38 research outputs found

    Polarization sensitive spectroscopy of charged Quantum Dots

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    We present an experimental and theoretical study of the polarized photoluminescence spectrum of single semiconductor quantum dots in various charge states. We compare our high resolution polarization sensitive spectral measurements with a new many-carrier theoretical model, which was developed for this purpose. The model considers both the isotropic and anisotropic exchange interactions between all participating electron-hole pairs. With this addition, we calculate both the energies and polarizations of all optical transitions between collective, quantum dot confined charge carrier states. We succeed in identifying most of the measured spectral lines. In particular, the lines resulting from singly-, doubly- and triply- negatively charged excitons and biexcitons. We demonstrate that lines emanating from evenly charged states are linearly polarized. Their polarization direction does not necessarily coincide with the traditional crystallographic direction. It depends on the shells of the single carriers, which participate in the recombination process.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures. Revised versio

    Труднолечимый ревматоидный артрит. Какой он?

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    The widespread introduction into clinical practice of modern approaches to the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the rational use of traditional and targeted antirheumatic drugs can effectively suppress inflammatory activity, restrain the progression of the disease and improve the quality of life of patients. At the same time, in some patients, even after the repeated change of targeted drugs, it is not possible to achieve the target level of RA activity. Serious difficulties arising in the management of such patients raised the question of identifying a special variant of the disease – difficult-to-treat (D2T) RA. The presence of various variants of D2T RA and the need to use a personalized approach to therapy justify the creation of special recommendations for the management of this category of patients. The first step in preparing these recommendations was the definition of D2T RA recently presented by the EULAR working group. It includes three criteria: 1) insufficient effectiveness of the therapy; 2) the presence of an active symptomatic disease; 3) clinical perception.Широкое внедрение в клиническую практику современных подходов к лечению ревматоидного артрита (РА), рациональное использование традиционных и таргетных противоревматических препаратов позволяют эффективно подавлять воспалительную активность, сдерживать прогрессирование болезни и улучшать качество жизни больных. Вместе с тем у части пациентов даже после повторной смены таргетных препаратов не удается добиться целевого уровня активности РА. Серьезные затруднения, возникающие при ведении таких пациентов, поставили вопрос о выделении особого варианта болезни – труднолечимого (difficult to treat, D2T) РА. Наличие разнообразных вариантов D2T РА и необходимость использования персонифицированного подхода к терапии обосновывают создание специальных рекомендаций по ведению данной категории больных. Первым шагом к подготовке данных рекомендаций стало определение понятия D2T РА, недавно представленное рабочей группой EULAR. Оно предусматривает соответствие пациента трем критериям: 1) недостаточная эффективность проводимой терапии; 2) наличие активного симптоматического заболевания; 3) клиническое восприятие


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    Measures undertaken for improvement of road traffic safety presuppose clampdown on violation of road traffic regulations but no attention is paid to the fact that there is no possibility to ensure road traffic safety due to inconformity of roads to the modern safety requirements. Therefore reduction in accident rate is connected with some changes in approaches to designing, construction and maintenance of roads. Nowadays when the number of automobiles is extremely large and their number is increasing with every passing year driver’s professionalism becomes the most significant factor. In these circumstances the professionalism is demonstrated not so much while driving in bad road conditions as it was previously but the professionalism is more revealed in the case when it is necessary to drive in conditions of large workloads and high manoeuvring rate when a special important role is given to the capability to forecast a situation, in other words the capability to read the road. Moral climate on the road is no less important as well and it practically fully depends on a driver.The paper contains an analysis of the Gomel traffic police data on quantitative distribution of road traffic accidents and their victims according to the time of day and month, lighting conditions, weather conditions, age and sex factors, types of violations. Situations of traffic behavior, motivations of drivers and road users, drivers training have been shown in terms of impact on the road traffic accident risk. The paper considers a human factor which rather often causes an accident. An evaluation has been given to such factor as road speed of transport facilities which exerts a significant influence on an accident risk and its severity. Принимаемые усилия по повышению безопасности дорожного движения направлены на ужесточение мер за нарушение правил дорожного движения, но без внимания остается факт невозможности обеспечения безопасного движения из-за несоответствия дорог современным требованиям безопасности. Поэтому снижение уровня аварийности связано с изменением подходов к проектированию, строительству и содержанию дорог. Сегодня, когда автомобилей стало очень много и с каждым годом их все больше, профессионализм водителей приобретает решающее значение. При этом он проявляется не столько при движении в плохих дорожных условиях, как это было раньше, сколько при движении в условиях больших нагрузок и повышенного маневрирования, где особую роль приобретает умение прогнозировать ситуацию, «читать дорогу». Не менее важную роль играет моральный климат на дорогах, который почти целиком зависит от водителя.Приведен анализ статистических данных ГАИ г. Гомеля по распределению числа аварий и пострадавших в дорожно-транспортных происшествиях в зависимости от времени суток и месяца, условий освещенности, погодных условий, возрастного и полового факторов, видов нарушений. Показаны ситуации дорожного поведения, мотивации водителей и участников дорожного движения и подготовки водителей с точки зрения влияния на дорожнотранспортную аварийность. Рассмотрен «человеческий» фактор, наиболее часто способствующий возникновению аварий. Дана оценка такому фактору, как скорость движения транспортных средств, который влияет на аварийность и тяжесть ее последствий

