347 research outputs found

    Adaptation dynamics in individual and strategic behavior: an experimental analysis

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    1Dottorato di Ricerca in Economics (XXVII ciclo), LUISS Guido Carli, Roma, 2016. Relatori: Prof. Daniela Di Cagno e Prof. Giovanni Ponti.openWhen we look at the first rounds of an experiment, the large differences and variance among individual performances might be driven by a lack of experience and results tend to overestimate this heterogeneity. An experiment based on many rounds helps participants to adapt and improve decisions, both in strategic and non-strategic games; additionally, some individuals may be unaccustomed to a specific game and need some time to understand properly the task and their best (individual) strategy to apply. This dissertation focuses, in four chapters, on adaptation dynamics and experience in strategic games and individual decision games. In particular, the role of experience through time that helps agents to improve their performances in accordance with their preferences. Game repetition allows agents to fill the gap of experience in specific tasks, improving their performances and individual self-confidence. In this sense this dissertation aims to explore different experimental settings in which individuals, playing repeatedly the same task through the whole experiment, are able to become more sophisticated compared to early performances. Two chapters focus on strategic behavior in a bargaining problem, in particular we compare how participants change their behavior through time. A third chapter focuses on the individual adaptation dynamics in a Hybrid Public Good game, in particular the motivation of participants when contributing to a public good in the role of "leader" or "follower". In this work we distinguish between conditional cooperators and exploiters, which adapt differently to the game. The last chapter, looks at individual decisions and experience effect in gambling games. We focus on a well-known cognitive bias, the almost- winning bias; agents misrepresenting the game are unable to distinguish between situations in which near misses signal ability and those in which no ability is involved.openDottorato di Ricerca in EconomicsGALLIERA, ARIANNAGalliera, Ariann

    What It Means to Be Super: Diversity and the Prevailing Discourses in Superhero Comic Books

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    This study examined how themes of diversity influence the superhero genre of comic books and sought to identify the broader societal discourses that shape the representation of diversity in these narratives. The study’s review of related literature encompassed works exploring comic books as a genre, their history, and their relationship with discourse and popular culture, and revealed 5 significant themes related to diversity: race, gender, sexuality, age, and ability. The study employed a qualitative methodology and was designed as a thematic discourse analysis. Nine superhero comics under the Marvel and DC umbrella were accessed online and then narrowed down as the study’s data set. Each comic was coded by taking note of the main plot points and larger findings and the information was grouped into larger themes that became the basis of the data. Results of this study showed that although some elements of diversity existed in the data set, it did not play a significant role in shaping the narratives’ respective stories. Results also indicated that the primary feature in the data set comprised a Caucasian, male, straight, European, or American discourse; however, there is evidence that diversity is beginning to become more of a priority in the creation of these superhero comics. Lastly, the study considered educational implications of bringing superhero comics into the classroom including improved reading engagement, diversified text selection within classrooms, and getting students to think about diversity through a new lens by challenging what a superhero should look like or is supposed to be

    Partial versus general compulsory solidarity: an experimental analysis

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    We focus on ways and means of solidarity and their more or less voluntary and involuntary character. Alternative ways of redistribution are modeled by combining redistribution as emergent from a non-discriminatory voluntary contribution mechanism, VCM, with an outside option for a “super-rich”, R, participant to donate to VCM participants. The outsider may discriminate between participants of the VCM on the basis of information accessible at a cost to her. Inclusion in and exclusion from the VCM are involuntary while contributions in it are voluntary. How involuntary inclusion of R in VCM affects her discriminatory voluntary donations and contribution behavior is explored experimentally

