508 research outputs found

    Warped metrics for location-scale models

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    This paper argues that a class of Riemannian metrics, called warped metrics, plays a fundamental role in statistical problems involving location-scale models. The paper reports three new results : i) the Rao-Fisher metric of any location-scale model is a warped metric, provided that this model satisfies a natural invariance condition, ii) the analytic expression of the sectional curvature of this metric, iii) the exact analytic solution of the geodesic equation of this metric. The paper applies these new results to several examples of interest, where it shows that warped metrics turn location-scale models into complete Riemannian manifolds of negative sectional curvature. This is a very suitable situation for developing algorithms which solve problems of classification and on-line estimation. Thus, by revealing the connection between warped metrics and location-scale models, the present paper paves the way to the introduction of new efficient statistical algorithms.Comment: preprint of a submission to GSI 2017 conferenc

    The Fisher-Rao metric for projective transformations of the line

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    A conditional probability density function is defined for measurements arising from a projective transformation of the line. The conditional density is a member of a parameterised family of densities in which the parameter takes values in the three dimensional manifold of projective transformations of the line. The Fisher information of the family defines on the manifold a Riemannian metric known as the Fisher-Rao metric. The Fisher-Rao metric has an approximation which is accurate if the variance of the measurement errors is small. It is shown that the manifold of parameter values has a finite volume under the approximating metric. These results are the basis of a simple algorithm for detecting those projective transformations of the line which are compatible with a given set of measurements. The algorithm searches a finite list of representative parameter values for those values compatible with the measurements. Experiments with the algorithm suggest that it can detect a projective transformation of the line even when the correspondences between the components of the measurements in the domain and the range of the projective transformation are unknown

    Transformations of locally conformally K\"ahler manifolds

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    We consider several transformation groups of a locally conformally K\"ahler manifold and discuss their inter-relations. Among other results, we prove that all conformal vector fields on a compact Vaisman manifold which is neither locally conformally hyperk\"ahler nor a diagonal Hopf manifold are Killing, holomorphic and that all affine vector fields with respect to the minimal Weyl connection of a locally conformally K\"ahler manifold which is neither Weyl-reducible nor locally conformally hyperk\"ahler are holomorphic and conformalComment: 8 page

    Gallot-Tanno theorem for pseudo-Riemannian metrics and a proof that decomposable cones over closed complete pseudo-Riemannian manifolds do not exist

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    We generalize for pseudo-Riemannian metrics a classical result of Gallot and Tanno and use it to reprove a recent result of Alekseevsky, Cortes, Galaev and Leistner that decomposable cones over complete closed pseudo-Riemannian manifolds do not exist.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    On the decomposition of finite-valued streaming string transducers

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    We prove the following decomposition theorem: every 1-register streaming string transducer that associates a uniformly bounded number of outputs with each input can be effectively decomposed as a finite union of functional 1-register streaming string transducers. This theorem relies on a combinatorial result by Kortelainen concerning word equations with iterated factors. Our result implies the decidability of the equivalence problem for the considered class of transducers. This can be seen as a first step towards proving a more general decomposition theorem for streaming string transducers with multiple registers

    On the first eigenvalue of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator on forms

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    We study a Dirichlet-to-Neumann eigenvalue problem for differential forms on a compact Riemannian manifold with smooth boundary. This problem is a natural generalization of the classical Steklov problem on functions. We derive a number of upper and lower bounds for the first eigenvalue in several contexts: many of these estimates will be sharp, and for some of them we characterize equality. We also relate these new eigenvalues with those of other operators, like the Hodge Laplacian or the biharmonic Steklov operator.Comment: 26 page

    A Reilly formula and eigenvalue estimates for differential forms

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    We derive a Reilly-type formula for differential p-forms on a compact manifold with boundary and apply it to give a sharp lower bound of the spectrum of the Hodge Laplacian acting on differential forms of an embedded hypersurface of a Riemannian manifold. The equality case of our inequality gives rise to a number of rigidity results, when the geometry of the boundary has special properties and the domain is non-negatively curved. Finally we also obtain, as a by-product of our calculations, an upper bound of the first eigenvalue of the Hodge Laplacian when the ambient manifold supports non-trivial parallel forms.Comment: 22 page
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