417 research outputs found

    The impact of a high-fat diet in mice is dependent on duration and age, and differs between muscles.

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    Prolonged high-fat diets (HFD) can cause intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) accumulation that may negatively affect muscle function. We investigated the duration of a HFD required to instigate these changes, and whether effects are muscle-specific and aggravated in older age. Muscle morphology was determined in the soleus, extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and diaphragm muscles from female CD-1 mice divided into 5 groups: young fed a HFD for 8 weeks (YS-HFD, n=16), young fed a HFD for 16 weeks (YL-HFD, n=28) and young control (Y-CON, n=28). The young animals were 20 weeks old at the end of the experiment. Sixty 70-week-old female CD-1 mice received either a normal diet (O-CON, n=30) or a HFD for 9 weeks (OS-HFD, n=30). Body mass, body mass index and IMCL content increased in old OS-HFD (p≤0.003). In the young mice, this increase was seen in YL-HFD and not YS-HFD (p≤0.006). The soleus and diaphragm fibre cross-sectional area (FCSA) in YL-HFD was larger compared to Y-CON (p≤0.004) while old mice had a larger soleus FCSA compared to CON after only 9 weeks on a HFD (p<0.001). The FCSA of the EDL muscle did not differ significantly between groups. Oxidative capacity of fibres increased in young only, irrespective of HFD duration (p<0.001). High-fat diet-induced morphological changes occur earlier in the old animals when compared to young, and adaptations to HFD are muscle-specific with the EDL being least responsive

    Morphological alterations of mouse skeletal muscles during early ageing are muscle specific

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    One of the hallmarks of ageing is muscle wasting that may be preceded by morphological changes, such as capillary rarefaction. Muscle-specific changes in morphology in early ageing may differ between locomotor and respiratory muscles. To investigate this, we compared capillarization, fiber type composition, fiber cross-sectional area (FCSA) and oxidative capacity of individual fibers of the soleus (n = 6/5 for 20- and 79 weeks, respectively), extensor digitorum longus (EDL: n = 3/3) and diaphragm (n = 7/5) muscles in 20- (mature) and 79-week-old (early ageing) CD-1 female mice. There was no significant loss of soleus and EDL mass. The FCSA was larger and the capillary density lower at 79 than 20 weeks in the diaphragm, while in the EDL the opposite was found (both p ≤ 0.002) with no significant ageing-related differences in the soleus. The heterogeneity in capillary spacing, which may negatively impact on muscle oxygenation, was highest in muscles from 20-week-old mice, irrespective of muscle (p ≤ 0.011). Succinate dehydrogenase activity, indicative of oxidative capacity, and capillary to fiber ratio did not significantly change with age in any muscle. At all ages, the capillary supply to a fiber was positively related to FCSA in each muscle. We conclude that despite previously reported early age-related reductions in specific tension in both locomotor and respiratory muscles, morphological changes show a muscle-specific pattern in early ageing CD-1 mice. Specifically, early ageing was associated with 1) diaphragm hypertrophy 2) and fiber atrophy in the EDL that was not accompanied by angiogenesis, capillary rarefaction or reductions in oxidative capacity

    Good Care in Ongoing Dialogue. Improving the Quality of Care Through Moral Deliberation and Responsive Evaluation

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    Recently, moral deliberation within care institutions is gaining more attention in medical ethics. Ongoing dialogues about ethical issues are considered as a vehicle for quality improvement of health care practices. The rise of ethical conversation methods can be understood against the broader development within medical ethics in which interaction and dialogue are seen as alternatives for both theoretical or individual reflection on ethical questions. In other disciplines, intersubjectivity is also seen as a way to handle practical problems, and methodologies have emerged to deal with dynamic processes of practice improvement. An example is responsive evaluation. In this article we investigate the relationship between moral deliberation and responsive evaluation, describe their common basis in dialogical ethics and pragmatic hermeneutics, and explore the relevance of both for improving the quality of care. The synergy between the approaches is illustrated by a case example in which both play a distinct and complementary role. It concerns the implementation of quality criteria for coercion in Dutch psychiatry

