127 research outputs found

    Tra conoscenza locale e scientifica: indagine etnopedologica e geostatistica applicata allo studio dei suoli nel contesto territoriale del Golfo di Oristano

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    This research aims to increase the environmental knowledge of a complex area (the Gulf of Oristano) investigating the following aspects: - The distribution and behaviour of some key potentially toxic elements (PTE). - To integrate, through an innovative ethnopedological approach (EA), local and scientific knowledge in order to improve our understanding of the whole environmental and socio-economic aspects that have historically characterized such area. The realization and implementation of provisional geostatistical models related to the presence of some PTE, by applying the Ordinary Kriging (OK), have shown a spatial distribution that, except for some specific area, is mainly linked with the natural geological and/or pedological conditions. The results coming from the integrated EA shows that toponymy (TP) cannot be intended merely as a contextual geographic practice aiming to attribute a specific place name to a predefined space. It rather represents a really complex and articulated dynamic objectivation of a geographic entity. This process is the consequence of a strong, deep, and often conflicting interaction among humans, culture, and the surrounding environment. During the Anthropocene period, the influence of human activities on TP has been so intensive that many place names are now coined to mainly indicate the “artificial” man-made features of an intensively anthropized environment. Such “technogenic TPs” could represent the “written witness” of the Anthropocene during subsequent eras

    Diseño y desarrollo de un sistema de comunicación mediante sistema móvil inteligente con un microcontrolador para control telemétrico de un scooter

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    [ES] Se creará un sistema que permitirá mejorar la seguridad de ciclomotores en diferentes aspectos. En primer lugar, se pretende evitar una causa de avería grave del motor, como son los “gripajes”, los cuales son causa de accidentes de tráfico. En segundo lugar, se tratará de mejorar la visibilidad de estos vehículos, pues esta es una de los principales factores que afecta a que sucedan accidentes. Por último se incorporará un sistema de seguridad antirrobo enfocado a robos no profesionales, impidiendo el arranque del motor. El sistema que controlará y gestionará los datos de las diferentes partes será una microcontroladora programable. Además, se creará un sistema de interacción de datos y control remoto mediante un Smartphone.[CA] Es crearà un sistema que permetrà millorar la seguretat de ciclomotors en diferents aspectes. En primer lloc, es pretén evitar una causa d'avaria greu del motor, com són els "gripajes", els quals són causa d'accidents de tràfic. En segon lloc, es tractarà de millorar la visibilitat d'estos vehicles, perquè esta és una dels principals factors que afecta que succeïsquen accidents. Finalment s'incorporarà un sistema de seguretat antirobatòria enfocat a robatoris no professionals, impedint l'arrancada del motor. El sistema que controlarà i gestionarà les dades de les diferents parts serà una microcontroladora programable. A més, es crearà un sistema d'interacció de dades i control remot per mitjà d'un Smartphone.[EN] The system that will be created, will improve the safety of motorbikes in different aspects. First, it is to avoid a cause of serious engine damage, such as "piston seizure," which is cause of road accidents. Second, we will try to improve the visibility of these vehicles, because this is one of the main factors affecting accidents happen. Finally theft security system aimed at non-professional thefts incorporate, preventing engine start. The system will control and manage data from different parties is a programmable microcontroller. In addition, an interaction system data and remote control will be created using a Smartphone.Ganga Serrano, AJ. (2016). Diseño y desarrollo de un sistema de comunicación mediante sistema móvil inteligente con un microcontrolador para control telemétrico de un scooter. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/72782.TFG

    Administración estratégica: Aplicación del cuadro de mando integral (CMI) a una organización no gubernamental

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    Moramos en escenarios altamente exigentes y competitivos, los cuales hacen imperativo la búsqueda de fórmulas que permitan un acrecentamiento sustantivo en la eficiencia organizativa; en este sentido, el estudio tiene como finalidad primordial diseñar y formular un CMI, que posibilite el incremento de la eficiencia en la gestión de una “Institución X”, de tal modo que ello sirva de experiencia para otras organizaciones. En este orden de cosas, primero se realizó un diagnóstico de la organización, el cual se basó en la información extraída por medio del análisisFODAy por las entrevistas realizadas a funcionarios y contrapartes. Para el estudio de la misión, visión, actividades departamentales y desempeño de los funcionarios, se elaboraron talleres, y a través de la técnica “tormenta de ideas”, se logró un mejor conocimiento de la realidad. Finalmente, a través de “grupos focales” se detectaron las variables que afectan a la organización y se establecieron valores, objetivos, indicadores y estrategias, los que en conjunto conforman la propuesta de este trabajo. La aplicación delCMIa un caso concreto, ha dejado en evidencia su valor teórico y empírico, demostrando sus potencialidades como herramienta útil de los procesos de administración estratégica; y además, ha permitido validar la necesidad de contar con directivos con conocimientos generales y específicos, para conducir con perspectiva de largo plazo sus organizaciones

