4,024 research outputs found

    In situ imaging of field emission from individual carbon nanotubes and their structural damage

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    ©2002 American Institute of Physics. The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://link.aip.org/link/?APPLAB/80/856/1DOI:10.1063/1.1446994Field emission of individual carbon nanotubes was observed by in situ transmission electron microscopy. A fluctuation in emission current was due to a variation in distance between the nanotube tip and the counter electrode owing to a "head-shaking" effect of the nanotube during field emission. Strong field-induced structural damage of a nanotube occurs in two ways: a piece-by-piece and segment-by-segment pilling process of the graphitic layers, and a concentrical layer-by-layer stripping process. The former is believed owing to a strong electrostatic force, and the latter is likely due to heating produced by emission current that flowed through the most outer graphitic layers

    Experimental Test of Bell inequalities with Six-Qubit Graph States

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    We report on the experimental realization of two different Bell inequality tests based on six-qubit linear-type and Y-shape graph states. For each of these states, the Bell inequalities tested are optimal in the sense that they provide the maximum violation among all Bell inequalities with stabilizing observables and possess the maximum resistance to noise.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Cosymmetries and Nijenhuis recursion operators for difference equations

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    In this paper we discuss the concept of cosymmetries and co--recursion operators for difference equations and present a co--recursion operator for the Viallet equation. We also discover a new type of factorisation for the recursion operators of difference equations. This factorisation enables us to give an elegant proof that the recursion operator given in arXiv:1004.5346 is indeed a recursion operator for the Viallet equation. Moreover, we show that this operator is Nijenhuis and thus generates infinitely many commuting local symmetries. This recursion operator and its factorisation into Hamiltonian and symplectic operators can be applied to Yamilov's discretisation of the Krichever-Novikov equation

    Small and mighty: adaptation of superphylum Patescibacteria to groundwater environment drives their genome simplicity.

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    BackgroundThe newly defined superphylum Patescibacteria such as Parcubacteria (OD1) and Microgenomates (OP11) has been found to be prevalent in groundwater, sediment, lake, and other aquifer environments. Recently increasing attention has been paid to this diverse superphylum including > 20 candidate phyla (a large part of the candidate phylum radiation, CPR) because it refreshed our view of the tree of life. However, adaptive traits contributing to its prevalence are still not well known.ResultsHere, we investigated the genomic features and metabolic pathways of Patescibacteria in groundwater through genome-resolved metagenomics analysis of > 600 Gbp sequence data. We observed that, while the members of Patescibacteria have reduced genomes (~ 1 Mbp) exclusively, functions essential to growth and reproduction such as genetic information processing were retained. Surprisingly, they have sharply reduced redundant and nonessential functions, including specific metabolic activities and stress response systems. The Patescibacteria have ultra-small cells and simplified membrane structures, including flagellar assembly, transporters, and two-component systems. Despite the lack of CRISPR viral defense, the bacteria may evade predation through deletion of common membrane phage receptors and other alternative strategies, which may explain the low representation of prophage proteins in their genomes and lack of CRISPR. By establishing the linkages between bacterial features and the groundwater environmental conditions, our results provide important insights into the functions and evolution of this CPR group.ConclusionsWe found that Patescibacteria has streamlined many functions while acquiring advantages such as avoiding phage invasion, to adapt to the groundwater environment. The unique features of small genome size, ultra-small cell size, and lacking CRISPR of this large lineage are bringing new understandings on life of Bacteria. Our results provide important insights into the mechanisms for adaptation of the superphylum in the groundwater environments, and demonstrate a case where less is more, and small is mighty

    Experimental Realization of a Controlled-NOT Gate with Four-Photon Six-Qubit Cluster States

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    We experimentally demonstrate an optical controlled-NOT (CNOT) gate with arbitrary single inputs based on a 4-photon 6-qubit cluster state entangled both in polarization and spatial modes. We first generate the 6-qubit state, and then by performing single-qubit measurements the CNOT gate is applied to arbitrary single input qubits. To characterize the performance of the gate, we estimate its quantum process fidelity and prove its entangling capability. The results show that the gate cannot be reproduced by local operations and classical communication. Our experiment shows that cluster states are promising candidates for efficient optical quantum computation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, typos corrected, references adde

    Therapeutic rAAVrh10 Mediated SOD1 Silencing in Adult SOD1(G93A) Mice and Nonhuman Primates

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease; survival in ALS is typically 3-5 years. No treatment extends patient survival by more than three months. Approximately 20% of familial ALS and 1-3% of sporadic ALS patients carry a mutation in the gene encoding superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1). In a transgenic ALS mouse model expressing the mutant SOD1(G93A) protein, silencing the SOD1 gene prolongs survival. One study reports a therapeutic effect of silencing the SOD1 gene in systemically treated adult ALS mice; this was achieved with a short hairpin RNA, a silencing molecule that has raised multiple safety concerns, and recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) 9. We report here a silencing method based on an artificial microRNA termed miR-SOD1 systemically delivered using adeno-associated virus rAAVrh10, a serotype with a demonstrated safety profile in CNS clinical trials. Silencing of SOD1 in adult SOD1(G93A) transgenic mice with this construct profoundly delayed both disease onset and death in the SOD1(G93A) mice, and significantly preserved muscle strength and motor and respiratory functions. We also document that intrathecal delivery of the same rAAVrh10-miR-SOD1 in nonhuman primates significantly and safely silences SOD1 in lower motor neurons. This study supports the view that rAAVrh10-miR-SOD1 merits further development for the treatment of SOD1-linked ALS in humans

    Experimental measurement-based quantum computing beyond the cluster-state model

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    The paradigm of measurement-based quantum computation opens new experimental avenues to realize a quantum computer and deepens our understanding of quantum physics. Measurement-based quantum computation starts from a highly entangled universal resource state. For years, clusters states have been the only known universal resources. Surprisingly, a novel framework namely quantum computation in correlation space has opened new routes to implement measurement-based quantum computation based on quantum states possessing entanglement properties different from cluster states. Here we report an experimental demonstration of every building block of such a model. With a four-qubit and a six-qubit state as distinct from cluster states, we have realized a universal set of single-qubit rotations, two-qubit entangling gates and further Deutsch's algorithm. Besides being of fundamental interest, our experiment proves in-principle the feasibility of universal measurement-based quantum computation without using cluster states, which represents a new approach towards the realization of a quantum computer.Comment: 26 pages, final version, comments welcom

    Experimental demonstration of a hyper-entangled ten-qubit Schr\"odinger cat state

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    Coherent manipulation of an increasing number of qubits for the generation of entangled states has been an important goal and benchmark in the emerging field of quantum information science. The multiparticle entangled states serve as physical resources for measurement-based quantum computing and high-precision quantum metrology. However, their experimental preparation has proved extremely challenging. To date, entangled states up to six, eight atoms, or six photonic qubits have been demonstrated. Here, by exploiting both the photons' polarization and momentum degrees of freedom, we report the creation of hyper-entangled six-, eight-, and ten-qubit Schr\"odinger cat states. We characterize the cat states by evaluating their fidelities and detecting the presence of genuine multi-partite entanglement. Small modifications of the experimental setup will allow the generation of various graph states up to ten qubits. Our method provides a shortcut to expand the effective Hilbert space, opening up interesting applications such as quantum-enhanced super-resolving phase measurement, graph-state generation for anyonic simulation and topological error correction, and novel tests of nonlocality with hyper-entanglement.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, comments welcom
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