1,757 research outputs found

    Emotions, Demographics and Sociability in Twitter Interactions

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    The social connections people form online affect the quality of information they receive and their online experience. Although a host of socioeconomic and cognitive factors were implicated in the formation of offline social ties, few of them have been empirically validated, particularly in an online setting. In this study, we analyze a large corpus of geo-referenced messages, or tweets, posted by social media users from a major US metropolitan area. We linked these tweets to US Census data through their locations. This allowed us to measure emotions expressed in the tweets posted from an area, the structure of social connections, and also use that area's socioeconomic characteristics in analysis. %We extracted the structure of online social interactions from the people mentioned in tweets from that area. We find that at an aggregate level, places where social media users engage more deeply with less diverse social contacts are those where they express more negative emotions, like sadness and anger. Demographics also has an impact: these places have residents with lower household income and education levels. Conversely, places where people engage less frequently but with diverse contacts have happier, more positive messages posted from them and also have better educated, younger, more affluent residents. Results suggest that cognitive factors and offline characteristics affect the quality of online interactions. Our work highlights the value of linking social media data to traditional data sources, such as US Census, to drive novel analysis of online behavior.Comment: International Conference on the Web and Social Media (ICWSM2016

    Cobertura de los programas sociales en el Municipio de Esquipulas-Matagalpa (2012-2016)

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    La definición de programas sociales describe que “Política Social debe ser entendida como aquella acción estatal cuya normativa y direccionalidad está destinada a impactar a todos los segmentos de una sociedad.” (monografias.com, 2016) Cuyos objetivos son perseguidos por las instituciones extranjeras que velan por la soberanía de los países y la mejora de las condiciones de las familias que en ellos habitan. Existe un relativo crecimiento en Nicaragua, pero este se encuentra muy atrás en términos de ingresos, calidad de vida, y en desigualdad, la situación es más dura. De hecho, la brecha entre los que tienen recursos y los que no tienen sigue creciendo en muchas partes. Por otro lado, nuestro país seguirá dependiendo financieramente de instituciones de crédito como el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), y otras ONG. Pero algo distinto está sucediendo en los últimos años ya que el gobierno ha entendido que el desarrollo no solo comprende el crecimiento económico, sino también, el desarrollo integral de las personas, donde todos y todas están involucrados en los distintos procesos con el fin de mejorar las condiciones de vida humana. El motivo de esta investigación es presentar un breve análisis acerca de la cobertura de los programas sociales en el municipio de Esquipulas Matagalpa con el propósito de hacer un modelo que se pueda aplicar a todas las municipalidades del país para mejorar los niveles de igualdad y cumplimiento de formatos para que la redistribución de los beneficios sea la más adecuada. El documento estará estructurado por cuatro apartados. El primer apartado se hace referencia a las características generales del municipio así como la descripción de los programas que se analizan seguidamente, se analizará el formato para saber en qué se basan para saber quiénes serán los protagonistas, mediante una encuesta, de acuerdo a esto se cuantificara las personas beneficiadas así mismo se analizará si cumplieron el formato para posteriormente aportar unas breves recomendaciones que permitan mejorar el alcance y aprovechamiento de los programas sociales en las familias protagonistas

    Tidal Disruptions of Main Sequence Stars of Varying Mass and Age: Inferences from the Composition of the Fallback Material

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    We use a simple framework to calculate the time evolution of the composition of the fallback material onto a supermassive black hole arising from the tidal disruption of main sequence stars. We study stars with masses between 0.8 and 3.0 MM_\odot, at evolutionary stages from zero-age main sequence to terminal-age main sequence, built using the Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics code. We show that most stars develop enhancements in nitrogen (14^{14}N) and depletions in carbon (12^{12}C) and oxygen (16^{16}O) over their lifetimes, and that these features are more pronounced for higher mass stars. We find that, in an accretion-powered tidal disruption flare, these features become prominent only after the time of peak of the fallback rate and appear at earlier times for stars of increasing mass. We postulate that no severe compositional changes resulting from the fallback material should be expected near peak for a wide range of stellar masses and, as such, are unable to explain the extreme helium-to-hydrogen line ratios observed in some TDEs. On the other hand, the resulting compositional changes could help explain the presence of nitrogen-rich features, which are currently only detected after peak. When combined with the shape of the light curve, the time evolution of the composition of the fallback material provides a clear method to help constrain the nature of the disrupted star. This will enable a better characterization of the event by helping break the degeneracy between the mass of the star and the mass of the black hole when fitting tidal disruption light curves.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Evolutionary Origins of Binary Neutron Star Mergers: Effects of Common Envelope Efficiency and Metallicity

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    The formation histories of compact binary mergers, especially stellar-mass binary-black hole mergers, have recently come under increased scrutiny and revision. In this paper we revisit the question of the dominant formation channel and efficiency of forming binary neutron-star mergers. We use the stellar and binary evolution code MESA and implement an up-to-date and detailed method for common envelope and mass transfer. We preform simulations for donor masses between 8-20 solar masses with a neutron star companion of 1.4 and 2.0 solar masses, at two metallicities, using varying common envelope efficiencies, and two prescriptions for electron-capture supernovae. In contrast to the case of binary-black hole mergers, for a neutron star companion of 1.4 solar masses, all binary neutron star mergers are formed following a common envelope phase, while for a neutron star mass of 2.0 solar masses we identify a small subset of mergers following only stable mass transfer if the neutron star receives a large natal kick. Regardless of neutron star companion mass, we find that large supernova natal kicks are favored in the formation of binary neutron star mergers, and find more mergers at subsolar metallicity compared to solar.Comment: accepted to Ap

