108 research outputs found

    Electron energy relaxation under terahertz excitation in (Cd1−xZnx)3As2 Dirac semimetals

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    We demonstrate that measurements of the photo-electromagnetic effect using terahertz laser radiation provide an argument for the existence of highly conductive surface electron states with a spin texture in Dirac semimetals (Cd₁-xZnx)₃As

    Multispiral Computed Tomography in the Assessment of the Timing of Acute Traumatic Intracranial Hematoma

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    Background. Exact notion about the timing of acute traumatic intracranial hematomas (ATIH) generation is very important to gain a better understanding of the primary and secondary traumatic brain injury (TBI) pathophysiology. The variety of TBI and individual anatomical features of the victims determine the complexity of the issue, as well as the relevance of studies that bring it closer to its solution.Aim of the study was to assess the possibility of using multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) to determine the average timing of the formation of epidural and subdural ATIH.Materials and methods. It is a retrospective study of 84 MSCT investigations of 55 patients with ATIH (epidural – 15, subdural – 40) in Irkutsk City Clinical Hospital N 3 (2018–2019). The ATIH volume calculated by the MSCT. The correlation of ATIH volumes with the period of trauma was studied, as well as a comparison  of average volumes of ATIH among patients distributed in groups in line with the hour of primary MSCT after injury. The dynamics of ATIH of small volumes (up to 40 ml) were assessed in 21 patients left under observation.Results. The volume of epidural ATIH and the time of their detection had no a direct correlation in the period 1 to 4 hours after the injury (p = 0.05). There was no reliable difference in their average volumes per hour of diagnosis, amounting to a total of 54.1 ± 19.7 ml. A direct correlation between the volume of subdural ATIH and the duration of trauma was identified during periods of 1–2 hours (p = 0.02) and 1–3 hours (p = 0.002; t = 3.77) after injury; a true difference in their average volume of 1 and 2 hours after the injury (52 ± 20.2 ml and 106.4 ± 14 ml, respectively). Increase in small ATIH found in 14.3 % of patients left under observation.Conclusions. The MSCT allows us to estimate the average timing of the formation of the main volume of ATIH when hospitalized victims with TBI. The average rate of accumulation of ATIH is about 50 ml per hour, and the direct correlation of their volume and time of diagnosis is reliable the first 2–3 hours after the injury  for subdural ATIH only

    The in-process control of PVC sheath of a double core cable

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    In this work the possibility of the sheath hermiticity testing by measuring of the cable capacity per unit length variation during spark testing is considered. The research object is 2•0.75 HO3VVH2-F cable. According to the physical modelling it is proved that such defect of sheath as pinhole through the whole thickness of sheath can be registered for the test length 10 cm with test voltage frequencies 1kHz and 10kHz

    Piecewise Linear Models for the Quasiperiodic Transition to Chaos

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    We formulate and study analytically and computationally two families of piecewise linear degree one circle maps. These families offer the rare advantage of being non-trivial but essentially solvable models for the phenomenon of mode-locking and the quasi-periodic transition to chaos. For instance, for these families, we obtain complete solutions to several questions still largely unanswered for families of smooth circle maps. Our main results describe (1) the sets of maps in these families having some prescribed rotation interval; (2) the boundaries between zero and positive topological entropy and between zero length and non-zero length rotation interval; and (3) the structure and bifurcations of the attractors in one of these families. We discuss the interpretation of these maps as low-order spline approximations to the classic ``sine-circle'' map and examine more generally the implications of our results for the case of smooth circle maps. We also mention a possible connection to recent experiments on models of a driven Josephson junction.Comment: 75 pages, plain TeX, 47 figures (available on request

