1,052 research outputs found

    Progressive contour coding in the wavelet domain

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    This paper presents a new wavelet-based image contour coding technique, suitable for representing either shapes or generic contour maps. Starting from a contour map (e.g. a segmentation map or the result of a contour extraction operator), this is first converted in a one-dimensional signal. Coordinate jumps among different contour extremities are converted, if under a suitable threshold, into signal discontinuities which can be compactly represented in the wavelet domain. Otherwise, the exceeding discontinuities are coded as side information. This side information is minimized by an optimized contour segment sequencing. The obtained 1D signal is decomposed and coded in the wavelet domain by using a 1D version of an improved implementation of the SPIHT algorithm. This technique can efficiently code every kind of 2D contour map, from one to many unconnected contour segments. It guarantees a fully embedded progressive coding, state-of-art coding performance, good approximation capabilities for both open and closed contours, and visually graceful degradation at low bit-rates

    The KULTURisk Regional Risk Assessment methodology for water-related natural hazards – Part 1: Physical–environmental assessment

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    Abstract. In recent years, the frequency of catastrophes induced by natural hazards has increased, and flood events in particular have been recognized as one of the most threatening water-related disasters. Severe floods have occurred in Europe over the last decade, causing loss of life, displacement of people and heavy economic losses. Flood disasters are growing in frequency as a consequence of many factors, both climatic and non-climatic. Indeed, the current increase of water-related disasters can be mainly attributed to the increase of exposure (elements potentially at risk in flood-prone area) and vulnerability (i.e. economic, social, geographic, cultural and physical/environmental characteristics of the exposure). Besides these factors, the undeniable effect of climate change is projected to strongly modify the usual pattern of the hydrological cycle by intensifying the frequency and severity of flood events at the local, regional and global scale. Within this context, the need for developing effective and pro-active strategies, tools and actions which allow one to assess and (possibly) to reduce the flood risks that threatens different relevant receptors becomes urgent. Several methodologies to assess the risk posed by water-related natural hazards have been proposed so far, but very few of them can be adopted to implement the last European Flood Directive (FD). This paper is intended to introduce and present a state-of-the-art Regional Risk Assessment (RRA) methodology to appraise the risk posed by floods from a physical–environmental perspective. The methodology, developed within the recently completed FP7-KULTURisk Project (Knowledge-based approach to develop a cULTUre of Risk prevention – KR) is flexible and can be adapted to different case studies (i.e. plain rivers, mountain torrents, urban and coastal areas) and spatial scales (i.e. from catchment to the urban scale). The FD compliant KR-RRA methodology is based on the concept of risk being function of hazard, exposure and vulnerability. It integrates the outputs of various hydrodynamic models with site-specific bio-geophysical and socio-economic indicators (e.g. slope, land cover, population density, economic activities etc.) to develop tailored risk indexes and GIS-based maps for each of the selected receptors (i.e. people, buildings, infrastructure, agriculture, natural and semi-natural systems, cultural heritage) in the considered region. It further compares the baseline scenario with alternative scenarios, where different structural and/or non-structural mitigation measures are planned and eventually implemented. As demonstrated in the companion paper (Part 2, Ronco et al., 2014), risk maps, along with related statistics, allow one to identify and classify, on a relative scale, areas at risk which are more likely to be affected by floods and support the development of strategic adaptation and prevention measures to minimizing flood impacts. In addition, the outcomes of the RRA can be eventually used for a further socio-economic assessment, considering the tangible and intangible costs as well as the human dimension of vulnerability

    Application of a low-cost camera on a UAV to estimate maize nitrogen-related variables

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    The development of small unmanned aerial vehicles and advances in sensor technology have made consumer digital cameras suitable for the remote sensing of vegetation. In this context, monitoring the in-field variability of maize (Zea mays L.), characterized by high nitrogen fertilization rates, with a low-cost color-infrared airborne system could be the basis for a site-specific nitrogen (N) fertilization support system. An experimental field with different N treatments applied to silage maize was monitored during the years 2014 and 2015. Images of the field and reference destructive measurements of above ground biomass, its N concentration and N uptake were taken at V6 and V9 development stages. Classical normalized difference vegetation indices (NDVI) and the indices adjusted by crop ground cover were calculated and regressed against the measured variables. Finally, image colorgrams were used to explore the potential of band-related information in variable estimation. A colorgram is a linear signal that summarizes the color content of each digital image. It is composed of a sequence of the frequency distribution curves of the camera bands, of their related parameters and of results of the principal components analysis applied to each image. The best predictors were found to be the ground cover and the adjusted green-based NDVI: regression equation at V9 resulted in R2 of 0.7 and RRMSE < 25% in external validation. Colorgrams did not improve prediction performance due to the spectral limitations of the camera. Therefore, the feasibility of the method should be tested in future research. In spite of limitations of sensor setup, the modified camera was able to estimate maize biomass due to the very high spatial resolution. Since the above ground biomass is a robust proxy of N status, the modified camera could be a promising tool for a low-cost N fertilization support system

