18 research outputs found

    From Abnormal Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity in Down Syndrome Mouse Models to Cognitive Disability in Down Syndrome

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    Down syndrome (DS) is caused by the overexpression of genes on triplicated regions of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21). While the resulting physiological and behavioral phenotypes vary in their penetrance and severity, all individuals with DS have variable but significant levels of cognitive disability. At the core of cognitive processes is the phenomenon of synaptic plasticity, a functional change in the strength at points of communication between neurons. A wide variety of evidence from studies on DS individuals and mouse models of DS indicates that synaptic plasticity is adversely affected in human trisomy 21 and mouse segmental trisomy 16, respectively, an outcome that almost certainly extensively contributes to the cognitive impairments associated with DS. In this review, we will highlight some of the neurophysiological changes that we believe reduce the ability of trisomic neurons to undergo neuroplasticity-related adaptations. We will focus primarily on hippocampal networks which appear to be particularly impacted in DS and where consequently the majority of cellular and neuronal network research has been performed using DS animal models, in particular the Ts65Dn mouse. Finally, we will postulate on how altered plasticity may contribute to the DS cognitive disability

    \u3ci\u3eIn vitro\u3c/i\u3e profiling of epigenetic modifications underlying heavy metal toxicity of tungsten-alloy and its components

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    Tungsten-alloy has carcinogenic potential as demonstrated by cancer development in rats with intramuscular implanted tungsten-alloy pellets. This suggests a potential involvement of epigenetic events previously implicated as environmental triggers of cancer. Here, we tested metal induced cytotoxicity and epigenetic modifications including H3 acetylation, H3-Ser10 phosphorylation and H3-K4 trimethylation. We exposed human embryonic kidney (HEK293), human neuroepithelioma(SKNMC), and mousemyoblast (C2C12) cultures for 1-day and hippocampal primary neuronal cultures for 1-week to 50–200 μg/ml of tungsten-alloy (91% tungsten/6% nickel/3% cobalt), tungsten, nickel, and cobalt. We also examined the potential role of intracellular calcium in metal mediated histone modifications by addition of calciumchannel blockers/chelators to the metal solutions. Tungsten and its alloy showed cytotoxicity at concentrations N50 μg/ml, while we found significant toxicity with cobalt and nickel for most tested concentrations. Diverse cell-specific toxic effects were observed, with C2C12 being relatively resistant to tungsten-alloy mediated toxic impact. Tungsten-alloy, but not tungsten, caused almost complete dephosphorylation of H3-Ser10 in C2C12 and hippocampal primary neuronal cultures with H3-hypoacetylation in C2C12. Dramatic H3-Ser10 dephosphorylation was found in all cobalt treated cultures with a decrease in H3 pan-acetylation in C2C12, SKNMC and HEK293. Trimethylation of H3-K4 was not affected. Both tungsten-alloy and cobalt mediated H3-Ser10 dephosphorylation were reversed with BAPTA-AM, highlighting the role of intracellular calcium, confirmedwith 2-photon calciumimaging. In summary, our results for the first time reveal epigeneticmodifications triggered by tungsten-alloy exposure in C2C12 and hippocampal primary neuronal cultures suggesting the underlying synergistic effects of tungsten, nickel and cobalt mediated by changes in intracellular calcium homeostasis and buffering

    Strain variation in the adaptation of C57Bl6 and BALBc mice to chronic hypobaric hypoxia

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    AbstractThe interplay of environmental and genetic factors may lead to a spectrum of physiological and behavioral outcomes. How environmental stress factors interact with the diverse mouse genomes is still poorly understood and elucidating the underlying interactions requires specific stress models that can target integrated physiological systems. Here, we employ behavioral tests and whole-body plethysmography to examine the effects of 12weeks of simulated high altitude (HA) exposure on two inbred mouse strains, BALBc and C57Bl6. We find that HA induced- weight loss recovers at significantly different rates in these two strains. Even at 12weeks, however, both strains fail to reach body weight levels of controls. Performance on two motor tasks, rotarod and treadmill, improve with HA exposure but more prominently in BALBc mice. Whole-body plethysmography outcomes indicate that compensation to chronic HA includes increased respiratory frequencies and tidal volumes in both strains. However, the effects on tidal volume are significantly greater in BALBc mice and showed a biphasic course. Whole- body metabolic rates are also increased in both strains with prolonged HA exposure, but were more pronounced in BALBc mice suggestive of less successful adaptation in this strain. These adaptations occur in the absence of gross pathological changes in all major organs. Together these results indicate that chronic HA exposure results in environmental stressors that impact the specific physiological responses of BALBc more than C57Bl6 mice. Thus, these strains provide a promising platform for investigating how genetic backgrounds can differentially reinforce the effects of long-lasting environmental stressors and their potential to interact with psychological stressors

    Measurement of myo

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