25 research outputs found

    Respuestas faciales ante imágenes de advertencia de tabaco

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    In 2003, the European Commission proposed a series of visual warnings to be included on the packaging of tobacco, with the target of motivating smokers to quit and promoting negative attitudes toward tobacco. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of health warnings by self-report and psychophysiological measures. Fifty healthy subjects (19-23 years) visualized thirty-six images of different emotional content and twenty-four from the bank of preventative images of the European Commission. The electrical activity of the zygomatic major and corrugator muscles was recorded while subjects were visualizing these images. Participants evaluated the images in the dimensions of pleasantness and activation. The results show a major corrugator muscle electrical activity before the presentation of unpleasant images compared with unpleasant warnings on the packages of tobacco. These results suggest that preventive campaign could benefit from more shocking preventive images, promoting activation avoidant / defensive motivational systemResumenEn 2003, la Comisión Europea propuso una serie de advertencias visuales para ser incluidas en los embalajes de tabaco, con el objetivo de motivar a los fumadores a dejar de fumar y promover actitudes negativas hacia el tabaco. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el impacto de las advertencias sanitarias mediante autoinformes y medidas psicofisiológicas. Cincuenta sujetos sanos (19-23 años) visionaron un conjunto de treinta y seis imágenes de diferente contenido emocional y veinticuatro del banco de imágenes preventivas propuestas por la Comisión Europea. Se registró la actividad eléctrica de los músculos cigomático mayor y corrugador mientras los sujetos visionaban estas imágenes. A continuación, los participantes evaluaban las imágenes en las dimensiones de agradabilidad y activación. Los resultados muestran una mayor actividad eléctrica del musculo corrugador ante la presentación de imágenes desagradables comparadas con advertencias desagradables incluidas en los paquetes de tabaco. Estos resultados sugieren que la campaña preventiva podría beneficiarse de imágenes preventivas más impactantes, promoviendo así la activación del sistema motivacional evitativo/defensivo. AbstractIn 2003, the European Commission proposed a series of visual warnings to be included on the packaging of tobacco, with the target of motivating smokers to quit and promoting negative attitudes toward tobacco. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of health warnings by self-report and psychophysiological measures. Fifty healthy subjects (19-23 years) visualized thirty-six images of different emotional content and twenty-four from the bank of preventative images of the European Commission. The electrical activity of the zygomatic major and corrugator muscles was recorded while subjects were visualizing these images. Participants evaluated the images in the dimensions of pleasantness and activation. The results show a major corrugator muscle electrical activity before the presentation of unpleasant images compared with unpleasant warnings on the packages of tobacco. These results suggest that preventive campaign could benefit from more shocking preventive images, promoting activation avoidant / defensive motivational syste

    Coping Strategies Used by Female Victims of the Colombian Armed Conflict: The Women in the Colombian Conflict (MUCOCO) Program

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    The effects of armed conflict on women in post-conflict situations are an area of analysis for social disciplines. This study will analyze the situation in Colombia, currently involved in a peace restoration process. The aim is to verify the efficacy of a coping and emotion regulation program analyzing victimization as well as the coping strategies employed in response to these violent acts. The program focuses on 62 women contacted through the Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres, a nongovernmental organization. The program had a positive effect on women, reporting lower levels of posttraumatic stress, more functional coping strategies, and less use of dysfunctional strategies. All emotional cognitive and social indicators improved. Women felt emotionally better, perceiving greater social support and more trust in institutions. Survivors had more self-confidence to achieve their goals and solve their problems. The implications in a context of peace reconstruction and search for social cohesion are discussed.project (Proyectos CUD 2017) funded by the Oficina de Cooperación al Desarrollo (Development Cooperation Office) of the Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (University of the Basque Country, Spain) and the University of Burgos funding for the research group SIQoL (Y133GI)

    Respuestas faciales ante imágenes de advertencia de tabaco [Facials answers to tobacco warning images]

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    In 2003, the European Commission proposed a series of visual warnings to be included on the packaging of tobacco, with the target of motivating smokers to quit and promoting negative attitudes toward tobacco. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of health warnings by self-report and psychophysiological measures. Fifty healthy subjects (19-23 years) visualized thirty-six images of different emotional content and twenty-four from the bank of preventative images of the European Commission. The electrical activity of the zygomatic major and corrugator muscles was recorded while subjects were visualizing these images. Participants evaluated the images in the dimensions of pleasantness and activation. The results show a major corrugator muscle electrical activity before the presentation of unpleasant images compared with unpleasant warnings on the packages of tobacco. These results suggest that preventive campaign could benefit from more shocking preventive images, promoting activation avoidant / defensive motivational systemResumenEn 2003, la Comisión Europea propuso una serie de advertencias visuales para ser incluidas en los embalajes de tabaco, con el objetivo de motivar a los fumadores a dejar de fumar y promover actitudes negativas hacia el tabaco. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el impacto de las advertencias sanitarias mediante autoinformes y medidas psicofisiológicas. Cincuenta sujetos sanos (19-23 años) visionaron un conjunto de treinta y seis imágenes de diferente contenido emocional y veinticuatro del banco de imágenes preventivas propuestas por la Comisión Europea. Se registró la actividad eléctrica de los músculos cigomático mayor y corrugador mientras los sujetos visionaban estas imágenes. A continuación, los participantes evaluaban las imágenes en las dimensiones de agradabilidad y activación. Los resultados muestran una mayor actividad eléctrica del musculo corrugador ante la presentación de imágenes desagradables comparadas con advertencias desagradables incluidas en los paquetes de tabaco. Estos resultados sugieren que la campaña preventiva podría beneficiarse de imágenes preventivas más impactantes, promoviendo así la activación del sistema motivacional evitativo/defensivo. AbstractIn 2003, the European Commission proposed a series of visual warnings to be included on the packaging of tobacco, with the target of motivating smokers to quit and promoting negative attitudes toward tobacco. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of health warnings by self-report and psychophysiological measures. Fifty healthy subjects (19-23 years) visualized thirty-six images of different emotional content and twenty-four from the bank of preventative images of the European Commission. The electrical activity of the zygomatic major and corrugator muscles was recorded while subjects were visualizing these images. Participants evaluated the images in the dimensions of pleasantness and activation. The results show a major corrugator muscle electrical activity before the presentation of unpleasant images compared with unpleasant warnings on the packages of tobacco. These results suggest that preventive campaign could benefit from more shocking preventive images, promoting activation avoidant / defensive motivational syste

