123 research outputs found

    Neopopulism in Colombia: case of the government of Álvaro Uribe Vélez

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    Este artículo examina el fortalecimiento del poder ejecutivo en Colombia durante el gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez y en el contexto político actual de la región andina. Tal contexto advierte un cierto desencantamiento frente al sistema democrático en amplios sectores sociales, expresado en una apuesta política hacia fórmulas que parecen reproducir viejos esquemas en las formas de gobernar, tales como el neopopulismo, el retorno de patrones autoritarios y el liderazgo de algunos outsiders. En este sentido, se pretende indagar si el programa de gobierno del actual presidente de Colombia corresponde a un proyecto de corte neopopulista y se analizan las limitaciones del uso de la categoría neopopulismo en la explicación de la actual experiencia política colombiana.This article develops an analysis on the stregthening process in the administrative branch of government in Colombia during the administration of President Álvaro Uribe Vélez. This analysis is done within the context of similar processes evolving recently in the Andean Region. This context shows a sort of disenchantment of the democratic system among wide sectors of society, represented in ways of politically aiming at patterns which seem to reproduce old governing schemas like neopopulism, the coming back of old authoritarian patterns and the leadership of outsiders. Considering this background, this article intends to establish if the governing program of the present president of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe actually adjusts to the neopopulist line, analyzing at the same time the limitations of the use of the term neopopulism in explaining actual political Colombian experienc

    El miedo en los tiempos de la seguridad global : una lectura desde Thomas Hobbes

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    Este trabajo tiene como propósito realizar un examen a la permanente situación permanente de amenaza de guerra en et Contexto de la llamada era de la seguridad a la luz de los planteamientos del Leviatán de Thomas Hobbes. El primer capítulo presenta una revisión de los orígenes filosóficos de la reflexión sobre la seguridad y el papel del Estado en su preservación y en éste se sostiene que los planteamientos hobbesianos se constituyen en el punto de partida de una línea de indagación alrededor de la seguridad, la cual cobrará una forma específica a través de un conjunto de doctrinas y prácticas políticas que se conocen bajo el nombre de Teorías sobre la Seguridad, las cuales son presentadas con mayor detalle en el segundo capítulo. A manera de conclusión, el tercer capítulo examina cómo la amenaza del terrorismo ha sido capitalizada por los Estados con el fin de aumentar su poder coercitivo y restringir las libertades individuales a través de la creación y recreación de viejas y nuevas formas de miedo, que inciden significativamente en las formas como se concibe y se pone en práctica ¡a ciudadaníaThe aim of this work is to examine the permanent threat of war in the Security Era in the light of the Leviathan of Thomas Hobbes. The first chapter presents a reflection concerning the philosophical origins of the security's discussion as well as the role of the State for its maintaining. It concludes that the hobbesian approach constitutes a start point of a specific field of political doctrines and practices: the Security Theories, which are presented in the second chapter. As conclusion, the third chapter analyzes how the states have used the terrorism threat for growing their coercive power and restricting the individual liberties. One relevant form is the use of new and old fear-forms which influence in a significant way the forms in which the citizenship is conceived and practiced.Magíster en FilosofíaMaestrí

    Neopopulism in Colombia: case of the government of Álvaro Uribe Vélez

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    Este artículo examina el fortalecimiento del poder ejecutivo en Colombia durante el gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez y en el contexto político actual de la región andina. Tal contexto advierte un cierto desencantamiento frente al sistema democrático en amplios sectores sociales, expresado en una apuesta política hacia fórmulas que parecen reproducir viejos esquemas en las formas de gobernar, tales como el neopopulismo, el retorno de patrones autoritarios y el liderazgo de algunos outsiders.This article develops an analysis on the stregthening process in the administrative branch of government in Colombia during the administration of President Álvaro Uribe Vélez. This analysis is done within the context of similar processes evolving recently in the Andean Region. This context shows a sort of disenchantment of the democratic system among wide sectors of society, represented in ways of politically aiming at patterns which seem to reproduce old governing schemas like neopopulism, the coming back of old authoritarian patterns and the leadership of outsiders. Considering this background, this article intends to establish if the governing program of the present president of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe actually adjusts to the neopopulist line, analyzing at the same time the limitations of the use of the term neopopulism in explaining actual political Colombian experience

    Estado, sociedad civil y gobernanza local en contextos violentos. Algunos temas para una agenda de investigación

