157 research outputs found

    Cellular localisation of VvRops and VvRabA5e, small GTPases developmentally regulated in grape berries

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    VvRops, in particular VvRop9, and VvRabA5e are small GTPases which are developmentally regulated in grape berries. In an attempt to help elucidate the role of these proteins during fruit development and ripening, we investigated their localisation in the fruit by immunocytofluorescence. These proteins were observed at a perinuclear location, at cell periphery and around vesicles. In particular VvRops were found to be located in the nucleus and likely on the plasma membrane. VvRop9 and VvRabA5e cDNAs were introduced separately into S. cerevisiae mutants with RHO1 and YPT31/YPT32 defective genes respectively. Neither cDNAs could complement these temperature-sensitive mutants, suggesting that the functions of the VvRop9 and VvRabA5e genes in grapevine likely differ from the functions of RHO1 and YPT31/YPT32 genes in yeast.

    Lacasa de alto potencial redox funcional en sangre mediante evolución dirigida método de obtención y sus aplicaciones

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    La presente invención describe una lacasa de alto potencial redox obtenida mediante evolución molecular dirigida que es activa en condiciones electrofisiológicas, que resiste elevadas concentraciones de haluros, que tiene una actividad significativa a pHs neutros/alcalinos y que es activa en sangre y plasma humano. La presente invención se refiere a la secuencia aminoacídica de dicha lacasa, a la secuencia nucleotídica que codifica para dicha lacasa y células que permiten su obtención. La lacasa de la invención presenta aplicaciones en diversos sectores: nano-biotecnología, biomedicina, procesos de biorremediación, industria papelera y química fina.Peer reviewedConsejop Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasA1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Lacasa de alto potencial redox funcional en sangre mediante evolución dirigida método de obtención y sus aplicaciones

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    La presente invención describe una lacasa de alto potencial redox obtenida mediante evolución molecular dirigida que es activa en condiciones electrofisiológicas, que resiste elevadas concentraciones de haluros, que tiene una actividad significativa a pHs neutros/alcalinos y que es activa en sangre y plasma humano. La presente invención se refiere a la secuencia aminoacídica de dicha lacasa, a la secuencia nucleotídica que codifica para dicha lacasa y células que permiten su obtención. La lacasa de la invención presenta aplicaciones en diversos sectores: nano-biotecnología, biomedicina, procesos de biorremediación, industria papelera y química fina.Peer reviewedConsejop Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasB1 Patente sin examen previ

    Semi-rational engineering of cellobiose dehydrogenase for improved hydrogen peroxide production

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    Abstract Background The ability of fungal cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) to generate H2O2 in-situ is highly interesting for biotechnological applications like cotton bleaching, laundry detergents or antimicrobial functionalization of medical devices. CDH’s ability to directly use polysaccharide derived mono- and oligosaccharides as substrates is a considerable advantage compared to other oxidases such as glucose oxidase which are limited to monosaccharides. However CDH’s low activity with oxygen as electron acceptor hampers its industrial use for H2O2 production. A CDH variant with increased oxygen reactivity is therefore of high importance for biotechnological application. Uniform expression levels and an easy to use screening assay is a necessity to facilitate screening for CDH variants with increased oxygen turnover. Results A uniform production and secretion of active Myriococcum thermophilum CDH was obtained by using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as expression host. It was found that the native secretory leader sequence of the cdh gene gives a 3 times higher expression than the prepro leader of the yeast α-mating factor. The homogeneity of the expression in 96-well deep-well plates was good (variation coefficient <15%). A high-throughput screening assay was developed to explore saturation mutagenesis libraries of cdh for improved H2O2 production. A 4.5-fold increase for variant N700S over the parent enzyme was found. For production, N700S was expressed in P. pastoris and purified to homogeneity. Characterization revealed that not only the kcat for oxygen turnover was increased in N700S (4.5-fold), but also substrate turnover. A 3-fold increase of the kcat for cellobiose with alternative electron acceptors indicates that mutation N700S influences the oxidative- and reductive FAD half-reaction. Conclusions Site-directed mutagenesis and directed evolution of CDH is simplified by the use of S. cerevisiae instead of the high-yield-host P. pastoris due to easier handling and higher transformation efficiencies with autonomous plasmids. Twelve clones which exhibited an increased H2O2 production in the subsequent screening were all found to carry the same amino acid exchange in the cdh gene (N700S). The sensitive location of the five targeted amino acid positions in the active site of CDH explains the high rate of variants with decreased or entirely abolished activity. The discovery of only one beneficial exchange indicates that a dehydrogenase’s oxygen turnover is a complex phenomenon and the increase therefore not an easy target for protein engineering.The authors thank the European Commission (FP7 243529-2-COTTONBLEACH) for financial support. CKP thanks the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) for financial support (grant P22094). IK is a member of the doctoral program BioToP (Biomolecular Technology of Proteins) of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF; W1224). MA thanks the Spanish Government for financial support (BIO2010-19697).Peer Reviewe

