7 research outputs found

    Tissue-specific transcriptional profiles and heterogeneity of natural killer cells and group 1 innate lymphoid cells

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    International audienceNatural killer (NK) cells and type 1 innate lymphoid cells (ILC1s) are populations of non-T, non-B lymphocytes in peripheral tissues. Although NK and ILC1 subsets have been described, their identification and characteristics remain unclear. We performed single-cell RNA sequencing and CITE-seq to explore NK and ILC1 heterogeneity between tissues. We observed that although NK1 and NK2 subsets are conserved in spleen and liver, ILC1s are heterogeneous across tissues. We identified sets of genes expressed by related subsets or characterizing unique ILC1 populations in each organ. The syndecan-4 appeared as a marker discriminating murine ILC1 from NK cells across organs. Finally, we revealed that the expressions of EOMES, GZMA, IRF8, JAK1, NKG7, PLEK, PRF1, and ZEB2 define NK cells and that IL7R, LTB, and RGS1 differentiate ILC1s from NK cells in mice and humans. Our data constitute an important resource to improve our understanding of NK-ILC1 origin, phenotype, and biology

    Type 1 Innate Lymphoid Cells Limit the Antitumoral Immune Response

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    International audienceNatural killer (NK) cells are known to be able to kill established tumor cell lines, but important caveats remain regarding their roles in the detection and elimination of developing primary tumors. Using a genetic model of selective ILC1 and NK cell deficiency, we showed that these cells were dispensable for tumor immunosurveillance and immunoediting in the MCA-induced carcinogenesis model. However, we were able to generate primary cell lines derived from MCA-induced tumors with graded sensitivity to NK1.1 + cells (including NK cells and ILC1). This differential sensitivity was associated neither with a modulation of intratumoral NK cell frequency, nor the capacity of tumor cells to activate NK cells. Instead, ILC1 infiltration into the tumor was found to be a critical determinant of NK1.1 + cell-dependent tumor growth. Finally, bulk tumor RNAseq analysis identified a gene expression signature associated with tumor sensitivity to NK1.1 + cells. ILC1 therefore appear to play an active role in inhibiting the antitumoral immune response, prompting to evaluate the differential tumor infiltration of ILC1 and NK cells in patients to optimize the harnessing of immunity in cancer therapies

    Liver type 1 innate lymphoid cells develop locally via an interferon-γ–dependent loop

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    International audienceThe pathways that lead to the development of tissue-resident lymphocytes, including liver type 1 innate lymphoid cells (ILC1s), remain unclear. We show here that the adult mouse liver contains Lin − Sca-1 + Mac-1 + hematopoietic stem cells derived from the fetal liver. This population includes Lin − CD122 + CD49a + progenitors that can generate liver ILC1s but not conventional natural killer cells. Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) production by the liver ILC1s themselves promotes the development of these cells in situ, through effects on their IFN-γR + liver progenitors. Thus, an IFN-γ–dependent loop drives liver ILC1 development in situ, highlighting the contribution of extramedullary hematopoiesis to regional immune composition within the liver

    Somatotroph Tumors and the Epigenetic Status of the GNAS Locus

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    International audienceBackground: Forty percent of somatotroph tumors harbor recurrent activating GNAS mutations, historically called the gsp oncogene. In gsp-negative somatotroph tumors, GNAS expression itself is highly variable; those with GNAS overexpression most resemble phenotypically those carrying the gsp oncogene. GNAS is monoallelically expressed in the normal pituitary due to methylation-based imprinting. We hypothesize that changes in GNAS imprinting of gsp-negative tumors affect GNAS expression levels and tumorigenesis. Methods: We characterized the GNAS locus in two independent somatotroph tumor cohorts: one of 23 tumors previously published (PMID: 31883967) and classified by pan-genomic analysis, and a second with 82 tumors. Results: Multi-omics analysis of the first cohort identified a significant difference between gsp-negative and gsp-positive tumors in the methylation index at the known differentially methylated region (DMR) of the GNAS A/B transcript promoter, which was confirmed in the larger series of 82 tumors. GNAS allelic expression was analyzed using a polymorphic Fok1 cleavage site in 32 heterozygous gsp-negative tumors. GNAS expression was significantly reduced in the 14 tumors with relaxed GNAS imprinting and biallelic expression, compared to 18 tumors with monoallelic expression. Tumors with relaxed GNAS imprinting showed significantly lower SSTR2 and AIP expression levels. Conclusion: Altered A/B DMR methylation was found exclusively in gsp-negative somatotroph tumors. 43% of gsp-negative tumors showed GNAS imprinting relaxation, which correlated with lower GNAS, SSTR2 and AIP expression, indicating lower sensitivity to somatostatin analogues and potentially aggressive behavior

    High-Dimensional Single-Cell Analysis Identifies Organ-Specific Signatures and Conserved NK Cell Subsets in Humans and Mice.

