230 research outputs found

    Imagoly: travels and images. 19 th century french travels in Russia

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    Imagology studies the representations of otherness in literature: other countries, other people. This critical approach has determined its fields. Dealing with several French travels accounts in Russia published during the 19h century (Mme de Stael, Dumas, Gautier), we can see how images can appear and flourish in travel accounts as well as in literary works, as both genres share their words and concepts about othernes

    Le problĂšme de “l’écrivain au fouet” : Die Blendung, d’Elias Canetti

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    Dans Die Blendung (Ă©crit en 1930, publiĂ© en 1935), Canetti met en scĂšne un misanthrope qui s’isole dans sa bibliothĂšque : Ă  travers ce personnage, il rĂšgle certains de ses comptes avec Karl Kraus, le grand Ă©crivain et publiciste viennois qui l’a profondĂ©ment marquĂ©. Les critiques ont en effet montrĂ© que Peter Kien et Karl Kraus ont en commun d’ĂȘtre « sans-dialogue » (« dialoglos ») (G. Stieg). Pourtant, dans un volume de son autobiographie, Jeux de regard (1985), Canetti affirme rĂ©trospectivement que son roman reste influencĂ© par Kraus : le romancier s’y pose en effet en « écrivain au fouet » (« Schreiber mit der Peitsche ») chĂątiant ses crĂ©atures. Or Canetti, tout en assumant une Ă©thique de la « responsabilité » qui hĂ©rite de Kraus, s’oppose dĂ©sormais Ă  toute position surplombante de l’écrivain par rapport au monde. Il n’est cependant pas sĂ»r que l’Ɠuvre tardive de Canetti se soit vraiment dĂ©gagĂ©e de l’union entre morale et Ă©criture, qui fonde l’écriture satirique

    Ecological niches of three teuthophageous odontocetes in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea

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    In the northwestern Mediterranean Sea, sperm whales, pilot whales and Risso's dolphins prey exclusively or preferentially on cephalopods. In order to evaluate their competition, we modelled their habitat suitability with the Ecological Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA) and compared their ecological niches using a discriminant analysis. We used a long term (1995-2005) small boat data set, with visual and acoustic (sperm whale) detections. Risso's dolphin had the shallowest and the more spatially restricted principal habitat, mainly located on the upper part of the continental slope (640 m mean depth). With a wider principal habitat, at 1750 m depth in average, the sperm whale used a deeper part of the slope as well as the closest offshore waters. Finally, the pilot whale has the most oceanic habitat (2500 m mean depth) mainly located in the central Ligurian Sea and Provencal basin. Therefore, potential competition for food between these species may be reduced by the differentiation of their habitats

    Consigner l’évĂ©nement : Les journaux du voyage de Marchand (1790-1792) et les Isles de la RĂ©volution

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    Le voyage d’Étienne Marchand appartient aux circumnavigations europĂ©ennes de la fin du xviiie siĂšcle : sa route, inspirĂ©e par le commerce de pelleteries entre Nootka et Macao, n’est pas originale et il aurait pu tomber dans l’oubli. En effet, le Solide, lancĂ© par des armateurs privĂ©s, n’avait qu’une mission commerciale. Il quitta Marseille en dĂ©cembre 1790 ; son retour en aoĂ»t 1792 passa inaperçu. Ce voyage, fiasco commercial, est pourtant assez remarquable par sa rapiditĂ© et, quoiqu’il ait Ă©tĂ© presque partout prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©, par la dĂ©couverte du groupe Nord des Marquises, qu’il baptise Isles de la RĂ©volution. Le rĂ©cit de cette escale est conjuguĂ© selon diffĂ©rents modes : le Journal de bord de Marchand lui-mĂȘme, le compte rendu envoyĂ© de l’üle de France en avril 1792, la brochure Ă©ditĂ©e en 1793, les journaux de Chanal et de Roblet, le second et le chirurgien, publiĂ©s par Fleurieu, enrichis d’une large introduction historique et de dĂ©veloppements naturalistes et hydrologiques. Tous ces rĂ©cits proposent des analyses Ă©voluant selon les progrĂšs de la RĂ©volution, dont on peut Ă©valuer la perception historique et la rĂ©ception : le choix des Ă©vĂ©nements rapportĂ©s, leur Ă©clairage. Comment la RĂ©volution française a-t-elle pu se greffer sur des Ăźles devenues emblĂ©matiques d’une histoire qui n’était pas la leur ?Recording the Event : the Journals of the Marchand Voyage (1790‑1792) and the Isles of the RevolutionThe voyage of Étienne Marchand belongs to the European circumnavigations of the end of the 18 th. century. His route, inspired by the skin‑trade between Nootka Sound and Macao, was hardly original and might well have fallen into oblivion. The Solide was a private merchant vessel whose mission was strictly commercial. She sailed from Marseilles in December 1790 and her return in August 1792 went unnoticed. The voyage, although a commercial fiasco, is noteworthy on account of its speed and the discovery, on a route where others had mostly gone before, of the northern group of the Marquesas Islands which he baptised the Isles of the Revolution. The narrative of this landfall took various forms : Marchand’s own log‑book, the account sent from the lle de France (Mauritius) in April 1792, the booklet published in 1793, the diaries of Chanal and Roblet, the first mate and surgeon, published by Fleurieu, enriched with a generous historical introduction and naturalist and hydrological observations. All these accounts were written with an eye to the progress of the Revolution, the historical angle and readership are reflected in the choice of events recorded and the manner in which they are cast. How was it that the French Revolution was transplanted to these remote islands, turning them into emblems of a history which was not theirs 

