20 research outputs found

    Comparison of Quantum PUF models

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    Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) are hardware structures in a physical system (e.g. semiconductor, crystals etc.) that are used to enable unique identification of the semiconductor or to secure keys for cryptographic processes. A PUF thus generates a noisy secret reproducible at runtime. This secret can either be used to authenticate the chip, or it is available as a cryptographic key after removing the noise. Latest advancements in the field of quantum hardware, in some cases claiming to achieve quantum supremacy, highly target the fragility of current RSA type classical cryptosystems. As a solution, one would like to develop Quantum PUFs to mitigate such problem. There are several approaches for this technology. In our work we compare these different approaches and introduce the requirements for QTOKSim, a quantum token based authentication simulator testing its performance on a multi-factor authentication protocol


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    ZHUKOVSKY Vasyl – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor of International Linguistic Communication Department, National University of Ostroh Academy, Seminarska str., 2, Ostroh, 35800, Ukraine ([email protected])ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9170-8682ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-5579-2018GALETSKY Sergey – Post-graduate student of Psychology and Pedagogy Department, Lecture of International Linguistic Communication Department, National University of Ostroh Academy, Seminarska str., 2, Ostroh, 35800, Ukraine ([email protected])ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6532-3108ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-4197-2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2313-2094.6/38.121430To cite this article: Zhukovsky, V., Galetsky, S. (2018). Osoblyvosti suchasnoho dystantsiinoho navchannia: potentsial ta novi mozhlyvosti vykorystannia [Features of modern distance education: potential and new use of opportunity]. Liudynoznavchi studii. Seriia «Pedahohika» – Human Studies. Series of «Pedagogy», 6/38, 154–165. doi: 10.24919/2313-2094.6/38.121430 [in Ukrainian].Article historyReceived: 11 September 2017Received in revised form: 2 November 2017Accepted: 15 February 2018Available online: 5 April 2018 Abstract. Nowadays, the concept of distance education is widely known. With the development of new multimedia and communication technologies, distance learning is widely introduced by various institutions and universities around the world. For teachers, this provides an entirely new potential for the spread of their knowledge and skills, and for those who study – a great opportunity to get the various information they are interested in.The current socio-economic changes in Ukraine have put forward new challenges of higher education, the implementation of which is possible through the intensive implementation of information and communication technologies in the educational process.The basis of distance learning is the use of multimedia in the indirect communication of students with a supportive organization, which can have at least two forms: the first one is one-sided sending by the supporting organization of educational materials, the second – the bilateral interaction between the student and the organization.Today, communication among students who create the so-called chats is also widespread. Computer technologies make possible asynchronous discussions. This enhances the flexibility that has been making distance education useful for adults from the very beginning, and provides joint training.The use of computer technology in distance education enables to search the global network when almost unlimited amount of information becomes available to students. Information searches, as well as hyperlinks, can be used to increase students’ independent work. Therefore, distance learning is often viewed as a type of learning that requires a degree of maturity and independence from students. Also, distance learning is widely used for the sake of academic socialization, that is a part of the so-called emotional learning. Prepared in advance courses can be easily used by a large number of students with great financial advantage. There is a combination of individualism, which concerns the interaction of students, tutor and mass communication.Therefore, teaching should be accessible at any place where students are located, and they have a great responsibility for learning. The teaching system should offer a wide range of subjects, forms of instruction and techniques, using all relevant educational and technical media. Media tools and applied technologies should be effective and easy to use, reinforce each other and the structure of the subject and the curriculum.  Declaration of Conflicting Interests. The author declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.Acknowledgments. Sincere thanks to pedagogical staff at National University of Ostroh Academy, in particular Prof. Ihor Pasichnyk.Funding. The author received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.ЖУКОВСЬКИЙ Василь – доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри міжнародної мовної комунікації, Національний університет «Острозька академія», вул. Семінарська, 2, Острог, 35800, Україна ([email protected])ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9170-8682ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-5579-2018 ГАЛЕЦЬКИЙ Сергій – здобувач кафедри психології та педагогіки, викладач кафедри міжнародної мовної комунікації, Національний університет «Острозька академія», вул. Семінарська, 2, Острог, 35800, Україна ([email protected])ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6532-3108ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-4197-2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2313-2094.6/38.121430 Бібліографічний опис статті: Жуковський, В., Галецький, С. (2018). Особливості сучасного дистанційного навчання: потенціал та нові можливості використання. Людинознавчі студії: зб. наук. праць ДДПУ імені Івана Франка. Серія «Педагогіка», 6/38, 154–165. doi: 10.24919/2313-2094.6/38.121430.Історія статтіОдержано: 11 вересня 2017Прорецензовано: 2 листопада 2017Подано до редакції: 15 лютого 2018Доступ он-лайн: 5 квітня 2018 Анотація. У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан дистанційної освіти. Розкрито особливості використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у процесі дистанційного навчання студентів та форми їх реалізації. Охарактеризовано основні переваги дистанційної освіти студентів, зокрема гнучкість, розширення доступу до актуальної інформації, персональний підхід до навчання, спільне навчання, підвищення ступеня зрілості та незалежності, академічна соціалізація, фінансова доступність тощо. Виявлено шляхи практичного використання нових можливостей дистанційної освіти