    Текстура и структура подземных льдов позднего голоцена севера Западной Сибири

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    The Late Holocene ground ices are occurred due to freeze cracking, slope, thermocast, thermoerosion pro‑ cesses. New formation ice within may intervene to the Pleistocene, lower Holocene ground ice and perma‑ frost and can really complicate their structure. Relationship between seasonal and perennial new formation of ice with massive ice and permafrost was studied in cross section of the North Western Siberia. The features of texture and structure of ice formed in the thawing cavities, some cracks were determined. The differences in structure of the late Holocene ground ices and ground ices of the early Holocene and late Pleistocene were defined. The differences in ground ice texture and structure depend to the cavity configuration of the freezing and cracks and freezing temperature conditions. The quantitative parameters of the crystal structure can be used to identify closed‑cavity ice and crack ice in the composition of massive ice and determine mechanisms and conditions of formation before the Holocene ice wedges.В разрезах севера Западной Сибири изучено соотношение новообразований льда с залежеобразую щими льдами и мёрзлыми отложениями. Определены особенности текстуры и структуры льдов, сформированных в полостях протаивания, трещинах отседания и трещинах в тыловой части оползневых блоков мёрзлых пород. Установлены отличия структуры подземных льдов позднего голоцена от подземных льдов раннего голоцена и позднего плейстоцена

    Клинико‑электромиографические критерии диагностики наследственных миотонических синдромов

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    Hereditary myotonic syndromes (HMS) are a group of genetically heterogeneous diseases of the chlorine and sodium ion channels (channelopathies) with evident clinical polymorphism and high prevalence in the population. The differential diagnosis of early‑stage NMS poses a challenge to clinicians to this day. The investigation has attempted to elaborate informative differentiating criteria on the basis of a clinical and electromyographic study of 2 groups of patients with hereditary Thomsen or Becker myotonia (n = 45) and myotonic dystrophy type 1 (n = 39) verified by DNA analysis of the CLCN1 and DMPK genes. Along with the clinical symptoms, there may be the value of M‑response amplitude decrement in rhythmic stimulation of the n. ulnaris and the duration of myotonic discharges at pin electromyography of the m. tibialis anterior.Наследственные миотонические синдромы (НМС) — группа генетически гетерогенных заболеваний ионных каналов хлора и натрия (каналопатии), с выраженным клиническим полиморфизмом и высокой распространенностью в популяции. Дифференциальная диагностика НМС в ранней стадии до настоящего времени составляет проблему для клиницистов. В работе предпринята попытка на основе клинико-электромиографического исследования 2 групп больных с врожденной миотонией Томсена и Беккера(n = 45) и с дистрофической миотонией 1‑го типа (n = 39), верифицированных ДНК‑анализом генов CLCN1 и DMPK, выработать информативные дифференцирующие критерии. Наряду с клиническими симптомами таковыми могут выступать величина декремента амплитуды М‑ответа при ритмической стимуляции n. ulnaris и длительность миотонических разрядов при игольчатой электромиографии m. tibialis anterior

    "Apparent PT-symmetric terahertz photoconductivity in the topological phase of Hg1−xCdxTe-based structures"

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    We show that the terahertz (THz) photoconductivity in the topological phase of Hg1-xCdxTe-based structures exhibits the apparent PT- (parity-time) symmetry whereas the P-symmetry and the T-symmetry, separately, are not conserved. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the P- and T-symmetry breaking may not be related to any type of the sample anisotropy. This result contradicts the apparent symmetry arguments and means that there exists an external factor that interacts with the sample electronic system and breaks the symmetry. We show that deviations from the ideal experimental geometry may not be such a factor

    Синдром геморрагического колита у детей: этиологическая структура в инфекционной клинике

