15 research outputs found

    Estudio del error refractivo de los escolares en relación a sus hábitos visuales y el nivel socioeconómico de la familia

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    INTRODUCCIÓ: Actualment existeix una tendencia creixent en l’aparició primerenca de miopía provocant problemas en la funció visual dels escolars. Aquest fet pot causar discapacitat visual i ceguesa evitable, generant un elevat cost social per als nens, les seves famílies i la societat en general. MÉTODE: En aquest estudi transversal es mostra una anàlisi detallada de la visió de 813 nens de 8 i 9 anys realitzat en el nord-est d’Espanya durant els anys 2021 i 2022. L’estudi connecta els resultats del garbellat visual, concretament els errors refractius, amb l’estil de vida dels nens (hores que passen al dia en visió pròxima i a l’aire lliure), i amb el nivell socioeconòmic de las famílies dels escolars (nivell d’estudis i situació laboral dels progenitors, i complexitat dels col·legis) RESULTATS: Els resultats mostren que els nens amb miopía passen més temps realizant activitats en visió pròxima i menys realitzant activitats a l’aire lliure en comparació amb nens sense miopía p0,05). Quant a la complexitat del col·legi, els escolars que es troben en col·legis d’alta complexitat (menor nivell socioeconòmic) tenen el doble de prevalença de miopía que els pertanyents a escoles no categoritzades. CONCLUSIÓ: Els factors relacionats amb l’estil de vida (passar menys temps a l’aire lliure i més temps dedicat a la utilització de dispositius electrònics i tasques en visió próxima) semblen estar augmentant el risc de miopía en els nens de 8/9 anys d’Espanya. No obstant això, els factors socioeconòmics no han demostrat tenir ìnfluència en aquestes edats.INTRODUCCIÓN: Actualmente existe una tendencia creciente en la aparición temprana de miopía provocando problemas en la función visual de los escolares. Este hecho puede causar discapacidad visual y ceguera evitable, generando un elevado coste social para los niños, sus familias, y la sociedad en general. MÉTODO: En este estudio transversal se muestra un análisis detallado de la visión de 813 niños de 8 y 9 años realizado en el noreste de España durante los años 2021 y 2022. El estudio conecta los resultados del cribado visual, concretamente los errores refractivos, con el estilo de vida de los niños (horas que pasan al día en visión próxima y al aire libre), y con el nivel socioeconómico de las familias de los escolares (nivel de estudios y situación laboral de los progenitores, y complejidad de los colegios). RESULTADOS: Los resultados muestran que los niños con miopía pasan más tiempo realizando actividades en visión próxima y menos realizando actividades al aire libre en comparación con niños sin miopía (p0,05). En cuanto a la complejidad del colegio, los escolares que se encuentran en colegios de alta complejidad (menor nivel socioeconómico) tienen el doble de prevalencia de miopía que los pertenecientes a escuelas no categorizadas. CONCLUSIÓN: Los factores relacionados con el estilo de vida (pasar menos tiempo al aire libre y más tiempo dedicado a la utilización de dispositivos electrónicos y tareas en visión cercana) parecen estar aumentando el riesgo de miopía en los niños de 8/9 años de España. Sin embargo, los factores socioeconómicos no han demostrado tener influencia a estas edades.INTRODUCTION: Nowadays there is a growing trend in the early onset of myopia causing problems in the visual function of school-age children. The matter in question can cause visual impairment and avoidable blindness, producing a high social cost for children, their families, and society in general. METHODS: This cross-sectional study shows a detailed analysis of the vision of 813 children ages between 8 and 9 carried out in the northeast of Spain during the years 2021 and 2022. The study links the results of visual screening, specifically refractive errors, with the lifestyle of the studied children (hours spent a day in near vision and in open air), and with the socioeconomic level of the families of the schoolchildren (level of studies and employment status of the parents, and complexity of the schools). RESULTS: Evidence suggests that children with myopia spend more time doing near vision activities and less time involved in outdoor activities compared to children without myopia (p0.05). About the complexity of their school, students who are attending high complexity schools (lower socioeconomic level) have twice the prevalence of myopia than those belonging to schools not categorized. CONCLUSION: Factors related to lifestyle (i.e.: spending less time outdoors and more time committed to the use of electronic devices and other near vision tasks) seem to be increasing the risk of myopia children aged 8/9 years in Spain. However, socioeconomic factors have not been proven to have an influence at these age stages

    Adelante / Endavant

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    Séptimo desafío por la erradicación de la violencia contra las mujeres del Institut Universitari d’Estudis Feministes i de Gènere "Purificación Escribano" de la Universitat Jaume

    Enhancing Groupwork and Cooperative Learning in the EFL Classroom: Vocabulary Acquisition to Describe