    Методика определения истинных параметров полета

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    Присвячена етапу льотних випробувань надлегкого безпілотного літака. Розглядається методика обробки отриманої об’єктивної інформації з метою визначення аеродинамічних льотних характеристик літака, визначення величин похибок бортових вимірювальних пристроїв, визначення напрямку та швидкості вітру за висотами. Розглянуті та систематизовані похибки бортових вимірювальних приладів та причини виникнення цих похибок. На реальному прикладі вирахувано істинні швидкість та відносну висоту польоту, напрямок та швидкість вітру, похибки приладів, що використовувались.The article is dedicated to flight testing phase of unmanned air vehicle "Pegas", designed for large-scale aerial photographs, but the technique can be used for testing and other aircraft. Flight tests are an important part of the process of developing new types of the aircraft. According to the results, the accuracy of the selected parameters of the aircraft and the congruence of the real machine parameters to the mathematical model calculation were checked. To verify the flight characteristics of the results of the tests it was necessary to obtain the true values of flight parameters, but their measurement was complicated by the presence of errors and other factors that affect to results. In this article the method of processing the objective data was considered to determine the aerodynamic flight characteristics of the aircraft, the magnitude of errors of onboard measuring devices, the direction and the speed of the wind at the altitude. The barometric altitude and speed sensors and GPS sensor were used for noting the flight parameters. The accuracy of data sensors was unknown. The barometric altimeter data and GPS altitude were compared and analyzed to determine the true altitude. Despite the specific of characteristics of GPS sensor, some data were excluded from proceedings. The schedule of the difference between barometric and GPS altitude depending on the barometric relative altitude was constructed and totally analyzed. From these data specifying factor to determine the true relative altitude according to barometric sensor was derived. The next step was to define the true speed. This analysis was consisted on the dependence of the difference between the barometric and GPS speed according to the course of flight. The schedule had the sinusoidal dependence. Midline shift corresponded the accuracy level of the barometric speed sensor. The dimension of half amplitude of the schedule corresponded to the force of wind and the position of the largest difference corresponded to the rate of wind. Therefore, using this schedule the direction and the speed of the wind and accuracy of barometric airspeed sensor were quickly determined. In real example there were defined the true flight options and derived qualifying ratios. We have proved the feasibility and validity of the developed method.Статья посвящена этапу лётных испытаний сверхлегкого беспилотного самолета. В статье рассматривается методика обработки полученной объективной информации с целью определения аэродинамических летных характеристик самолета, определения величин погрешностей бортовых измерительных устройств, определения направления и скорости ветра по высотам. Рассмотрены и систематизированы погрешности бортовых измерительных приборов и причины возникновения этих погрешностей. На реальном примере вычислены истинные скорость и относительная высота полета, направление и скорость ветра, погрешности приборов, которые использовались

    QuantSat-PT: an attitude determination and control system architecture for QKD

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    This article presents the QuantSaT-PT project, an effort to create the first Portuguese nanosatellite for space to ground quantum communication. Focused on the Attitude Determination and Control System, it describes the different elements that allow for the attainment of diverse accuracy levels required for separate mission stages. Given the harsh pointing precision necessary for establishing a quantum downlink, the implementation of this module presents a major challenge in the Cubesat field. Furthermore, the introduced architecture aims to reduce system cost by replacing the state-of-the-art star tracker with ground beacon detection

    Оценка влияния выбора исходных статистических данных на этапе эскизного проектирования на параметры беспилотного летательного аппарата