    L'estetica musicale di G.W. Leibniz

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    La prima e pi\uf9 evidente difficolt\ue0 che si pone dinnanzi a chiunque intenda condurre una ricerca sul tema "Leibniz e la musica" \ue8 data dal fatto che il filosofo tedesco non ha mai scritto un'opera specificamente dedicata all'argomento. Nonostante ci\uf2 non si pu\uf2 negare che, per quanto celato, il tema della musica si presenti nel Corpus con una certa continuit\ue0, attraversandolo come una sorta di entit\ue0 invisibile. Dare una forma concreta a questa entit\ue0, mettendo in luce l'influenza che l'hannoverese ha esercitato sullo sviluppo del pensiero musicale europeo, costituisce lo scopo principale del presente lavoro. Esso \ue8 suddiviso in due parti, nella prima delle quali vengono presi in esame quei testi in cui Leibniz si sofferma maggiormente nell'analizzare tematiche di tipo musicale. Ho individuato e isolato tre luoghi specifici: la Dissertatio de Arte Combinatoria (1666), il lungo e complesso epistolario con il matematico Conrad Henfling (1705-1711) e, infine, un altro scambio di lettere, meno breve ma non meno importante dal punto di vista dei contenuti: quello con Christian Goldbach (1711-1713). A ciascuno di essi \ue8 dedicato un capitolo. Se li si considera nel loro dispiegarsi diacronico, questi testi palesano un vero e proprio percorso di maturazione del pensiero leibniziano, che da una visione meramente matematizzante dell'arte del comporre giunge, nel corso degli anni, a posizioni completamente differenti. Per mostrare in maniera chiara questo percorso, nel suo evolversi dagli anni della giovinezza sino a quelli della maturit\ue0, si \ue8 deciso di presentare il materiale in ordine rigorosamente cronologico. Il primo capitolo concerne la teoria musicale contenuta all'interno della Dissertatio de Arte Combinatoria, in cui \ue8 presente una sezione dedicata allo sviluppo di un sistema di calcolo atto a fornire il numero di combinazioni possibili tra le note del pentagramma. In questo contesto i suoni sono considerati alla stregua di puri e semplici numeri che, se combinati in maniera corretta, daranno vita a un'opera formalmente impeccabile, a prescindere dal reale valore estetico. Centrale in queste riflessioni l'importanza del pensiero di Athanasius Kircher, che trova riscontro nel breve scambio di lettere avvenuto tra i due nel corso del 1670. In seguito al soggiorno parigino '72-'75, tuttavia, Leibniz muta radicalmente il proprio punto di vista sull'argomento: ispirato in particolare dai lavori di Christiaan Huygens e Joseph Sauveur, Leibniz abbandona completamente la combinatoria per dedicarsi allo studio della teoria musicale propriamente detta. Espressione paradigmatica di questo nuovo corso \ue8 l'epistolario con Conrad Henfling (analizzato nel secondo capitolo del mio lavoro), in cui il filosofo si cimenta in elaborate analisi matematiche di problemi squisitamente tecnici, spingendosi in alcuni casi a proporre soluzioni di personale ideazione, quali ad esempio una peculiare suddivisione dell'ottava in 60 parti, e una nuova, interessante classificazione degli intervalli della scala. I risultati sin qui raggiunti non costituiscono per\uf2 il punto di arrivo del pensiero musicale leibniziano che, nel giro di pochi anni, subisce un'ulteriore, radicale modifica. Si fa strada in lui l'idea che all'interno del fenomeno musicale intervengano fattori non suscettibili di una spiegazione more geometrico. Il carteggio con Goldbach, analizzato nel terzo e ultimo capitolo della prima parte, \ue8 il testo in cui si estrinseca questo nuovo cambio di rotta. Qui la teoria musicale scompare del tutto, lasciando il passo a un modello di pensiero che si sviluppa lungo due vie parallele: da una parte Leibniz si concentra sul suono e sulle sue propriet\ue0, indagando il fenomeno attraverso gli strumenti forniti dalle pi\uf9 recenti innovazioni in campo fisico-acustico; dall'altra, egli si interroga sul problema della fruizione, sulla risposta che l'apparato recettivo e psichico dell'essere umano produce quando si trova di fronte alla percezione di un suono armonico, formandosi nell'animo una sensazione di piacere o di dispiacere, generando