2,328 research outputs found

    Emotion regulation strategies and psychosocial well-being in adolescence

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    To study whether and how emotion regulation strategies are associated with adolescents' well-being, 633 Italian adolescents completed a survey that measured, using the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ; Gross & John, 2003), the strategies of cognitive reappraisal (CR) and expressive suppression (ES), and their relationship with several well-being measures. Factor analysis and reliability results confirmed the validity of ERQ to assess adolescents' regulation strategies. Correlation and regression results showed that a greater reliance on CR was positively associated with better well-being outcomes for most indicators, especially Life satisfaction, Social support perception and Positive affect; greater preference for ES conversely was associated with lower well-being level for all indicators, including Psychological health, Emotional loneliness, and Negative affect. Neither gender nor age differences were observed for CR nor ES; CR and ES were positively correlated with each other. Both analysis of variance and regression results showed gender to be a significant factor for well being indicators (e.g., males' higher Positive affect and Life satisfaction than females'), whereas age was associated with differences in Psychological health only, with 16-year olds reporting the lowest health, and 14-year olds the highest. The findings overall show that adolescents' well-being is related to preferred emotion regulation strategies, mirroring associations found in the adult population. The study results also suggest the need to further explore this relationship in adolescence

    Networking and spatial interactions: what contributes most to increasing museums’ attractiveness?

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    Given the relevance of museums in promoting cultural, tourism, and economic development in local territories, we investigate the influence of both spatial and non-spatial interactions on museum attractiveness. In particular, we assess whether non-spatial collaborations such as partnerships and networking, contribute to enhancing their level of competitiveness and if spatial dependence occurs among neighbouring museums. Additionally, we differentiate the analysis by considering various location typologies, that is, sites located in highly attractive and remote areas. Findings from this study can assist policymakers in designing ad hoc strategies to encourage the active role of museums in their local context

    Tiempo al tiempo de Isaac Goldemberg: un diseño pluralista

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    La violencia como escenario en "La casa junto al río" de Elena Garro

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    Este trabajo propone la formulación de una estrategia de desarrollo territorial, generada a partir de la intervención de la universidad, que, partiendo de la caracterización de un espacio definido, pueda resultar en la creación de un ambiente favorable a la generación de empresas de base tecnológica, de característica innovadoras. El espacio objetivo es el Municipio de Chacabuco, en la Provincia de Buenos Aires, República Argentina, con un territorio de 2.290 Km. Cuadrados y 47.000 habitantes. Se efectuará el análisis estableciendo un marco donde confluyen conceptos como globalidad y competencia en escala internacional, herramientas para el desarrollo, y condiciones emergentes de las ventajas competitivas y comparativas que se poseen. La mecánica de trabajo y el objetivo perseguido deben resultar aplicables a municipios con realidades socio productivo semejantes, atendiendo las adecuaciones necesarias, tal que aplicadas en un contexto regional ampliado y en condiciones de consenso, sean posibles de ejecutar en condiciones exitosas. Partiendo de la identificación de los actores económicos y sociales del espacio en cuestión, se cuantificaran las potencialidades existentes realizándose al efecto una tarea de: a) INVESTIGACIÓN Y DIAGNOSTICO, b) PROGRAMA EMPRENDEDOR que incluya: “Formación de Emprendedores” “Apoyo a Productores Establecidos”, “Incubadora de Empresas”, “Centro de Tecnología” , “Oficina de Financiamiento” y c) GESTION Y CONTROL DE LA ESTRATEGIA, constituyendo un Núcleo de Gestión del Desarrollo La formulación de la estrategia planteada, con un enfoque sistémico, permitirá crear un ambiente favorable a la generación de empresas innovadoras, impregnándose de una “cultura emprendedora” donde asumir riesgos apoyados en el trabajo constituya el soporte del nuevo modelo cultural, donde los resultados sean auditados y verificados los efectos. La Universidad al efecto se constituye en motor de la iniciativa, involucrándose, compartiendo la construcción de consensos mínimos necesarios, y poniendo el capital del conocimiento al servicio de un territorio en particular