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    Стаття присвячена аналізу використання композитних технологій при будівництві БпЛА. Розглянуто сучасні технологій будівництва. Виконано розрахунок відносних мас частин БпЛА. Проведено порівняльний аналіз з даними наведеними в методичній літературі, яку нині використовують для проектування БпЛА. Зроблена оцінка доцільності використання отриманих результатів при проектуванні БпЛА.Estimation of the choice impact of statistics data at the phase of conceptual design settings for unmanned aerial vehicle. The article is dedicated to analyzing the usage of composite technologies in the construction of unmanned aircraft. There were examined the modern construction technologies and were compared to technologies that underpin statistical material. Currently, in methodological literature there were given an example of relative weight of aircraft parts that were built based on outdated technology. Nowadays, UAVs are built on modern technologies with composite materials as a result the relative weight parts of the UAV need a recalculation. Consequently, having used the collected statistical database of existing UAVs, with mass characteristics of each unit the relative weight of the UAV airframe parts have been calculated in analytical method. After analyzing the results, we can see the redistribution of relative masses in toward increasing the mass of the payload (up to 68%), a significant decrease in the mass of individual units UAV. The project criteria of the useful to takeoff load ratio that describes the payload UAV was totally researched in the article. In analyzing the characteristic dependences there were found the factor of increasing influence of take-off weight and increasing the coefficient of mass return. This is due to the possibility of usage the necessary concrete section of power elements, rather than constructively or technologically based on. With the increasing of aerodynamic quality the useful to takeoff load ratio decreases, this is due to the necessity of improvements of the aircraft aerodynamic efficiency, which inevitably leads to augmentation weight of airframe. With the increasing of aspect ratio of wing the useful to takeoff load ratio is reduced. This is caused by increasing of bending moment at the root of the wing and the necessity to strengthen this node, thus the mass of the aircraft is increased. The evaluation analysis of the feasibility usage the results obtained in the design of the UAV were indicated in the article.Статья посвящена анализу использования композитных технологий при строительстве БпЛА. Рассмотрены современные технологий строительства. Выполнен расчет относительных масс частей БпЛА. Проведен сравнительный анализ с данными приведенными в методической литературе, которую на данный момент используют для проектирования БпЛА. Сделанная оценка целесообразности использования полученных результатов при проектировании БпЛА

    Влияние экспрессии CRABP1 на пролиферацию и чувствительность к ретиноевой кислоте клеток рака молочной железы различного происхождения

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    Background. Retinoic acid (RA), by modulation of the transcription of a number of retinoid-responsive genes, is involved in the regulation of cell differentiation and proliferation. The mechanisms by which the RA-binding proteins, molecular chaperones CRABP1 and CRABP2 (Cellular Retinoic Acid Proteins-1 and -2), participate in the realization of RA activity, as well as their precise role in tumor progression are still not fully understood. Recent data indicate that functional differences of CRABP proteins with respect to malignization of breast cancer cells could be determined by different sensitivity of tumor cells to RA and with the receptor status of the tumor.Materials and methods. The CRABP1 coding sequence was overexpressed in breast cancer cells without endogenous expression of this protein, with different levels of RA sensitivity and receptor status – SKBR3 (RA-sensitive, ER(–) / HER2(+) cells) and MDA-MB-231 (RA-resistant, triple negative status). The growth of CRABP1(+) derivatives and control cells was evaluated under standard culture conditions and in the presence of various concentrations of RA.Results. The effect of CRABP1 expression in RA-sensitive and RA-resistant breast cancer cells with different receptor status on the growth rate and sensitivity of cells to RA was studied. The expression of CRABP1 in RA-sensitive SKBR3 cells enhances proliferation in the absence of RA and decreases the antiproliferative effect of RA, while in RA-resistant triple-negative MDA-MB-231 cells, the expression of CRABP1 does not affect the studied characteristics.Conclusion. CRABP1 stimulates growth and suppresses the RA-sensitivity of HER2(+) RA-sensitive cells, but does not have a similar effect on highly aggressive triple-negative RA-resistant cells.Введение. Ретиноевая кислота (РК) за счет модуляции транскрипции ряда ретиноидреспонсивных генов участвует в регуляции процессов дифференцировки и пролиферации. Механизмы действия белков-шаперонов, связывающих РК, CRABP1 и CRABP2 (Cellular Retinoic Acid Proteins-1 и -2), в реализации активности РК, а также их участие в опухолевой прогрессии до сих пор полностью неясны. Последние данные свидетельствуют о том, что функциональные различия между белками CRABP в отношении малигнизации клеток рака молочной железы (РМЖ) могут быть связаны с чувствительностью опухолевых клеток к РК и с разным рецепторным статусом опухоли.Материалы и методы. Кодирующую последовательность CRABP1 гиперэкспрессировали в клетках РМЖ с отсутствием эндогенной экспрессии данного белка, разным уровнем РК-чувствительности и рецепторным статусом – линии SKBR3 (РК-чувствительные, ER(–) / HER2(+)) и MDA-MB-231 (РК-резистентные, трижды негативный статус). Оценивали рост производных CRABP1(+)- и контрольных сублиний клеток в стандартных условиях культивирования и в присутствии различных концентраций РК.Результаты. Исследовано влияние экспрессии CRABP1 в чувствительных и резистентных к РК клетках РМЖ с различным рецепторным статусом на динамику пролиферации и чувствительность клеток к РК. Показано, что экспрессия CRABP1 в чувствительных к РК клетках SKBR3 стимулирует пролиферацию клеток в отсутствие РК и снижает антипролиферативный эффект РК, в то время как в резистентных клетках MDA-MB-231 экспрессия CRABP1 не влияет на исследуемые характеристики.Заключение. CRABP1 стимулирует пролиферативную активность и снижает чувствительность к РК HER2(+)-клеток РМЖ, но не оказывает аналогичного действия на высокоагрессивные трижды негативные клетки, резистентные к действию РК