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi: SAP419. Curs: 2017/2018.Language learning is the cognitive process we go through by employing our innate linguistic competence. When we acquire our mother tongue, we endure some stages distinctively from those used when learning a foreign language. This is one of the reasons teachers should search distinct methodologies or practices for enhancing and motivating students and making the process of learning a foreign language successful. Researchers seek and prove the advantages of collaborative learning. However, this approach was not performed in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom neither during my practicum pregrade, nor the master practicum, both carried out in the same high school. This project will present how descriptive and sense adjectives can be easily acquired by working in groups and through cooperative learning with the aim of promoting motivation, oral skills or companionship when learning a foreign language. This paper entails different sections: to begin with, some theoretical framework about group work, cooperative learning and vocabulary acquisition is going to be examined. Secondly, the process of the classroom implementation concerning the objectives to attain, and the activities display can be found. Finally, the outcomes gathered after the sessions will be revised in order to determine the degree of success, to then provide my final conclusions

    Evaluating Motivation in the English as a Foreign Language classroom at a Secondary School Level

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Estudis Anglesos. Codi: EA0938. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017The teaching and learning of a Second or Foreign Language has always raised the interest of researchers seeking to improve learning outcomes and teaching practices. The aim of this paper is to check the degree of motivation on a number of Spanish students learning English as a foreign language at a Secondary School Institution. To do so, a survey has been developed. The answers gathered from the students have later served to compare the level of motivation and the success students had mastering English. On the other hand, I generated a final assessment to check the knowledge acquired by students belonging to different classes where two distinct teaching methods are used. I have also aimed at comparing how two different teaching methodologies such as Total Physical Response (TPR) and Grammar Translation Method (GTM) influence students’ motivation in the groups observed

    Anàlisi dels efectes que provoca la pràctica d’Expressió Corporal en les classes d’Educació Física pel que fa l’acceptació de l’individu al grup

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    Curs 2016-2017L’objectiu principal d’aquest estudi ha estat identificar si es produeixen canvis pel que fa les relacions interpersonals dins d’un grup-classe d’adolescents, provocat per la implementació de sessions d’Expressió Corporal. La mostra de la recerca ha estat una classe de 3er d’ESO composada per 29 alumnes, 17 noies i 12 nois. Els dos resultats extrets, tant per la fase preintervenció com per a la postintervenció, han sigut extrets mitjançant un test sociomètric i s’ha utilitzat el sociograma per a la representació i anàlisi d’aquests emprant una metodologia qualitativa. Els resultats, mostren que la cohesió del grup-classe de 3er d’ESO varia i millora després d’implementar sessions d’Expressió Corporal a les classes d’Educació Física. A més, els alumnes que inicialment no obtenien cap vincle afectiu per part dels seus companys, després de la intervenció, n’adquireixen de nous. S’ha arribat a la conclusió que la pràctica d’Expressió Corporal a les classes d’Educació Física millora les relacions interpersonals dins d’un grup-classe i l’acceptació social de l’individu.Tutor/a: Verónica Jiméne

    Current barriers to initiating insulin therapy in individuals with type 2 diabetes

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    Insulin is an essential drug in the treatment of diabetes, often necessary for managing hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). It should be considered in cases of severe hyperglycemia requiring hospitalization, after the failure of other treatments, in advanced chronic kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, post-transplant diabetes, or during pregnancy. Moreover, in specific patient subgroups, early initiation of insulin is crucial for hyperglycemia control and prevention of chronic complications. Clinical guidelines recommend initiating insulin when other treatments fail, although there are barriers that may delay its initiation. The timing of initiation depends on individual patient characteristics. Typically, insulinization starts by adding basal insulin to the patient’s existing treatment and, if necessary, progresses by gradually introducing prandial insulin. Several barriers have been identified that hinder the initiation of insulin, including fear of hypoglycemia, lack of adherence, the need for glucose monitoring, the injection method of insulin administration, social rejection associated with the stigma of injections, weight gain, a sense of therapeutic failure at initiation, lack of experience among some healthcare professionals, and the delayed and reactive positioning of insulin in recent clinical guidelines. These barriers contribute, among other factors, to therapeutic inertia in initiating and intensifying insulin treatment and to patients’ non-adherence. In this context, the development of once-weekly insulin formulations could improve initial acceptance, adherence, treatment satisfaction, and consequently, the quality of life for patients. Currently, two once-weekly basal insulins, insulin icodec and basal insulin BIF, which are in different stages of clinical development, may help. Their longer half-life translates to lower variability and reduced risk of hypoglycemia. This review addresses the need for insulin in T2DM, its positioning in clinical guidelines under specific circumstances, the current barriers to initiating and intensifying insulin treatment, and the potential role of once-weekly insulin formulations as a potential solution to facilitate timely initiation of insulinization, which would reduce therapeutic inertia and achieve better early control in people with T2DM