    Кардиоренальный синдром у больных ревматоидным артритом

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    In 2008, the term cardiorenal syndrome (CRS) was proposed by the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group to denote pathological reciprocal conditions involving the heart and kidneys, which develop due to acute or chronic dysfunction of one of the organs, followed by acute or chronic dysfunction of the other one. The problem of CRS in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has not been studied. Of the greatest interest is CRS type 5 or secondary CRS that occurs in patients with systemic diseases, including in those with RA. Currently, there is no doubt that the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases in RA patients and the prevalence of non-ischemic and ischemic chronic heart failure (CHF) are higher than those in the general population. There is evidence that the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and renal pathology-associated cardiovascular risk factors (RF) is high in patients with RA. In addition to traditional RFs for cardiovascular and kidney diseases, autoimmune inflammation is an independent predictor for CHF and CKD. The characteristics of CRS in RA should be investigated to develop an effective treatment strategy for this category of patients.Термин «кардиоренальный синдром» (КРС) предложен в 2008 г. инициативной группой Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) для обозначения патологических взаимообусловленных состояний с вовлечением сердца и почек, развивающихся вследствие острой или хронической дисфункции одного из органов с последующей острой или хронической дисфункцией другого. Проблема КРС у больных ревматоидным артритом (РА) не изучалась. Наибольший интерес представляет КРС 5-го типа, или «вторичный» КРС, возникающий у пациентов с системными заболеваниями, в том числе с РА. В настоящее время не вызывает сомнений то, что у больных РА риск развития кардиоваскулярных заболеваний, распространенность неишемической и ишемической хронической сердечной недостаточности (ХСН) выше, чем в общей популяции. Имеются данные о высокой распространенности хронической болезни почек (ХБП) и ассоциированных с почечной патологией кардиоваскулярных факторов риска (ФР) у пациентов с РА. Помимо традиционных ФР развития сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и заболеваний почек, аутоиммунное воспаление является независимым предиктором ХСН и ХБП. Изучение особенностей КРС при РА необходимо для выработки эффективной стратегии лечения этой категории пациентов

    Труднолечимый ревматоидный артрит (difficult-to-treat RA) в клинической практике ревматологического стационара. Первый взгляд

