27 research outputs found

    No impact of a short-term climatic "El Niño" fluctuation on gut microbial diversity in populations of the Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus)

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    Gut microorganisms are crucial for many biological functions playing a pivotal role in the host's well-being. We studied gut bacterial community structure of marine iguana populations across the Galápagos archipelago. Marine iguanas depend heavily on their specialized gut microbiome for the digestion of dietary algae, a resource whose growth was strongly reduced by severe "El Niño"-related climatic fluctuations in 2015/2016. As a consequence, marine iguana populations showed signs of starvation as expressed by a poor body condition. Body condition indices (BCI) varied between island populations indicating that food resources (i.e., algae) are affected differently across the archipelago during 'El Niño' events. Though this event impacted food availability for marine iguanas, we found that reductions in body condition due to "El Niño"-related starvation did not result in differences in bacterial gut community structure. Species richness of gut microorganisms was instead correlated with levels of neutral genetic diversity in the distinct host populations. Our data suggest that marine iguana populations with a higher level of gene diversity and allelic richness may harbor a more diverse gut microbiome than those populations with lower genetic diversity. Since low values of these diversity parameters usually correlate with small census and effective population sizes, we use our results to propose a novel hypothesis according to which small and genetically less diverse host populations might be characterized by less diverse microbiomes. Whether such genetically depauperate populations may experience additional threats from reduced dietary flexibility due to a limited intestinal microbiome is currently unclear and calls for further investigation

    Diversity of compounds in femoral secretions of Galápagos iguanas (genera: Amblyrhynchus and Conolophus), and their potential role in sexual communication in lek-mating marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus)

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    Background Chemical signals are widely used in the animal kingdom, enabling communication in various social contexts, including mate selection and the establishment of dominance. Femoral glands, which produce and release waxy secretions into the environment, are organs of central importance in lizard chemical communication. The Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) is a squamate reptile with a lek-mating system. Although the lekking behaviour of marine iguanas has been well-studied, their potential for sexual communication via chemical cues has not yet been investigated. Here we describe the diversity of the lipophilic fraction of males’ femoral gland secretions among 11 island populations of marine iguanas, and compare it with the composition of its sister species, the Galápagos land iguana (Conolophus subcristatus). We also conducted behavioural observations in marine iguana territorial males in order to explore the possible function of these substances in the context of male dominance in leks. Methods Femoral secretions were analysed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC–MS), and chromatography with a flame ionisation detector (GC-FID) in order to characterise the lipophilic composition. To understand the potential role of femoral secretions in marine iguana intraspecific communication, territorial males were sampled for their femoral glands and monitored to record their head bob rate—a territorial display behaviour in males—as well as the number of females present in their leks. Results We found that the gland secretions were composed of ten saturated and unsaturated carboxylic acids ranging in chain length between C16 and C24, as well as three sterols. Cholesterol was the main compound found. Intriguingly, land iguanas have a higher diversity of lipophilic compounds, with structural group of lipids (i.e. aldehydes) entirely absent in marine iguanas; overall the chemical signals of both species were strongly differentiated. Lipid profiles also differed among populations of marine iguanas from different islands, with some islands demonstrating a high diversity of lipophilic compounds (i.e. full spectra of compounds), and others lacking one or more compounds. Among the compounds most frequently found missing were 11- and 13-eicosenoic acids. Gland secretions of males with a better body condition and with a higher dominance status (i.e. those accompanied by females and with higher head bob display) were proportionately richer in C20-unsaturated fatty acids (11-eicosenoic acid). Discussion Land and marine iguanas strongly diverged in their chemical composition of the femoral glands likely due to ecological differences between both species. Despite that marine iguana populations varied in their femoral gland composition that was not related to their genetic structure. Our results indicated that 11-eicosenoic acid may play an important role in intraspecific chemical communication in marine iguanas