    Prediabetes and Cardiometabolic Risk: The Need for Improved Diagnostic Strategies and Treatment to Prevent Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease

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    The progression from prediabetes to type-2 diabetes depends on multiple pathophysiological, clinical, and epidemiological factors that generally overlap. Both insulin resistance and decreased insulin secretion are considered to be the main causes. The diagnosis and approach to the prediabetic patient are heterogeneous. There is no agreement on the diagnostic criteria to identify prediabetic subjects or the approach to those with insufficient responses to treatment, with respect to regression to normal glycemic values or the prevention of complications. The stratification of prediabetic patients, considering the indicators of impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or HbA1c, can help to identify the sub-phenotypes of subjects at risk for T2DM. However, considering other associated risk factors, such as impaired lipid profiles, or risk scores, such as the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score, may improve classification. Nevertheless, we still do not have enough information regarding cardiovascular risk reduction. The sub-phenotyping of subjects with prediabetes may provide an opportunity to improve the screening and management of cardiometabolic risk in subjects with prediabetes

    Color vision deficiencies and camouflage: a comparative study between normal and CVD observers

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    Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de Espana (FIS2017-89258-P).There is a belief that observers with color vision deficiencies (CVD) perform better in detecting camouflaged objects than normal observers. Some studies have concluded contradictory findings when studying the performance of normal and CVD observers in the camouflage detection tasks in different conditions. This work presents a literature review on this topic, dividing it into three different and contradictory types of results: better performance for CVD, for normal observers, or same performance. Besides, two psychophysical experiments have been designed and carried out in a calibrated computer monitor on both normal and CVD human observers to measure the searching times of the different types of observers needed to find camouflaged stimuli in two different types of stimuli. Results show the trend that, in our experimental conditions, normal observers need shorter searching times than CVD observers in finding camouflaged stimuli both in images of natural scenes and in images with synthetic stimuli.Spanish Government FIS2017-89258-

    Predictive Factors of Renal Function Decline in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Treated with Canagliflozin in the Real-Wecan Study

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    The Real-WECAN study evaluated the real-life effectiveness and safety of canagliflozin 100 mg daily (initiated in SGLT-2 inhibitors naïve patients) and canagliflozin 300 mg daily (switching from canagliflozin 100 mg or other SGLT-2 inhibitors) in individuals with type 2 diabetes. The objectives of this sub-analysis were to estimate the eGFR slope over the follow-up period and to identify predictive factors of eGFR decline in a multiple linear regression analysis. A total of 583 patients (279 on canagliflozin 100 mg and 304 on canagliflozin 300 mg) were included, with median follow-up at 13 months. The patients had a mean age of 60.4 years, HbA1c of 7.76%, BMI of 34.7 kg/m2, eGFR below 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 8.6%, and urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) above 30 mg/g 22.8%. eGFR decreased by −1.9 mL/min/1.73 m2 (p 2 per year. There were no significant differences between both doses of canagliflozin in the eGFR reduction or in the eGFR slope. The best predictive multivariate model of eGFR decline after canagliflozin therapy included age, hypertension, combined hyperlipidemia, heart failure, eGFR and severely increased albuminuria. All these variables except hypertension were independently associated with the outcome. In conclusion, in this real-world study, individuals with older age, combined hyperlipidemia, heart failure, higher eGFR and UACR > 300 mg/g showed a greater decline in their eGFR after canagliflozin treatment

    Real-World Clinical Outcomes Associated with Canagliflozin in Patients Aged 65 Years and Older with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Spain: The Old Real-Wecan Study

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    The observational Real-Wecan study showed that canagliflozin 100 mg (CANA100) as an add-on therapy, and canagliflozin 300 (CANA300), switching from prior SGLT-2i therapy, significantly improved several cardiometabolic parameters in patients with T2DM. The aim of this sub-analysis was to assess the effectiveness and safety of canagliflozin in patients aged ≥65 years. The primary outcome of the study was the mean change in HbA1c over the follow-up period. A total of 583 patients met the inclusion criteria (39.5% ≥65 years), 279 in the cohort of CANA100 (36.9% ≥65 years; mean HbA1c 8.05%) and 304 in the cohort of CANA300 (mean age 61.1 years; 41.8% ≥65 years; mean HbA1c 7.51%). In the CANA100 cohort, older patients showed significant reductions in HbA1c (−0.78%) and weight (−4.5 kg). Patients aged ≥65 years switching to CANA300 experienced a significant decrease in HbA1c (−0.27%) and weight (−2.1 kg). There were no significant differences in HbA1c and weight reductions when the cohorts of patients <65 and ≥65 years were compared in a multiple linear regression model. The safety profile of canagliflozin was similar in both age groups. These findings support canagliflozin as an effective therapeutic option for older adults with T2DM