1,072 research outputs found

    Assessment and tuning of the behaviour of a microphysical characterisation scheme

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    International audienceThe correct classification of prevailing bulk hydrometeor type within a radar resolution volume is a challenge task even if a full set of polarimetric radar observables is available. Indeed scattering and propagation effects from the variety of hydrometeors present interact each others and sometimes, if not often, tend to obscure the characteristic signature of each weather radar target type. This consideration is enforced when the atmospheric volume is sampled with a wavelength where both Mie scattering effects and attenuation start to become relevant. In this paper, we utilize the hydrometeor classification scheme developed at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (USA). Briefly, the scheme uses a fuzzy logic approach to combine different polarimetric variables and environmental temperature in order to determine the most likely type of prevalent hydrometeor in the radar volume. This means that the resulting classification is based on two characteristics: the volume polarimetric responses and the thermal value. The relative balance between these two is managed through the coefficients in the fuzzy scheme. We have observed that these parameters are crucial in order to get "physical reasonable result", independently from the meteorological character of the event investigated. Our work is based on a reduced set of polarimetric variables (Z and ZDR) as input. Data used in this study were collected by a C-band radar over weather events ranging from convective to stratiform

    Structural connectivity and functional properties of the macaque superior parietal lobule

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    Despite the consolidated belief that the macaque superior parietal lobule (SPL) is entirely occupied by Brodmann’s area 5, recent data show that macaque SPL also hosts a large cortical region with structural and functional features similar to that of Brodmann’s area 7. According to these data, the anterior part of SPL is occupied by a somatosensory-dominated cortical region that hosts three architectural and functional distinct regions (PE, PEci, PEip) and the caudal half of SPL by a bimodal somato-visual region that hosts four areas: PEc, MIP, PGm, V6A. To date, the most studied areas of SPL are PE, PEc, and V6A. PE is essentially a high-order somatomotor area, while PEc and V6A are bimodal somatomotor–visuomotor areas, the former with predominant somatosensory input and the latter with predominant visual input. The functional properties of these areas and their anatomical connectivity strongly suggest their involvement in the control of limb movements. PE is suggested to be involved in the preparation/execution of limb movements, in particular, the movements of the upper limb; PEc in the control of movements of both upper and lower limbs, as well as in their interaction with the visual environment; V6A in the control of reach-to-grasp movements performed with the upper limb. In humans, SPL is traditionally considered to have a different organization with respect to macaques. Here, we review several lines of evidence suggesting that this is not the case, showing a similar structure for human and non-human primate SPLs

    Covert Shift of Attention Modulates the Ongoing Neural Activity in a Reaching Area of the Macaque Dorsomedial Visual Stream

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    Background: Attention is used to enhance neural processing of selected parts of a visual scene. It increases neural responses to stimuli near target locations and is usually coupled to eye movements. Covert attention shifts, however, decouple the attentional focus from gaze, allowing to direct the attention to a peripheral location without moving the eyes. We tested whether covert attention shifts modulate ongoing neuronal activity in cortical area V6A, an area that provides a bridge between visual signals and arm-motor control. Methodology/Principal Findings: We performed single cell recordings from 3 Macaca Fascicularis trained to fixate straight-head, while shifting attention outward to a peripheral cue and inward again to the fixation point. We found that neurons in V6A are influenced by spatial attention. The attentional modulation occurs without gaze shifts and cannot be explained by visual stimulations. Visual, motor, and attentional responses can occur in combination in single neurons. Conclusions/Significance: This modulation in an area primarily involved in visuo-motor transformation for reaching may form a neural basis for coupling attention to the preparation of reaching movements. Our results show that cortical processes of attention are related not only to eye-movements, as many studies have shown, but also to arm movements, a finding that has been suggested by some previous behavioral findings. Therefore, the widely-held view that spatial attention is tightly intertwined with - and perhaps directly derived from - motor preparatory processes should be extended to a broader spectrum of motor processes than just eye movements

    Numerical Investigation, Including Experimental Validation, of an Axially Blown, Stable Arc in Argon

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    In this work we present the outcome of a numerical validation study conducted with an arc model developed within a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tool. The numerical investigations were aimed at reproducing the spatially resolved temperature data obtained with an experiment in which an axially symmetric argon arc was established in the observation region. The full absorption spectrum has been computed for argon and then compressed with minimum loss of information to a relatively small set of bands. The latter has been used for solving the radiative transfer equation in a computationally affordable, yet accurate way. The comparison between the arc temperature simulated with the reduced absorption data and the measured one is presented

    Influence of Topological Edge States on the Properties of Al/Bi2Se3/Al Hybrid Josephson Devices

