24 research outputs found

    Elementos estructurales de la red social, fuentes de apoyo funcional, reciprocidad, apoyo comunitario y depresión en personas mayores en Chile

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    La asociación entre apoyo social y depresión en el caso de las personas mayores constituye un objeto de estudio de especial relevancia en sociedades con altas tasas de envejecimiento, como es el caso de Chile. La presente investigación se centra en el papel jugado por variables de carácter psicosociológico: tipo de apoyo en función de la fuente de procedencia, reciprocidad en el apoyo según tipo de apoyo y fuente de procedencia, y apoyo comunitario. Se aplicaron escalas de depresión y apoyo social ampliamente utilizadas en una muestra (n=493) de la región de Arica-Parinacota, en el Norte de Chile. Se realiza un análisis de regresión jerárquica y de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados sugieren que el cónyuge y los hijos son las fuentes de apoyo relevantes para los síntomas de depresión, sobre todo en sus funciones instrumental y emocional. La reciprocidad en el apoyo es una variable variable fundamental para dar cuenta de la relación existente entre fuentes de apoyo social y depresión

    Loneliness and emotional wellbeing among older women. Different lockdown experiences in Bilbao

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    Introducción. Durante la pandemia COVID-19 todas las personas han experimentado restricciones en sus vínculos sociales, no obstante, las personas mayores han vivido situaciones más extremas dado que ha sido el colectivo de mayor riesgo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la incidencia de la soledad, emocional y social, en mujeres mayores durante el periodo de confinamiento en España, evaluando posibles diferencias según estructura del hogar y tipo de convivencia y ahondando en la experiencia del confinamiento y las repercusiones en el bienestar de las mujeres mayores. Metodología. Estudio de corte mixto con un diseño transversal y un alcance descriptivo, en el que participaron treinta mujeres mayores de Bilbao, se realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas para valorar el bienestar psicosocial y especialmente el sentimiento de soledad. Resultados. Los resultados indican que hay diferencias en el sentimiento de soledad por estructura del hogar, quienes viven solas suelen sentir más soledad. Las mujeres mayores han experimentado más soledad emocional que soledad social durante el confinamiento. Igualmente, durante el periodo de confinamiento las mujeres han visto afectada su salud mental y física. Discusión. La estructura del hogar es un elemento central en el análisis del bienestar en la vejez, en este estudio los hogares unipersonales presentan mayor riesgo a desencadenar soledad. Igualmente, se confirma en este estudio la tendencia a relaciones sociales con menos intimidad durante la pandemia que potencian los sentimientos de incomprensión, tristeza e inseguridad, de allí, que los datos adviertan una mayor soledad emocional. Asimismo, los sentimientos de soledad son complejos al incluir factores emocionales y sociales, por lo que requieren un tratamiento más integral. Conclusiones. La pandemia ha acentuado un cambio en las relaciones sociales afectando principalmente a las personas mayores y desencadenando mayor soledad emocional. Desde el Trabajo Social Gerontológico es necesario avanzar en la inclusión de la perspectiva feminista gerontológica y del modelo de envejecimiento en el lugar, ambas propuestas teóricas permiten un abordaje integral e idóneo para la compresión e intervención de la soledad.Introduction. Everyone has faced restrictions affecting their social lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, older adults have experienced more extreme conditions due to their being part of the highest-risk group. The aim of this study was to analyse the incidence of emotional and social loneliness among older women during the lockdown in Spain. Potential differences were assessed based on household structure and type of living arrangement, examining the experience of lockdown and its repercussions for the wellbeing of older women. Methodology. A mixed methods study was performed with a transversal design and a descriptive scope, involving the participation of thirty older women from Bilbao. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to assess psychosocial wellbeing and feelings of loneliness in particular. Results. The findings indicated differences in feelings of loneliness according to household structure, with women living alone tending to feel more lonely. Older women experienced more emotional loneliness than social loneliness during the lockdown. The lockdown period also affected women in terms of mental and physical health. Discussion. Household structure is a central element in the analysis of wellbeing in old age. In this study, single-person households were more likely to trigger loneliness. This study also confirmed a trend toward social relationships with lower levels of intimacy during the pandemic, reinforcing feelings of incomprehension, sadness and insecurity. The data showed greater emotional loneliness as a result. Feelings of loneliness are complex, insofar as they include emotional and social factors and hence require a more comprehensive approach. Conclusions. The pandemic has accentuated a change in social relationships, mainly affecting older adults and triggering higher levels of emotional loneliness. From a Gerontological Social Work perspective, progress must be made in terms of incorporating a feminist gerontological perspective and the current ageing model. Both of these theories would facilitate a comprehensive and appropriate approach to understanding and intervening in cases of loneliness