    CIRN/GREC 2014 Campaign report

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    A cetacean survey campaign was performed around São Miguel Island (Azores) by Anacaona Sailing boat (GREC) from May 8th to May 17th and from July 4th to August 1st of 2014. The team conducted a total of 18 days of effort around the island. A total of 9 species were sighted during the survey: common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis), bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops trucnatus), stripped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba), risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus), sperm whale (Physter macrocephalus), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) and Blainville beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris). The common dolphin together with the Atlantic spotted dolphin were the most sighted species. Some differences in the distribution between the species can be appreciated in the corrected effort maps. Acoustic data is currently under study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparison of the summer habitat of four preferential teuthophagous cetaceans in north-western Mediterranean Sea

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    Quatre des huit espĂšces de cĂ©tacĂ©s communes en MĂ©diterranĂ©e occidentale sont considĂ©rĂ©es comme des teuthophages quasi-exclusifs ou prĂ©fĂ©rentiels: le Dauphin de Risso, le GlobicĂ©phale noir, le Ziphius de Cuvier et le Cachalot. Ces quatre cĂ©tacĂ©s pourraient ĂȘtre en concurrence pour les proies ou l’occupation d’habitats favorables. On connaĂźt peu de choses sur les cĂ©phalopodes que ces odontocĂštes consomment, car ce sont en majoritĂ© des espĂšces ocĂ©aniques ou pĂ©lagiques non commerciales, mais ils frĂ©quentent tous le bassin nord-occidental en Ă©tĂ©. Nous avons utilisĂ© des donnĂ©es de prospection obtenues sur le long terme (1988 Ă  2012) pour dĂ©crire l’habitat estival de ces quatre espĂšces en considĂ©rant cinq variables topographiques et hydrologiques, Ă  l’aide de mĂ©thodes uni- ou multivariĂ©es (analyse discriminante). Les analyses ont Ă©tĂ© conduites sur des donnĂ©es de prĂ©sence seule ou des donnĂ©es de prĂ©sence-absence. Les variables « profondeur » et « distance Ă  l’isobathe 200 m » sont celles qui discriminent le mieux les quatre espĂšces, qui n'occupent pas les mĂȘmes habitats, le Cachalot Ă©tant le cĂ©tacĂ© le moins sĂ©lectif et le GlobicĂ©phale l’espĂšce la plus sĂ©lective. L’analyse discriminante permet une trĂšs bonne classification du Ziphius (84,6 %) et du GlobicĂ©phale (83,7 %), une classification moyenne du Dauphin de Risso (66,0 %), et mĂ©diocre du Cachalot (29,6 %). À l'instar d’autres rĂ©gions du monde, le GlobicĂ©phale et le Dauphin de Risso ne partagent pas les mĂȘmes habitats estivaux en MĂ©diterranĂ©e. Les habitats prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©s des quatre espĂšces dĂ©terminent les rĂ©gions oĂč elles sont abondantes en Ă©tĂ© en MĂ©diterranĂ©e nord-occidentale, le GlobicĂ©phale noir Ă©tant absent de mer TyrrhĂ©nienne nord, et le Ziphius rare en zone provençale. La description des rĂ©gimes alimentaires permet de distinguer deux espĂšces gĂ©nĂ©ralistes, le Dauphin de Risso et le GlobicĂ©phale, qui se nourrissent de calmars benthiques ou pĂ©lagiques, et une espĂšce sĂ©lective, le Ziphius. La faible connaissance du rĂ©gime alimentaire du Cachalot dans la rĂ©gion Ă©tudiĂ©e est un frein Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension de l’écologie locale de cette espĂšce.More than 50 squid species inhabit the Mediterranean Sea and four of the common cetacean species are preferential squid eaters. This suggests that teuthophagous cetaceans might be in competition for food and suitable habitats. Descriptive and multivariate analyses were carried out from long term dedicated survey data (1988-2012) in the north-western Mediterranean, including the northern Tyrrhenian Sea. A total of 298 on-effort sightings were obtained between 1988 and 2012, including 202 on effective effort: 157 observations of Sperm whale, 39 of Cuvier's beaked whale, 49 of Long-finned pilot whale and 53 of Risso's dolphin. Five environmental variables (depth, slope, distance-to-200m-isobath (D200), monthly chlorophyll concentration and SST) were defined for every 3x3 km cell in the western basin, as well as summer sighting rates using Pennington estimators for each individual species. Based on Kruskal-Wallis test, the observed habitats were not homogeneous for all species, excepted for SST: preferred depth was significantly distinct for each species. D200 was also distinct, with the exception of the pair Cuvier's beaked whale/pilot whale. Based on a discriminant analysis (stepwise ascending mode), four variables contributed significantly (Wilk's lambda = 0.49) to habitat description of the four species, the most important of them being the depth. Discriminant function was highly efficient to classify Cuvier's beaked whale and pilot whale habitats (respectively 84.6 % and 83.7 % success rate), but sperm whale was poorly discriminated from other species (29.6 % correct prediction). Cuvier's beaked whale and pilot whale habitats were well separated, when those of sperm whale and Risso's dolphin largely overlapped. From available results from different regions worldwide, it seems that Risso's dolphins and pilot whales are rarely abundant together in a given area, which raises the question of a possible competition between these teuthophagous delphinids. Based on published literature, these findings are correlated with known diet preferences, even if sperm whale preys are still poorly documented in the Mediterranean

