258 research outputs found

    Modulation of morphology and glycan composition of mucins in farmed guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) intestine by the multi-strain probiotic slab51®

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    Probiotics have become highly recognized as supplements for poultry.Since gut health can be considered synonymous withanimal health, the effects of probiotic Slab51® on the morphology and the glycan composition of guineafowlintestine were examined. The probiotics were added in drinking water (2 × 1011 UFC/L) throughout the grow-out cycle.Birds were individually weighed andslaughtered after four months. Samples from the duodenum, ileum and caecum were collected and processed for morphological, morphometric, conventional and lectin glycohisto-chemical studies.The results were analyzed for statistical significance by Student’s t test. Compared with control samples, probiotic group revealed (1) significant increase in villus height (p < 0.001 in duodenum and ileum; p < 0.05 in caecum), crypt depth (p < 0.001 in duodenum and caecum;p < 0.05 in ileum) and goblet cells (GCs) per villus (p < 0.001) in all investigated tracts; (2) increase in galac-toseβl,3N-acetylgalacyosamine(Galβl,3GalNAc)terminating O-glycans and αl,2-fucosylated glycans secretory GCs in the duodenum; (3) increase in α2,6-sialoglycans and high-mannose N-linked glycans secretory GCs but reduction in GCs-secreting sulfoglycans in the ileum; (4) increase in Galβl,3GalNAc and high-mannose N-linked glycans secretory GCs and decrease in GCs-producing sulfomucins in the caecum; (5) increase in the numbers of crypt cells containing sulfate and non-sulfated acidic glycans. Overall, dietary Slab51® induces morphological and region-specific changes in glycoprotein composition of guinea fowl intestine, promoting gut health

    Strategies to improve the postharvest management of flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) from aquaculture using the short-term storage and package in an innovative closed-circuit system

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    This study aimed to improve postharvest management of flat oysters reared in a longline system in the mid Adriatic Sea, using short-term storage and package in an innovative closed-circuit system. For the trial, 870 oysters were employed, divided into three experimental groups (A, B, and C), N = 270 oysters each group, whereas the remaining 60 oysters were used for the 2 controls. Each group differed in relation to the time spent in the depuration tank and the time of packaging: group A was packed and immediately transferred to the cell; group B was depurated in a tank for 48 h, then packed and transferred to the cell; group C was depurated in a tank for 48 h and then packed, depurated for another 24 h and transferred to a cell. Samples of each group were sampled at different times of permanence in cell (t0) up until 12 days (t12) for biomorphometric, sensorial, nutritional, and microbiological analysis. Although the nutritional and sensorial quality of the oysters was more pronounced in group A, B and C groups also showed good results. In these two groups, thanks to the use of the modern water recirculation system the quality and safety of oysters was improved by reducing the presence of sludge and eliminating fecal contaminants completely than A treatment and seawater control. These results were also confirmed by the tank control, where a more extended depuration period positively influenced the same parameters emphasizing the importance of the adequate depuration processes in oyster productio

    Hematological parameters in subadult female dolphins (Grampus griseus)

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    The purpose of this study is to identify CBC Reference Intervals on Risso’s dolphins. There is no database of blood parameters in cetacean species and the correct evaluation is fundamental to interpret any pathological variations. In three years, 818 blood samples were collected from 9 pre-pubertal females hosted under human care during clinical routine checks. Blood was obtained from periarterial venous rete in ventral side of the flukes and then placed in EDTA tubes. The Complete Blood Count (CBC) parameters were considered and are going to be reported as mean ± sd (MIN; MAX). Studies on CBC parameters for dolphins are rare and obsolete. This is the first study carried out on a large number of samples of Risso's dolphins, which differ in feeding habits and in some ethological aspects from the other genera of the family. This is a preliminary research for future studies related to the difference for sex and age

    Biochemical parameters in subadult female dolphins (Grampus griseus)

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    The purpose of this study is to identify Reference Intervals of biochemical parameters in dolphins as there is limited information on blood parameters in this cetacean species. Reference Intervals are specific to the test methods and should be calculated from a group of healthy animals. In 3 years, 818 blood samples were collected from 9 pre-pubertal females hosted under human care during clinical routine checks. Blood was obtained from periarterial venous rete in the ventral side of the flukes and then placed in tubes without anticoagulant for serum. The fundamental biochemical parameters were determined and reported as mean sd In literature, studies on CHEM parameters for dolphins are rare. Some analytes, such as the lipoproteins profile, and cholesterol levels could also differ significantly due to the dietary habits of different genera. Establishment of reference intervals specific to the species or group (i.e. sex, age) is essentia