cos\uec una vera e propria esperienza estetica. Ci\uf2 che si evidenzia maggiormente in questa prima parte del mio lavoro \ue8 il completo ribaltamento di prospettiva del pensiero musicale leibniziano: se nella Dissertatio, cos\uec come nell'epistolario con Henfling, il suono dipende dal numero, nelle lettere a Goldbach \ue8 il numero a sottostare alle leggi del suono. Queste acquisizioni teoriche sconfessano, o quanto meno ridimensionano decisamente, la gran parte della letteratura critica sull'argomento, che da sempre, a partire dalle opere del pi\uf9 importante esegeta dei testi musicali leibniziani del Novecento, Rudolf Haase, ha visto in Leibniz uno dei massimi esponenti del pitagorismo armonico seicentesco. Pi\uf9 che rifarsi alla sua epoca, per\uf2, il filosofo sembra guardare oltre, anticipando temi e concetti che si espliciteranno completamente solo nel pieno Settecento. Per tale ragione, la seconda parte del mio lavoro rappresenta un tentativo di calare la teoria leibniziana nella storia, tanto nel suo tempo, quanto nelle epoche successive. Operando un confronto diretto con alcuni tra i pi\uf9 importanti testi dell'epoca - il Compendium Musicae di Descartes (1618), l'Harmonices Mundi di Keplero (1619) e l'Harmonie Universelle di Mersenne (1636) - si \ue8 potuto mettere in luce come Leibniz, a differenza dei principali autori del suo secolo di appartenenza, riesca a costruire un discorso sulla musica privo di qualsiasi elemento di natura extramusicale. Se in autori come Descartes, Keplero o Mersenne il sistema delle note e delle scale deve sempre obbedire a una qualche autorit\ue0 superiore - sia essa la ragione computazionale, il moto degli astri nel cosmo o il dogma cristiano - nel pensiero del filosofo tedesco, viceversa, l'arte dei suoni acquisisce, forse per la prima volta nel pensiero occidentale, una sua propria dignit\ue0 ed autonomia, elevandosi a forma d'espressione assoluta, ed emancipandosi dallo svilente rango di ancella che per secoli le era stato accordato. In Leibniz riecheggiano, con qualche decennio d'anticipo, gli appassionati pamphlets sul valore della musica strumentale scritti da J.P. Rameau nel corso della Querelle des bouffons contro gli enciclopedisti, cos\uec come si trovano in nuce gli elementi cardine sui quali Eulero elaborer\ue0 il suo rivoluzionario sistema teorico, destinato a segnare indelebilmente il corso del pensiero musicale occidentale. Allo stesso modo, \ue8 possibile trovare significative tracce delle idee del filosofo negli scritti musicali di Diderot e, infine, nel complesso edificio metafisico elaborato da F.W.J. Schelling a inizio Ottocento. Se i legami tra il pensiero musicale di Leibniz e le teorie sorte nei decenni immediatamente successivi alla sua morte sono molti ed evidenti, \ue8 altrettanto evidente come questi legami, man mano che ci avviciniamo alla contemporaneit\ue0, si facciano sempre pi\uf9 labili e difficili da individuare. A conclusione dell'intero lavoro, ho inserito qualche breve considerazione proprio su questo argomento, confrontandomi in particolare con la pi\uf9 comune e diffusa linea di ricerca che la critica abbia offerto dal secondo dopoguerra sino ad oggi. Mi riferisco a quel filone che fa capo al noto studioso francese Y. Belaval, che postula un supposto legame tra le idee musicali leibniziane e alcune correnti avanguardistiche contemporanee, in particolare la computer music, la musica stocastica e il serialismo di derivazione weberniana. Tuttavia, l'esito di questo confronto non d\ue0, a mio avviso, buoni frutti: la visione estetica che accomuna queste esperienze novecentesche, infatti, \ue8 incentrata sull'idea neopitagorica del numero, e delle sue combinazioni, quali unici e soli elementi a contare nella pratica musicale. In base all'analisi condotta nel corso del presente lavoro non \ue8 per\uf2 possibile ascrivere a Leibniz una posizione di questo tipo: al massimo, ci si potrebbe rifare al suo pensiero giovanile, quello della Dissertatio, ma non alla sua formulazione pi\uf9 completa e matura che, come si \ue8 gi\ue0 detto, abbandona completamente l'ideale del calcolemus per concentrarsi su una riflessione circa la natura del suono e i limiti della sensibilit\ue0 umana

