2,673 research outputs found

    Analyse des flux de matières organiques dans la localité de "Dos d'Ane"

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    A la Réunion, durant ces dix dernières années, le développement des filières hors-sol (volailles, porcins) et la concentration des élevages dans les Hauts de l'île ont contribué à la production de quantités de matières organiques très importantes. Ces effluents ne peuvent être épandus en totalité, faute de stockage adéquats, de matériels d'épandage adaptés et de surfaces disponibles suffisantes sur les exploitations. De plus, on peut prévoir une augmentation de ces élevages dans les années à venir. Les matières organiques s'écoulent donc assez souvent naturellement dans les émissaires (rivières, ravines) et contribuent en aval, à la pollution des nappes et des sources. Ce phénomène est accentué par le climat et le relief de l'île. Parallèlement, certaines régions à la Réunion, en particulier les régions maraîchères, connaissent des chutes de fertilité inquiétantes, en relation avec l'érosion des sols et l'apprauvissement en matière organiqu

    Leaf-Encapsulated Vaccines: Agroinfiltration and Transient Expression of the Antigen Staphylococcal Endotoxin B in Radish Leaves.

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    Transgene introgression is a major concern associated with transgenic plant-based vaccines. Agroinfiltration can be used to selectively transform nonreproductive organs and avoid introgression. Here, we introduce a new vaccine modality in which Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) genes are agroinfiltrated into radishes (Raphanw sativus L.), resulting in transient expression and accumulation of SEB in planta. This approach can simultaneously express multiple antigens in a single leaf. Furthermore, the potential of high-throughput vaccine production was demonstrated by simultaneously agroinfiltrating multiple radish leaves using a multichannel pipette. The expression of SEB was detectable in two leaf cell types (epidermal and guard cells) in agroinfiltrated leaves. ICR mice intranasally immunized with homogenized leaves agroinfiltrated with SEB elicited detectable antibody to SEB and displayed protection against SEB-induced interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production. The concept of encapsulating antigens in leaves rather than purifying them for immunization may facilitate rapid vaccine production during an epidemic disease

    Inactivation of pecS restores the virulence of mutants devoid of osmoregulated periplasmic glucans in the phytopathogenic bacterium Dickeya dadantii

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    International audienceDickeya dadantii is a phytopathogenic enterobacterium that causes soft rot disease in a wide range of plant species. Maceration, an apparent symptom of the disease, is the result of the synthesis and secretion of a set of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes (PCWDEs), but many additional factors are required for full virulence. Among these, osmoregulated periplasmic glucans (OPGs) and the PecS transcriptional regulator are essential virulence factors. Several cellular functions are controlled by both OPGs and PecS. Strains devoid of OPGs display a pleiotropic phenotype including total loss of virulence, loss of motility and severe reduction in the synthesis of PCWDEs. PecS is one of the major regulators of virulence in D. dadantii, acting mainly as a repressor of various cellular functions including virulence, motility and synthesis of PCWDEs. The present study shows that inactivation of the pecS gene restored virulence in a D. dadantii strain devoid of OPGs, indicating that PecS cannot be de-repressed in strains devoid of OPGs

    Production of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural from Glucose Using a Combination of Lewis and Brønsted Acid Catalysts in Water in a Biphasic Reactor with an Alkylphenol Solvent

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    We report the catalytic conversion of glucose in high yields (62%) to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), a versatile platform chemical. The reaction system consists of a Lewis acid metal chloride (e.g., AlCl 3) and a Bronsted acid (HCl) in a biphasic reactor consisting of water and an alkylphenol compound (2-sec-butylphenol) as the organic phase. The conversion of glucose in the presence of Lewis and Bronsted acidity proceeds through a tandem pathway involving isomerization of glucose to fructose, followed by dehydration of fructose to HMF. The organic phase extracts 97% of the HMF produced, while both acid catalysts remain in the aqueous phase

    Gestures convey different physiological responses when performed toward and away from the body

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    We assessed the sympathetic and parasympathetic activation associated to the observation of Pantomime (i.e. the mime of the use of a tool) and Intransitive gestures (i.e. expressive) performed toward (e.g. a comb and "thinking") and away from the body (e.g. key and "come here") in a group of healthy participants while both pupil dilation (N = 31) and heart rate variability (N = 33; HF-HRV) were recorded. Large pupil dilation was observed in both Pantomime and Intransitive gestures toward the body; whereas an increase of the vagal suppression was observed in Intransitive gestures away from the body but not in those toward the body. Our results suggest that the space where people act when performing a gesture has an impact on the physiological responses of the observer in relation to the type of social communicative information that the gesture direction conveys, from a more intimate (toward the body) to a more interactive one (away from the body).We would like to thank Johanna Viana, Raphael Kroll and Alberto Villar for their precious help in the task construction and in the recruitment of participants. We also thank all the participants that entered the study. This work was funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR-11-EQPX-0023) and supported by European funds through the program FEDER SCV-IrDIVE. This study was partially conducted at the Psychology Research Centre (PSI/01662), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (UID/PSI/01662/2019), through the national funds (PIDDAC)