    Educación ambiental e intercultural para la sostenibilidad: retos y perspectivas

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    El presente trabajo se ubica como una reflexión sobre una educación ambiental e intercultural para la sostenibilidad, encaminada a aportar elementos importantes para que la educación ambiental sea entendida como una vía para la transformación de la cultura y la relación entre el ser humano y el ambiente. De allí que para el desarrollo de una conciencia ambiental es importante entender las cosmovisiones ancestrales de los pueblos indígenas, que constituyen un pensamiento complejo e intercultural. Se plantean aspectos centrados en las perspectivas de la educación ambiental e interculturalidad y en la sostenibilidad con miras a crear una conciencia ambiental. Así mismo se hace un recorrido de la  Educación Ambiental desde las políticas públicas de Ecuador, cuya Constitución de 2008, reconoció los Derechos de la Naturaleza. Se puso especial atención a la Metodología TiNi (Tierra de niñas, niños y jóvenes), donde los estudiantes aprenden del entorno natural de un modo teórico-práctico. Como resultado, se presenta  un marco conceptual integrador que puede usarse como una herramienta de búsqueda de alternativas educativas que puedan llenar la brecha entre la educación ambiental e intercultural para la sostenibilidad.PALABRAS CLAVE: educación ambiental; interculturalidad; sostenibilidad; Metodología TiNi.Environmental and intercultural education for sustainability: challenges and perspectivesABSTRACTThis paper presents a reflection on environmental and intercultural education for sustainability aimed at contributing important elements so that environmental education is perceived as a way to transform culture and the relationship between human beings and the environment. Hence, for developing society's environmental conscience, it is important to consider the ancestral worldviews of indigenous peoples as a complex and intercultural thought. Most issues raised by authors focused on the perspectives of environmental education and interculturality and sustainability with a view to creating environmental awareness. Special attention was paid to the Environmental Education from the public policies of Ecuador, whose 2008 Constitution recognized the Rights of Nature, as well as to the Children's Land Methodology (TiNi), where students learn from the natural environment in a theoretical-practical way. As a result, an integrative conceptual framework is presented that can be used as a search tool for educational alternatives that can fill the gap between environmental and intercultural education for sustainability.KEYWORDS: environmental education; interculturality; sustainability; TiNi Methodology.

    Methods of body temperature assessment in Conolophus subcristatus, Conolophus pallidus (Galápagos land iguanas), and Amblyrhynchus cristatus X C. subcristatus hybrid

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    Since cardiovascular, respiratory, and metabolic systems of reptiles are affected by temperature, accurate measurements are of great importance in both captive husbandry and research. Ectothermic animals generally have core body temperatures close to ambient temperature but can differ from the immediate environment if they are using sunlight to thermoregulate. Many zoological facilities and exotic pet caregivers have begun using infrared temperature guns to assess ambient temperatures of reptile enclosures but there are currently few studies assessing the efficacy of these devices for measuring the body temperatures of reptiles. Conolophus subcristatus, Conolophus pallidus (Galápagos land iguanas), and Amblyrhynchus cristatus X C. subcristatus hybrid are robust land iguanas endemic to the Galápagos archipelago. By comparing the infrared body temperature measurements of land iguanas against virtual simultaneous collection of cloacal temperatures obtained using a thermocouple thermometer, we sought to assess the efficacy of this non-invasive method. We found that internal body temperature can be predicted with a high level of accuracy from three external body temperature sites, providing a good non-invasive method that avoids the capture of animals

    Estudio de impacto ambiental Expost y el plan de manejo ambiental para el Batallón de Infantería 19 Carchi

