474 research outputs found

    Becoming Jewish, Believing in Jesus: Judaizing Evangelicals in Brazil [review]/Carpenedo, Manoela

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    This is a book review by Rodrigo Galiza

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    Desafios de um prefeito: promessas de campanha e a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal

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    O objetivo principal deste caso é ajudar o Prefeito do Município fictício de Branco Claro a tomar uma decisão política diante de um contexto de gestão municipal caótico. A decisão em questão é o cumprimento ou não de uma promessa de campanha, e como lidar com os desdobramentos econômicos, sociais e políticos que poderão ocorrer em virtude das ações por ele tomadas e da Lei de Responsabilidade FiscalNúmero de páginas: 5 p.Accountability. Prestação de contasGestão Orçamentária. Finanças PúblicasA nota pedagógica deste estudo de caso é de acesso restrito e exclusivo a professores e coordenadores de ensino cujos cadastros tenham sido autorizados pela coordenação da Casoteca de Gestão Pública. Se você é professor ou coordenador de ensino e deseja ter acesso à íntegra das notas pedagógicas que alguns estudos de caso possuem, solicite sua autorização de uso pleno no site da Casoteca de Gestão Pública, na opção “Cadastre-se” (http://casoteca.enap.gov.br/index.php?option=com_user&view=register&Itemid=14)

    Purity, Community, and Ritual in Early Christian Literature [review] / Blidstein, Moshe.

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    Optimização de rotas na Rangel Expresso, SA.

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    Estágio realizado na Rangel Expresso, SA. orientado por Paulo FigueiredoTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Mecânica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    The Jews and Samaritans: The Origin and History of Their Early Relations [review] / Knoppers, Gary N.

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    Patristic Theories of Biblical Interpretation: The Latin Fathers [review] / Toom, Tarmo, ed.

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    Scriptures and Sectarianism: Essays on the Dead Sea Scrolls [review] / Collins, John J.

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    City of Demons: Violence, Ritual and Christian Power in Late Antiquity [review] / Kalleres, Dayna S.

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    Non–Cognitive Factors that Influence Reading Competency

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    This study aimed to find out what factors influenced the reading proficiency of first-year college students at Isabela State University, San Mariano in SY 2020-2021. This study employed descriptive statistics. A questionnaire was utilized to collect data from 125 respondents. Analysis used frequency % and ranking. Concerning student-related aspects, more than half of them stated that subject interest and selfmotivation influenced their reading proficiency. Regarding teacher-related aspects, respondents indicated that instructors' job experience influenced their reading competency. Parental involvement in home academic activities ranked #1 as a factor influencing their reading skills. Among the schoolrelated characteristics that influenced their reading ability, discipline scored first. Under studentrelated criteria, interest in a subject influenced reading proficiency, followed by teacher effectiveness with over half of the respondents. Most respondents said that discipline was the most important element influencing their reading ability. Instructors should use a variety of learning activities, and parents should help their children with homework. The government must also focus on good reading teacher training. Aside from providing a conducive area for reading enhancement activities, book borrowing must be encouraged