    RNA misprocessing in C9orf72-linked neurodegeneration

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    A large GGGGCC hexanucleotide repeat expansion in the first intron or promoter region of the C9orf72 gene is the most common genetic cause of familial and sporadic Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a devastating degenerative disease of motor neurons, and of Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD), the second most common form of presenile dementia after Alzheimer’s disease. C9orf72-associated ALS/FTD is a multifaceted disease both in terms of its clinical presentation and the misregulated cellular pathways contributing to disease progression. Among the numerous pathways misregulated in C9orf72-associated ALS/FTD, altered RNA processing has consistently appeared at the forefront of C9orf72 research. This includes bidirectional transcription of the repeat sequence, accumulation of repeat RNA into nuclear foci sequestering specific RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and translation of RNA repeats into dipeptide repeat proteins (DPRs) by repeat-associated non-AUG (RAN)-initiated translation. Over the past few years the true extent of RNA misprocessing in C9orf72-associated ALS/FTD has begun to emerge and disruptions have been identified in almost all aspects of the life of an RNA molecule, including release from RNA polymerase II, translation in the cytoplasm and degradation. Furthermore, several alterations have been identified in the processing of the C9orf72 RNA itself, in terms of its transcription, splicing and localization. This review article aims to consolidate our current knowledge on the consequence of the C9orf72 repeat expansion on RNA processing and draws attention to the mechanisms by which several aspects of C9orf72 molecular pathology converge to perturb every stage of RNA metabolism

    The curious case of NG2 cells: transient trend or game changer?

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    It has been 10 years since the seminal work of Dwight Bergles and collaborators demonstrated that NG2 (nerve/glial antigen 2)-expressing oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (NG2 cells) receive functional glutamatergic synapses from neurons (Bergles et al., 2000), contradicting the old dogma that only neurons possess the complex and specialized molecular machinery necessary to receive synapses. While this surprising discovery may have been initially shunned as a novelty item of undefined functional significance, the study of neuron-to-NG2 cell neurotransmission has since become a very active and exciting field of research. Many laboratories have now confirmed and extended the initial discovery, showing for example that NG2 cells can also receive inhibitory GABAergic synapses (Lin and Bergles, 2004) or that neuron-to-NG2 cell synaptic transmission is a rather ubiquitous phenomenon that has been observed in all brain areas explored so far, including white matter tracts (Kukley et al., 2007; Ziskin et al., 2007; Etxeberria et al., 2010). Thus, while still being in its infancy, this field of research has already brought many surprising and interesting discoveries, and has become part of a continuously growing effort in neuroscience to re-evaluate the long underestimated role of glial cells in brain function (Barres, 2008). However, this area of research is now reaching an important milestone and its long-term significance will be defined by its ability to uncover the still elusive function of NG2 cells and their synapses in the brain, rather than by its sensational but transient successes at upsetting the old order established by neuronal physiology. To participate in the effort to facilitate such a transition, here we propose a critical review of the latest findings in the field of NG2 cell physiology – discussing how they inform us on the possible function(s) of NG2 cells in the brain – and we present some personal views on new directions the field could benefit from in order to achieve lasting significance

    Tau mRNA is present in axonal RNA granules and is associated with elongation factor 1A

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    The microtubule-associated protein tau is predominantly localized in the axonal compartment over the entire length of the axon in neurons. The mechanisms responsible for the localization of tau in axons at long distance from the cell body are not properly understood. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, we show that tau mRNA is present in the central and distal parts of the axons of cultured rat cortical neurons. Axonal tau mRNA is associated with granules which are distributed throughout the entire length of the axon, including the growth cone. We also show that tau mRNA-containing axonal particles are associated with elongation factor 1A, a component of the protein translation machinery. The presence of tau mRNA in axons might be at least part of the process by which tau is localized to distal axons

    Concentration of osmoregulated periplasmic glucans (OPGs) modulates the activation level of the RcsCD RcsB phosphorelay in the phytopathogen bacteria Dickeya dadantii

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    International audienceOsmoregulated periplasmic glucans (OPGs) are general constituents of many Proteobacteria. Synthesis of these oligosaccharides is repressed by increased osmolarity of the medium. OPGs are important factors required for full virulence in many zoo-or phytopathogens including Dickeya dadantii. The phytopathogen enterobacterium D. dadantii causes soft-rot disease on a wide range of plant species. The total loss of virulence of opg-negative strains of D. dadantii is linked to the constitutive activation of the RcsCD RcsB phosphorelay highlighting relationship between this phosphorelay and OPGs. Here we show that OPGs control the RcsCD RcsB activation in a concentration-dependent manner, are required for proper activation of this phosphorelay by medium osmolarity, and a high concentration of OPGs in planta is maintained to achieve the low level of activation of the RcsCD RcsB phosphorelay required for full virulence in D. dadantii

    Social media y atención al cliente en la empresa FCAE Tecnologies E.I.R.L., Lima, 2022

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    El actual estudio de investigación se fomentó en la organización FCAE Tecnologies E.I.R.L., la cual se encuentra en el rubro de tecnología mediante la comercialización de hardware. Se identificó poca usabilidad de social media y en experiencia en atención al cliente obteniendo una realidad problemática. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la relación entre social media y atención al cliente en la empresa FCAE Tecnologies E.I.R.L., Lima, 2022. Como hipótesis se planteó, existe relación entre social media y atención al cliente en la empresa FCAE Tecnologies E.I.R.L., la investigación tuvo tipo aplicada, diseño no experimental; la muestra fue constituida por 366 usuarios de la empresa, el tipo de muestra fue probabilístico, los instrumentos estuvieron validados por expertos, los resultados de correlación entre las variables fueron de 0,621, es así que se recomienda aplicar la social media para crear una comunidad digital y aumentar el posicionamiento de marca. Por lo que se concluye que, en la social media es posible dar una buena atención al cliente, sin la necesidad de darlo de forma física, creando mejores experiencias al consumidor, durante esta época de modernización
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