22 research outputs found

    Invasion and reproduction of Pratylenchus penetrans in birdsfoot trefoil cultivars

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    Des essais en serre ont eté menés afin de déterminer les niveaux d'envahissement de cultivars et de lignées du lotier cornicule (Lotus corniculatus) par le nématode des lésions racinaires (Pratylenchus penetrans). Le nombre de nematodes présents dans les racines a été déterminé 6 semaines après la plantation dans des pots de démarrage de polystyrène de 50 cm3. Des nematodes ont été trouvés dans les racines de tous les cultivars et lignées, cependant les degrés d'envahissement différaient significativement. Dans le premier essai de triage, effectué en 1994 avec 23 cultivars et lignées, NB90-104, Upstart et Viking contenaient les plus faibles densités de population de nematodes dans les racines avec des niveaux inférieurs à 1 000 g-1 de matière sèche, alors que Fergus et EPF avaient des densités de population supérieures à 30 000 g-1 de matière sèche. Dans le deuxième essai de triage, réalisé en 1995, les neuf cultivars et lignées étudiés, y compris NB90-104, Upstart et Viking, avaient des niveaux de nematodes supérieurs à résultats montrent que les cultivars et ont une grande variabilité génétique par des lésions racinaires.Greenhouse trials were conducted to determine the levels of invasion of birdsfoot trefoil(Lotus corniculatus) cultivars and lines by the root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchuspenetrans). Numbersof nematodesin roots grown in 50-cm3 polystyrene starter pots were determined 6 weeks after planting. Nematodes were detected in the roots of all cultivars and lines, though the degree of invasion varied significantly. In the first screening trial, carried out in 1994 on 23 cultivars and lines, NB90-104, Upstart, and Viking harbored the lowest population densities of nematodes with levels below 1 000 g-1 of dry root, while Fergus and EPF had population densities over 30 000 g-1 of dry root. In the second screening trial conducted in 1995, all nine cultivars and lines tested, including NB90-104, Upstart, and Viking, had nematode levels greater than 7 900 g-1 of dry root. The results indicated that the cultivars and lines tested in this study exhibited wide genetic variability for invasion by root-lesion nematodes

    Influence of previous crops and nematicide treatments on root lesion nematode populations and crop yields

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    Nous avons étudié au champ l'influence du précédent cultural, de la séquence culturelle et de traitements à l'aldicarbe sur les populations de nematodes des nodosités et sur les rendements de diverses cultures à l'île-du Prince-Édouard. La culture précédente a eu le plus grand impact sur le nombre de nematodes. Les séquences des cultures ont parfois eu une influence sur les populations de nematodes des nodosités (principalement Pratylenchus penetrans) et sur les rendements. Dans les champs commerciaux d'orge (Hordeum vulgare), les nematodes des nodosités étaient plus nombreux lorsque l'orge suivait une culture combinée de trèfle rouge (Trifolium pratense) et de fléole (Phleum pratense) et les nematodes du rabougrissement (Tylenchorynchus spp., principalement T. dubiuset Merlinius spp.) étaient plus nombreux quand l'orge était semée pendant deux années consécutives. La masse de la matière sèche combinée du feuillage et du grain était plus importante lorsque l'orge était semée auprès des pommes de terre (Solanum tuberosum) et cette masse était plus faible avec deux cultures successives d’orge ou avec un mélange de trèfle rouge et de fléole. En conditions expérimentales au champ, les populations de nématodes des nodosités étaient plus élevées dans les racines d’orge lorsque celle-ci était cultivée après des pommes de terre et les rendements en grain étaient plus faibles lorsque l’orge était cultivée pendant deux années consécutives. Les changements dans les populations de nématodes chez la pomme de terre n’étaient pas associés aux séquences débutant avec le blé (Triticum aestivum) ou l’orge que dans les séquences débutant avec les pommes de terre ou le soya (Glycine max). L’aldicarbe a réduit le nombre de nématodes des nodosités en plus d’accroître les rendements en pommes de terre et en soya.A field study assessing the influence of the previous crop, the crop sequence, and aldicarb treatments on root lesion nematode populations and crop yields was carried out in Prince-Edward-Island, Canada. The most recent crop had the greatest impact on nematode numbers. The crop sequences had an influence in some cases on root lesion nematode populations (primarily Pratylenchus penetrans) and on crop yields. In commercial barley (Hordeum vulgare) fields, root lesion nematodes in roots were greatest when barley followed a red clover (Trifolium pratense) timothy (Phleum pratense) ley, and stunt nematodes (Tylenchorhynchus spp., primarily T. dubius, and Merlinius spp.) were more common when barley followed barley. The combined dry weight of foliage and grain was larger when barley was planted after potato (Solanumtuberosum) and smaller when barley followed barley or a red clover-timothy mixture. Under experimental field conditions, root lesion nematode populations were largest in barley roots when barley followed potato and grain yields were smallest when barley followed barley. Changes in nematode populations in potato were not associated with crop sequences. Potato tuber yields were higher in the sequences that began with wheat (Triticum aestivum) or barley than in the sequences that began with potato or soybean (Glycine max). Aldicarb reduced the numbers of root lesion nematodes in roots with concomitant yield increases in potato and soybean

