69 research outputs found

    First record and otolith morphometric description of an adult lightfish, Ichthyococcus ovatus (Actinopterygii: Stomiiformes: Phosichthyidae), caught in the Strait of Sicily (central Mediterranean Sea)

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    On July 2018, one specimen ofIchthyococcus ovatus (Cocco, 1838) was caught in the Strait of Sicily during the International Bottom Trawl Survey in the Mediterranean (MEDITS). The adult I. ovatus measured 49 mm in total length and weighed 1.44 g. In this context, the presently reported study constitutes the first and deepest record of an adult of I. ovatus as well as the morphometric description of its sagittal otoliths. In addition, we provide an age estimation as well as an update of the geographical distribution of this bathypelagic species around the Mediterranean Sea. Based on the growth increments of sagittal otoliths, the estimated age was five years. Specifically, the otolith from the presently reported specimen of I. ovatus tended to be elliptic in shape related to aspect ratio and high rectangularity while circularity showed high complexity of otolith contour complexity. The absence of economic val-ue of rarely reported species may underestimate their abundance. Therefore, more studies and research surveys would be necessary to fill the information gap on the biology of these deep-water species

    Programma Nazionale Italiano per la raccolta di dati alieutici. Modulo H “Campionamento biologico delle catture” (CAMP-BIOL; Risorse demersali) GSA 16 (Stretto di Sicilia): rapporto finale

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    Il campionamento biologico delle catture/sbarchi commerciali, modulo H, (Camp-Biol Risorse Demersali), nell’ambito del Programma Nazionale per la Raccolta Dati Alieutici (PNDA), ai sensi dei regolamenti ex Reg CE. 1543/2000; Reg. CE 1639/2001; Reg. CE 1581/2004, si propone di campionare pesci, molluschi e crostacei, provenienti dalle catture/sbarchi commerciali, al fine di conoscere il prelievo e l’impatto dei diversi segmenti e dei diversi sistemi di pesca della flotta sulle principali specie commerciali, in termini di struttura di lunghezza ed età delle risorse

    Distribution and biology of the Blackmouth catshark Galeus melastomus in the Strait of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea)

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    The Blackmouth catshark, Galeus melastomus, Rafinesque, 1810 (Carcharhiniformes; Scyliorhinidae), is a common, although at present discarded, by- catch of the bottom trawl fisheries in the Strait of Sicily. Given its ecological interest, data gathered in experimental bottom trawl surveys were analysed in order to describe its distribution and main biological traits. The Blackmouth catshark was sampled almost exclusively on the upper slope (200-800), showing the highest frequency of occurrence (69-100%), biomass (BI; 10-85 kg*km-2) and density (DI; 54-506 N*km-2) indexes in the deeper (501-800m) grounds. Individual size (total length, TL, mm) were between 70-590 and 90-510 in females and males, respectively. The sex ratio (SR) was around 0.5. The SR by size showed a gradual decrease till 450 mm class size, followed by an increase up 1 after 500 mm. Virginal/immature specimens represented the bulk of the samples in both females (77%) and males (65%); the length at 50% of sexual maturity (Lm50%) and corresponding maturity range (Lm25% - Lm75% ) was 433 (423-443) and 380 (366-394) mm, respectively

    MEDITS 2008 nella sub area geografica 16 (GSA 16, Stretto di Sicilia): relazione biologica

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    La campagna scientifica Medits, nell’ambito del Programma nazionale Italiano per la raccolta dei dati alieutici (Reg. CE n°199/2008 e n°665/2008), ha l’obiettivo generale di valutare la distribuzione, l’abbondanza e la composizione per taglia delle specie oggetto di pesca presenti nei mari Italiani. L’Istituto di ricerche per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC), sede di Mazara del Vallo, del Consiglio nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), effettua campagne di ricerca in mare nella GSA 16 (FAO, 2001) dello Stretto di Sicilia, tramite rete a strascico (trawl survey), sin dalla primavera del 1985, con l’obiettivo generale di studiare l’abbondanza ed i cicli vitali delle risorse demersali e di stimarne lo stato di sfruttamento

    Valutazione dell’impatto del settore della pesca sull’ecosistema marino - Indicatori ecosistemici (sezione V) Sub-area Geografica (GSA) 16 – Stretto di Sicilia Anno 2015