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    Como una introducción a la sección temática de este volúmen, este artículo sugiere, a partir de tres experiencias concretas, una serie de temas para la construcción de una agenda de investigación relacionada con la conflictiva coexistencia del Estado y diferentes actores de la sociedad civil, armados y no armados, en escenarios marcados por el uso de la violencia como dispositivo de ejercicio del poder sobre un territorio y un colectivo. Las experiencias presentadas dan cuenta de tres escenarios y momentos muy diferentes: un linchamiento en la ciudad peruana de Ilave en el 2004, el triunfo electoral en el 2011 de un candidato de izquierda en una ciudad colombiana controlada por el paramilitarismo y la reciente desaparición de 43 estudiantes en Ayotzinapa, México, en el 2014. El caso de los linchamientos plantea el reto de examinar prácticas jurídicas locales que pueden conducir al ejercicio de la “justicia por mano propia”. Para el caso colombiano, estas prácticas locales, más allá de las “justicias comunitarias”, han descansado  básicamente en manos de los actores armados, planteando así importantes desafíos en el análisis de los legados de estas prácticas en un escenario de posconflicto. Este segundo caso conduce, también, a la reflexión sobre las posibilidades de resistencia y mecanismos de rendición de cuentas bajo el control de actores armados. Por último, el tercer caso plantea la cuestión sobre la cooperación abierta u oculta entre actores estatales y no estatales en zonas de conflicto, en especial bajo el control de redes de crimen organizado. En la medida en que sea posible indagar en aspectos que precisan de un mayor detenimiento en la comprensión del fenómeno, será también factible definir líneas de intervención que permitan superar losdesafíos que escenarios como el posconflicto, para casos como el colombiano, plantean en términos de la convivencia pacífica y de una realización efectiva de la ciudadanía.As an introduction to the thematic section and on the basis of three concrete experiences, this article suggests a series of critical issues for the construction of a research agenda related to the conflictive coexistence of the State and various actors of civil society,armed and non-armed. The background against which these reflections are put forward are several scenarios marked by the use of violence as a tool for exercising power over a territory and collective. The experiences presented describe three of those scenarios and moments: a lynching in the Peruvian city of Ilave in 2004, the electoral triumph in 2011 of a leftist candidate in a Colombian city controlled by paramilitarism, and the recentdisappearance of 43 students in Ayotzinapa, México, in 2014. The case of the lynchings offers the challenge of examining local juridical practices that may lead to the exercise of “taking justice into one’s own hands”. For the Colombian case, these local practices— going beyond “community justice”—have basically rested in the hands of armed actors, thus offering important challenges to the analysis of the legacies of these practices in a post-conflict scenario. This second case also leads to reflection regarding the possibilities of resistance and mechanisms of accountability under the control of armed actors. Finally, the third case raises the question of open or hidden cooperation between State and non-State actors in zones of conflict, especially under the control of organized crime networks. To the degree that it is possible to examine aspects that require greater attention in understandingthe phenomenon, it would be equally possible to define lines of intervention that make it possible to overcome the challenges that scenarios such as the post-conflict scenario pose, in the Colombian case, in terms of peaceful coexistence and the effectiverealization of citizenship.Como uma introdução à seção temática que faz parte desta edição, este artigo sugere, a partir de três experiências concretas, uma série de temas para a construção de uma agenda de pesquisa relacionada com a conflitiva coexistência do Estado e diferentesatores da sociedade civil, armados e não armados, em cenários marcados pelo uso da violência como dispositivo de exercício do poder sobre um território e um coletivo. As experiências apresentadas dão conta de três cenários e momentos muito diferentes: um linchamento na cidade peruana de Ilave em 2004, o triunfo eleitoral em 2011 de um candidato de esquerda numa cidade colombiana controlada pelo paramilitarismo e pelo recente desaparecimento de 43 estudantes em Ayotzinapa, México, em 2014. O caso do linchamento propõe o desafio de examinar práticas jurídicas locais que podem conduzir ao exercício da “justiça com as próprias mãos”. Para o caso colombiano, essas práticaslocais, mais além das “justiças comunitárias”, têm descansado basicamente em mãos dos atores armados, o que leva a importantes desafios na análise dos legados dessas práticasno cenário de pós-conflito. Esse segundo caso conduz também à reflexão sobre as possibilidades de resistência e mecanismos de prestação de contas sob o controle de atores armados.Finalmente, o terceiro caso propõe a questão sobre a cooperação aberta ou oculta entre atores estatais e não estatais em áreas de conflito, especialmente sob o controle de redes de crime organizado. Na medida em que seja possível indagar sobre aspectos que precisam de mais atenção na compreensão do fenômeno, será igualmente factível definir linhas de intervenção que permitam superar os desafios que cenários como o pós-conflito, para casos como o colombiano, apresentam em termos da convivência pacífica e de uma realização efetiva da cidadania

    Génesis y transformaciones del Estado nación en Colombia. Una mirada topológica a los estudios sociales desde la filosofía política