    Herpesvirus bovinos 1 y 5

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    Los virus herpes bovino 1 y 5 (BHV-1 y 5) afectan naturalmente al bovino, especie en la que provocan diversas manifestaciones clínicas: rinotraqueítis, vulvovaginitis pustular infecciosa (IPV), balanopostitis (IPB), conjuntivitis, aborto y encefalitis. La distribución de la infección es mundial, con incidencias que varían de un país a otro. En los últimos años se han conformado importantes grupos de investigación y los conocimientos acerca de estos virus se han visto incrementados. El presente trabajo es una revisión que actualiza dichos conocimientos y señala aquellas líneas de investigación de relevancia en la actualidad.Bovine herpesvirus 1 and 5 (BHV-1 and 5) affect naturally to cattle, in which they cause a variety of clinical entities: rinotracheitis, infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IPV), balanoposthitis (IPB), conjunctivitis, abortion and encephalitis. The distribution of the infection is worldwide, and the incidence vary from a country to another. Recently, it has been conformed important investigation groups around the world and the knowledge about these virus has been increased. The present work is a review that modernizes this knowledge and it points out those lines of investigation of relevance at the present time.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Herpesvirus bovinos 1 y 5

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    Los virus herpes bovino 1 y 5 (BHV-1 y 5) afectan naturalmente al bovino, especie en la que provocan diversas manifestaciones clínicas: rinotraqueítis, vulvovaginitis pustular infecciosa (IPV), balanopostitis (IPB), conjuntivitis, aborto y encefalitis. La distribución de la infección es mundial, con incidencias que varían de un país a otro. En los últimos años se han conformado importantes grupos de investigación y los conocimientos acerca de estos virus se han visto incrementados. El presente trabajo es una revisión que actualiza dichos conocimientos y señala aquellas líneas de investigación de relevancia en la actualidad.Bovine herpesvirus 1 and 5 (BHV-1 and 5) affect naturally to cattle, in which they cause a variety of clinical entities: rinotracheitis, infectious pustular vulvovaginitis (IPV), balanoposthitis (IPB), conjunctivitis, abortion and encephalitis. The distribution of the infection is worldwide, and the incidence vary from a country to another. Recently, it has been conformed important investigation groups around the world and the knowledge about these virus has been increased. The present work is a review that modernizes this knowledge and it points out those lines of investigation of relevance at the present time.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Características biológicas de cepas de Herpesvirus bovino 1 y 5 utilizando el modelo experimental conejo

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    Los Herpesvirus bovinos (BoHV) pueden infectar tanto a mustélidos como a conejos y esta última especie ha sido utilizada como modelo de laboratorio para la infección por BoHV-1 y 5. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la patogenicidad de diferentes cepas argentinas de BoHV-1 y BoHV-5 utilizando el modelo experimental conejo. Se utilizaron conejos de raza neozelandesa que se inocularon por vía intranasal e intravaginal. Los animales inoculados por vía intranasal con cepas de BoHV-5 desarrollaron signos nerviosos en el 83% de los casos, mientras que BoHV-1.1 causó signos nerviosos en el 57% de los animales y BoHV-1.2 no provocó signos clínicos evidentes. El BoHV-5 causó síntomas nerviosos solo en los animales jóvenes mientras que BoHV-1 solo lo hizo ocasionalmente y también en individuos jóvenes. Los conejos inoculados por vía intravaginal no mostraron signos clínicos ni lesiones aparentes en los órganos estudiados; la infección se demostró por seroconversión serológica. El conejo resultó adecuado para estudiar la sintomatología y las lesiones producidas en los distintos órganos, fundamentalmente en el sistema nervioso central. El modelo resultó de utilidad por ser económico, de muy fácil manejo y permitió reconocer diferencias en el comportamiento biológico de las cepas de BoHV-1 y BoHV-5 estudiadas.Bovine Herpesvirus (BoHV) can infect both rabbits and mustelids. Rabbit has been used as a laboratory model for infection with BoHV-1 and 5. The objective of this research was to study the pathogenicity of different Argentinian BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 strains by using the rabbit experimental model. New Zealand rabbits were inoculated by intranasal and intravaginal ways. The animals inoculated intranasally with strains of BoHV-5 developed neurological signs in 83% of the cases. BoHV-1.1 caused neurological signs in 57% of the animals and BoHV-1.2 did not cause clear clinical signs. BoHV-5 caused nervous signs in young animals while BoHV-1 did so occasionally in young rabbits. Animales inoculated intravaginally showed no apparent clinical signs or apparent lesions in the studied organs. The infection was demonstrated by serological seroconversion. The rabbit was appropriate to study the clinical signs and the lesions produced in the different organs, primarily in the central nervous system. The model was useful for being inexpensive and very easy to use, and it enabled to identify differences in the biological behavior of the studied BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 strains

