63 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT: Expansive soils are common in arid and semi-arid climate regions of the world and cause severe problems on civil engineering structures. The Swelling potential of the expansive soil mainly depends upon the properties of soil and environmental factors, and stress conditions. Swelling pressure is a key parameter used in designing structures in and on expansive soil. The swelling pressure of soil is measured in the laboratory using a representative soil samples. The size and the surface friction of the sample ring used in the swelling pressure test have effects on the measured swelling pressure and they have not properly been investigated. In this study, a series of constant volume swelling tests were conducted using an automated consolidation-swell apparatus to evaluate the effect of sample ring size, ring friction, initial dry density, and initial moisture content (IMC). Test results indicate an exponential growing trend of swelling pressure when the dry density is increased. Similarly, high swell pressures are achieved when the IMC is increased for the same dry density. A higher swelling pressure was measured when the friction of the specimen ring was reduced. The measured swelling pressure increases with increasing the height of the sampling ring and it decreases when the ring diameter is increased. Therefore, it is recommended to use a standard sample ring reducing inside wall friction using lubricants when measuring the swelling pressure in the laboratory. Further, the sample ring size, initial density and initial moisture content of soil should be given when reporting swelling pressure of soil

    Minimizing Liability of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Construction Contracts—A Structural Equation Model for Risk Mitigation of Force Majeure Impacts

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    A pandemic is a force majeure event, and contracting parties can invoke conditions under force majeure to minimize liability for unforeseen, uncontrollable, and unavoidable circumstances. This study develops a conceptual model to assist in the management of delays and cost overruns due to force majeure events arising from the construction sector in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). A critical case study analysis of past epidemics and pandemics was conducted to develop a survey questionnaire for administration to construction professionals in Trinidad and Tobago. Based on the empirical data of 65 construction professionals, the structural equation model shows that there are strong causal effects from the implications of COVID-19 and force majeure events, which in turn have a dire impact on the construction industry. The leading implication of COVID-19 is the drastic increases in the cost of materials. Also, granting an extension of time to contractors was the main risk variable under the force majeure conditions. From the results, the measurement model verifies that events under force majeure and its perceived implications strongly influence the construction industry, and proposes that force majeure contractual clauses require explicit treatment of the periodic reoccurrence of pandemics to avoid conflicts among contracting parties. This research explores and builds on new avenues from the latest COVID-19 scholarship to better understand existing impacts on the construction industry, and consequently add to the novel body of knowledge on the implications of pandemics on construction contracts. Overall, this research provides a risk-guidance framework for construction professionals and academia to mitigate unforeseen, uncontrollable, and unavoidable risks on construction projects

    Bioengineering of the plant culture of Capsicum frutescens with vanillin synthase gene for the production of vanillin

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    Production of vanillin by bioengineering has gained popularity due to consumer demand towards vanillin produced by biological systems. Natural vanillin from vanilla beans is very expensive to produce compared to its synthetic counterpart. Current bioengineering works mainly involve microbial biotechnology. Therefore, alternative means to the current approaches are constantly being explored. This work describes the use of vanillin synthase (VpVAN), to bioconvert ferulic acid to vanillin in a plant system. The VpVAN enzyme had been shown to directly convert ferulic acid and its glucoside into vanillin and its glucoside, respectively. As the ferulic acid precursor and vanillin were found to be the intermediates in the phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathway of Capsicum species, this work serves as a proof-of-concept for vanillin production using Capsicum frutescens (C. frutescens or hot chili pepper). The cells of C. frutescens were genetically transformed with a codon optimized VpVAN gene via biolistics. Transformed explants were selected and regenerated into callus. Successful integration of the gene cassette into the plant genome was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction. High performance liquid chromatography was used to quantify the phenolic compounds detected in the callus tissues. The vanillin content of transformed calli was 0.057% compared to 0.0003% in untransformed calli

    mTOR regulates MAPKAPK2 translation to control the senescence-associated secretory phenotype

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    Senescent cells secrete a combination of factors collectively known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). The SASP reinforces senescence and activates an immune surveillance response, but it can also show pro-tumorigenic properties and contribute to age-related pathologies. In a drug screen to find new SASP regulators, we uncovered the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin as a potent SASP suppressor. Here we report a mechanism by which mTOR controls the SASP by differentially regulating the translation of the MK2 (also known as MAPKAPK2) kinase through 4EBP1. In turn, MAPKAPK2 phosphorylates the RNA-binding protein ZFP36L1 during senescence, inhibiting its ability to degrade the transcripts of numerous SASP components. Consequently, mTOR inhibition or constitutive activation of ZFP36L1 impairs the non-cell-autonomous effects of senescent cells in both tumour-suppressive and tumour-promoting contexts. Altogether, our results place regulation of the SASP as a key mechanism by which mTOR could influence cancer, age-related diseases and immune responses