    Medication overuse headache, addiction and personality pathology: a controlled study by SWAP-200

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    Background: Medication Overuse Headache (MOH) is a type of chronic headache, whose mechanisms are still unknown. Some empirical investigations examining the addiction-like behaviors and processes, as well as personality characteristics underlying MOH development, reached contrasting findings. This study aimed at detecting personality and its disorders (PDs) in MOH patients, with a specific attention to the features of addiction. Methods: Eighty-eight MOH patients have been compared with two clinical populations including 99 patients with Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and 91 with PDs using the Shedler-Westen Assessment Procedure-200 (SWAP-200). MANCOVAs were performed to evaluate personality differences among MOH, SUD and PD groups, controlling for age and gender. Results: MOH patients showed lower traits of the SWAP-200’s clusters A and B disorders than SUD and PD patients, whom presented more severe levels of personality impairment. No differences in the SWAP-200’s cluster C have been found, indicating common personality features in these populations. At levels of specific PDs, MOH patients presented higher obsessive and dysphoric traits, as well as better overall psychological functioning than SUD and PD patients. Conclusions: The study supported the presence of a specific pattern of personality in MOH patients including obsessive (perfectionist) and dysphoric characteristics, as well as good enough psychological resources. No similarities with drug addicted and personality-disordered patients were found. Practitioners’ careful understanding of the personality of MOH patients may be useful to provide more effective treatment strategies and patient-tailored intervention programs

    Role of Mitochondria in Tributyltin-Induced Interleukin-1α Production in Murine Keratinocytes

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    Tributyltin (TBT) salts are well known skin irritants in rodents and humans. TBT induced both the intracellular production of Interleukin-1α (IL-1α) and its release into culture medium in a murine keratinocyte cell line (HEL30). Here, we report that mitochondria are important for TBT-induced IL-1α production.Confluent cells were treated with increasing concentrations of TBT (0–2.5 μM) or dimethylsulfoxide as vehicle control. At different times thereafter (0–24 h), nuclear extracts were analyzed for nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) binding activity by electrophoretic mobility shift assay, and the released and cell-associated IL-1α was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. TBT induced a direct and concentration-related activation of NF-κB, which peaked at 2h and was blocked by pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate, a potent NF-κB inhibitor, and rotenone, an inhibitor of the electron entry from complex I to ubiquinone. Rotenone also induced a concentration-related inhibition of IL-1α synthesis induced by TBT, but rotenone did not completely abrogate TBT-induced IL-1α production, which suggests that other transcription factors may be involved in IL-1α production.Prolongod treatment with ethidium bromide, an inhibitor of mitochondrial DNA and RNA synthesis, was used to partially deplete cells of functional mitochondria. After 5 d of treatment, mitochondria conversion of tetrazolium bromide to formazan was reduced by 50%, and IL-1α release was decreased by 65%, whereas no induction of intracellular IL-1α was observed. This effect was not due to inhibition prot in synthesis because identical incorporation of [3H]leucine into protein in control and ethidium bromide–treated cells was identical. This impairment of mitochondrial metabolism inhibited NF-κB activation by TBT. These findings indicate that mitochondria may be the source of second messenger molecules important for TBT-induced IL-1α production