    Неканоническая активность ретиноевой кислоты в отношении активации протеинкиназ в трансформированных клетках различного происхождения

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    Background. The non-canonical activity of retinoic acid (RA) was discovered relatively recently and consists in the rapid activation of intracellular signaling pathways by the mechanisms not related to the transcriptional activity of the RA nuclear receptors. Separate data suggest that this activity can stimulate the processes of malignancy and contribute to the formation of tumor cell resistance to RA as a therapeutic agent. However, little is known about the mechanisms of this activity. It is also unclear how universal this effect is; does the RA-dependent activation of different signaling protein kinases occur in the same cells, and whether activation of these kinases is interrelated.Materials and methods: cultivation of non-small cell lung cancer cells and neuroblastoma cells under standard conditions and with incubation with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA); immunoblotting.Results. Here we studied the effect of ATRA on the activation of Akt and Erk1/2 protein kinases depending on the incubation time. The analysis revealed RA-dependent activation of both kinases in all studied non-small cell lung cancer and neuroblastoma cell lines. Activation of Akt and Erk1/2 occurred at five minutes of incubation, which corresponds to the non-transcriptional (non-canonical) activity of the RA, however, further activation kinetics of the two kinases differed essentially.Conclusion. We found that ATRA causes rapid activation of Erk1/2 and Akt protein kinases in both non-small cell lung cancer and neuroblastoma cells. The differences in the kinetics of RA-dependent stimulation of these two kinases suggest that their activation is mediated by independent mechanisms.Введение. Неканоническая активность ретиноевой кислоты (РК) обнаружена сравнительно недавно и заключается в быстрой активации внутриклеточных сигнальных путей с помощью механизмов, не связанных с транскрипционной активностью ядерных рецепторов РК. Отдельные данные свидетельствуют о том, что неканоническая активность может стимулировать процессы малигнизации и участвовать в формировании резистентности опухолевых клеток к терапевтическому воздействию РК. Однако о механизмах неканонической активности известно достаточно мало. Непонятно, насколько этот эффект универсален, происходит ли РК-зависимая активация различных сигнальных протеинкиназ в одних и тех же клетках, и насколько активация этих киназ взаимосвязана.Материалы и методы: культивирование клеток немелкоклеточного рака легкого и нейробластомы в стандартных условиях и при инкубации с полностью транс-ретиноевой кислотой (all-trans retinoic acid, ATRA); иммуноблоттинг.Результаты. В работе исследовали влияние ATRA на активацию протеинкиназ Akt и Erk1 / 2 в зависимости от времени инкубации. Анализ выявил РК-зависимую активацию обеих киназ во всех исследуемых линиях клеток немелкоклеточного рака легкого и нейробластомы. Активация как Akt, так и Erk1 / 2 возникала при 5 мин инкубации, что соответствует нетранскрипционной (неканонической) активности РК, однако дальнейшая кинетика активации двух киназ существенно различалась.Заключение. Мы показали, что ATRA вызывает краткосрочную активацию протеинкиназ Erk1 / 2 и Akt в клетках немелкоклеточного рака легкого и нейробластомы. Различия в кинетике РК-зависимой стимуляции двух киназ свидетельствуют о том, что их активация реализуется с помощью независимых механизмов


