447 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and the flight to second homes

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    En el interior de los hospitales. Personas, espacios y enseres

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    Las instituciones hospitalarias medievales son objeto de numerosos estudios desde diversas perspectivas y modelos de investigación: tipología, orígenes, régimen económico y administrativo, aspectos histórico-médicos, etc., pero no es fácil estudiar cuestiones que atañen a su estructura arquitectónica, al reparto de espacios, a su organización, mobiliario o enseres, entre otros muchos aspectos. Los inventarios que en ocasiones se hacían de estos centros, son una fuente importante para poder conocer estos aspectos. En este trabajo estudiamos los que se realizaron, a finales del siglo XV, en los hospitales más importantes de la ciudad de Valencia. (A

    Situating Rural Areas in Contemporary Housing Access Debates in England – A Comment

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    Levels of housing access in rural areas are determined by economic drivers, including local earnings, constraints on new housing supply, and by levels of market intrusion. This review article briefly examines these drivers before situating rural areas in contemporary housing access (and housing crisis) debates in England. It examines different options for reshaping housing outcomes, noting a longstanding preference for incremental change over the sorts of fundamental shifts that could radically alter the distribution of housing wealth, but with potentially deep political and economic repercussions

    Whose housing crisis?: Assets and homes in a changing economy

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    Médicos y cirujanos mudéjares en el Reino de Valencia

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    La formación y actividad de los profesionales de la medicina cristianos, judíos y mudéjares es uno de los temas que más nos interesan en la investigación sobre la sanidad valenciana bajomedieval. En este trabajo, referido a los mudéjares, pre-sentamos unas licencias para el ejercicio de la medicina y la cirugía concedidas por el rey y algunas noticias referidas a la presencia y praxis de profesionales anónimos entre la sociedad cristiana dominante. (A

    Editorial misconduct: the case of online predatory journals

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    The number of publishers that offer academics, researchers, and postgraduate students the opportunity to publisharticles and book chapters quickly and easily has been growing steadily in recent years. This can be ascribed to avariety of factors, e.g., increasing Internet use, the Open Access movement, academic pressure to publish, and theemergence of publishers with questionable interests that cast doubt on the reliability and the scientific rigor of thearticles they publish.All this has transformed the scholarly and scientific publishing scene and has opened the door to theappearance of journals whose editorial procedures differ from those of legitimate journals. These publishers arecalled predatory, because their manuscript publishing process deviates from the norm (very short publicationtimes, non-existent or low-quality peer-review, surprisingly low rejection rates, etc.).The object of this article is to spell out the editorial practices of these journals to make them easier to spot andthus to alert researchers who are unfamiliar with them. It therefore reviews and highlights the work of otherauthors who have for years been calling attention to how these journals operate, to their unique features andbehaviors, and to the consequences of publishing in them.The most relevant conclusions reached include the scant awareness of the existence of such journals (especiallyby researchers still lacking experience), the enormous harm they cause to authors' reputations, the harm theycause researchers taking part in promotion or professional accreditation procedures, and the feelings of chagrinand helplessness that come from seeing one's work printed in low-quality journals. Future comprehensive researchon why authors decide to submit valuable articles to these journals is also needed.This paper therefore discusses the size of this phenomenon and how to distinguish those journals from ethicaljournals

    Re-connecting 'people and planning': Parish plans and the English localism agenda

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    This article examines the influence that community groups are able to exert over planning policy, framing a local analysis of engagement between parish councils and local planning authorities in England within a broader view of collaborative rationality and communication through formal and informal networks. The article focuses on how the ‘neighbourhood’-based networks of community action reach out and connect to formal policy actors, arguing that the connectivity achieved by parish planning groups and local government prior to the enactment of the Localism Act 2011 gives a strong indication of how future neighbourhood planning in England will function

    Self-build communities: the rationale and experiences of group-build (Baugruppen) housing development in Germany

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    © 2015 Taylor & Francis Group-build housing developments can bring together the cost and customisation benefits regularly attributed to self-build housing with a communitarian ethos associated with ‘intentional’ communities. This paper presents an initial examination of the rationale, motivations and social experiences of group-build housing from Germany, where over half of all new homes are produced independently from volume-build developers. The paper aims, firstly, to test the hypothesis that group-build delivers general ‘community’ benefits; secondly, to contribute to an understanding of the processes leading to successful schemes; and lastly, to demonstrate that by making individual home building dependent on the success of a larger group, collective interests can prevail over personal pursuit. This research draws attention to the motivations, the social experiences through the development process and the social legacy – aspects of particular interest for policy-makers as well as prospective builders – of group-build housing projects
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