    Income inequalities, social support and depressive symptoms among older adults in Europe: a multilevel cross-sectional study

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    This study analysed the association between income inequality and depression from a multilevel perspective among older adults in Europe, including an examination of the role of social support. The data came from Eurostat’s European Health Interview Survey (EHIS). Selected participants were aged 65 years or above (n=68,417) and located in 24 European countries. The outcome variable (depression) was measured using the eight-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-8). The resulting dataset included individual-level (level-1) and aggregate-level (level 2) exposure variables. Level-1 included income quintiles and social support as exposure variables and sex, age, living alone, limitation in activities of daily living and general activity limitation as control variables. Level 2 included the Gini coefcient, healthcare expenditure and dependency ratio. A multilevel linear regression analysis was performed with maximum likelihood (ML) estimation. All the income quintiles from 1 to 4 showed higher average scores for depression than quintile 5 (the highest). Higher social support scores were associated with lower scores for depression. An interaction was found between income quintile and social support, with higher levels of social support associated with lower scores for depression in quintiles 1 and 2. Higher Gini coefcient scores were associated with higher scores for depression. A signifcative random slope for social support was also found, meaning that the relationship between social support and depression difered across countries. No signifcant interaction was found between the Gini coefcient and social support. The study fndings suggest that more unequal societies provide a less favourable context for the mental health of older adults. There are also signifcant country-dependent diferences in terms of the relationship between support and mental health among older adults.

    Validation of the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) for older Chilean adults.

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    Validação da escala breve do comportamento resiliente (BRCS) uma amostra multiétnica de idosos chilenos

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    [EN] The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) for a multiethnic sample of Chilean older people (800). This sample has the particular feature of including non-indigenous (231) and indigenous Aymara (201) and Mapuche (368) people resident in native rural areas. It is a cross-sectional study. Descriptive statistics were calculated for socio-demographic and outcome data, covering mean, standard deviation, frequencies and percentages. For the BRCS, psychometric properties were analyzed according to the principles of Classical Test Theory. The analysis of the psychometric properties of the BRCS for three ethnic groups of older Chilean people shows that this rating scale is acceptable, reliable and valid, although the differences between groups highlight the need for culturally adapted geriatric assessment scales. The BRCS showed satisfactory psychometric characteristics for the studied samples. It is important for medical and social sciences to have ethnically sensitive instruments for the evaluation of psychosocial resources that promote successful aging. [ES] El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Breve de Afrontamiento Resiliente (BRCS) para una muestra multiétnica de 800 personas mayores chilenas. Esta muestra tiene la particularidad de incluir personas no indígenas (231) e indígenas aymaras (201) y mapuche (368) residentes en áreas rurales nativas. Se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos para las variables sociodemográficos, tales como media, desviación estándar (DE), frecuencias y porcentajes. Para BRCS, las propiedades psicométricas se analizaron de acuerdo con los principios de la Teoría Clásica de las Pruebas. Los análisis de las propiedades psicométricas de BRCS para los tres grupos étnicos de personas mayores chilenas muestran que esta escala es aceptable, confiable y válida, aunque las diferencias entre los grupos resaltan la necesidad de que las escalas de evaluación geriátrica sean adaptadas culturalmente. BRCS mostró características psicométricas satisfactorias para las muestras estudiadas. Es importante para las ciencias médicas y sociales contar con instrumentos étnicamente sensibles para la evaluación de los recursos psicosociales que promueven un envejecimiento exitoso. [PT] O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala Breve do Comportamento Resiliente (BRCS) para uma amostra multiétnica de 800 idosos chilenos. Esta amostra tem a particularidade de incluir pessoas não indígenas (231), Aimarás (201) e Mapuche (368) residentes em áreas rurais nativas. Foi realizado um estudo transversal. Foram realizadas análises descritivas para as variáveis sociodemográficas, como média, desvio padrão (DP), frequências e percentuais. Para a BRCS, as propriedades psicométricas foram analisadas segundo os princípios da Teoria Clássica dos Testes. As análises das propriedades psicométricas da BRCS para os três grupos étnicos de idosos chilenos mostram que esta escala é aceitável, confiável e válida, embora as diferenças entre os grupos destacam a necessidade de adaptação cultural das escalas de avaliação geriátrica. BRCS mostrou características psicométricas satisfatórias para as amostras estudadas. É importante para as ciências médicas e sociais contar com instrumentos etnicamente sensíveis para a avaliação dos recursos psicossociais que promovem o envelhecimento bem- -sucedido.This work was supported by the Government of Chile (Proyecto FONDECYT 1170493) and University of Tarapacá (Proyecto UTA MAYOR 3768-20) and the Research Program of the Madrid Autonomous Community, Spain (ENCAGENCN, Ref: H2019/HUM-5698).S