    Risk factors for neck pain in office workers: a prospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Persisting neck pain is common in society. It has been reported that the prevalence of neck pain in office workers is much higher than in the general population. The costs to the worker, employer and society associated with work-related neck pain are known to be considerable and are escalating. The factors that place office workers at greater risk of developing neck pain are not understood. The aim of this study is to investigate the incidence and risk factors of work-related neck pain in Australian office workers. METHODS/DESIGN: We will conduct a prospective cohort study. A cohort of office workers without neck pain will be followed over a 12 month period, after baseline measurement of potential risk factors. The categories of risk factors being evaluated are physical (cervical spine posture, range of movement, muscle endurance and exercise frequency), demographic (age, sex), work environment (sitting duration, frequency of breaks) and psychosocial (psychological distress and psychosocial work factors). Cox regression analysis will be used to identify risk factors associated with work-related neck pain, and will be expressed as hazard ratios with 95% confidence intervals. The data will also enable the incidence of neck pain in this population to be estimated. DISCUSSION: In addition to clarifying the magnitude of this occupational health problem these data could inform policy in workplaces and provide the basis for primary prevention of neck pain in office workers, targeting the identified risk factors

    R2P from Below: Does the British Public View Humanitarian Interventions as Ethical and Effective?

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    One of the major barriers to the implementation of the Responsibility to Protect principle is the lack of a political will. Public attitudes towards intervention will have a crucial impact on elite willingness to prevent mass atrocities, yet we have little understanding of the factors that influence those attitudes. This article provides the first examination of UK public perceptions about the moral justifiability and effectiveness of humanitarian interventions. The article shows that decisions about justifiability and effectiveness are very different. Attitudes towards justification were more easily explained suggesting that judgements about effectiveness are more contextual and less easily accounted for by individuals’ background characteristics and attitudes. Experiences with both Iraq and Afghanistan have contaminated public perceptions of both the ethics and effectiveness of humanitarian interventions. Although the public is broadly supportive about the justifiability of humanitarian interventions they are extremely sceptical about the likelihood that those interventions will be successful

    A low perfusion rate microreactor for continuous monitoring of enzyme characteristics: application to glucose oxidase

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    This report describes a versatile and robust microreactor for bioactive proteins physically immobilized on a polyether sulfone filter. The potential of the reactor is illustrated with glucose oxidase immobilized on a filter with a cut-off value of 30 kDa. A flow-injection system was used to deliver the reactants and the device was linked on-line to an electrochemical detector. The microreactor was used for on-line preparation of apoglucose oxidase in strong acid and its subsequent reactivation with flavin adenine dinucleotide. In addition we describe a miniaturized version of the microreactor used to assess several characteristics of femtomole to attomole amounts of glucose oxidase. A low negative potential over the electrodes was used when ferrocene was the mediator in combination with horseradish peroxidase, ensuring the absence of oxidation of electro-active compounds in biological fluids. A low backpressure at very low flow rates is an advantage, which increases the sensitivity. A variety of further applications of the microreactor are suggested

    Enacting Ethics: Bottom-up Involvement in Implementing Moral Case Deliberation

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    In moral case deliberation (MCD), healthcare professionals meet to reflect upon their moral questions supported by a structured conversation method and non-directive conversation facilitator. An increasing number of Dutch healthcare institutions work with MCD to (1) deal with moral questions, (2) improve reflection skills, interdisciplinary cooperation and decision-making, and (3) develop policy. Despite positive evaluations of MCD, organization and implementation of MCD appears difficult, depending on individuals or external experts. Studies on MCD implementation processes have not yet been published. The aim of this study is to describe MCD implementation processes from the perspective of nurses who co-organize MCD meetings, so called ‘local coordinators’. Various qualitative methods were used within the framework of a responsive evaluation research design. The results demonstrate that local coordinators work hard on the pragmatic implementation of MCD. They do not emphasize the ethical and normative underpinnings of MCD, but create organizational conditions to foster a learning process, engagement and continuity. Local coordinators indicate MCD needs firm back-up from management regulations. These pragmatic action-oriented implementation strategies are as important as ideological reasons for MCD implementation. Advocates of clinical ethics support should pro-actively facilitate these strategies for both practical and ethical reasons