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    La realización del proyecto, estudio de impacto ambiental Expost y Plan de Manejo Ambiental para el Batallón de Infantería 19 Carchi, contempló acciones previas donde se estableció información relevante en base a características Físicas y microbiológicas del agua, para lo cual se realizaron pruebas de laboratorio en la cual se obtuvo impactos negativos despreciables en el componente Abiótico o biótico de tal manera que serán mitigados en las diferentes acciones propuestas en el plan de manejo, basados en los resultados del análisis del agua los cuales fueron comparados con los límites permisibles, parámetros o rangos del Texto Unificado de legislación Secundaria del Ministerio del Ambiente, (TULSMA), norma INEN 1108:2014, dando valores considerables principalmente en el análisis del residual, en el batallón existe un lugar estratégico para realizar el monitoreo de efluentes, en tal virtud se estableció los parámetros a monitorearse: pH, gérmenes totales Coliformes totales, conductividad eléctrica entre otros . Así mismo se realizó un análisis de conformidades y no conformidades en función de la normativa vigente aplicable al proyecto, arrojando datos importantes, los mismos que encuentran inmersos en el plan de manejo ambiental para su mitigación

    Estudio de impacto ambiental Expost y plan de manejo ambiental para el Fuerte Militar Miguel Iturralde

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    La ejecución del proyecto, estudio de impacto ambiental Expost y Plan de Manejo Ambiental para el Fuerte Militar Miguel Iturralde, contempló actividades previas donde se generó información relevante en base a características microbiológicas del agua y características físico-químicas del suelo, para lo cual se realizaron pruebas de laboratorio de agua y suelo obteniendo impactos negativos despreciables en el componente Abiótico o biótico de tal manera que serán mitigados en las diferentes acciones propuestas en el plan de manejo, basados en los resultados del análisis de suelo y agua los cuales fueron comparados con los límites permisibles, parámetros o rangos del Texto Unificado de legislación Secundaria del Ministerio del Ambiente (TULSMA), dando valores muy altos principalmente en el análisis microbiológico, en el fuerte militar existen lugares estratégicos para realizar el monitoreo de efluentes, en tal virtud se estableció los parámetros a monitorearse: pH, gérmenes totales Coliformes totales, conductividad eléctrica entre otros

    Calidad de vida y consumo de alcohol en estudiantes de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Cuenca en el periodo septiembre – febrero 2020

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    El presente estudio indagó sobre la posible relación que existe entre el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y la calidad de vida de los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Cuenca. Materiales y métodos: se ejecutó un estudio correlacional de tipo transversal con una muestra de 292 estudiantes calculada con un nivel de confianza del 95 %. Se aplicó la escala AUDIT, desarrollada por la OMS, para determinar el índice de consumo de alcohol. Además, se empleó el cuestionario SF-36v2 para evaluar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud que fue creado por Ware y Sherbourne. Los datos sociodemográficos fueron recogidos por una ficha elaborada por el equipo de investigación. Como medida de asociación se utilizó la correlación de Pearson. Resultados: los datos obtenidos reflejan que más de la mitad de la población denotan conductas de riesgo asociadas al consumo al consumo de alcohol y demuestran indicios de problemas de dependencia alcohólica. En relación a la calidad de vida, los resultados arrojados indican que la población encuestada percibe su salud como buena y muy buena. La correlación existente entre las variables de investigación es positiva leve (r = 0.295) con una relación lineal entre ellas. Conclusiones: se registró un nivel moderado de consumo de bebidas alcohólicas en los estudiantes de la Facultad de Ingeniería. Se evidenció que la ingesta alcohólica influye de manera positiva en la percepción que tienen los participantes sobre su calidad de vida.The present study investigated the possible relationship between alcohol consumption and the quality of life of the students of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cuenca. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional correlation study was carried out with a sample of 292 students calculated with a 95% fidelity level. The AUDIT scale, developed by the WHO, was applied to determine the alcohol consumption index. In addition, the SF-36v2 questionnaire was used to assess health-related quality of life that was created by Ware and Sherbourne. The sociodemographic data were collected by a card elaborated by the research team. Pearson's correlation was used as a measure of association. Results: The data obtained shows that more than half of the population denote risky behaviors associated with alcohol consumption and show signs of alcohol dependency problems. In relation to their quality of life, the results show that the population surveyed perceives their health as good and very good. The existing correlation between the research variables is slightly positive (r = 0.295) with a linear relationship between them. Conclusions: A moderate level of alcoholic beverage consumption was recorded among students of the Faculty of Engineering. It was evidenced that the alcoholic intake influences positive the perception that the participants have about their quality of life.Psicólogo ClínicoCuenc