    Loneliness and Psychosocial Resources among Indigenous and Afro-Descendant Older People in Rural Areas of Chile

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    (1) Background: loneliness is a problem that becomes increasingly acute in old age, with greater repercussions among socially disadvantaged groups such as indigenous and Afro-descendant older adults. The aim of this research is to analyze the psychosocial variables related to loneliness in old age. (2) Methods: a multi-ethnic sample was involved, with the participation of eight indigenous peoples and Afro-descendant tribal people (n = 1.348). Various gerontological scales previously validated among the Chilean population (De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale, Brief Resilient Coping Scale, Health Problems Questionnaire, and Family APGAR questionnaire) and a model are contrasted, establishing the relationship between psychosocial variables and loneliness. (3) Results: Structural equation modeling (SEM) showed the existence of indirect relationships between health problems, via family functioning and resilience, and loneliness. Resilience and family functioning were directly related to loneliness (WLSMV-χ2 (df = 345) = 875.106, p < 0.001; CFI = 0.992; TLI = 0.991; RMSEA = 0.034 [C.I. 90% = 0.031–0.037]). (4) Conclusions: loneliness has cross-culturally affected older Chilean people living in rural areas and it appears that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative effect on well-being. This study proves that loneliness is related to several psychosocial variables that can be intervened.Fac. de Trabajo SocialTRUEAgencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID, Chile) FONDECYT Regularpu

    Family and community support among older Chilean adults: the importance of heterogeneous social support sources for quality of life.

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    Family and community social networks act as social resources that promote well-being at advanced ages. In this study, we analyze the association between social support received from personal social networks (social support from various family members and friends) and community social networks (social support from neighbors and the neighborhood, age, ethnic, or religious group peers and formal social support networks) and quality of life (QoL) for a sample of older Chilean persons (n = 777). The results confirm that social support from family (partner, children, and extended family) and friends, integration in the community (neighbors) and social support from informal systems (social groups) are associated with QoL. Moreover, the model including both types of support explains 25.8% of variance in QoL. The results and their possible implications are discussed.pre-print209 K

    Handbook of Active Ageing and Quality of Life: From Concepts to Applications

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    La edición de este libro estuvo a cargo de Fermina Rojo-Pérez y Gloria Fernández-Mayoralas.El documento adjunto contiene la cubierta, portada e índice del libro.This handbook presents an overview of studies on the relationship of active ageing and quality of life. It addresses the new challenges of ageing from the paradigm of positive ageing (active, healthy and successful) for a better quality of life. It provides theoretical perspectives and empirical studies, including scientific knowledge as well as practical experiences about the good ageing and the quality of later life around the world, in order to respond to the challenges of an aged population. The handbook is structured in 4 sections covering theoretical and conceptual perspectives, social policy issues and research agenda, methods, measurement instrument-scales and evaluations, and lastly application studies including domains and geographical contexts.Peer reviewe

    patrimonio intelectual

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    Actas de congresoLas VI Jornadas se realizaron con la exposición de ponencias que se incluyeron en cuatro ejes temáticos, que se desarrollaron de modo sucesivo para facilitar la asistencia, el intercambio y el debate, distribuidos en tres jornadas. Los ejes temáticos abordados fueron: 1. La enseñanza como proyecto de investigación. Recursos de enseñanza-aprendizaje como mejoras de la calidad educativa. 2. La experimentación como proyecto de investigación. Del ensayo a la aplicabilidad territorial, urbana, arquitectónica y de diseño industrial. 3. Tiempo y espacio como proyecto de investigación. Sentido, destino y usos del patrimonio construido y simbólico. 4. Idea constructiva, formulación y ejecución como proyecto de investigación. Búsqueda y elaboración de resultados que conforman los proyectos de la arquitectura y el diseño