    Ephemeris and Celestial Navigation. Melville’s Mardi as Astronomical Metaphor

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    Melville, en tant que marin, a souvent exprimĂ© son goĂ»t pour l’astronomie, les Ă©phĂ©mĂ©rides et leurs ressources narratologiques : cette fascination se manifeste dans le systĂšme mĂ©taphorique qui sous-tend toute la structure de Mardi et le monde qu’il parcourt : ce pĂ©riple prend sens si l’on considĂšre que le hĂ©ros voyage dans l’orbite des Ă©toiles. Melville avait lu de nombreux « voyages dans la lune », et son roman pourrait ĂȘtre directement inspirĂ© des Ɠuvres de Cyrano de Bergerac, Kepler ou Godwin. En outre, au moment oĂč il Ă©crit ses romans polynĂ©siens, les questions astronomiques sont d’actualitĂ© avec le passage de la comĂšte de Halley en particulier, ce nom Ă©tant le palindrome presque parfait du nom de l’hĂ©roĂŻne Yillah—ce qui permet de lire l’ensemble du roman comme une vaste mĂ©taphore astronomique touchant le sens du roman dans son ensemble, Ă  interprĂ©ter comme un voyage dans les astres, en particulier dans le monde planĂ©taire de Mardi et de l’anneau de ses Ăźles.Melville as a sailor expressed his fascination for astronomy, ephemerides and their creative potential, which is evidenced in the metaphorical setting that structures the whole argument of Mardi ’s confusing world. Indeed, the hero sails on the orbit of stars. Melville had read many “travels to the moon,” and his novel might be directly inspired by Cyrano de Bergerac, Kepler or Godwin. Moreover, at the time he was writing his Polynesian novels, Melville could not ignore astronomical topics such as the passage of Halley’s comet. Its name is the nearly perfect palindrome of Yillah, which imparts a major metaphorical and celestial dimension to the topography of Mardi and its rings of islands. Instead of being a travelogue-satire, the entire novel operates as an astronomical metaphor

    CIRN/GREC 2013 Campaign report

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    A cetacean survey campaign was performed around São Miguel Island (Azores) by Anacaona Sailing boat (GREC) from July 13th to August 24th of 2013. The team conducted a total of 22 days of effort around the island. A total of 8 species was sighted during the survey: common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis), bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops trucnatus), stripped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba), risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus), sperm whale (Physter macrocephalus), sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) and beaked whales (Mesoplodon sp.). The common dolphin together with the atlantic spotted dolphin were the most sighted species. Some differences in the distribution between the species can be appreciated in the corrected effort maps. Acoustic data is currently under study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distribution estivale et abondance relative des delphinidés en Méditerranée.

