540 research outputs found


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    This paper sets out the results of a research project carried out by the University of Palermo and financed by the Sicilian Region, which aims to establish the impact of the Fischler Reform on Sicilian agriculture, and to project future scenarios that take into account some of the changes that the production process may undergo in the Region, following both the application of the Reform itself (now in force) and the eventual application of indications contained in the Health check. The impacts of the Fischler Reform, and especially the application of the Single Payment scheme to companies, were examined in cereal cropping companies, especially considering the significant amount of durum wheat cultivation in vast areas of the Region’s hilly and its strategic importance for many areas where there is a risk of farming being abandoned, with grave consequences for the territory and its farmland, for employment and for the encouragement of food and processing industries. The chosen means for assessing the effects of the reform was that of direct interviews at a statistically representative sample made up of 400 agricultural companies, determining possible earnings within the current situation, but also in the eventuality of some of the indications in the Health check being applied. The results indicate that Community aid plays a crucial role in the companies looked at, allowing them to remain on the market. Indeed, the elimination of the aid planned within the framework of the Common Agricultural Policy in the hypothetical scenarios showed a negative impact on earnings for the companies and could cause their exclusion from the market.CAP, Future of the CAP, Sicilian agriculture, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q10, Q18.,

    Consumers of flowers and ornamental plants: an eploratory survey in the Italian «Mezzogiorno» regions

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    This paper aims to provide further knowledge of purchase and consumption behaviours with regard to flowers and ornamental plants in the regions of Italian «Mezzogiorno», as an acknowledgement of the centrality of final demand in the chain process. The knowledge of consumption process is fundamental either to the firm – in order to improve commercial strategies – or to competition authorities – with the purpose of implementing more effective policies. From the analysis carried out it emerges that flowers and ornamental plants consumption in the «Mezzogiorno» regions is characterised by a high penetration index and – just with regard to some commodities – by a low purchase frequency. Purchase – mainly in specialized flower shops – is made both to satisfy personal requirements and as a present for special occasions. With the only exception of flowers, consumption is not tied to specific occasions. In the «Mezzogiorno» regions this sector is actually showing a good growth potential in both productive and consumption terms. It is of primary importance to carry out actions consisting in an improvement of information and awareness among consumers about flowers and ornamentals, and a more diversified supply of products in order to get into the modern distribution chains.Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  offrir une connaissance plus approfondie des comportements d’achat et de consommation de fleurs et de plantes ornementales dans les rĂ©gions du « Mezzogiorno » d’Italie, en reconnaissant l’importance de la demande tout au long de la filiĂšre. La comprĂ©hension du processus de consommation a une trĂšs grande importance soit pour les entreprises, afin d’amĂ©liorer leurs stratĂ©gies commerciales, soit pour les autoritĂ© qui gĂšrent la concurrence, pour la mise en place de politiques plus efficaces. L’analyse empirique montre que, dans les rĂ©gions du « Mezzogiorno » d’Italie, la consommation de fleurs et de plantes a un taux Ă©levĂ© de pĂ©nĂ©tration mais, pour certains produits, une faible frĂ©quence d’achat. En particulier, l’achat, rĂ©alisĂ© surtout dans les magasins spĂ©cialisĂ©s dans la vente de fleurs et de plantes, vise Ă  satisfaire, d’une cotĂ©, les besoins des consommateurs, et, de l’autre, les besoins d’achat des cadeaux dans des circonstances spĂ©cifiques. Dans les rĂ©gions Ă©tudiĂ©es, le secteur des fleurs et des plantes montre des potentialitĂ©s de dĂ©veloppement de plus en plus croissant sur le plan productif mais aussi en termes de consommation. Dans ce scĂ©nario, il serait souhaitable de mettre en place des actions et des outils pour Ă  amĂ©liorer l’information et la sensibilisation des consommateurs sur les caractĂ©ristiques des produits concernĂ©s, mais aussi, de diversifier l’offre, de façon Ă  pouvoir accĂ©der aux nouvelles chaĂźnes de la distribution


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    In the last years, Short Food Supply Chain (SFSC) has gained relevant attention among the consumers, for its characteristics of environmental, economic and social sustainability. At the same time, recently some doubts has been raised about the environmental negative impacts that also SFSC is causing, despite the intrinsic “local” label. In particular, the reference is on the transport system and related CO2 emissions of SFSC that undermines the full achievement of environmental concerns. To deal with this challenge, electric vehicles (EVs) are seen as a viable and very promising alternative. Starting from these considerations, this study investigates the propensity of entrepreneurs operating in the SFSC to introduce EVs inside their business. In particular, in order to understand which factors affect this behaviour, the Theory of Planned Behaviour and New Ecological Paradigm have been used. Results show that farmers with high attitudes towards the shift from carbon transport systems to electrical ones, and which are more sensitive to ecological and environmental sustainability issues, are more willing to adopt EVs in their business. This is the first work that investigates the intention of local producers, operating in the SFSC, to introduce an EV for the freight transports, providing interesting theoretical, managerial and political implication, and addressing scholars towards future researches

