1,024 research outputs found

    An Innovative, Multidisciplinary Educational Program in Interactive Information Storage and Retrieval

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    There exists a large number of large-scale bibliographic Information Storage and Retrieval Systems containing large amounts of valuable data of interest in a wide variety of research applications. These systems are not used to capacity because the end users, i.e., the researchers, have not been trained in the techniques of accessing such systems. This thesis describes the development of a transportable, university-level course in methods of querying on-line interactive Information Storage and Retrieval systems as a solution to this problem. This course was designed to instruct upper division science and engineering students to enable these end users to directly access such systems. The course is designed to be taught by instructors who are not specialists in either computer science or research skills. It is independent of any particular IS and R system or computer hardware. The project is sponsored by NASA and conducted by the University of Southwestern Louisiana and Southern University

    Union: Interviews with Employees from the Holiday Inn of Liverpool, NY

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    Although working class issues are not invisible in academia, it seems less common to hear them from the members of the working class themselves. There are many scholars who speak for them, but not exactly with them. This project allows five blue collar employees of the Holiday Inn located inLiverpool,NY to speak for themselves about the work they do and the union in which they participate. Liverpool’s Holiday Inn is the only union hotel in theSyracuse area, so this project also explores what it means to have unions in the hotel industry. This project presents the stories of five employees from various departments ofLiverpool’s Holiday Inn. These employees participated in a series of interviews, which were transcribed and edited into the narratives presented in this project. The employees discuss their families, what brought them to the hotel and why they stay, their work within the hotel, the relationships they have formed at the Holiday Inn, the impact the union has on their lives and their jobs, their histories, the problems and hardships they face as a result of their strenuous work, and more

    Thiol-reactive analogues of galanthamine, codeine and morphine as potential probes to interrogate allosteric binding within nAChRs

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    Alkaloids including galanthamine (1) and codeine (2) are reported to be positive allosteric modulators of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) but the binding sites responsible for this activity are not known with certainty. Analogues of galanthamine (1), codeine (2) and morphine (3) with reactivity towards cysteine thiols were synthesised including conjugated enone derivatives of the three alkaloids 4-6 and two chloro-alkane derivatives of codeine 7 and 8. The stability of the enones was deemed sufficient for use in buffered aqueous solutions and their reactivity towards thiols was assessed by determining the kinetics of reaction with a cysteine derivative. All three enone derivatives were of sufficient reactivity and stability to be used in covalent trapping, an extension of the substituted cysteine accessibility method (SCAM), to elucidate the allosteric binding sites of galanthamine and codeine at nAChRs

    Examining the Relationship Between Primary Care Provider Emotional Intelligence and Glycemic Control

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    The patient-provider relationship is an important component of chronic disease management. One key aspect of a positive patient-provider relationship is a healthcare provider’s “emotional intelligence,” one’s ability to recognize, understand, and manage their own as well as other’s emotions, which has a known positive effect on patient satisfaction. However, no studies have examined whether a healthcare provider’s emotional intelligence influences health outcomes in chronic disease. This study aims to determine whether glycemic control in adult patients with type II diabetes is correlated with a primary care provider’s emotional intelligence. Specifically, we will carry out a cross sectional study using retrospective data to determine the relationship between provider’s emotional intelligence on the Wong Law Emotional Intelligence Scale and their diabetic patients’ three most recent HbA1Cs. We hypothesize that higher emotional intelligence will be correlated with improved glycemic outcomes in patients with diabetes

    Bishop Thomas Lewis O’Beirne and his church-building programme in the diocese of Meath 1798-1823

