820 research outputs found
Programa de gestão ambiental da Embrapa Pantanal.
bitstream/CPAP/55908/1/ADM116.pdfDisponível também em: agrosoft, douradosinforma, aixadanaweb, portabonito, aquidauananews, navirainews, aquidauananews, reporterms, zoonews, portaldoagronegocio, criareplantar, opantaneiro, msnoticias, bbcnews, boletimpecuario, perfilnews, clickpantanal, estadomsnews, bonitonoticias, portalms, agorams, corumbaonline, folhadoms, agronline, maracajunews, cassilandianews, unifolha, infobibos, campograndenews, douradosagora, capitaldopantanal, corumbanet, folhadedourados, douradosnews, ultimahoranew
Uniformidade de maturação dos frutos no cacho de macaúbas nativas do pantanal e cerrado.
o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a uniformidade de maturação dos frutos no cacho em macaúbas de ocorrência natural nos biomas Pantanal e Cerrado
Avaliação da temperatura de dois secadores solares para produção de doces cristalizados na comunidade Antônio Maria Coelho, Corumbá-MS: resultados preliminares.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as temperaturas de secagem de dois secadores solares utilizados para produção de frutas cristalizadas, sendo um a mesa secadora utilizada pela comunidade e o outro uma adaptação de um projeto desenvolvido pelo IAPAR. Foram feitos doces de mamão verde e abóbora cristalizados, com o acompanhamento da temperatura de hora em hora. Ambos os secadores apresentaram temperatura internas superiores à temperatura ambiente sendo que as temperaturas do secador solar adaptado foram bem superiores e as frutas perderam umidade mais rapidamente que no secador da comunidade. The aim of this work was to evaluate the internal temperature of two sun dryer devices used for production of candied fruits, one the dryer table used by the community and a sun dryer device adapted from a project of IAPAR. It was made candied green papaya and pumpkin (squash) fruits, and the temperature was recorded hour to hour until the fruits were considered ready. The temperatures in both the devices were higher as the environment temperature and also higher in the adapted device, and the fruits lost humidity faster than in the community's
Quantitative and Qualitative tools for a physical education program that increases inclusion of children with disabilities
Aim: New technologies in PE provide children with the opportunity
(a) to improve motor learning and self-efficacy, (b) model and stucture
new prospective of the educational process (Clapham
et al.,2015). The purpose of this study is to evalute and compare
(a) the development of motor coordination of primary school\u2019s children
in relation to BMI, (b) effects of strategies that utilize interactive
video game technology (T0 vs T1), (c) enjoyment and physical selfefficacy
between EG and CG.
Methods: The study has been conducted in a primary school of
Puglia, Italy. The sample includes 65 children, separated into two
groups in relation to sex and BMI: EG (M: 22, age,10.09 \ub1 0.30; F:19, age 10.10 \ub1 0.31) and CG (M: 12, age, 10 \ub1 0.42; F: 12, age 10 \ub1 0.0). The experimental program consists of 10 lessons, using specialised interactive video game technology to point out unusual motor responses. For the CG has been used teaching styles of production.
The following tests have been proposed before and after the intervention: MOBAK 5 (Hermann and Seelig 2016), PSP_C (physical self-efficacy) and PACES (enjoyment). Results: Besides the descriptive statistics (M \ub1 DS), T-test was used in order to highlights significative differences between T0-T1, indipendently from sex differences. The significance value was set at p\0.05. Data analysis revealed significative differences between EG for boys and girls about (a) Control Object and Self-Movement (p\0.05); (b) and physical self efficacy scale (p\0.05).
Conclusions: The use of modern technologies and different teaching styles in PE promote motor learning and self-efficacy in children. The trail of new and different instruments are needed to enhance educational
environments and develop intrinsic motivation to motor activities.
1. Clapham, E.D. et al. (2015). The Physical Educator. 72,1,
2. Hermann, C. & Seelig, H. (2016). Sportwissenschaft
Quantifying transmission of clostridium difficile within and outside healthcare settings
To quantify the effect of hospital and community-based transmission and control measures on Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), we constructed a transmission model within and between hospital, community, and long-term care-facility settings. By parameterizing the model from national databases and calibrating it to C. difficile prevalence and CDI incidence, we found that hospitalized patients with CDI transmit C. difficile at a rate 15 (95% CI 7.2–32) times that of asymptomatic patients. Long-term care facility residents transmit at a rate of 27% (95% CI 13%–51%) that of hospitalized patients, and persons in the community at a rate of 0.1% (95% CI 0.062%–0.2%) that of hospitalized patients. Despite lower transmission rates for asymptomatic carriers and community sources, these transmission routes have a substantial effect on hospital-onset CDI because of the larger reservoir of hospitalized carriers and persons in the community. Asymptomatic carriers and community sources should be accounted for when designing and evaluating control interventions
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