82,602 research outputs found

    Properties of solutions of stochastic differential equations driven by the G-Brownian motion

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    In this paper, we study the differentiability of solutions of stochastic differential equations driven by the GG-Brownian motion with respect to the initial data and the parameter. In addition, the stability of solutions of stochastic differential equations driven by the GG-Brownian motion is obtained

    Microwave Slow-Wave Structure and Phase-Compensation Technique for Microwave Power Divider

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    In this paper, T-shaped electromagnetic bandgap is loaded on a coupled transmission line itself and its electric performance is studied. Results show that microwave slow-wave effect can be enhanced and therefore, size reduction of a transmission-line-based circuit is possible. However, the transmission-line-based circuits characterize varied phase responses against frequency, which becomes a disadvantage where constant phase response is required. Consequently, a phase-compensation technique is further presented and studied. For demonstration purpose, an 8-way coupled-line power divider with 22.5 degree phase shifts between adjacent output ports, based on the studied slow-wave structure and phase-compensation technique, is developed. Results show both compact circuit architecture and improved phase imbalance are realized, confirming the investigated circuit structures and analyzing methodologies

    Close Pairs as Proxies for Galaxy Cluster Mergers

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    Galaxy cluster merger statistics are an important component in understanding the formation of large-scale structure. Unfortunately, it is difficult to study merger properties and evolution directly because the identification of cluster mergers in observations is problematic. We use large N-body simulations to study the statistical properties of massive halo mergers, specifically investigating the utility of close halo pairs as proxies for mergers. We examine the relationship between pairs and mergers for a wide range of merger timescales, halo masses, and redshifts (0<z<1). We also quantify the utility of pairs in measuring merger bias. While pairs at very small separations will reliably merge, these constitute a small fraction of the total merger population. Thus, pairs do not provide a reliable direct proxy to the total merger population. We do find an intriguing universality in the relation between close pairs and mergers, which in principle could allow for an estimate of the statistical merger rate from the pair fraction within a scaled separation, but including the effects of redshift space distortions strongly degrades this relation. We find similar behavior for galaxy-mass halos, making our results applicable to field galaxy mergers at high redshift. We investigate how the halo merger rate can be statistically described by the halo mass function via the merger kernel (coagulation), finding an interesting environmental dependence of merging: halos within the mass resolution of our simulations merge less efficiently in overdense environments. Specifically, halo pairs with separations less than a few Mpc/h are more likely to merge in underdense environments; at larger separations, pairs are more likely to merge in overdense environments.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures; Accepted for publication in ApJ. Significant additions to text and two figures changed. Added new findings on the universality of pair mergers and added analysis of the effect of FoF linking length on halo merger

    Thermal and non-thermal emission in the Cygnus X region

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    Radio continuum observations detect non-thermal synchrotron and thermal bremsstrahlung radiation. Separation of the two different emission components is crucial to study the properties of diffuse interstellar medium. The Cygnus X region is one of the most complex areas in the radio sky which contains a number of massive stars and HII regions on the diffuse thermal and non-thermal background. More supernova remnants are expected to be discovered. We aim to develop a method which can properly separate the non-thermal and thermal radio continuum emission and apply it to the Cygnus X region. The result can be used to study the properties of different emission components and search for new supernova remnants in the complex. Multi-frequency radio continuum data from large-scale surveys are used to develop a new component separation method. Spectral analysis is done pixel by pixel for the non-thermal synchrotron emission with a realistic spectral index distribution and a fixed spectral index of beta = -2.1 for the thermal bremsstrahlung emission. With the new method, we separate the non-thermal and thermal components of the Cygnus X region at an angular resolution of 9.5arcmin. The thermal emission component is found to comprise 75% of the total continuum emission at 6cm. Thermal diffuse emission, rather than the discrete HII regions, is found to be the major contributor to the entire thermal budget. A smooth non-thermal emission background of 100 mK Tb is found. We successfully make the large-extent known supernova remnants and the HII regions embedded in the complex standing out, but no new large SNRs brighter than Sigma_1GHz = 3.7 x 10^-21 W m^-2 Hz^-1 sr^-1 are found.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A&A. The quality of the figures is reduced due to file size limit of the websit

    Possible Σ(12)\Sigma({1\over2}^-) under the Σ(1385)\Sigma^*(1385) peak in KΣK\Sigma^* photoproduction

