73 research outputs found

    Who is more prone to distraction? A simple test to evaluate the interference of emotional stimuli in females and males

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    In order to quantify gender differences in attentional capability depending on the presence of emotional stimuli, the effectiveness of responses to a target stimulus were analysed between groups. Fifty-two men and 52 women carried out two experiments based on the Eriksen flanker task. Half the participants were instructed to indicate the orientation of an arrow without flankers. The other half carried out the same task, but in this case the arrow was flanked by images with sexual or relaxing content. The study suggests that men are faster than women in discriminating the spatial orientation of a relevant stimulus, despite being more prone to distraction by adjacent stimuli. Regarding emotional interference, which is equivalent in both genders, it is higher for images with sexual content compared to those with relaxing content

    Multiple evoked and induced alpha modulations in a visual attention task: Latency

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    Alpha event-related desynchronization (ERD) has been widely applied to understand the psychophysiological role of this band in cognition. In particular, a considerable number of publications have described spectral alterations in several pathologies using this time-frequency approach. However, ERD is not capable of specifically showing nonphase (induced) activity related to the presentation of stimuli. Recent studies have described an evoked and induced activity in the early phases (first 200 ms) of stimulus processing. However, scarce studies have analyzed induced and evoked modulations in longer latencies (>200 ms) and their potential roles in cognitive processing. The main goal of the present study was to analyze diverse evoked and induced modulations in response to visual stimuli. Thus, 58- channel electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded in 21 healthy subjects during the performance of a visual attention task, and analyses were performed for both target and standard stimuli. The initial result showed that phase-locked and nonphase locked activities coexist in the early processing of target and standard stimuli as has been reported by previous studies. However, more modulations were evident in longer latencies in both evoked and induced activities. Correlation analyses suggest that similar maps were present for evoked and induced activities at different timepoints. In the discussion section, diverse proposals will be stated to define the potential roles of these modulations in the information processing for this cognitive task. As a general conclusion, induced activity enables the observation of cognitive mechanisms that are not visible by ERD or ERP modulations

    Individual test-retest reliability of evoked and induced alpha activity in human EEG data

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    Diverse psychological mechanisms have been associated with modulations of different EEG frequencies. To the extent of our knowledge, there are few studies of the test-retest reliability of these modulations in the human brain. To assess evoked and induced alpha reliabilities related to cognitive processing, EEG data from twenty subjects were recorded in 58 derivations in two different sessions separated by 49.5 +/- 48.9 (mean +/- standard deviation) days. A visual oddball was selected as the cognitive task, and three main parameters were analyzed for evoked and induced alpha modulations (latency, amplitude and topography). Latency and amplitude for evoked and induced modulations showed stable behavior between the two sessions. The correlation between sessions for alpha evoked and induced topographies in the grand average (group level) was r = 0.923, p<0.001; r = 0.962, p<0.001, respectively. The within-subject correlation values for evoked modulation ranged from 0.472 to 0.974 (mean: 0.766), whereas induced activity showed a different range, 0.193 to 0.892 (mean: 0.655). Individual analysis of the test-retest reliability showed a higher heterogeneity in the induced modulation, probably due to the heterogeneous phases found in the second case. However, despite this heterogeneity in phase values for induced activity relative to the onset of the stimuli, an excellent correlation score was obtained for group topography, with values that were better than those of the grand average evoked topography. As a main conclusion, induced alpha activity can be observed as a stable and reproducible response in the cognitive processing of the human brain

    Efecto sobre el público infantil de los emplazamientos de comida en series de dibujos animados

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    El estudio de la influencia del branded product placement en televisión sobre los hábitos alimentarios ha sido un aspecto muy estudiado en la literatura de Marketing. Sin embargo, es menos habitual el análisis del non-branded placement, aun cuando su efecto puede ser igualmente significativo. Con un enfoque de Marketing Social Crítico, el presente trabajo en curso busca aportar evidencias de la influencia de este tipo de emplazamientos en series de dibujos animados sobre las preferencias de alimentos de los niños. A partir de un diseño experimental, en una muestra de niños con edades comprendidas entre 7 y 11 años, se indagará el impacto de los emplazamientos sobre las preferencias, según sus diferentes formatos, el grado de familiaridad con las series, el tipo de producto emplazado y el sexo del niño. Con los resultados obtenidos se pretenden desarrollar criterios para un diseño más eficaz de políticas públicas que persigan fomentar hábitos de alimentación más saludable.The study of the influence of branded product placement on television on food habits has been a relevant studied aspect in the Marketing literature. However, the analysis of non-branded placement is less common, even though its effect may be equally significant. From a Critical Social Marketing approach, the current work seeks to provide evidences of the influence of this type of placements in cartoons on children's food preferences. Based on an experimental design, on a sample of children aged 7 to 11 years, the current work will investigate the impact of the placements on the preferences, according to their different formats, the degree of familiarity with the series, the type of placed product and the sex of the child. The results obtained are intended to develop criteria for a more effective design of public policies aimed to promote healthy food habits