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    El presente libro es el resultado de una apuesta metodológica que aborda el problema del Estado en Colombia teniendo en cuenta las variables políticas e institucionales de su consistencia interna: el adentro y las condiciones externas de su desarrollo en el contexto de dependencia económica y violencia recurrente que lo han caracterizado durante la mayor parte de su existencia histórica: el afuera, ha sido utilizada para dar cuenta de los estudios sociales que se han ocupado del tema, los cuales son abordados como una información de saber que aglutina la investigación económica, antropológica, sociológica, histórica y politológica realizada desde los años sesenta.Los autores se han restringido al archivo planteando hipótesis propias sobre algunos problemas neurálgicos de nuestra estabilidad: la idea de que el Estado Colombiano encuentre su matriz fundacional en el paso de la Conquista a la Colonia

    Taxonomy, evolution, and biogeography of the rhodniini tribe (Hemiptera: Reduviidae)

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    The Triatominae subfamily includes 151 extant and three fossil species. Several species can transmit the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, significantly impacting public health in Latin American countries. The Triatominae can be classified into five tribes, of which the Rhodniini is very important because of its large vector capacity and wide geographical distribution. The Rhodniini tribe comprises 23 (without R. taquarussuensis) species and although several studies have addressed their taxonomy using morphological, morphometric, cytogenetic, and molecular techniques, their evolutionary relationships remain unclear, resulting in inconsistencies at the classification level. Conflicting hypotheses have been proposed regarding the origin, diversification, and identification of these species in Latin America, muddying our understanding of their dispersion and current geographic distribution. Clarifying these factors can help for the design of vector control strategies. The aim of this review is to depict the different approaches used for taxonomy of the Rhodniini and to shed light on their evolution and biogeography. © 2020 by the authors

    Analytical performance of Four Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and real time PCR (qPCR) assays for the detection of six Leishmania species DNA in Colombia

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    Leishmaniasis comprises a spectrum of parasitic diseases caused by protozoans of the genus Leishmania. Molecular tools have been widely employed for the detection of Leishmania due to its high sensitivity and specificity. However, the analytical performance of molecular platforms as PCR and real time PCR (qPCR) including a wide variety of molecular markers has never been evaluated. Herein, the aim was to evaluate the analytical performance of 4 PCR-based assays (designed on four different targets) and applied on conventional and real-time PCR platforms. We evaluated the analytical performance of conventional PCR and real time PCR, determining exclusivity and inclusivity, Anticipated Reportable Range (ARR), limit of detection (LoD) and accuracy using primers directed to kDNA, HSP70, 18S and ITS-1 targets. We observed that the kDNA was the most sensitive but does not meet the criterion of exclusivity. The HSP70 presented a higher LoD in conventional PCR and qPCR in comparison with the other markers (1 × 101 and 1 × 10-1 equivalent parasites/mL respectively) and had a higher coefficient of variation in qPCR. No statistically significant differences were found between the days of the test with the four molecular markers. The present study revealed that the 18S marker presented the best performance in terms of analytical sensitivity and specificity for the qPCR in the species tested (species circulating in Colombia). Therefore, we recommend to explore the analytical and diagnostic performance in future studies using a broader number of species across America. © 2017 León, Muñoz, Hernández, Ayala, Flórez, Teherán, Cubides and Ramírez

    Identification of Six New World Leishmania species through the implementation of a High-Resolution Melting (HRM) genotyping assay

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    Background: Leishmaniases are tropical zoonotic diseases, caused by parasites from the genus Leishmania. New World (NW) species are related to sylvatic cycles although urbanization processes have been reported in some South American Countries such as Colombia. This eco-epidemiological complexity imposes a challenge to the detection of circulating parasite species, not only related to human cases but also infecting vectors and reservoirs. Currently, no harmonized methods have been deployed to discriminate the NW Leishmania species. Findings: Herein, we conducted a systematic and mechanistic High-Resolution Melting (HRM) assay targeted to HSP70 and ITS1. Specific primers were designed that coupled with a HRM analyses permitted to discriminate six NW Leishmania species. In order to validate the herein described algorithm, we included 35 natural isolates obtained from human cases, insect vectors and mammals. Our genotyping assay allowed the correct assignment of the six NW Leishmania species (L. mexicana, L. infantum (chagasi), L. amazonensis, L. panamensis, L. guyanensis and L. braziliensis) based on reference strains. When the algorithm was applied to a set of well-characterized strains by means of PCR-RFLP, MLEE and monoclonal antibodies (MA) we observed a tailored concordance between the HRM and PCR-RFLP/MLEE/MA (KI = 1.0). Additionally, we tested the limit of detection for the HRM method showing that this is able to detect at least 10 equivalent-parasites per mL. Conclusions: This is a rapid and reliable method to conduct molecular epidemiology and host-parasite association studies in endemic areas. © 2014 Baleela et al