    Sublethal necroptosis signaling promotes inflammation and liver cancer

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    It is currently not well known how necroptosis and necroptosis responses manifest in vivo. Here, we uncovered a molecular switch facilitating reprogramming between two alternative modes of necroptosis signaling in hepatocytes, fundamentally affecting immune responses and hepatocarcinogenesis. Concomitant necrosome and NF-κB activation in hepatocytes, which physiologically express low concentrations of receptor-interacting kinase 3 (RIPK3), did not lead to immediate cell death but forced them into a prolonged "sublethal" state with leaky membranes, functioning as secretory cells that released specific chemokines including CCL20 and MCP-1. This triggered hepatic cell proliferation as well as activation of procarcinogenic monocyte-derived macrophage cell clusters, contributing to hepatocarcinogenesis. In contrast, necrosome activation in hepatocytes with inactive NF-κB-signaling caused an accelerated execution of necroptosis, limiting alarmin release, and thereby preventing inflammation and hepatocarcinogenesis. Consistently, intratumoral NF-κB-necroptosis signatures were associated with poor prognosis in human hepatocarcinogenesis. Therefore, pharmacological reprogramming between these distinct forms of necroptosis may represent a promising strategy against hepatocellular carcinoma

    Is the rise in childhood obesity rates leading to an increase in hospitalizations due to dengue?

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    Background: Obesity and diabetes are known risk factors for severe dengue. Therefore, we sought to investigate the association of obesity with increased risk of hospitalization, as there is limited information. Methods and findings: Children aged 10 to 18 years (n = 4782), were recruited from 9 districts in Sri Lanka using a stratified multi-stage cluster sampling method. Details of previous admissions to hospital due to dengue and anthropometric measurements were recorded and seropositivity rates for dengue were assessed. The body mass index (BMI) centile in children aged 10 to 18, was derived by plotting the values on the WHO BMI-for-age growth charts, to acquire the percentile ranking. Results: Although the dengue seropositivity rates were similar in children of the different BMI centiles, 12/66 (18.2%) seropositive children with a BMI centile >97th, had been hospitalized for dengue, compared to 103/1086 (9.48%) of children with a BMI centile of 97th (OR 2.33, 95% CI, 1.47 to 3.67, p = 0.0003) was significantly associated with hospitalization when compared to children in other BMI categories. Conclusions: Obesity appears to be associated with an increased risk of hospitalization in dengue, which should be further investigated in longitudinal prospective studies. With the increase in obesity in many countries, it would be important to create awareness regarding obesity and risk of severe disease and hospitalization in dengue

    The Joint IOC (of UNESCO) and WMO collaborative effort for met-ocean services

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    The Joint Committee for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM), a joint technical commission of IOC of UNESCO and WMO, has devised a coordination mechanism for the fit-for-purpose delivery of an end-to-end system, from ocean observations to met-ocean operational services. This paper offers a complete overview of the activities carried out by JCOMM and the status of the achievements up to 2017. The JCOMM stakeholders are the WMO Members and the IOC Member States, their research and operational Institutions, which mandated JCOMM to devise an international strategy to advance toward the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The three activity areas, namely the Observation Program Area-OPA, the Data Management Program Area-DMPA and the Services and Forecasting Services Program Area-SFSPA have established several expert teams to contribute to the international coordination. OPA is organized in observing networks connected with different observing technologies, DMPA organizes the overall near-real time and delayed mode data assembly and delivery methodology and architecture and the SFSPA coordinates the met-ocean services stemming out of observations and data management. The future developments should strengthen the coordination in the three program areas considering the inclusion of new and emergent observing technologies, the interoperability of met-ocean data assembly centers and the establishment of efficient research to operations protocols, as well as better fit-for-purpose customized services for the public and private sectors

    The Joint IOC (of UNESCO) and WMO collaborative effort for Met-Ocean services

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    The WMO-IOC Joint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology (JCOMM) has devised a coordination mechanism for the fit-for-purpose delivery of an end-to-end system, from ocean observations to met-ocean operational services. This paper offers a complete overview of the activities carried out by JCOMM and the status of the achievements up to 2018. The JCOMM stakeholders consist of the research and operational institutions of WMO members and the IOC member states, which mandated JCOMM to devise an international strategy to move toward the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The three areas of activity are the Observation Program Area (OPA), the Data Management Program Area (DMPA) and the Services and Forecasting Services Program Area (SFSPA), and several expert teams have been established to contribute to the international coordination efforts. OPA is organized into observing networks connected by different observing technologies, DMPA organizes the overall near-real time and delayed mode data assembly, and the delivery methodology and architecture, and the SFSPA coordinates the met-ocean services resulting from the observations and data management. Future developments should enhance coordination in these three program areas by considering the inclusion of new and emergent observing technologies, the interoperability of met-ocean data assembly centers and the establishment of efficient research to operations protocols, in addition to better fit-for-purpose customized services in both the public and private sectors

    Use of Waste Materials for Sustainable Pavement Industry in Australia: A Review

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    The demand for fresh materials for the construction and maintenance of pavements is increasing daily with the rapid development of infrastructures. The continuous extraction of natural resources to meet this demand causes environmental, social, and economic dissatisfaction. Recycled materials are the best alternative to replace fresh pavement materials, conversely, to align with the sustainability of the pavement industry. Crumb rubber, reclaimed asphalt pavement, recycled concrete aggregates, crushed bricks, and glass, fly ash, and recycled plastics are viable recycled materials. A progressive trend toward recycled materials is recorded worldwide. However, it needs continuous enforcement to standardize specific criteria to retain a steady demand for their applications in every part of the world. Australia has made significant strides in utilizing recycled materials in the pavement industry under various circumstances. This paper presents an overview of recycled materials, their properties and applications in different layers of flexible pavements in Australia.</p
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