    Age-related changes in plasma levels of BDNF in Down syndrome patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence of coronary artery diseases is low among Down Syndrome (DS) patients and they rarely die of atherosclerotic complications. Histopathological investigations showed no increase in atherosclerosis, or even a total lack of atherosclerotic changes, in DS</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>The aim of our study is to investigate the relationship between age and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in Down Syndrome (DS).</p> <p>Subjects and methods</p> <p>Three groups of DS patients were studied: the first consisted of 23 children (age 2-14 years); the second of 14 adults (age 20-50 years), the third group of 13 elderly persons (>60 years) and a controls group of 20 healthy patients (age 15-60 years).</p> <p>The analytes of interest were quantified using a biochip array analyzer (Evidence<sup>ÂŽ</sup>, Randox Ltd., Crumlin, UK).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Plasma BDNF was higher in DS patients than in controls and there was a significant age-related increase. Serum levels of IL-6 and MCP-1 were also higher in DS children and adults, but not in older patients, than in healthy control. High levels of circulating BDNF may protect DS patients from the clinical complications of atherosclerosis. However, the striking drop in peripheral BDNF levels with age might predispose these patients to clinical manifestations of dementia in later life.</p

    Collaborative Information Dissemination with Graph-based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

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    Efficient information dissemination is crucial for supporting critical operations across domains like disaster response, autonomous vehicles, and sensor networks. This paper introduces a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) approach as a significant step forward in achieving more decentralized, efficient, and collaborative information dissemination. We propose a Partially Observable Stochastic Game (POSG) formulation for information dissemination empowering each agent to decide on message forwarding independently, based on the observation of their one-hop neighborhood. This constitutes a significant paradigm shift from heuristics currently employed in real-world broadcast protocols. Our novel approach harnesses Graph Convolutional Reinforcement Learning and Graph Attention Networks (GATs) with dynamic attention to capture essential network features. We propose two approaches, L-DyAN and HL-DyAN, which differ in terms of the information exchanged among agents. Our experimental results show that our trained policies outperform existing methods, including the state-of-the-art heuristic, in terms of network coverage as well as communication overhead on dynamic networks of varying density and behavior.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Reclaiming Public Life, Building Public Spheres: Contemporary Art, Exhibitions and Institutions in post-1989 Europe

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    This Ph.D. dissertation traces the emergence and development of an important current of socially engaged art in Central and Eastern Europe after the fall of communism. It examines various participatory, collaborative and dialogic projects in public spaces by contemporary artists, working in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. These works often directly engaged marginalized communities, such as the homeless, members of immigrant groups and the Roma. In various ways, these artworks revived leftist traditions in a local context where, as political ideologies and economic orders, socialism had become equated with authoritarianism and democracy with neoliberalism. Occurring at specific moments in time throughout the post-communist period, most often with the presence of both financial and institutional support from the USA and EU nations, specific contemporary art practices sought to reclaim public life and build inclusive public spheres as democratic forms within emerging civil societies. Relying on sociological theories of social and political capital, and on theories of civil societies in political science, my goal has been to identify the potentially transformative roles that socially engaged art forms played in the post-communist transition. Concerned with current socio-political issues and foregrounding spaces of participation and collaboration, such art practices implicitly proposed new modes for art’s communication with the viewer, explored notions of public space as the locus of constantly negotiated public spheres, and provoked discussions of viable forms of democracy

    Vehicle Driveability: Dynamic Analysis of Powertrain System Components

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    The term driveability describes the driver's complex subjective perception of the interactions with the vehicle. One of them is associated to longitudinal acceleration aspects. A relevant contribution to the driveability optimization process is, nowadays, realized by means of track tests during which a considerable amount of driveline parameters are tuned in order to obtain a good compromise of longitudinal acceleration response. Unfortunately, this process is carried out at a development stage when a design iteration becomes too expensive. In addition, the actual trend of downsizing and supercharging the engines leads to higher vibrations that are transmitted to the vehicle. A large effort is therefore dedicated to develop, test and implement ignition strategies addressed to minimize the torque irregularities. Such strategies could penalize the engine maximum performance, efficiency and emissions. The introduction of the dual mass flywheel is beneficial to this end. Nevertheless, its role on the vehicle driveability, as well as that of other driveline components, is not yet so clear. The aim of the present work is to establish which are the main driveline components affecting the filtering behavior of the transmission and how their parameters can be tuned in order to improve the vehicle ability to respond to driver’s different demands without negative impact on his comfort. A complete nonlinear coupled torsional and longitudinal vehicle dynamic model is proposed to this end. The model is validated both in time and frequency domain and allows linearization of its nonlinear components

    To Switch or Not to Switch Payment Scheme? Determinants and Effects in a Bargaining Game

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    The incentive scheme selected in a laboratory experiment might trigger different type of behavior in participants. This paper is an attempt to screen the strategies adopted by agents in a bargaining game when buyer and seller have partly conflicting interests and are asymmetrically informed. We allow participants to choose the incentive scheme through which they will be paid at the end of the experiment controlling for past experience and individual characteristics. It is well known that payment method is highly correlated to the risk preferences shown by individuals, but little research is devoted to the analysis of the behavior induced by Random Lottery Incentive scheme (RLI for short) and Cumulative Scheme payment (CS for short) both on individual and social results. This paper aims to fill the gap
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