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    Natural killer (NK) cells are innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) involved in antimicrobial and antitumoral responses. Several NK cell subsets have been reported in humans and mice, but their heterogeneity across organs and species remains poorly characterized. We assessed the diversity of human and mouse NK cells by single-cell RNA sequencing on thousands of individual cells isolated from spleen and blood. Unbiased transcriptional clustering revealed two distinct signatures differentiating between splenic and blood NK cells. This analysis at single-cell resolution identified three subpopulations in mouse spleen and four in human spleen, and two subsets each in mouse and human blood. A comparison of transcriptomic profiles within and between species highlighted the similarity of the two major subsets, NK1 and NK2, across organs and species. This unbiased approach provides insight into the biology of NK cells and establishes a rationale for the translation of mouse studies to human physiology and disease

    A point mutation in the Ncr1 signal peptide impairs the development of innate lymphoid cell subsets.

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    International audienceNKp46 (CD335) is a surface receptor shared by both human and mouse natural killer (NK) cells and innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) that transduces activating signals necessary to eliminate virus-infected cells and tumors. Here, we describe a spontaneous point mutation of cysteine to arginine (C14R) in the signal peptide of the NKp46 protein in congenic Ly5.1 mice and the newly generated NCR(B6C14R) strain. Ly5.1(C14R) NK cells expressed similar levels of Ncr1 mRNA as C57BL/6, but showed impaired surface NKp46 and reduced ability to control melanoma tumors in vivo. Expression of the mutant NKp46(C14R) in 293T cells showed that NKp46 protein trafficking to the cell surface was compromised. Although Ly5.1(C14R) mice had normal number of NK cells, they showed an increased number of early maturation stage NK cells. CD49a(+)ILC1s were also increased but these cells lacked the expression of TRAIL. ILC3s that expressed NKp46 were not detectable and were not apparent when examined by T-bet expression. Thus, the C14R mutation reveals that NKp46 is important for NK cell and ILC differentiation, maturation and function. Significance Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) play important roles in immune protection. Various subsets of ILCs express the activating receptor NKp46 which is capable of recognizing pathogen derived and tumor ligands and is necessary for immune protection. Here, we describe a spontaneous point mutation in the signal peptide of the NKp46 protein in congenic Ly5.1 mice which are widely used for tracking cells in vivo. This Ncr1 C14R mutation impairs NKp46 surface expression resulting in destabilization of Ncr1 and accumulation of NKp46 in the endoplasmic reticulum. Loss of stable NKp46 expression impaired the maturation of NKp46(+) ILCs and altered the expression of TRAIL and T-bet in ILC1 and ILC3, respectively

    Antitumor immunity induced by antibody-based natural killer cell engager therapeutics armed with not-alpha IL-2 variant

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    International audienceHarnessing innate immunity is emerging as a promising therapeutic approach in cancer. We report here the design of tetraspecific molecules engaging natural killer (NK) cell-activating receptors NKp46 and CD16a, the β-chain of the interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R), and a tumor-associated antigen (TAA). In vitro, these tetraspecific antibody-based natural killer cell engager therapeutics (ANKETs) induce a preferential activation and proliferation of NK cells, and the binding to the targeted TAA triggers NK cell cytotoxicity and cytokine and chemokine production. In vivo, tetraspecific ANKETs induce NK cell proliferation and their accumulation at the tumor bed, as well as the control of local and disseminated tumors. Treatment of non-human primates with CD20-directed tetraspecific ANKET leads to CD20+ circulating B cell depletion, with minimal systemic cytokine release and no sign of toxicity. Tetraspecific ANKETs, thus, constitute a technological platform for harnessing NK cells as next-generation cancer immunotherapies