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    Objective: to compare the course of the disease and therapy in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients who meet and do not meet the criteria for difficult- to-treat RA (D2T).Patients and methods. The study included RA patients who met the 2010 ACR/EULAR criteria and who were hospitalized in the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology from March to October 2021. All patients underwent a conventional clinical and laboratory examination, radiography of the hands and distal feet, and the radiological stage of RA according to Steinbroker was assessed. To determine the inflammatory activity, the DAS28-ESR and DAS28-CRP indices were calculated.Results and discussion. The study included 303 patients with RA, 25 (8.4%) of them had D2T RA. The duration of RA in the D2T group was significantly longer than in other patients (15.9±11.8 and 11.9±9 years, respectively; p=0.04). X-ray changes in the joints in D2T were more pronounced. Patients with D2T had higher inflammatory activity at the time of hospitalization than patients who had continued prior therapy with biologic/targeted synthetic DMARDs. The dose of glucocorticoids (GC) in patients with D2T RA was higher compared to patients of other groups: on average 8.3±5.1 and 6.4±2.9 mg/day, respectively (p=0.02).Conclusion. The results of this study suggest that in Russia, as well as abroad, the treat-to-target principle has not yet become widespread, and the selection of adequate therapy takes too much time. At the same time, Russian rheumatologists primarily use GC to suppress inflammatory activity. The introduction of modern recommendations for the management of patients with RA into routine clinical practice, could possibly restrain the formation of D2T RA.Цель исследования – сравнительное изучение особенностей течения и терапии ревматоидного артрита (РА) у больных, соответствующих и не соответствующих критериям труднолечимого РА (difficult-to-treat RA, D2T).Пациенты и методы. В исследование включены больные РА, удовлетворявшие критериям ACR/EULAR 2010 г. и госпитализированные в ФГБНУ «Научно исследовательский институт ревматологии им. В.А. Насоновой» с марта по октябрь 2021 г. Всем пациентам проводились общепринятое клинико-лабораторное обследование, рентгенография кистей и дистальных отделов стоп, оценивалась рентгенологическая стадия РА по Штейнброкеру. Для определения воспалительной активности вычислялись индексы DAS28-СОЭ и DAS28-СРБ.Результаты и обсуждение. В исследование вошли 303 больных РА, у 25 (8,4%) из которых выявлен D2T. Длительность РА в группе D2T была значимо больше, чем у остальных пациентов: соответственно 15,9±11,8 и 11,9±9 лет (р=0,04). Рентгенологические изменения суставов при D2T были более выраженными. На момент госпитализации у пациентов с D2T отмечалась более высокая воспалительная активность, чем у больных, которым была продолжена предшествующая терапия генно-инженерными биологическими препаратами / таргетными синтетическими базисными противовоспалительными препаратами. Доза глюкокортикоидов (ГК) у пациентов с D2T была выше по сравнению с пациентами других групп: в среднем 8,3±5,1 и 6,4±2,9 мг/сут соответственно (р=0,02).Заключение. Результаты исследования позволяют предположить, что в России, как и за рубежом, принцип лечения до достижения цели пока не получил широкого распространения, а подбор адекватной терапии занимает слишком много времени. При этом для подавления воспалительной активности российские ревматологи используют в первую очередь ГК. Внедрение в рутинную клиническую практику современных рекомендаций по ведению больных РА, по-видимому, могло бы сдерживать формирование D2T

    Internal flows and energy circulation in light beams

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    We review optical phenomena associated with the internal energy redistribution which accompany propagation and transformations of monochromatic light fields in homogeneous media. The total energy flow (linear-momentum density, Poynting vector) can be divided into spin part associated with the polarization and orbital part associated with the spatial inhomogeneity. We give general description of the internal flows in the coordinate and momentum (angular spectrum) representations for both nonparaxial and paraxial fields. This enables one to determine local densities and integral values of the spin and orbital angular momenta of the field. We analyse patterns of the internal flows in standard beam models (Gaussian, Laguerre-Gaussian, flat-top beam, etc.), which provide an insightful picture of the energy transport. The emphasize is made to the singular points of the flow fields. We describe the spin-orbit and orbit-orbit interactions in the processes of beam focusing and symmetry breakdown. Finally, we consider how the energy flows manifest themselves in the mechanical action on probing particles and in the transformations of a propagating beam subjected to a transverse perturbation.Comment: 50 pages, 21 figures, 173 references. This is the final version of the manuscript (v1) modified in accord to the referee's remarks and with allowance for the recent development. The main changes are: additional discussion of the energy flows in Bessel beams (section 4.1), a lot of new references are added and the Conclusion is shortened and made more accurat