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    Il Programma Nazionale Italiano 2014-2016 di Raccolta Dati nel settore della pesca prevede, inter alia, la stima di cinque indicatori dell’impatto della pesca nell’ecosistema marino, in accordo con quanto riportato nell’appendice XIII della Decisione della Commissione del 6 novembre 2008

    Campagna di ricerca in mare: Sezione G – MEDITS 2012. Sub-area Geografica (GSA) 16 – Stretto di Sicilia

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    La campagna scientifica Medits, nell’ambito del Programma nazionale Italiano per la raccolta dei dati alieutici (Reg. CE n°199/2008 e n°665/2008), ha l’obiettivo generale di valutare la distribuzione, l’abbondanza e la composizione per taglia delle specie oggetto di pesca presenti nei mari Italiani. L’Istituto di ricerche per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero (IAMC), sede di Mazara del Vallo, del Consiglio nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), effettua campagne di ricerca in mare nella GSA 16 (FAO, 2001) dello Stretto di Sicilia, tramite rete a strascico (trawl survey), sin dalla primavera del 1985, con l’obiettivo generale di studiare l’abbondanza ed i cicli vitali delle risorse demersali e di stimarne lo stato di sfruttamento

    HRV in active-duty special forces and public order military personnel

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    Heart rate variability (HRV) is a simple, non-invasive, real-time analyzable, and highly reproducible measurement that captures incidences for assessing a person’s health and physical condition. Public security jobs are characterized by major exposure to risk factors known to influence the cardiovascular response to stimuli, e.g., night shifts, highly physically demanding activity, and acute stress activity. This study aimed to evaluate the HRV parameters in a population of 112 male personnel of the special forces and public order of the Carabinieri, aged 25-59, when engaged in several duty tasks, such as paratroopers, night shift police station officers, night shift patrol, dynamic precision shooting evaluative team, dynamic precision shooting non-evaluative team, and office clerks (used as control group). During the specific task of each participant, the HRV parameters were collected with wearable devices and processed. The HRV parameters in the time and frequency domains collected were average heart rate, standard deviation of all normal RR intervals, root mean square of successive differences in adjacent normal-to-normal (NN) intervals, very-low-frequency power, low-frequency power, high-frequency power, stress index, parasympathetic nervous system activity index, and sympathetic nervous system activity index. Parametric tests for independent series to compare the HRV parameters by subgroups within the study subjects were used. A multivariate linear regression analysis was conducted to evaluate the association between the HRV parameters and some personal and organizational factors. The comparison between different subgroups showed that activities with a high demand for concentration and precision, as is the case with paratroopers and dynamic precision shooters, differ significantly from activities that can be defined as routine, such as office work. Other activities, such as patrolling or remote management from operations centers, although including critical elements, did not deviate significantly from the control group. The study of HRV parameters is therefore a useful tool for occupational physicians, both for addressing work suitability assessments and for better targeting health promotion campaigns, to be considered as being aimed at monitoring the subject’s physiological parameters, and not at the diagnosis of any pathological condition, which should always be carried out by the medical specialist

    Assessing the Stock Dynamics of Elasmobranchii off the Southern Coast of Sicily by Using Trawl Survey Data

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    Elasmobranchii (sharks and rays), which have peculiar and vulnerable life-history traits, are highly threatened by fishing activities. Indeed, between 53% and 71% of Mediterranean elasmobranch species are at risk of extinction. In this context, using the abundance MSY (AMSY) model, the present study provides an assessment of 20 batoids and 16 shark species in the Strait of Sicily, sampled during a bottom trawl survey from 1995 to 2020. Overall, the outputs underline a progressively improving condition for shark and ray assemblages of both shelf and eurybathic zones. As for slope-dwelling species, a horseshoe-shaped dynamic, characterized by a progressive decrease in relative harvesting pressure and an increase in relative biomass followed by an increase in fishing pressure and decrease in biomass, was detected. The dynamics of the Elasmobranchii living in the Strait of Sicily appear to be affected by changes in the fishing patterns of trawlers, showing a shift from shallow water to bathyal fishing grounds and targeting deep-water red shrimp. In this context, it seems wise to limit the impact of deep-water fisheries on Elasmobranchii by reducing fishing efforts and implementing ad hoc management measures aimed at safeguarding these vulnerable species
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