    Parálisis facial aislada posterior a infección por virus de chikunguña: un nuevo diagnóstico diferencial

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    A significant raise in the reports of neurological manifestations due to Chikungunya virus has been described worldwide. Here, we describe a case report of a previously healthy young adult who developed isolated left facial palsy after a confirmed Chikungunya virus infection in the Colombian tropics.We suggest considering this virus as a differential diagnosis for facial palsy in patients with confirmed Chikungunya virus infection who live in endemic regions or report a history of recent travel to these regions.En las últimas décadas, se ha incrementado el reporte de manifestaciones neurológicas asociadas con la infección por el virus de chikunguña. Se informa el caso de un adulto joven previamente sano que presentó parálisis facial izquierda aislada después de una infección reciente por el virus de chikunguña en el trópico colombiano.Se describen aspectos importantes de la fisiopatología del virus y su tropismo por el sistema nervioso central y periférico, y se sugiere considerar este virus en el diagnóstico diferencial de la parálisis facial en pacientes con infección confirmada por el virus de chikunguña en regiones tropicales endémicas o en aquellos con antecedente de viajes recientes a dichas regiones

    El efecto de las conductas de búsqueda de información en el control del miedo

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    6 páginasBackground and objectives: Individuals experiencing conditioned fear reactions often resort to avoidance and escape behaviors as attempts to decrease fear. Nevertheless, these strategies are not always available. In such cases, people seek information to mitigate aversive events. This study aimed at evaluating the effect of information seeking behaviors on self-reported fear, predictability, and physiological responses. Methods: Participants were randomly assigned to two groups. In group one, individuals were given the choice to perform an instrumental behavior which provided information about the occurrence of either an aversive or a neutral event (100% contingency). In group two, individuals were also allowed to perform an instrumental behavior. However, such behavior provided partial information (50% contingency). Results: Individuals in group one presented lower levels of fear compared to individuals assigned to group two. Limitations: The generalizability of the results may be restricted to undergraduate students. Conclusions: The results suggests that when avoidance and escape are not available, individuals seek information that provides control over fear. Clinical implications are discussed.Antecedentes y objetivos: Las personas que experimentan reacciones de miedo condicionado a menudo recurren a conductas de evitación y escape como intentos de disminuir el miedo. Sin embargo, estas estrategias no siempre están disponibles. En tales casos, las personas buscan información para mitigar los eventos aversivos. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de los comportamientos de búsqueda de información sobre el miedo autoinformado, la previsibilidad y las respuestas fisiológicas. Métodos: Los participantes fueron asignados aleatoriamente a dos grupos. En el grupo uno, a los individuos se les dio la opción de realizar un comportamiento instrumental que proporcionó información sobre la ocurrencia de un evento aversivo o neutral (100% de contingencia). En el grupo dos, a los individuos también se les permitió realizar un comportamiento instrumental. Sin embargo, tal comportamiento proporcionó información parcial (50% de contingencia). Resultados: Los individuos del grupo uno presentaron niveles más bajos de miedo en comparación con los asignados al grupo dos. Limitaciones: La generalización de los resultados puede estar restringida a estudiantes de pregrado. Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren que cuando la evitación y el escape no están disponibles, los individuos buscan información que proporcione control sobre el miedo. Se discuten las implicaciones clínicas

    Preparation and Characterization of an Injectable and Photo-Responsive Chitosan Methacrylate/Graphene Oxide Hydrogel: Potential Applications in Bone Tissue Adhesion and Repair

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    As life expectancy continues to increase, the inevitable weakening and rupture of bone tissue have grown as concerns in the medical community, thus leading to the need for adhesive materials suitable for bone repair applications. However, current commercially available adhesives face certain drawbacks that prevent proper tissue repair, such as low biocompatibility, poor adhesion to wet surfaces, and the need for high polymerization temperatures. This work aims to develop an injectable and photo-responsive chitosan methacrylate/graphene oxide (ChiMA/GO) adhesive nanocomposite hydrogel of high biocompatibility that is easy to apply by simple extrusion and that offers the possibility for in situ polymer and physiological temperatures. The nanocomposite was thoroughly characterized spectroscopically, microscopically, rheologically, thermally, and through mechanical, textural, and biological assays to fully evaluate its correct synthesis and functionalization and its performance under physiological conditions that mimic those observed in vivo. In addition, a finite element analysis (FEA) simulation was used to evaluate its performance in femur fractures. Results suggest the material’s potential as a bioadhesive, as it can polymerize at room temperature, shows superior stability in physiological media, and is capable of withstanding loads from body weight and movement. Moreover, the material showed remarkable biocompatibility as evidenced by low hemolytic and intermediate platelet aggregation tendencies, and high cytocompatibility when in contact with osteoblasts. The comprehensive studies presented here strongly suggest that the developed hydrogels are promising alternatives to conventional bone adhesives that might be further tested in vivo in the near future