    The MHD nature of ionospheric wave packets excited by the solar terminator

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    We obtained the first experimental evidence for the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) nature of ionospheric medium-scale travelling wave packets (MSTWP). We used data on total electron content (TEC) measurements obtained at the dense Japanese network GPS/GEONET (1220 stations) in 2008-2009. We found that the diurnal, seasonal and spectral MSTWP characteristics are specified by the solar terminator (ST) dynamics. MSTWPs are the chains of narrow-band TEC oscillations with single packet's duration of about 1-2 hours and oscillation periods of 10-20 minutes. Their total duration is about 4--6 hours. The MSTWP spatial structure is characterized by a high degree of anisotropy and coherence at the distance of more than 10 wavelengths. The MSTWP direction of travelling is characterized by a high directivity regardless of seasons. Occurrence rate of daytime MSTWPs is high in winter and during equinoxes. Occurrence rate of nighttime MSTIDs has its peak in summer. These features are consistent with previous MS travelling ionosphere disturbance (TID) statistics obtained from 630-nm airglow imaging observations in Japan. In winter, MSTWPs in the northern hemisphere are observed 3-4 hours after the morning ST passage. In summer, MSTWPs are detected 1.5-2 hours before the evening ST occurrence at the point of observations, at the moment of the evening ST passage in the magneto-conjugate point. Both the high Q-factor of oscillatory system and synchronization of MSTWP occurrence with the solar terminator passage at the point of observations and in the magneto-conjugate area testify the MHD nature of ST-excited MSTWP generation. The obtained results are the first experimental evidence for the hypothesis of the ST-generated ion sound waves.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Multiphysics and Thermodynamic Formulations for Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Interactions: Non-linear Finite Elements Applied to Multi-coupled Active Materials

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    [EN] Combining several theories this paper presents a general multiphysics framework applied to the study of coupled and active materials, considering mechanical, electric, magnetic and thermal fields. The framework is based on thermodynamic equilibrium and non-equilibrium interactions, both linked by a two-temperature model. The multi-coupled governing equations are obtained from energy, momentum and entropy balances; the total energy is the sum of thermal, mechanical and electromagnetic parts. The momentum balance considers mechanical plus electromagnetic balances; for the latter the Abraham rep- resentation using the Maxwell stress tensor is formulated. This tensor is manipulated to automatically fulfill the angular momentum balance. The entropy balance is for- mulated using the classical Gibbs equation for equilibrium interactions and non-equilibrium thermodynamics. For the non-linear finite element formulations, this equation requires the transformation of thermoelectric coupling and conductivities into tensorial form. The two-way thermoe- lastic Biot term introduces damping: thermomechanical, pyromagnetic and pyroelectric converse electromagnetic dynamic interactions. Ponderomotrix and electromagnetic forces are also considered. The governing equations are converted into a variational formulation with the resulting four-field, multi-coupled formalism implemented and val- idated with two custom-made finite elements in the research code FEAP. Standard first-order isoparametric eight-node elements with seven degrees of freedom (dof) per node (three displacements, voltage and magnetic scalar potentials plus two temperatures) are used. Non-linearities and dynamics are solved with Newton-Raphson and New- mark-b algorithms, respectively. Results of thermoelectric, thermoelastic, thermomagnetic, piezoelectric, piezomag- netic, pyroelectric, pyromagnetic and galvanomagnetic interactions are presented, including non-linear depen- dency on temperature and some second-order interactions.This research was partially supported by grants CSD2008-00037 Canfranc Underground Physics, Polytechnic University of Valencia under programs PAID 02-11-1828 and 05-10-2674. The first author used the grant Generalitat Valenciana BEST/2014/232 for the completion of this work.Pérez-Aparicio, JL.; Palma, R.; Taylor, R. (2016). Multiphysics and Thermodynamic Formulations for Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Interactions: Non-linear Finite Elements Applied to Multi-coupled Active Materials. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 23:535-583. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11831-015-9149-9S53558323Abraham M (1910) Sull’elettrodinamica di Minkowski. 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