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    In superconductor-topological insulator-superconductor hybrid junctions, the barrier edge states are expected to be protected against backscattering, to generate unconventional proximity effects, and, possibly, to signal the presence of Majorana fermions. The standards of proximity modes for these types of structures have to be settled for a neat identification of possible new entities. Through a systematic and complete set of measurements of the Josephson properties we find evidence of ballistic transport in coplanar Al-Bi2Se3-Al junctions that we attribute to a coherent transport through the topological edge state. The shunting effect of the bulk only influences the normal transport. This behavior, which can be considered to some extent universal, is fairly independent of the specific features of superconducting electrodes. A comparative study of Shubnikov - de Haas oscillations and Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy gave an experimental signature compatible with a two dimensional electron transport channel with a Dirac dispersion relation. A reduction of the size of the Bi2Se3 flakes to the nanoscale is an unavoidable step to drive Josephson junctions in the proper regime to detect possible distinctive features of Majorana fermions.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    Non-catalytic NOx reduction for marine Diesel engine: an experimental approach

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    Recent legislation concerning air pollutant emissions from ships (Tier III) has considerably decreased NOx emission limits for recreational ships with less than 500 gross tonnages and greater than 24 m load line length (LLL), the so-called “large yachts”. For these yachts, which adopt multiple Diesel engines with maximum power ranging from 800 to 2000 kW, the new NOx limit is less than 2 g/kWh. To satisfy that limit, engine makers suggest the adoption of a classic SCR system with urea injection but this methodology, in addition to requiring a large space for installation, does not seem so appropriate for diesel engines of large yachts that normally operate at low power with exhaust temperatures often well below 300 °C, therefore not sufficient to allow the correct functioning of the SCR. The aforementioned circumstances have prompted Sanlorenzo Spa (La Spezia - Italy), one of the world's leading companies in the production of pleasure boats, to collaborate with the University of Pisa in the study of alternative solutions to SCR systems. Recently there is a great interest in innovative NOx abatement systems, based on the possibility of absorbing NOx molecules into seawater through the utilization of appropriate aqueous solutions containing targeted saline oxidizing agents. The present study describes the first results of a research program aimed to identify, from one side, the best saline oxidizing agent for an aqueous NOx abatement and, from the other, the best washing methodology compatible with the propulsion layouts usually adopted on yachts. In the engine testing laboratories of the Department of Energy, Systems, Territory and Construction Engineering (DESTeC) of the University of Pisa, an experimental apparatus has been created to reproduce the real conditions of underwater engine exhausting. This device was combined with a small 1.2 L direct injection diesel engine. The first results showed a reduction of the NOx emissions of about 27% by using a gas washing with wet scrubber, followed by bubbling in water, using 0.2 molar NaClO saline solutions

    Time-resolved characterization of ultrafast electrons in intense laser and metallic-dielectric target interaction

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    High-intensity ultrashort laser pulses interacting with thin solid targets are able to produce energetic ion beams by means of extremely large accelerating fields set by the energetic ejected electrons. The characterization of such electrons is thus important in view of a complete understanding of the acceleration process. Here, we present a complete temporal-resolved characterization of the fastest escaping hot electron component for different target materials and thicknesses, using temporal diagnostics based on electro-optical sampling with 100 fs temporal resolution. Experimental evidence of scaling laws for ultrafast electron beam parameters have been retrieved with respect to the impinging laser energy (0.4-4 J range) and to the target material, and an empirical law determining the beam parameters as a function of the target thickness is presented

    Lipase catalysed oxidations in a sugar-derived natural deep eutectic solvent

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    Chemoenzymatic oxidations involving the CAL-B/H2O2 system was developed in a sugar derived Natural Deep Eutectic Solvent (NaDES) composed by a mixture of glucose, fructose and sucrose. Good to excellent conversions of substrates like cyclooctene, limonene, oleic acid and stilbene to their corresponding epoxides, cyclohexanone to its corresponding lactone and 2-phenylacetophenone to its corresponding ester, demonstrate the viability of the sugar NaDES as a reaction medium for epoxidation and Baeyer-Villiger oxidation

    Single-shot electrons and protons time-resolved detection from high-intensity laser–solid matter interactions at SPARC_LAB

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    Laser–plasma interactions have been studied in detail over the past twenty years, as they show great potential for the next generation of particle accelerators. The interaction between an ultra-intense laser and a solid-state target produces a huge amount of particles: electrons and photons (X-rays and γ -rays) at early stages of the process, with protons and ions following them. At SPARC_LAB Test Facility we have set up two diagnostic lines to perform simultaneous temporally resolved measurements on both electrons and protons