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    The range of differential diagnostic search in the development of hemorrhagic colitis (hemocolitis) is wide enough and includes infectious and non-infectious factors. Purpose: clinical, laboratory and etiological analysis of bacterial diarrhea occurring with hemorrhagic colitis in the infectious diseases department.Materials and methods: a retrospective study of 141 case histories of those hospitalized in the infectious diseases department of the2 Children's City Clinical Hospital No. 9 named after G.N. Speransky of Moscow in 2019—2021 patients with clinical picture of hemocolitis. Hemocolitis was determined on the basis of macroscopic and microscopic signs (in scatology — mucus, leukocytes, erythrocytes) signs. All patients underwent routine laboratory examinations. The etiology was verified using modern methods of laboratory diagnostics (bacteriological analysis of feces, Latex test, ICA, ELISA, PCR, IHR).Results. There were 137 patients with infectious hemocolitis. Inflammatory bowel disease was diagnosed in 3 children, anus fissure — in 1 child. Young children under 3 years of age prevailed (77%). The etiology of infectious hemocolitis was deciphered in 47 patients (34%). Salmonellosis (36%) and shigellosis (36%) prevailed. Campylobacteriosis, clostridiosis-dificile and klebsiellosis accounted for 11%, 9% and 6% of cases, respectively. Yersiniosis was detected in 1 child at the age of 5 months. The severe form was found in 5.8% of cases, in most cases with shigellosis. Symptoms of intoxication and febrile fever were expressed in all patients, vomiting — in 28.5%, abdominal pain — in 94%, mesenteric adenitis on ultrasound — in 15%, diarrhea with a frequency of more than 5 times a day — in 84%, dehydration — in 64%, intercurrent diseases (ARVI, pneumonia) — in 41.3% of cases. Inflammatory changes in infectious hemocolitis were manifested by an increase in C-reactive protein in 71% (23.91 ± 24.17 mg/l), leukocytosis — in 69% (11.58 ± 3.52 х103 / μl), thrombocytosis — in 26%, an increase in the relative number of stab neutrophils in the general blood test in 78% of cases (10.95 ± 0.4%).Conclusions. Differential diagnostic search in the development of hemocolitis should include modern diagnostic methods, if necessary, additional instrumental studies and specialist consultations to exclude inflammatory bowel diseases.Спектр дифференциально-диагностического поиска при развитии геморрагического колита (гемоколита) достаточно широк и включает в себя инфекционные и неинфекционные факторы.Цель: определить этиологическую структуру и описать клинико-лабораторные особенности гемоколитов у детей в инфекционной клинике.Материалы и методы: проведено ретроспективное исследование 141 истории болезни госпитализированных в инфекционное отделение ДГКБ №9 им. Г.Н. Сперанского ДЗ г. Москвы в 2019—2021 гг. пациентов с клиникой гемоколита. Диагноз «Гемоколит» (ГК) ставили на основании макроскопических и микроскопических признаков (в копрологии — слизь, лейкоциты, эритроциты). Всем больным выполнялось рутинное лабораторное обследование. Этиологию ОКИ верифицировали с применением современных методов лабораторной диагностики (бактериологический анализ кала, Latex-тест, ИХА, ИФА, ПЦР, РНГА). Результаты. С инфекционным гемоколитом оказалось 137 больных. Воспалительное заболевание кишечника диагностировано у 3 детей, трещина ануса — у 1 ребенка. Преобладали дети раннего возраста до 3 лет (77%). Этиология была расшифрована у 47 больных (34%) с ГК. Превалировали сальмонеллез (36%) и шигеллез (36%). Кампилобактериоз, Cl. dificile-инфекция и клебсиеллез составили 11%, 9% и 6% случаев соответственно. У 1 ребенка в возрасте 5 месяцев диагностирован иерсиниоз. Тяжелая форма установлена в 5,8% случаев, в большинстве — при шигеллезе. Симптомы интоксикации и фебрильная лихорадка были выявлены у всех пациентов, рвота — в 28,5%, боли в животе — в 94%, мезаденит при УЗИ — в 15%, стул с частотой более 5 раз в сутки — в 84%, дегидратация — в 64%, интеркуррентные заболевания (ОРВИ, пневмонии) — в 41,3% случаев. Воспалительные изменения при инфекционном гемоколите проявлялись повышением уровня С-реактивного белка в 71% (23,91 ± 24,17 мг/л), лейкоцитозом — в 69% (11,58 ± 3,52 х 103 /мкл), тромбоцитозом — в 26%, повышением относительного количества палочкоядерных нейтрофилов в общем анализе крови в 78% случаев (10,95 ± 0,4%).Выводы. Дифференциально-диагностический поиск при развитии гемоколита должен включать современные методы диагностики, при необходимости дополнительные инструментальные исследования и консультации специалистов для исключения воспалительных заболеваний кишечника