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    From the variation perspective, language is understood as essentially variable, thus this study, we intend to unravel how is the organization of linguistic variation. In Brazil, for many years the Portuguese, brought from Portugal, and the indigenous languages lived side by side as communication languages. With the end of the slave trade in the following centuries, language training had contributions coming of immigration from around the world, among them Germany, Italy and Spain. This intense contact between languages constituted the Brazilian society. Based on the reality of the talk of Brazil, this paper presents a case study about the erasure of post-vowel rhotic in infinitives. From the analysis of the talk, the objective is to investigate the linguistic and extralinguistic factors that motivate the realization of the phenomenon.Partiendo de la perspectiva variacionista, la lengua es comprendida como esencialmente variable, de ese modo, en este estudio, se pretende desvendar como ocurre la organización de la variación lingüística. En el Brasil, durante muchos años la lengua portuguesa, traída de Portugal, y las lenguas indígenas vivieron lado a lado como lenguas de comunicación. Con el fin del tráfico negrero, en los siglos siguientes, la formación lingüística tuvo contribuciones de las inmigraciones venidas de varias partes del mundo, de entre ellas, Alemania, Italia y España. Ese intenso contacto entre las lenguas constituyó la sociedad brasileña. Fundamentado en la realidad de habla de Brasil, este trabajo presenta un estudio de caso acerca del apagamiento de los róticos pósvocálicos en infinitivos. A partir del análisis de la habla, se objetiva investigar los factores lingüísticos y extralingüísticos que motivan a la realización del fenómeno.  Partindo da perspectiva variacionista, a língua é compreendida como essencialmente variável, desse modo, neste estudo, pretende-se desvendar como se dá a organização da variação linguística. No Brasil, durante muitos anos a língua portuguesa, trazida de Portugal, e as línguas indígenas viveram lado a lado como línguas de comunicação. Com o fim do tráfico negreiro, nos séculos seguintes, a formação linguística teve contribuições das imigrações vindas de várias partes do mundo, dentre elas, Alemanha, Itália e Espanha. Esse intenso contato entre línguas constituiu a sociedade brasileira. Fundamentado na realidade da fala do Brasil, este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso acerca do apagamento dos róticos pós-vocálicos em infinitivos. A partir da análise da fala, objetiva-se investigar os fatores linguísticos e extralinguísticos que motivam a realização do fenômeno

    Assessment for sonographic grading scales of the body fat changes related to the lipoatrophic findings of HIV patients in treatment with HAART

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    Methods We enrolled non-obese HIV patients (73 males and 42 females; body mass index <27 kg/m2). Clinical assessments of BFCs were defined by correspondence between the self-reports of patients and medical examinations. Fat redistribution was scored separately for face, arm and lower limbs on a scale ranging from 0 (absence) to 1 (mid) and 2–3 (severe BFCs). US scans of subcutaneous fat thickness (SFT) were performed at 3 reference points: transversal scan at the deepest point of Bichat pad (facial SFT), long dorsal scan of arm (brachial SFT), and long scan of anterior face of thigh (crural SFT)

    Linoleic acid enhances the secretion of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 by HepG2 cells.

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    This study was undertaken in order to assess whether triglycerides and/or their fatty acids directly influence the secretion of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) in HepG2 cells. To this end, subconfluent HepG2 cells were incubated with triglyceride-rich particles (TGRP) isolated from Intralipid for 16 h, and PAI-1 levels were determined in conditioned medium using a specific ELISA. TGRP (1 to 6 mg triglycerides/ml) concentration-dependently increased PAI-1 secretion by cells, concomitantly with significant increases in intracellular triglyceride (TG) levels. Fatty acid analysis indicated that the incubation of cells with 3 mg of TG per ml of TGRP induced significant accumulation of 18:2 n-6 (linoleic acid, LA) and 18:3 n-3 (linolenic acid) reflecting the fatty acid composition at the added triglycerides. We then tested the comparative effects on PAI-1 secretion by HepG2 cells of LA and 18:1 n-9 (oleic acid, OA). LA, as a bovine serum albumin (BSA) complex, concentration-dependently (1 to 35 mumol/L) increased the secretion of PAI-1 by cells, whereas OA-BSA only minimally affected it at the highest concentration used (35 mumol/L). Incorporation of LA into cell pools, in the presence of increasing concentration of the FA in the medium, was studied by the use of a preparation containing [14C]LA. LA accumulated in all lipid classes including diacylglycerol, the incorporated LA being converted into arachidonic acid (AA) as assessed by HPLC radiochromatography of the fatty acid methyl esters. It is concluded that PAI-1 secretion in HepG2 cells is modulated by triacylglycerols and by linoleic acid and/or its metabolic products