    Pain associated with COVID-19 vaccination is unrelated to skin biopsy abnormalities

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    Previous clinical observations raised the possibility that COVID-19 vaccination might trigger a small-fibre neuropathy.Objectives:In this uncontrolled observational study, we aimed to identify small fibre damage in patients complaining of generalized sensory symptoms and pain after COVID-19 vaccination.Methods:We collected clinical data, including a questionnaire for assessing autonomic symptoms (Composite Autonomic Symptom Score-31), and investigated quantitative sensory testing (QST) and skin biopsy in 15 prospectively enrolled patients with generalized sensory symptoms and pain after COVID-19 vaccination. Nine patients complaining of orthostatic intolerance also underwent cardiovascular autonomic tests.Results:We found that all patients experienced widespread pain, and most of them (11 of 15) had a fibromyalgia syndrome. All patients had normal skin biopsy findings, and in the 9 patients with orthostatic intolerance, cardiovascular autonomic tests showed normal findings. Nevertheless, 5 patients had cold and warm detection abnormalities at the QST investigation.Conclusions:In our study, most patients complaining of generalized sensory symptoms and pain after COVID-19 vaccination had clinical and diagnostic test findings compatible with a fibromyalgia syndrome. Although the abnormal QST findings we found in 5 patients might be compatible with a small-fibre neuropathy, they should be cautiously interpreted given the psychophysical characteristics of this diagnostic test. Further larger controlled studies are needed to define precisely the association between small fibre damage and COVID-19 vaccination

    Detection of equine herpesvirus 1 genome 1B in Argentina

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    To determine the genomic variation of equine herpesviruses (EHVs) isolated in Argentina between 1979 and the first half of 2004, DNA sequences from all 69 strains isolated were analysed. Sixty strains were recovered from aborted fetuses, one from leucocyte-rich plasma from a horse with respiratory signs and eight from cases of neonatal disease. The DNA was extracted from rabbit kidney epithelial (RK13) cells infected with each strain and digested with three restriction endonucleases (BamHI, Bg/II and KpnI). Two strains could be differentiated using BamHI restriction and were assigned to the EHV-1 1B prototype group. Only one of these two strains was typed EHV-1 1B with Bg/II. DNA digestion with KpnI was ineffective. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that the EHV-1 1B genome has been present in Argentina since at least 1996. The finding of two strains with this electropherotype suggests that there is genomic heterogeneity among Argentinian isolates.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Analysis of the antibiotic resistance profiles in methicillin-sensitive s. Aureus pathotypes isolated on a commercial rabbit farm in Italy

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    The breeding of meat rabbits is an important sector in the livestock industry in Italy. The focus of this study was to describe the antibiotic resistance profile distribution among the Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus isolated in a rabbit farm. From 400 animals of different ages and three farm workers, 96 randomly selected strains isolated from various anatomical sites and lesions were analysed. According to spa typing and the resistance profiles towards veterinary and human antibiotics, 26 pathotypes were identified. The highest resistance was observed against Tetracyclines (92.3%) and Macrolides (80.8%), while almost all were susceptible to Penicillins, according to the limited use of β-lactams on the farm. In total, 92.3% of pathotypes were multidrug resistant (MDRs). Two MDR pathotypes belonging to the t2802 spa type were isolated from both farmers and rabbits. Age categories harboured significantly different pathotypes (p = 0.019), while no association was found between pathotypes and lesions (p = 0.128) or sampling sites (p = 0.491). The antibiotic resistance was observed to increase with the time spent in the farm environment (age category). The selective pressure exerted by antibiotic use acted by giving advantage to more resistant strains rather than by lowering susceptibility to various drug categories within strains
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