    Retest reliability of individual p3 topography assessed by high density electroencephalography

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    Background: Some controversy remains about the potential applicability of cognitive potentials for evaluating the cerebral activity associated with cognitive capacity. A fundamental requirement is that these neurophysiological parameters show a high level of stability over time. Previous studies have shown that the reliability of diverse parameters of the P3 component (latency and amplitude) ranges between moderate and high. However, few studies have paid attention to the retest reliability of the P3 topography in groups or individuals. Considering that changes in P3 topography have been related to different pathologies and healthy aging, the main objective of this article was to evaluate in a longitudinal study (two sessions) the reliability of P3 topography in a group and at the individual level. Results: The correlation between sessions for P3 topography in the grand average of groups was high (r = 0.977, p<0.001). The within-subject correlation values ranged from 0.626 to 0.981 (mean: 0.888). In the between-subjects topography comparisons, the correlation was always lower for comparisons between different subjects than for within-subjects correlations in the first session but not in the second session. Conclusions: The present study shows that P3 topography is highly reliable for group analysis (comprising the same subjects) in different sessions. The results also confirmed that retest reliability for individual P3 maps is suitable for follow-up studies for a particular subject. Moreover, P3 topography appears to be a specific marker considering that the between-subjects correlations were lower than the within-subject correlations. However, P3 topography appears more similar between subjects in the second session, demonstrating that is modulated by experience. Possible clinical applications of all these results are discussed.8(5):e62523; pags: 1-8 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.006252

    Retest reliability of individual alpha ERD topography assessed by human electroencephalography

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    Background Despite the immense literature related to diverse human electroencephalographic (EEG) parameters, very few studies have focused on the reliability of these measures. Some of the most studied components (i.e., P3 or MMN) have received more attention regarding the stability of their main parameters, such as latency, amplitude or topography. However, spectral modulations have not been as extensively evaluated considering that different analysis methods are available. The main aim of the present study is to assess the reliability of the latency, amplitude and topography of event-related desynchronization (ERD) for the alpha band (10–14 Hz) observed in a cognitive task (visual oddball). Topography reliability was analysed at different levels (for the group, within-subjects individually and between-subjects individually). Results The latency for alpha ERD showed stable behaviour between two sessions, and the amplitude exhibited an increment (more negative) in the second session. Alpha ERD topography exhibited a high correlation score between sessions at the group level (r = 0.903, p<0.001). The mean value for within-subject correlations was 0.750 (with a range from 0.391 to 0.954). Regarding between-subject topography comparisons, some subjects showed a highly specific topography, whereas other subjects showed topographies that were more similar to those of other subjects. Conclusion ERD was mainly stable between the two sessions with the exception of amplitude, which exhibited an increment in the second session. Topography exhibits excellent reliability at the group level; however, it exhibits highly heterogeneous behaviour at the individual level. Considering that the P3 was previously evaluated for this group of subjects, a direct comparison of the correlation scores was possible, and it showed that the ERD component is less reliable in individual topography than in the ERP component (P3).Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) PSI2016-78133-PAsociación Sanitaria Virgen Macaren

    Neural correlates of alerting and orienting impairment in multiple sclerosis patients

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    Background A considerable percentage of multiple sclerosis patients have attentional impairment, but understanding its neurophysiological basis remains a challenge. The Attention Network Test allows 3 attentional networks to be studied. Previous behavioural studies using this test have shown that the alerting network is impaired in multiple sclerosis. The aim of this study was to identify neurophysiological indexes of the attention impairment in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients using this test. Results After general slowing had been removed in patients group to isolate the effects of each condition, some behavioral differences between them were obtained. About Contingent Negative Variation, a statistically significant decrement were found in the amplitude for Central and Spatial Cue Conditions for patient group (p<0.05). ANOVAs showed for the patient group a significant latency delay for P1 and N1 components (p<0.05) and a decrease of P3 amplitude for congruent and incongruent stimuli (p<0.01). With regard to correlation analysis, PASAT-3s and SDMT showed significant correlations with behavioral measures of the Attention Network Test (p<0.01) and an ERP parameter (CNV amplitude). Conclusions Behavioral data are highly correlated with the neuropsychological scores and show that the alerting and orienting mechanisms in the patient group were impaired. Reduced amplitude for the Contingent Negative Variation in the patient group suggests that this component could be a physiological marker related to the alerting and orienting impairment in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. P1 and N1 delayed latencies are evidence of the demyelination process that causes impairment in the first steps of the visual sensory processing. Lastly, P3 amplitude shows a general decrease for the pathological group probably indexing a more central impairment. These results suggest that the Attention Network Test give evidence of multiple levels of attention impairment, which could help in the assessment and treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España PSI2010-16825Asociación NeuroinvestAsociación Sanitaria Virgen Macaren

    Retest reliability of individual P3 topography assessed by high density electroencephalography