    Energising the E-factor: The E+-factor

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    [EN] The E-factor has become an important measure for the environmental impact of (bio)chemical reactions. However, summing up the obvious wastes generated in the laboratory neglects energy-related wastes (mostly greenhouse gases) which are generated elsewhere. To estimate these wastes, we propose to extend the E-factor by an energy-term (E-factor). At the example of a lab-scale enzyme fermentation, we demonstrate that the E-factor can constitute a multiple of the classical E-factor and therefore must not be neglected striving for a holistic estimation of the environmental impact.This workwas supported by the European Union Project H2020-BBI-PPP-2015-2-720297-ENZOX2 and F.H. gratefully acknowledges funding by European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant No. 648026) and the for financial support through a Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research VICI grant (no. 724.014.003). J.M.R, B.R and A.S.B. gratefully acknowledge support from the United States National Science Foundation grant IIP-1540017

    Multidialectal acoustic modeling: a comparative study

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    In this paper, multidialectal acoustic modeling based on shar- ing data across dialects is addressed. A comparative study of different methods of combining data based on decision tree clustering algorithms is presented. Approaches evolved differ in the way of evaluating the similarity of sounds between di- alects, and the decision tree structure applied. Proposed systems are tested with Spanish dialects across Spain and Latin Amer- ica. All multidialectal proposed systems improve monodialectal performance using data from another dialect but it is shown that the way to share data is critical. The best combination between similarity measure and tree structure achieves an improvement of 7% over the results obtained with monodialectal systems.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Morphosyntactic profiles of Spanish-speaking children with Down Syndrome in a sentence repetition task

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    Down Syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder that is characterized by language delay that is not directly related to the child´s non-verbal cognitive development. Morphology and syntax are the areas that are most affected. The goal of this presentation is to illustrate the morphosyntactic development of Spanish-speaking children with DS by means of a sentence repetition test. Participants were 50 children adolescents with DS compared to 50 typically developing (TD) mental age controls. Mental age (MA) of both groups was between 3 and 5;7 years determined by the Merrill-Palmer scales. Chronological age of the DS group ranged from 3;7 to 18;10 years and for the TD group between 3;3 and 6;7. Groups were matched by sex and MA. Observations were based on a Spanish version of the Devescovi & Caselli (2007) sentence repetition test. It consists of 27 simple phrases (between 3 and 7 words) with different structures and levels of complexity. The test was scored for number of complete sentences produced, MLU and number of omissions and errors (substitutions, additions, etc.) Similar to previous studies in other languages, the children with DS had inferior scores on all measures compared to TD peers. Still, accuracy does increase with age and this suggests that morphosyntactic abilities develop over time in children with DS. Moreover, results highlight that sentence repetition test is an useful measure of linguistic abilities in DS. These results are also discussed compared to the other groups of children presented in the symposium.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Propuesta de representación gráfica y tratamiento de datos anómalos de una báscula de autopesaje de corderos

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    En algunas ocasiones, es muy difícil saber qué estimación es la más correcta. Generalmente, los méto - dos robustos tienen más probabilidades de obtener la mejor estimación. Sin embargo, en ocasiones hay individuos que ni viendo los datos es posible decidir, debiendo descartar dichos datos.Financiado con fondos FEDER, a través de proyectos del Gobierno de Aragón FITE (TERGENOVID), PDR (PESOVI, GCP2021004600) y Grupo SAGAS (Ref. A14_20R