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    The first quarter of the nineteenth century was a time of great change and uncertainty in Ireland. The rebellion of 1798 was followed in 1801 by the Act of Union, which brought about legislative and ecclesiastical union from Britain. If the Church of Ireland was ever to make a success of its mission in-Ireland, it was in these early years of the nineteenth century. On the eve of this opportunity Thomas Lewis O’Beime, an Irish convert and former Roman Catholic seminarian, was translated from the diocese of Ossory to Hie see of Meath. Availing of compensation monies, ecclesiastic bursaries and gifts or loans from the trustees of the Board of First Fruits, the bishop began twenty-five years of infrastructural change and pastoral reform on a scale not seen in any diocese in the history of the reformed church. This study has not one, but two main concerns. The first is to set out, for the first time, a full as possible account of the infrastructural changes instituted and maintained by Bishop O’Beime during his time in the diocese of Meath. The second is to record by architectural inventory, what remains of the churches built or rebuilt during his episcopate. The latter is particularly pressing, as already, a number of those buildings no longer dress the landscape and several others, due to their current dilapidated state, will soon disappear. In order to gain an understanding of this spate of church building and reform, it is first necessary to investigate the bishop himself, his background, career, views, political and religious associates. Hence, O’Beime is the subject of the first chapter. To fully appreciate the scale of O’Beime’s work in Meath and provide some historical context, the second chapter sets out the extent of the diocese and provides an overview of its history. This includes land distributions made at the time of the dissolutions, the resulting arrangement of parish patronage and tithe impropriations and the role of some of O’Beime’s episcopal predecessors. Chapters three and four concentrate on the infrastructural changes brought about by O’Beime. Chapter five examines the contribution of parish patrons, tithe impropriators, congregations and parishioners at large

    Weathering the Storm: Have IDAs Helped Low-Income Homebuyers Avoid Foreclosure?

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    Examines the demographics of low-income families with Individual Development Accounts, matched savings accounts designed to help them save and build assets through homeownership; their loan terms; and foreclosure rates. Discusses policy implications

    His Own Vine and Fig Tree: Review of \u3ci\u3eThe Papers of George Washington: Retirement Series\u3c/i\u3e. Volume l-March 4-December 28,1797; Volume 2-Janual)\u27 2-September 15,1798; Volume 3, September 16, 1798-AprilI9, 1799; Volume4-April 20-December 15, 1799. Dorothy Twohig, editor; Philander D. Chase, senior associate editor; Beverly H. Runge, associate editor; Frank E. Grizzard, Jr., Edward G. Lengel, Mark A Mastromarino, Elizabeth B. Mercer, and Jack D. Warren, assistant editors; W. W. Abbot, editor emeritus.

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    The four-volume Retirement Series of The Papers o/George Washington includes the ex-president\u27s correspondence from March 4, 1797, the day following John Adams\u27s inauguration as the nation\u27s second president, until December 10,1799, four days before Washington\u27s death. The fifth and final subset of The Papers and the third to be completed, it provides us with an immeasurably richer portfolio on the final years of Washington\u27s life than is available from John C. Fitzpatrick\u27s previously published The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799 (Washington, 1931-1944), While Fitzpatrick published a substantial number of the letters -written by Washington during this period, he only occasionally reproduced portions of other documents the former president generated or letters Washington received

    Who not what: the logic of China’s information control strategy

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    In this paper, we examine how the Chinese state controls social media. While social media companies are responsible for censoring their platforms, they also selectively report certain users to the government. This article focuses on understanding the logic behind media platforms' decisions to report users or content to the government. We find that content is less relevant than commonly thought. Information control efforts often focus on who is posting rather than on what they are posting. The state permits open discussion and debate on social media while controlling and managing influential social forces that may challenge the party-state's hegemonic position. We build on Schurmann's "ideology and organization,"emphasizing the Party's goals of embedding itself in all social structures and limiting the ability of non-Party individuals, networks or groups to carve out a separate space for leadership and social status. In the virtual public sphere, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continues to apply these principles to co-opt, repress and limit the reach of influential non-Party "thought leaders."We find evidence to support this logic through qualitative and quantitative analysis of leaked censorship documents from a social media company and government documents on information control

    Schoodic Cove: A History, Chapter 1, A Path through History to Schoodic Cove

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    The first chapter in a history of Schoodic Cove that traces the developments that preceded and followed the coming of the railroad to Schoodic and explores the history of the sporting camps that emerged between 1897 and 1940. The chapter is broken into four parts: Part 1: The Path Through History to Schoodic Cove; Part 2: The First Sporting Camps in Schoodic Cove; Part 3: Nelson and Emma McNaughton\u27s Lakeside Camps; and Part 4: The Cables and Schoodic Lake Camps
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