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    Background Some controversy remains about the potential applicability of cognitive potentials for evaluating the cerebral activity associated with cognitive capacity. A fundamental requirement is that these neurophysiological parameters show a high level of stability over time. Previous studies have shown that the reliability of diverse parameters of the P3 component (latency and amplitude) ranges between moderate and high. However, few studies have paid attention to the retest reliability of the P3 topography in groups or individuals. Considering that changes in P3 topography have been related to different pathologies and healthy aging, the main objective of this article was to evaluate in a longitudinal study (two sessions) the reliability of P3 topography in a group and at the individual level. Results The correlation between sessions for P3 topography in the grand average of groups was high (r = 0.977, p<0.001). The within-subject correlation values ranged from 0.626 to 0.981 (mean: 0.888). In the between-subjects topography comparisons, the correlation was always lower for comparisons between different subjects than for within-subjects correlations in the first session but not in the second session. Conclusions The present study shows that P3 topography is highly reliable for group analysis (comprising the same subjects) in different sessions. The results also confirmed that retest reliability for individual P3 maps is suitable for follow-up studies for a particular subject. Moreover, P3 topography appears to be a specific marker considering that the between-subjects correlations were lower than the within-subject correlations. However, P3 topography appears more similar between subjects in the second session, demonstrating that is modulated by experience. Possible clinical applications of all these results are discussed.Ministerio de Economía de España SEJ2007-6534

    Disentangling the attention network test: behavioral, event related potentials, and neural source analyses

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    Background: The study of the attentional system remains a challenge for current neuroscience. The “Attention Network Test” (ANT) was designed to study simultaneously three different attentional networks (alerting, orienting, and executive) based in subtraction of different experimental conditions. However, some studies recommend caution with these calculations due to the interactions between the attentional networks. In particular, it is highly relevant that several interpretations about attentional impairment have arisen from these calculations in diverse pathologies. Event related potentials (ERPs) and neural source analysis can be applied to disentangle the relationships between these attentional networks not specifically shown by behavioral measures. Results: This study shows that there is a basic level of alerting (tonic alerting) in the no cue (NC) condition, represented by a slow negative trend in the ERP trace prior to the onset of the target stimuli. A progressive increase in the CNV amplitude related to the amount of information provided by the cue conditions is also shown. Neural source analysis reveals specific modulations of the CNV related to a task-related expectancy presented in the NC condition; a late modulation triggered by the central cue (CC) condition and probably representing a generic motor preparation; and an early and late modulation for spatial cue (SC) condition suggesting specific motor and sensory preactivation. Finally, the first component in the information processing of the target stimuli modulated by the interaction between orienting network and the executive system can be represented by N1. Conclusions: The ANT is useful as a paradigm to study specific attentional mechanisms and their interactions. However, calculation of network effects is based in subtractions with non-comparable experimental conditions, as evidenced by the present data, which can induce misinterpretations in the study of the attentional capacity in human subjects.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PSI2010- 1682

    Association of blood-based biomarkers with radiologic markers and cognitive decline in atrial fibrillation patients

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    [Background] Atrial fibrillation (AF) has been associated with an increased risk of silent brain infarcts (SBI) and cognitive impairment, even in patients with low embolic risk. We aimed to test the association between 11 blood-biomarkers representing different AF-related pathways, and SBI, white matter hyperintensities (WMH), and cognitive decline in patients with AF and low embolic risk.[Methods] The present study followed a cross-sectional design. 70 patients with a history of AF and CHADS2 score ≤1, and 10 controls with neither AF nor SBI were included. All patients underwent a 3T brain MRI. Cortical and large subcortical ischemic lesions were considered presumed embolic origin lesions. White matter hyperintensities (WMH) were measured according to the Fazekas scale. A subset of patients underwent cognitive evaluation with the MoCA test. Circulating proteins were measured under blind conditions in a laboratory at Roche Diagnostics, Germany.[Results] 45 patients presented SBI in the MRI, and 25 did not. Ang-2, FGF-23, and BMP-10 were increased in patients with SBI. Ang-2 was elevated only in patients with embolic infarcts, whereas FGF-23 and BMP-10 tended to be elevated in patients with both types of infarcts. Ang-2 (OR = 1.56 [0.94-2.59], p = 0.087), and BMP-10 (OR = 4.83 [0.99–23.60], p = 0.052) were the biomarkers that showed the highest association with SBI when entered in a multivariable logistic regression model corrected by age. No biomarker was found associated with WMH or mild cognitive impairment.[Conclusions] BMP-10, and Ang-2 were increased in patients with SBI. Its usefulness to detect SBI in AF patients should be further explored.A Junta de Andalucía grant (PIN-0144-2016) supported partially the study. The Fundación Cajasol contributed to the study. Neurovascular Research Groups at Seville and Barcelona are part of the Spanish Neurovascular Disease Research Network (RICORS-ICTUS, RD21/0006/0007).Peer reviewe