    Oxidative stress neuroinflammation and cellular stress response in sensorineural hearing loss: novel nutritional therapeutical approaches

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    This study is intended to validate the hypothesis that changes in the redox state of glutathione, the major endogenous antioxidant, associated with the abnormal expression and activity of cytoprotective vitagenes, which in normal conditions are expressed only at low level may represent a critical factor, involved in the physiopathological changes associated to degenerative damage occurring in cochlear diseases. Moreover modulation of stress responsive vitagenes by nutritional antioxidants can be an effective therapeutic strategy to minimize consequences of oxidative stress associated to the pathogenesis and course of sensorineural hearing loss. One therapeutic approach can be antioxidant substances, as cisteina and superoxide dismutase supplementation to burst vitagenes and confer neuroprotection. The damage caused in the inner ear by oxidative stress can induce apoptosis and necrosis of both the hair cells as neurons of the spiral ganglion. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals are formed not only as by-products of various metabolic pathways but also for exposure to ototoxic substances such as aminoglycosides and cisplatin, for hypoxia/ischemia and to exposure to noise. Although the mechanism of production of ROS within the cochlea has not yet been precisely identified, it is conceivable that mitochondrial dysfunction and consequent burst in oxidative stress are major causative factors. Consistent with this notion, it is known that the base of the cochlea is more vulnerable to oxidative damage resulted from exposure to ototoxic substances than the apical portions. The difference in survival between the basal outer hair cells and the apical ones appear to be due to a significantly lower level of glutathione in the basal outer hair cells than the apical, a phenomenon that makes it easier basal cells vulnerable to damage from free radicals. © Mattioli 188

    Unraveling the effect of proliferative stress in vivo in hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy mouse study

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    The hematopoietic system of patients enrolled in hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) gene therapy (GT) treatments is fully reconstituted upon autologous transplantation of engineered stem cells. HSCs highly proliferate up to full restoration of homeostasis and compete for niche homing and engraftment. The impact of the proliferation stress in HSC on genetic instability remains an open question that cured patients advocate for characterizing long-term safety and efficacy. The accumulation of somatic mutations has been widely used as a sensor of proliferative stress. Vector integration site (IS) can be used as a molecular tool for clonal identity, inherited by all HSC progeny, to uncover lineage dynamics in vivo at single-cell level. Here we characterized at single-clone granularity the proliferative stress of HSCs and their progeny over time by measuring the accumulation of mutations from the DNA of each IS. To test the feasibility of the approach, we set-up an experimental framework that combines tumor-prone Cdkn2a-/- and wild type (WT) mouse models of HSC-GT and molecular analyses on different hematopoietic cell lineages after transplantation of HSCs transduced with genotoxic LV (LV.SF.LTR) or GT-like non-genotoxic LV (SIN.LV.PGK). The Cdkn2a-/- mouse model provided the experimental conditions to detect the accumulation of somatic mutations, since the absence of p16INK4A and p19ARF enhances the proliferative potential of cells that have acquired oncogenic mutations. As expected, mice transplanted with Cdkn2a-/- Lin- cells marked with LV.SF.LTR (N=24) developed tumors significantly earlier compared to mock (N=20, p<0.0001), while mice treated with SIN. LV.PGK (N=23) did not. On the other side, mice that received WT Lin- cells treated with LV.SF.LTR (N=25) or SIN.LV.PGK (N=24) vector have not developed tumors. Given this scenario, we expect that Cdkn2a-/- Lin- cells transduced with LV.SF.LTR are associated with higher mutation rates compared to the SIN.LV.PGK group and wild type control mice. The composition of peripheral blood, lymphoid (B and T) and myeloid compartments was assessed by FACS on samples collected every 4 weeks and IS identification. More than 200,000 IS have been recovered. To identify the presence of somatic mutations, the genomic portions of sequencing reads flanking each different IS were analyzed with VarScan2. The accumulation rates of mutations have been evaluated by our new Mutation Index (MI) which normalizes the number of mutations by clones and coverage. Considering that a large portion of IS has been discarded since not covered by a minimum number of 5 unique reads (genomes), the remaining number of IS contained >90% of reads in each group. The MI increased over time in both LV.SF.LTR groups, with higher values for the Cdkn2a-/-. On the other hand, treatment with SIN.LV.PGK resulted in lower MI in both groups compared to LV.SF.LTR groups, reflecting the higher clonal composition of the cells treated with the SIN.LV.PGK and the phenomenon of insertional mutagenesis in the LV.SF.LTR. Moreover, the higher MI values of the SIN.LV.PGK Cdkn2a-/- group compared with the WT group proved the induction of DNA fragility. Our results showed that the analysis of the accumulation of somatic mutations at single clone unraveled HSC proliferation stress in vivo, combining for the first time the analysis of acquired mutations with IS. We are now applying our model to different clinical trials, and studying HSCs sub- clonal trees by symmetric divisions, previously indistinguishable by IS only. Our study will open the doors to in vivo long-term non-invasive studies of HSC stability in patients
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