    The Intangible Heritage of the Anthropocene: The Toponymic Revolution in the Human Age

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    Although the Anthropocene has been approached from numerous perspectives, scholars have not as yet considered an interesting point of view. Indeed, one of the most important intangible inheritances of the Anthropocene is detectable in the deep influence on a very common, though extremely complex, "performative practice" that each one of us regularly and (often) unconsciously enacts in everyday life. Place names or toponyms are the final repository of an impressive accumulation of knowledge acquired by indigenous peoples, through long histories of conflict and interaction with their surrounding environment. During the Anthropocene, a massive toponymic revolution has modified and still characterizes several places in the world due to the considerable environmental and socio-economic changes imposed by human activities. Some worldwide cases will be presented and discussed to illustrate the importance, intensity, and pervasiveness of these Anthropocene-related human activities, as driving forces determining this unexpected and underrated revolution

    The Open Data Kit suite, Mobile Data Collection technology as an opportunity for forest mensuration practices

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    This paper examines the potential for using Mobile Data Collection (MDC) as an effective database supported technology to substantially improve forest mensuration practices. Open source Open Data Kit (ODK) procedures and tools were used during a survey campaign that initiated a local forest monitoring process in the Marganai forest (Sardinia). The ODK suite is practical to use and its procedures allow authoring and use of digital survey forms without users needing software development expertise. Form design enables a high degree of customization to be achieved by means of specifying a wide range of data flow control mechanisms. ODK has proved to be a valid tool for data coherence and completeness improvements. As forestry’s contribution to regional Gross Domestic Product has dramatically decreased, forest mensuration practices have been reduced. Meeting the increased need to monitor environmental assets such as forests requires these practices to be re-evaluated. If regional public institutions took an active part in the process of enhancing forest mensuration, by contributing with open database systems acting as repositories and knowledge engines, support for MDC tools like ODK would potentially be a great opportunity to disseminate the use of the system and boost its development

    Going Beyond Blockchain Adoption's Hype to Improve Supply Chain Sustainability: Evidence From Empirical and Modelling Studies

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    Potential solutions emerge with the fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, including the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. The global supply chain requires greater traceability and transparency to ensure product security, efficient management and sustainable performance. However, traditional supply chains face several challenges related to traceability systems. This paper aims to analyse academic literature regarding Blockchain adoption in supply chains to improve traceability and transparency from a sustainable perspective. A systematic literature review was performed in order to provide verifiable evidence; we focused our investigation on empirical and modelling articles. Results suggest that Blockchain benefits occur through three levels: macro-level (overall supply chain network), meso-level (such as dyadic relationships) and micro-level (end consumers). However, we note that the contribution’s results have not yet reached a consensus. We have therefore proposed three research insights towards addressing the identified gaps

    Going Beyond Blockchain Adoption\u27s Hype to Improve Supply Chain Sustainability: Evidence From Empirical and Modelling Studies

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    Potential solutions emerge with the fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, including the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain. The global supply chain requires greater traceability and transparency to ensure product security, efficient management and sustainable performance. However, traditional supply chains face several challenges related to traceability systems. This paper aims to analyse academic literature regarding Blockchain adoption in supply chains to improve traceability and transparency from a sustainable perspective. A systematic literature review was performed in order to provide verifiable evidence; we focused our investigation on empirical and modelling articles. Results suggest that Blockchain benefits occur through three levels: macro-level (overall supply chain network), meso-level (such as dyadic relationships) and micro-level (end consumers). However, we note that the contribution’s results have not yet reached a consensus. We have therefore proposed three research insights towards addressing the identified gaps

    The extent of knowledge of Quick Response Manufacturing principles:an exploratory transnational study

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    The main goal of this research is to identify whether companies that have implemented the Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) approach have full knowledge of the QRM principles or have merely applied the elements ( principles and tools) that have a close relationship with Lean Manufacturing. Based on a review of the literature regarding the QRM principles, an exploratory survey was conducted for over 20 manufacturing companies from Brazil, Europe and the USA that operate in an Engineer or Make to Order environment system and explicitly have conducted QRM journeys. The results of the present study show that (i) the surveyed companies have difficulty knowing and applying some of the exclusive elements of this approach, even if they started implementing QRM several years ago; (ii) the surveyed companies' knowledge degree over QRM exclusive elements is apparently higher among US-based companies due to better trained employees and better dissemination and awareness of the QRM exclusive elements; and (iii) a mentality based on productivity, low costs and due date delivery was identified as the main barrier for companies to achieve a higher knowledge degree regarding QRM