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    The LEPS collaboration has recently reported a measurement of the reaction γnK+Σ(1385)\gamma n\to K^+\Sigma^{*-}(1385) with linearly polarized photon beam at resonance region. The observed beam asymmetry is sizably negative at Eγ=1.82.4GeVE_\gamma=1.8-2.4 \mathrm{GeV}, in contrast to the presented theoretical prediction. In this paper, we calculate this process in the framework of the effective Lagrangian approach. By including a newly proposed Σ(JP=12)\Sigma(J^P={1\over2}^-) state with mass around 1380~MeV, the experimental data for both γn\gamma n and γp\gamma p experiments can be well reproduced. It is found that the Σ(12)\Sigma({1\over2}^-) and/or the contact term may play important role and deserve further investigation.Comment: modified version to be published at Phys. Rev.

    Pycortex: an interactive surface visualizer for fMRI.

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    Surface visualizations of fMRI provide a comprehensive view of cortical activity. However, surface visualizations are difficult to generate and most common visualization techniques rely on unnecessary interpolation which limits the fidelity of the resulting maps. Furthermore, it is difficult to understand the relationship between flattened cortical surfaces and the underlying 3D anatomy using tools available currently. To address these problems we have developed pycortex, a Python toolbox for interactive surface mapping and visualization. Pycortex exploits the power of modern graphics cards to sample volumetric data on a per-pixel basis, allowing dense and accurate mapping of the voxel grid across the surface. Anatomical and functional information can be projected onto the cortical surface. The surface can be inflated and flattened interactively, aiding interpretation of the correspondence between the anatomical surface and the flattened cortical sheet. The output of pycortex can be viewed using WebGL, a technology compatible with modern web browsers. This allows complex fMRI surface maps to be distributed broadly online without requiring installation of complex software

    Local conditions for the generalized covariant entropy bound

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    A set of sufficient conditions for the generalized covariant entropy bound given by Strominger and Thompson is as follows: Suppose that the entropy of matter can be described by an entropy current sas^a. Let kak^a be any null vector along LL and skasas\equiv -k^a s_a. Then the generalized bound can be derived from the following conditions: (i) s2πTabkakbs'\leq 2\pi T_{ab}k^ak^b, where s'=k^a\grad_a s and TabT_{ab} is the stress energy tensor; (ii) on the initial 2-surface BB, s(0)1/4θ(0)s(0)\leq -{1/4}\theta(0), where θ\theta is the expansion of kak^a. We prove that condition (ii) alone can be used to divide a spacetime into two regions: The generalized entropy bound holds for all light sheets residing in the region where s<1/4θs<-{1/4}\theta and fails for those in the region where s>1/4θs>-{1/4}\theta. We check the validity of these conditions in FRW flat universe and a scalar field spacetime. Some apparent violations of the entropy bounds in the two spacetimes are discussed. These holographic bounds are important in the formulation of the holographic principle.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Environmental Effects on Real-Space and Redshift-Space Galaxy Clustering

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    Galaxy formation inside dark matter halos, as well as the halo formation itself, can be affected by large-scale environments. Evaluating the imprints of environmental effects on galaxy clustering is crucial for precise cosmological constraints with data from galaxy redshift surveys. We investigate such an environmental impact on both real-space and redshift-space galaxy clustering statistics using a semi-analytic model derived from the Millennium Simulation. We compare clustering statistics from original SAM galaxy samples and shuffled ones with environmental influence on galaxy properties eliminated. Among the luminosity-threshold samples examined, the one with the lowest threshold luminosity (~0.2L_*) is affected by environmental effects the most, which has a ~10% decrease in the real-space two-point correlation function (2PCF) after shuffling. By decomposing the 2PCF into five different components based on the source of pairs, we show that the change in the 2PCF can be explained by the age and richness dependence of halo clustering. The 2PCFs in redshift space are found to change in a similar manner after shuffling. If the environmental effects are neglected, halo occupation distribution modeling of the real-space and redshift-space clustering may have a less than 6.5% systematic uncertainty in constraining beta from the most affected SAM sample and have substantially smaller uncertainties from the other, more luminous samples. We argue that the effect could be even smaller in reality. In the Appendix, we present a method to decompose the 2PCF, which can be applied to measure the two-point auto-correlation functions of galaxy sub-samples in a volume-limited galaxy sample and their two-point cross-correlation functions in a single run utilizing only one random catalog.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by AP