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    ZHUKOVSKY Vasyl – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor of International Linguistic Communication Department, National University of Ostroh Academy, Seminarska str., 2, Ostroh, 35800, Ukraine ([email protected])ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9170-8682ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-5579-2018GALETSKY Sergey – Post-graduate student of Psychology and Pedagogy Department, Lecture of International Linguistic Communication Department, National University of Ostroh Academy, Seminarska str., 2, Ostroh, 35800, Ukraine ([email protected])ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6532-3108ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-4197-2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2313-2094.6/38.121430To cite this article: Zhukovsky, V., Galetsky, S. (2018). Osoblyvosti suchasnoho dystantsiinoho navchannia: potentsial ta novi mozhlyvosti vykorystannia [Features of modern distance education: potential and new use of opportunity]. Liudynoznavchi studii. Seriia «Pedahohika» – Human Studies. Series of «Pedagogy», 6/38, 154–165. doi: 10.24919/2313-2094.6/38.121430 [in Ukrainian].Article historyReceived: 11 September 2017Received in revised form: 2 November 2017Accepted: 15 February 2018Available online: 5 April 2018 Abstract. Nowadays, the concept of distance education is widely known. With the development of new multimedia and communication technologies, distance learning is widely introduced by various institutions and universities around the world. For teachers, this provides an entirely new potential for the spread of their knowledge and skills, and for those who study – a great opportunity to get the various information they are interested in.The current socio-economic changes in Ukraine have put forward new challenges of higher education, the implementation of which is possible through the intensive implementation of information and communication technologies in the educational process.The basis of distance learning is the use of multimedia in the indirect communication of students with a supportive organization, which can have at least two forms: the first one is one-sided sending by the supporting organization of educational materials, the second – the bilateral interaction between the student and the organization.Today, communication among students who create the so-called chats is also widespread. Computer technologies make possible asynchronous discussions. This enhances the flexibility that has been making distance education useful for adults from the very beginning, and provides joint training.The use of computer technology in distance education enables to search the global network when almost unlimited amount of information becomes available to students. Information searches, as well as hyperlinks, can be used to increase students’ independent work. Therefore, distance learning is often viewed as a type of learning that requires a degree of maturity and independence from students. Also, distance learning is widely used for the sake of academic socialization, that is a part of the so-called emotional learning. Prepared in advance courses can be easily used by a large number of students with great financial advantage. There is a combination of individualism, which concerns the interaction of students, tutor and mass communication.Therefore, teaching should be accessible at any place where students are located, and they have a great responsibility for learning. The teaching system should offer a wide range of subjects, forms of instruction and techniques, using all relevant educational and technical media. Media tools and applied technologies should be effective and easy to use, reinforce each other and the structure of the subject and the curriculum.  Declaration of Conflicting Interests. The author declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.Acknowledgments. Sincere thanks to pedagogical staff at National University of Ostroh Academy, in particular Prof. Ihor Pasichnyk.Funding. The author received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.ЖУКОВСЬКИЙ Василь – доктор педагогічних наук, професор кафедри міжнародної мовної комунікації, Національний університет «Острозька академія», вул. Семінарська, 2, Острог, 35800, Україна ([email protected])ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9170-8682ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-5579-2018 ГАЛЕЦЬКИЙ Сергій – здобувач кафедри психології та педагогіки, викладач кафедри міжнародної мовної комунікації, Національний університет «Острозька академія», вул. Семінарська, 2, Острог, 35800, Україна ([email protected])ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6532-3108ResearcherID: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/D-4197-2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.24919/2313-2094.6/38.121430 Бібліографічний опис статті: Жуковський, В., Галецький, С. (2018). Особливості сучасного дистанційного навчання: потенціал та нові можливості використання. Людинознавчі студії: зб. наук. праць ДДПУ імені Івана Франка. Серія «Педагогіка», 6/38, 154–165. doi: 10.24919/2313-2094.6/38.121430.Історія статтіОдержано: 11 вересня 2017Прорецензовано: 2 листопада 2017Подано до редакції: 15 лютого 2018Доступ он-лайн: 5 квітня 2018 Анотація. У статті проаналізовано сучасний стан дистанційної освіти. Розкрито особливості використання інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у процесі дистанційного навчання студентів та форми їх реалізації. Охарактеризовано основні переваги дистанційної освіти студентів, зокрема гнучкість, розширення доступу до актуальної інформації, персональний підхід до навчання, спільне навчання, підвищення ступеня зрілості та незалежності, академічна соціалізація, фінансова доступність тощо. Виявлено шляхи практичного використання нових можливостей дистанційної освіти