    Compromiso organizacional y calidad de servicio del personal asistencial en un establecimiento de salud de Guanacaste, Costa Rica 2022

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    El trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre compromiso organizacional y calidad de servicio del personal asistencial de un establecimiento de salud de Guanacaste, Costa Rica 2022. La metodología fue de tipo aplicada con un enfoque cuantitativo y de diseño descriptivo correlacional. La población total la conformaron 34 profesionales que brindan servicios de salud. La técnica que se utilizó fue la encuesta, así como los instrumentos de recolección, uno para cada variable; ambas fueron validadas por especialistas de Perú y Costa Rica. Además la comprobación de la confiabilidad por Alpha de Cronbach. El resultado presenta correlación entre compromiso organizacional y calidad de servicio del personal asistencial en la prueba Rho Spearman 0,803 con p-valor es 0,000 < 0,05 revelando que se rechaza la hipótesis nula, concluyendo que el compromiso organizacional presenta una relación directa significativa con calidad de servicio del personal asistencial de un establecimiento de salud de Guanacaste Costa Rica 2022

    Network Activity Monitoring Against Malware in Android Operating System

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    Google’s Android is the most used Operating System in mobile devices but as its popularity has increased hackers have taken advantage of the momentum to plague Google Play (Android’s Application Store) with multipurpose Malware that is capable of stealing private information and give the hacker remote control of smartphone’s features in the worst cases. This work presents an innovative methodology that helps in the process of malware detection for Android Operating System, which addresses aforementioned problem from a different perspective that even popular Anti-Malware software has left aside. It is based on the analysis of a common characteristic to all different kinds of malware: the need of network communications, so the victim device can interact with the attacker. It is important to highlight that in order to improve the security level in Android, our methodology should be considered in the process of malware detection. As main characteristic, it does not need to install additional kernel modules or to root the Android device. And finally as additional characteristic, it is as simple as can be considered for non-experienced users

    Patterns of location and hotel evolution: the case of Torremolinos

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    Torremolinos constituye un caso destacable que resalta la estrecha vinculación que existe entre el tipo de desarrollo turístico y los patrones de localización de la industria hotelera. Este estudio muestra la evolución de un destino maduro de sol y playa, que ha creado una notable oferta hotelera a lo largo del tiempo. Para comprender la distribución temporal y espacial de la oferta hotelera, se propone un modelo de localización de la actividad hotelera. Las herramientas de análisis utilizadas han sido la recopilación de la información documental y estadística relativa a los hoteles, las ortofotografías aéreas para el estudio de los cambios de usos del suelo, el análisis estadístico para conocer el comportamiento espacial y el trabajo de campo para localizar los establecimientos hoteleros. La investigación comprueba la existencia de clusters espaciales como estrategia de implantación del sector hotelero de Torremolinos.Proyecto de investigación “Crisis y reestructuración de los espacios turísticos del litoral español” (CSO2015-64468-P). Financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Subdivisión de programas temáticos científico-técnico) y los Fondos FEDER (Unión Europea)

    Transient Thermal Analysis of a Railroad Bearing Adapter for Optimal Placement of Onboard Sensors

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    Bearing temperature serves as an important metric used in identifying defective bearings in the rail industry. Current defect detection systems, such as the Hot Box Detectors (HBDs), are used to measure the temperature of freight car roller bearings. The HBD is a wayside device that utilizes a non-contact infrared sensor to determine the operating temperature of a railroad bearing as it passes over the HBD. Railroads analyze the data collected by HBDs to detect and flag defective bearings. If the operating temperature of a bearing surpasses a predetermined threshold, an emergency stop is initiated, and the bearing is removed from service and sent for inspection. One major drawback of HBDs is that they have been associated with many “false positives,” which has resulted in costly train stoppages and delays. To combat that, researchers have opted to use wireless onboard sensor devices mounted directly on the bearing adapter. One such device is the wireless onboard health monitoring system developed by the University Transportation Center for Railway Safety (UTCRS) that utilizes temperature and vibration sensors to detect the condition of rolling stock. However, because the device is affixed to the bearing adapter and not the bearing itself, the strategic placement of the temperature sensor on the adapter is crucial in minimizing the thermal lag associated with the heat transfer from the bearing to the location where the temperature is measured, as this will directly affect the accuracy of the readings. By conducting a transient heat transfer finite element analysis (FEA), the estimated time-lag and the temperature distribution within the bearing adapter can be determined. To validate the accuracy of the transient FEA model, the results were compared to data acquired from laboratory testing performed on the UTCRS dynamic bearing test rigs. The results obtained in this study can be used to identify optimal anchor points for the temperature sensors on the bearing adapter, and in turn, increase the proficiency of wireless onboard sensor devices in detecting defective components