176 research outputs found

    Nature of extrinsic and intrinsic self-trapping of charge carriers in underdoped cuprate high-TcT_\text{c} superconductors

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    Nature of extrinsic and intrinsic self-trapping (ST) of charge carriers in cuprates have been studied theoretically. The binding energies and radii of the extrinsic and intrinsic large polarons and bipolarons in cuprates are calculated variationally using the continuum model and adiabatic approximation. We have shown that the extrinsic and intrinsic three-dimensional (3D) large bipolarons exist in underdoped cuprates at η=ε/ε0<0.127\eta=\varepsilon_{\infty}/\varepsilon_0<0.127 and η<0.138\eta<0.138, respectively [where ε\varepsilon_{\infty} (ε0\varepsilon_0) is the optic (static) dielectric constant].Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Weighted ergodic theorems for Banach-Kantorovich lattice Lp(^,μ^)L_{p}(\hat{\nabla},\hat{\mu})

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    In the present paper we prove weighted ergodic theorems and multiparameter weighted ergodic theorems for positive contractions acting on Lp(^,μ^)L_p(\hat{\nabla},\hat{\mu}). Our main tool is the use of methods of measurable bundles of Banach-Kantorovich lattices.Comment: 11 page

    A new dynamical mechanism of incomplete fusion in heavy-ion collision

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    The incomplete fusion has been proved as the formation and emission of the α\alpha particle by the increase in the rotational energy of the very mass-asymmetric dinuclear system. The results of the dinuclear system model have confirmed that the incomplete fusion in heavy-ion collisions occurs at a large orbital angular momentum (L>30L > 30 \hbar) due to the strong increase of the intrinsic fusion barrier.Comment: 6 pages, 11 figure

    Performance and running experience of the Belle II silicon vertex detector

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    The Belle II silicon vertex detector is one of the vertex detectors in the Belle II experiment. The detector reads out the signals from the double-sided silicon strip sensors with the APV25 front-end readout ASIC, adopting the chip-on-sensor concept to minimize the strip noise. The detector has been operated in the experiment since the spring of 2019. Analyzing the acquired data during the beam collisions, the excellent performance of the detector is confirmed. Also, the radiation dose and 1-MeV equivalent neutron fluence of the detector are estimated using the measured dose rates of the diamond sensors installed on the beam pipe and are compared with the measured radiation effects in the strip noise, leakage current, and depletion voltage. This paper briefly introduces the main features of the silicon vertex detector, and then reports on the measured performance and radiation effects of the first two years of running experience of the detector

    New Results from the Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle II Experiment

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    The Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) consists of four layers of double-sided silicon strip sensors. The SVD is one of the two vertex subdetectors within Belle II. Since the start of data taking in 2019 at the Super-KEKB collider (KEK, Japan), which has the highest peak-luminosity ever recorded, the SVD is operated reliably and with high efficiency, despite exposure to harsh beam background. Measurements using data show that the SVD has both high signal-to-noise ratio and hit efficiency, as well precise spatial resolution. Further these properties are stable over time. Recently the simulation has been tuned, using data, to improve the agrement between data and MC for cluster properties. The good hit-time resolution can be exploited to further improve the robustness against the higher levels of background expected as the instantaneous luminosity increases in the next years of running. First effects of radiation damage on strip noise, sensor currents and depletion voltage have been measured, although they do not have any detrimental effect on the performance of the detector

    Случай ветряной оспы с множественными бактериальными осложнениями, потребовавшими хирургического лечения

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    Chickenpox is a controlled infection, even a single vaccination effectively prevents the development of severe forms (up to 98%).Purpose — to demonstrate a case of severe chicken pox in a child aged 3.8 years with secondary infection of the skin of the right subscapular region and subcutaneous fat (phlegmon of the trunk) of streptococcal etiology.The diagnosis of varicella was confirmed by the detection of Varicella-Zoster virus DNA by PCR from the skin. Surgical treatment was performed — opening and drainage of phlegmon, purulent-serous discharge was obtained, sowing was performed, Streptococcus pyogenes was isolated.The child received antibiotic therapy — cefepime sulbactam, amikacin, acyclovir, infusion therapy, local treatment.Conclusions. The given clinical case demonstrates the development of a severe bacterial complication of chicken pox, which required surgical treatment and substantiates the need for vaccination against chicken pox and its possible complications.Ветряная оспа является управляемой инфекцией, даже однократная вакцинация эффективно предотвращает развитие тяжелых форм (до 98%).Цель — демонстрация случая тяжелой ветряной оспы у ребенка в возрасте 3,8 лет с вторичным инфицированием кожных покровов правой подлопаточной области и подкожно-жировой клетчатки (флегмоны туловища) стрептококковой этиологии.Диагноз ветряной оспы подтвержден обнаружением ДНК Varicella-Zoster virus методом ПЦР с кожи. Проведено хирургическое лечение — вскрытие и дренирование флегмоны, получено гнойно-серозное отделяемое, выполнен посев, выделен Streptococcus pyogenes.Ребенок получал антибактериальную терапию — цефепим сульбактам, амикацин, ацикловир, инфузионную терапию, местное лечение.Выводы. Приведенный клинический случай демонстрирует развитие тяжелого бактериального осложнения ветряной оспы, потребовавшего хирургического лечения и обосновывает необходимость вакцинации против ветряной оспы и ее возможных осложнений

    Combined analysis of Belle and Belle II data to determine the CKM angle ϕ3 using B+ → D(K0S h+h−)h+ decays

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