56 research outputs found

    Resistant arterial hypertension in a patient with adrenal incidentaloma multiple steno-obstructive vascular lesions and antiphospholipid syndrome

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    Resistant hypertension is defined as above of blood pressure (≤ 140/90 mmHg) despite therapy with three or more antihypertensive drugs of different classes at maximum tolerable doses with one bling a diuretic. An important consideration in defining a patient with resistant hypertension is the mislabeling of secondary hypertension as resistant hypertension. Here, we report a patients with resistant hypertension caused by multiple stenoocclusive arteries due to antiphospholipid syndrome and coexisting with subclinical Cushing’s syndrome

    Favo aviário em galos combatentes

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    The authors report a case of dermatophytosis in two cocks (Gallus ferrugeus) “galos de briga” used for sport competitions in a breeding poultry farm in São Paulo - Brazil. The diagnosis was estabilished performing the direct examination of scrapings of the lesions. The cultures confirmed dermatophytosis caused by Microsporum gallinae.Foi apresentado caso de dermatofitose em 2 galos (Gallus ferrugeus)  preparados para competições esportivas, vulgarmente conhecidos como “galos de briga” , em criação na cidade de São Paulo-Brasil. O diagnóstico foi estabelecido pelo exame direto e cultural do material obtido da raspagem das lesões, tendo-se configurado dermatofitose causada por Microsporum gallinae

    The comparison of outcomes from tyrosine kinase inhibitor monotherapy in second- or third-line for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients with wild-type or unknown EGFR status

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    Background: Second-line treatment for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients includes monotherapy with a third-generation cytotoxic drug (CT) or a tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI). These options are the actual standard for EGFR wild-type (WT) status, as patients with EGFR mutations achieve greater benefit by the use of TKI in first-line treatment. Some clinical trials and meta-analyses investigated the comparison between CT and TKI in second-line, but data are conflicting. Methods: We designed a retrospective trial to gather information about TKI sensitivity in comparison with CT. We selected from clinical records patients treated with at least 1 line of CT and at least 1 line of TKI. We collected data about age, sex, performance status, comorbidity, smoking status, histotype, metastatic sites, EGFR status, treatment schedule, better response and time-to-progression (TTP) for each line of treatment and overall survival (OS). Results: 93 patients met selection criteria. Mean age 66,7 (range: 46-84). M/F ratio is 3:1. 39 EGFR-WT and 54 EGFR-UK. All patients received erlotinib or gefitinib as second-line treatment or erlotinib as third-line treatment. No TTP differences were observed for both second-line (HR:0,91; p = 0,6333) and third-line (HR:1.1; p = 0,6951) treatment (TKI vs CT). A trend of a benefit in OS in favor of 3rd-line TKI (HR:0,68; p = 0,11). Conclusions: This study explores the role of TKIs in EGFR non-mutated NSCLC patients. OS analysis highlights a trend to a benefit in patients who received TKI in third-line, even if this result is statistically non-significant. Further analysis are needed to find an explanation for this observation

    Active surveillance in differentiated thyroid cancer: a strategy applicable to all treatment categories response

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    Currently, the differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) management is shifted toward a tailored approach based on the estimated risks of recurrence and disease-specific mortality. While the current recommendations on the management of metastatic and progressive DTC are clear and unambiguous, the management of slowly progressive or indeterminate disease varies according to different centers and different physicians. In this context, active surveillance (AS) becomes the main tool for clinicians, allowing them to plan a personalized therapeutic strategy, based on the risk of an unfavorable prognosis, and to avoid unnecessary treatment. This review analyzes the main possible scenarios in treated DTC patients who could take advantage of AS

    INfluenza Vaccine Indication During therapy with Immune checkpoint inhibitors: a transversal challenge. The INVIDIa study

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    Aim: Considering the unmet need for the counseling of cancer patients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors (CKI) about influenza vaccination, an explorative study was planned to assess flu vaccine efficacy in this population. Methods: INVIDIa was a retrospective, multicenter study, enrolling consecutive advanced cancer outpatients receiving CKI during the influenza season 2016-2017. Results: Of 300 patients, 79 received flu vaccine. The incidence of influenza syndrome was 24.1% among vaccinated, versus 11.8% of controls; odds ratio: 2.4; 95% CI: 1.23-4.59; p = 0.009. The clinical ineffectiveness of vaccine was more pronounced among elderly: 37.8% among vaccinated patients, versus 6.1% of unvaccinated, odds ratio: 9.28; 95% CI: 2.77-31.14; p < 0.0001. Conclusion: Although influenza vaccine may be clinically ineffective in advanced cancer patients receiving CKI, it seems not to negatively impact the efficacy of anticancer therapy

    Management of hemodynamically unstable pelvic trauma: results of the first Italian consensus conference (cooperative guidelines of the Italian Society of Surgery, the Italian Association of Hospital Surgeons, the Multi-specialist Italian Society of Young Surgeons, the Italian Society of Emergency Surgery and Trauma, the Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care, the Italian Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, the Italian Society of Emergency Medicine, the Italian Society of Medical Radiology -Section of Vascular and Interventional Radiology- and the World Society of Emergency Surgery)

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    Management and follow-up of differentiated thyroid cancer not submitted to radioiodine treatment: a systematic review

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    The treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) has been changing. In low (LR) and intermediate (IR) risk DTC, surgery is becoming more conservative and the usefulness of radioiodine (131I) has been questioned. An increasing number of patients are treated with lobectomy or total thyroidectomy (TTx), but without 131I. Consequently, the management and the follow-up of these patients need to be revised

    Timing and Ideal Patient for an Appropriate Search for Somatic RET Mutation in Medullary Thyroid Cancer

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    : RET somatic mutation analysis in sporadic MTC should be guided by postoperative evaluation results