). The measurements will be compared quantitatively to a direct 2D numerical elastodynamic simulation (finite elements, Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin). We will then show wave measurements performed in cylindrical heterogeneous limestone cores of typical diameter size around 10 cm. Tomographic images of velocity (figure 2a) in 2D slices of the limestone cores will be derived based upon the time of first arrivals and implemented in the numerical model. By quantifying the difference between numerical and experimental results, the tomographic velocity model will be reciprocally improved and finally compared to a X − ray tomographic image of that slice. A brief overview of the studies Seismic sources We will explore piezo-electric sources of different frequencies (100 kHZ ∌ 5 M Hz) and test the new laser ablation source whose dominant frequency can reach 2 M Hz in aluminium. Avantages and drawbacks of each technology will be discussed in terms of source and wave propagation characterisation. Wave identification in an aluminium cube of side length 280 mm and seismic source at the center of one face We have identified experimentally P, S, head wave, PS, SP and surface waves measured on the cube surfaces. Meanwhile, direct numerical simulations have helped to quantitatively analyze the kinematics of wave fronts. For example, on the surface where the seismic source is excited, a P front, an S front and a PS head wave front are measured by the laser vibrometer right after the initial seismic impulse. These wavefronts can be understood by both the Huygens' Principle and the Snell-Descartes Law. In Figure 1, the seismic source excits simultaneously at time t = 0 a P wave and an S wave. As time evolves, waves propagate inside the volume and a P-wave propagates along the boundary as well: the latter one acts on the boundary as secondary sources which will emit both P and S waves, creating finally a new PS head wave front nicely measured in the experiments. The colours of magenta and green correspond to null amplitudes