    Invasion and reproduction by rootlesion nematode (Pratylenchus penetrans) differs among selected lines of red clover (Trifolium pratense)

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    Dans une étude en serre, les réponses relatives à l'inoculation par le nématode des lésions racinaires (Pratylenchus penetrans) ont été évaluées pour dix-huit cultivars et lignées pour l'amélioration du trèfle rouge (Trifolium pratense). La fréquence d'envahissement des plantes et la concentration des nématodes dans les racines étaient généralement correlées, mais il y avait des exceptions. La fréquence d'envahissement des plantes était faible pour un cultivar (Florex), mais la concentration des nématodes dans les racines des plantes envahies était élevée. Trois des plantes testées (CRS 15, CRS 5 et CRS 11) avaient une faible fréquence d'envahissement et une faible concentration de nématodes dans les racines. Un cultivar, AC Kingston, a été évalué comme étant très sensible, alors que la fréquence d'envahissement et la concentration des nématodes dans les racines variaient pour les autres plantes testées.Eighteen cultivars and breeding lines of red clover (Trifolium pratense) were evaluated in a greenhouse study for their relative response to inoculation by the root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus penetrans). The incidence of plants invaded and the nematode concentration in the roots were generally related but not always. One cultivar (Florex) had a low incidence of plants being invaded, but a high concentration of nematodes in the roots of invaded plants. Three entries (CRS 15, CRS 5, and CRS 11) displayed a low incidence of plants being invaded and a low concentration of nematodes in the root. One cultivar, AC Kingston, was judged to be highly susceptible, while the remaining entries had differing invasion incidences and differing concentrations of root-lesion nematodes in the roots

    Host range, transmissibility and antigenicity of a pangolin coronavirus

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    The pathogenic and cross-species transmission potential of SARS-CoV-2-related coronaviruses (CoVs) remain poorly characterized. Here we recovered a wild-type pangolin (Pg) CoV GD strain including derivatives encoding reporter genes using reverse genetics. In primary human cells, PgCoV replicated efficiently but with reduced fitness and showed less efficient transmission via airborne route compared with SARS-CoV-2 in hamsters. PgCoV was potently inhibited by US Food and Drug Administration approved drugs, and neutralized by COVID-19 patient sera and SARS-CoV-2 therapeutic antibodies in vitro. A pan-Sarbecovirus antibody and SARS-CoV-2 S2P recombinant protein vaccine protected BALB/c mice from PgCoV infection. In K18-hACE2 mice, PgCoV infection caused severe clinical disease, but mice were protected by a SARS-CoV-2 human antibody. Efficient PgCoV replication in primary human cells and hACE2 mice, coupled with a capacity for airborne spread, highlights an emergence potential. However, low competitive fitness, pre-immune humans and the benefit of COVID-19 countermeasures should impede its ability to spread globally in human populations

    SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern fitness and adaptation in primary human airway epithelia

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic is characterized by the emergence of novel variants of concern (VOCs) that replace ancestral strains. Here, we dissect the complex selective pressures by evaluating variant fitness and adaptation in human respiratory tissues. We evaluate viral properties and host responses to reconstruct forces behind D614G through Omicron (BA.1) emergence. We observe differential replication in airway epithelia, differences in cellular tropism, and virus-induced cytotoxicity. D614G accumulates the most mutations after infection, supporting zoonosis and adaptation to the human airway. We perform head-to-head competitions and observe the highest fitness for Gamma and Delta. Under these conditions, RNA recombination favors variants encoding the B.1.617.1 lineage 3′ end. Based on viral growth kinetics, Alpha, Gamma, and Delta exhibit increased fitness compared to D614G. In contrast, the global success of Omicron likely derives from increased transmission and antigenic variation. Our data provide molecular evidence to support epidemiological observations of VOC emergence

    Oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of Quaternary meteoric carbonates from western and southern Europe: their role in palaoenvironmental reconstruction

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    Oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of Quaternary meteoric carbonates from western and southern Europe: Their role in palaoenvironmental reconstructionThe relationship between environmental conditions and the δ18O and δ13C values of soil and groundwater carbonates in Europe is poorly understood. Consequently, the use of the isotopic composition of these carbonate palaeoclimatic indicators in European sedimentary sequences is restricted. In this study we examine the δ18O and δ13C values of soil and groundwater carbonates from western and southern Europe. In western Europe there is no relationship between carbonate δ18O values and carbonate δ13C values. The δ18O values of soil carbonate appears to be driven by temperature, whilst the δ13C value of soil and groundwater carbonate reflects the persistent dominance of C3 vegetation in this region during the Quaternary. The δ18O and δ13C values of soil carbonates from Spain and Crete show a strong degree of co-variance suggesting that they are being controlled by the same environmental factor. This is suggested to be aridity. δ18O values are controlled by soil moisture evaporation whilst δ13C value is controlled by soil moisture degassing, vegetation abundance and possible C3/C4 vegetation inputs. The paper concludes by highlighting the fact that, although currently under-utilised, the δ18O and δ13C values of soil and groundwater carbonates have a huge potential for providing important palaeoenvironmental information from sites across Europe

    Toward a unified theory of visual area v4.

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    Visual area V4 is a midtier cortical area in the ventral visual pathway. It is crucial for visual object recognition and has been a focus of many studies on visual attention. However, there is no unifying view of V4's role in visual processing. Neither is there an understanding of how its role in feature processing interfaces with its role in visual attention. This review captures our current knowledge of V4, largely derived from electrophysiological and imaging studies in the macaque monkey. Based on recent discovery of functionally specific domains in V4, we propose that the unifying function of V4 circuitry is to enable selective extraction of specific functional domain-based networks, whether it be by bottom-up specification of object features or by top-down attentionally driven selection

    Characterization of the Goubau line for testing beam diagnostic instruments

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    One of the main characteristics of the Goubau line is that it supports a low-loss, non-radiated surface wave guided by a dielectric-coated metal wire. The dominant mode of the surface wave along the Goubau line is a TM01 mode, which resembles the pattern of the electromagnetic fields induced in the metallic beam pipe when the charged particle beam passes through it. Therefore, the Goubau line can be used for the preliminary bench test and performance optimization of the beam diagnostic instruments without requiring charged particle beams from the accelerators. In this paper, we discuss the basic properties of the Goubau line for testing beam diagnostic instruments and present the initial test results for button-type beam position monitors (BPMs). The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical estimations, which indicates that Goubau line allows effective testing of beam diagnostic equipment