    Agency Theory (AT): Theoretical Assumptions Applicable to University Management

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    En Iberoamérica han surgido inquietudes con respecto a la efectividad de las universidades, particularmente respecto de su calidad. Se tiene como premisa indiscutida que la gestión del gobierno universitario es uno de los factores determinantes para mejorar el quehacer administrativo y, desde ahí, las tareas académicas. El propósito de este trabajo es realizar un análisis desde la teoría de agencia (TA ) como una aproximación que puede ayudar a detectar y corregir problemas de gestión del gobierno universitario, entendiendo que se trata de una deriva teórica y no doctrinaria. Para lograr este propósito, se procedió a revisar más de un centenar de textos y artículos publicados en revistas académicas de prestigio internacional. Como hallazgos relevantes, se pueden destacar la identificación y la reflexión en torno a elementos y factores determinantes considerados por la TA , que son aplicables al mundo de la gestión universitaria (GU).: New concerns have been raised in Iberoamerica regarding the effectiveness of universities, especially in terms of their quality. It is an undisputed premise that the management of university governance is one of the determining factors to improve administrative tasks and, from there, academic duties. The purpose of this work is to make an analysis based on the Agency Theory (AT) as an estimate that may help detect and correct management problems in university governance, understanding that it is a theoretical drift and not a doctrinal one. In order to achieve this purpose, more than a hundred texts and papers published in internationally recognized academic journals were reviewed. As relevant findings, it is possible to highlight the identification and reflection about determining elements and factors considered by the AT, which are applicable to the world of university management (GU, by its Spanish acronym

    Características e impacto na gestão dos mais altos órgãos colegiados das universidades argentinas: percepções de especialistas

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    This study focuses on the government of Argentine national universities, especially the Highest Collegiate Bodies (hcb). The theoretical perspective adopted, the Agency Approach, allows us to address different characteristics and their possible impact on management efficiency. The regulatory context provided by the Higher Education Law (1995) provides the framework for analysis. The main objective is to analyze the perspective of experts on the extent to which the variables size, composition, and performance impact on management. The exploratory and quantitative research is grounded on the analysis of the opinion of academic experts who are members of the different sectors that make up the university government, with special consideration on the importance given to co-government in Argentina. The data o was analyzed using multiple techniques which include descriptive and inferential statistics. The results allow us to identify the potential efficacy of the variables under study, such as alignment mechanisms and their coincidence with what is prescribed by the Higher Education Law. In turn, significant differences are identified in the assessment of the double role of the rector as top executive and president of the mcc and its impact on university management. Son muchos los factores que inciden en el éxito de las organizaciones; en el caso de las universidades se habla por ejemplo de los recursos, talentos, redes de colaboración, meritocracia en todos los niveles y por supuesto un adecuado gobierno universitario. En esta perspectiva, este artículo de investigación tiene como objetivo central analizar, desde la mirada de expertos, las peculiaridades que tienen los máximos cuerpos colegiados (mcc) de las universidades argentinas, con la finalidad de reflexionar en torno a la influencia que estas características ejercen en la respectiva gestión. Para ello se realiza una investigación de tipo exploratoria y cuantitativa, que cimienta su análisis en la opinión de expertos académicos integrantes de los diferentes claustros que componen el gobierno universitario, con especial consideración en la importancia brindada al cogobierno en Argentina. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizaron múltiples técnicas que incluyen estadísticas descriptivas e inferenciales. Los resultados permiten identificar la potencial eficacia de las variables estudiadas como mecanismos alineadores y su coincidencia con lo prescripto por la Ley de Educación Superior. A su vez, se identifican diferencias significativas en la valoración del doble rol del rector como máximo ejecutivo y presidente del mcc y su impacto en la gestión universitaria. Muitos fatores afetam o sucesso das organizações; no caso das universidades, por exemplo, são discutidos recursos, talentos, redes de colaboração, meritocracia em todos os níveis e, claro, um governo universitário adequado. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa é analisar as percepções dos especialistas sobre as peculiaridades que os órgãos colegiados superiores (mcc) das universidades argentinas, a fim de refletir sobre a influência que essas características exercem na respectiva gestão. Para isso, realiza-se uma pesquisa exploratória e quantitativa, que se baseia na opinião de acadêmicos membros dos diversos claustros que constituem o governo universitário, com especial atenção à importância atribuída ao co-governo na Argentina. Para a análise dos dados, foram utilizadas várias técnicas que incluem estatísticas descritivas e inferenciais. Os resultados permitem identificar a eficácia potencial das variáveis estudadas como mecanismos de alinhamento e sua coincidência com o que é prescrito pela Lei do Ensino Superior. Por sua vez, são identificadas diferenças significativas na avaliação da dupla função do reitor como mais alto executivo e presidente do mcc e seu impacto na gestão universitária.