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    Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© la distribution et l'abondance relative des delphinidĂ©s de MĂ©diterranĂ©e durant les pĂ©riodes estivales de 1997 Ă  2001. Des prospections avec un bateau de 12 mĂštres ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es sur un espace compris entre Gibraltar et la Turquie, pour un Ă©chantillonnage effectif total de 16 008 kilomĂštres. Le protocole de terrain a Ă©tĂ© constant - Ă©chantillonnage alĂ©atoire Ă  6 noeuds de moyenne - ainsi que la majoritĂ© de l'Ă©quipage scientifique : trois observateurs et un secrĂ©taire Ă©taient en permanence en poste et couvraient le secteur avant dĂšs que les conditions d'observation Ă©taient bonnes (vent faible, lumiĂšre suffisante). Nous avons testĂ© la cohĂ©rence des performances de dĂ©tection en fonction des conditions d'observation. Pour l'analyse, sept rĂ©gions ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©limitĂ©es : la mer d'Alboran, le bassin sud-occidental, le bassin nord-occidental, la mer TyrrhĂ©nienne septentrionale et mĂ©ridionale, la mer Ionienne et le bassin Levantin. Le Grand Dauphin a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© 25 fois principalement en zone cĂŽtiĂšre, le Dauphin commun 33 fois dans des secteurs de profondeur modĂ©rĂ©e, le Dauphin de Risso 19 fois, souvent sur des secteurs de talus, et le GlobicĂ©phale noir n'a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ© qu'Ă  8 reprises, uniquement dans le bassin occidental. L'espĂšce la plus commune a Ă©tĂ© le Dauphin bleu et blanc (294 observations) vu aussi bien en zone pĂ©ri-cĂŽtiĂšre qu'au grand large, et dans toutes les rĂ©gions. La diversitĂ© de peuplement a Ă©tĂ© plus Ă©levĂ©e Ă  l'Ouest qu'Ă  l'Est. Les diffĂ©rentes espĂšces se rencontrent dans des habitats similaires pour les deux bassins de la MĂ©diterranĂ©e. L'abondance relative a Ă©tĂ© minimale dans le bassin Levantin (0.14 dauphin/km), les autres rĂ©gions faiblement ou moyennement peuplĂ©es Ă©tant la mer Ionienne, la mer TyrrhĂ©nienne et le bassin sud-occidental (fourchette de 0,33 Ă  0,53 dauphin/km). Les abondances relatives Ă©levĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© obtenues dans le bassin nord-occidental (0,76 dauphin/km) et en mer d'Alboran (1,11 dauphin/km). L'abondance relative est cohĂ©rente avec les productions primaires calculĂ©es dans la littĂ©rature, Ă  partir de donnĂ©ees satellitaires SeaWifs. Cette Ă©tude permet pour la premiĂšre fois de disposer de rĂ©sultats comparatifs sur les peuplements de dauphins Ă  l'Ă©chelle de la mer MĂ©diterranĂ©e.The summer distribution and relative abundance of delphinids in the Mediterranean Sea was investigated. Field surveys took place in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 between 19 June and 14 August in a 12 meter motor-sailer, at a mean speed of 6 knots on zig-zag lines. The effective sampling effort totalled 16 008 kilometers during which 379 on-effort delphinid sightings were obtained on five species. Seven regions were retained for analysis: the Levantine basin, the Ionian Sea, the southern and northern Tyrrhenian Sea, northwestern basin, the southwestern basin and the Alboran Sea. The consistency of detection width with different sighting conditions was tested. Comparative distribution was expressed as mean bottom depth and distance-to-shore. School sighting rates and sighting rates for individuals (SRI) were calculated for each region. The Bottlenose Dolphin (25 sightings) was found predominantly coastal, the Striped Dolphin (294 sight.) had a wide distribution in water deeper than 200 m, while the Common Dolphin (33 sight.) had a preference for waters shallower than 1,000 m. Both Risso’s Dolphin (19 sight.) and Long-finned Pilot Whale (8 sight.) shared the slope and open sea areas. The sighting rates for individuals varied from a lowest value of 0.14 individual/km obtained in Levantine region, low to medium SRI in the Ionian, southern Tyrrhenian Sea, northern Tyrrhenian Sea and southwestern basin (range 0.33-0.53 ind./km). Higher SRI was observed in the northwestern basin (0.76 ind./km) and in the Alboran Sea (1.11 ind./km). Our results were in agreement with existing literature and showed a consistency of species distribution across different regions of the western and eastern Mediterranean. The global delphinid relative abundance corresponded to the gradient in primary production, as shown in the literature from satellite data. This is the first study with comparative data on delphinids in the whole Mediterranean Sea