    Phylogeography and Prevalence of Hemoparasites (Apicomplexa: Eucoccidiorida) in Galápagos Marine Iguanas, Amblyrhynchus cristatus (Reptilia: Iguanidae)

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    Parasitism is among the most common forms of coexistence of organisms of different species. Hemoparasites live in the bloodstream of the host where they complete different life-cycle stages. Members of the phylum Apicomplexa constitute a large portion of all hemoparasites infecting reptiles and their parasite transmitting vectors, including arthropods. In this study, we carried out a survey and molecular identification of hemoparasites in blood samples of the iconic Galápagos marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus). Major island populations of marine iguanas were sampled to examine large-scale biogeographic patterns of parasite diversity and prevalence. Nested PCRs were used to amplify segments of the 18S rRNA-gene of hemoparasites. Furthermore, ticks attached to marine iguanas were collected and analyzed in the same way to assess their potential use as a non-invasive method for the detection of hemoparasites in vertebrate host species. PCR products were sequenced and a phylogenetic analysis was carried out showing the presence of two genetically distinct clusters of hemoparasites, one more commonly distributed than the other one, belonging to the genera Hepatozoon and/or Hemolivia (Apicomplexa: Eucoccidiorida). Overall, 25% of marine iguanas were infected by hemoparasites. However, infection rates varied strongly among particular island populations (from 3.45% to 50%). Although marine iguanas are an extremely mobile species that has colonized all islands in the Galápagos archipelago, parasite occurrence was not related to geographical distance, suggesting that dispersal behavior has a minor role in parasite transmission. On most islands, females tended to have higher infection rates than males, but this relationship was only significant on one island. Overall, ticks and marine iguanas had similar prevalence and diversity of parasites. However, the infection profiles of ticks and their corresponding hosts (marine iguanas) did not mirror one another, indicating that this method cannot be used reliably to assess marine iguana infection status. Interestingly, we found that hemoparasite prevalence in marine iguanas and ticks tended to be positively correlated across islands. Our results indicate that certain populations of marine iguanas may have special mechanisms and adaptations to cope with parasite infection. In addition, other factors such as vector density, anthropogenic-related activities or the immunological state of marine iguanas could potentially affect the striking variation in hemoparasite prevalence across island populations

    Characterization of lipid structures in femoral secretions of Galapagos marine iguanas by shotgun lipidomics

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    The lipidome of femoral gland secretions of the marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus) was studied. The main aim of this work was to identify and quantify the lipids present in femoral secretions using mass spectrometry-based shotgun lipidomics. Lipids belonging to seven lipid classes were identified: ceramides (43.41%), triacylglycerols (42.15%), cholesteryl esters (4.18%), sphingomyelins (3.61%), phosphatidylcholines (2.67%), phosphatidylinositols (2.50%) and phosphatidylethanolamines (1.48%). The second aim of the study was to explore whether lipid composition matches the different subspecies or populations of marine iguanas. The different subspecies of iguanas did not group together in relation to their lipidome. The authors' findings are discussed in an ecological context and compared with the results of a previous study that characterized volatile lipids in marine iguana secretions using gas chromatography. Given the high diversity of lipid structures in femoral secretions discovered in this study, it is likely that some of these could be involved in intraspecific communication. Certain lipids could have other functions, such as building a barrier to avoid water loss. More data needs to be added to explore this hypothesis. This study is the first to use a lipidomics-based approach to characterize lipid composition in lizard femoral secretions. The application of shotgun lipidomics to reptilian glandular secretions will shed new light on the potential function of lipids in intraspecific chemical communication