    La competitivitĂ  del comparto florovivaistico delle regioni del mezzogiorno sul mercato internazionale

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    In the last few years the Italian flower and ornamental plant sector has been characterized by a significant dynamicity, becoming one of the most important sectors of the Italian agricultural system. In terms of competitiveness, however, the above sector has faced several market crises due to the globalization process which has produced has brought about an increasing supply of flower and ornamentals in the world market. In a national context, Mezzogiorno is an important area in terms of production source for flowers and ornamental plants, in relation to both extremely favorable climatic conditions and specific economic situations which positively affect profitability of firms operating in some productive sub-sectors (e.g., the ornamental plant sector). The paper points out the apparent growth signs of the Mezzogiorno flower and ornamental plant sector, though its contribution to the specialization of agrofood products is still marginal. Within the single items belonging to chapter 6 “Living trees and flowers”, the analysis carried out shows a specialization in the category of live plants as a consequence of a growing demand of such products from foreign markets. The competitiveness analysis has pointed out that these Italian regions are characterized by a strong comparative advantage mainly with some countries of the Balkans area (Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Erzegovina and Croatia), and with some EU countries (Romania, Greece, Malta and France). A heavy competitive disadvantage comes up with the Netherlands and, less important, with Thailand, Sri Lanka and Taiwan. Among the main factors which affect the competitive performance of Mezzogiorno regions, it is clear that a crucial role is played both by farm pulverisation, which limits the development and the implementation of new productive technologies, and by an inefficiency of the distributive system. A strategy which certainly needs to be carried out is the adoption of high qualitative standards in order to reach new and important markets, particularly those characterized by high presence of rich consumption segments.Competitiveness, Flowers and Ornamental Plants Sector, International Trade, Mezzogiorno, F140, Q170,

    Implementation of green harvesting in the Sicilian wine industry: Effects on the cooperative system

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    This paper contributes to assessing the effectiveness of the GH measure to contribute in reducing the supply of wine grapes, and thus contrasting the fall of wine prices in those years when especially abundant productions are expected. By analysing the application of this measure to the Sicilian wine sector during the three-year period (2010-2012), we assess its effects on the regional wine cooperative system. The results from the analysis of the statistical data show that the GH measure was successful in terms of the number of applications, the supported area and financial expenditures, and contributed with other factors to determining a reduction in wine grape production. The empirical survey shows that GH has been contributing to contrast the fall of wine prices in this region and helping the recovery of the wine market. However, an increase in operating costs as well as difficulties in the planning activities of the cooperatives has been recorded


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    By taking into consideration the relevant role, in the international trade of Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus), played by Italy, aim of this work is assess the change in the Italian competitive advantage in the international market over the last decade (2008/2017), as a consequence of the Total Allowable Catch system together with size limits set by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Investigating the main changes occurred in the Italian international trade balance, by focusing the attention on the relations with the main commercial partners operating in this industry, is of relevant importance to make available updated data to policy makers, managers and scholars in order to reflect on alternative solutions to increase profits in the international trade. By applying the Relative Trade Advantage Index, results show that Italy in the last decade, although maintained an overall profitable position in the international market, has been affected by drastic changes at system level, mainly caused by the ICCAT regulations aimed at reducing the Thunnus thynnus stock overfishing. Measures that led the country to modify commercial partners relations and also internal production business patterns, such as a fragmentation of the Thunnus thynnus supply chain related to the export line. Results suggest to both policy makers and stakeholders to activate alternative solutions to improve the trade volume (in money terms) of this sector, in so doing better exploiting the great potential of product, respecting at the same time the Bluefin Tuna sustainability programs

    Explore, eat and revisit: does local food consumption value influence the destination’s food image?

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    This research investigates how foreign tourists’ revisit intentions are influenced by their local food consumption (LFC) value by emphasizing their attitude towards the local food and the corresponding destination food image. It will also reveal the foreign tourists’ food consumption value and explore its influences on the destination food image. The data collection was performed from 433 foreign tourists who visited Delhi, India, using a structured survey instrument and chief constructs were measured as the first-order reflective variables. The 39 items associated with the local food consumption value underwent both exploratory and confirmatory evaluations. We employed partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The model's discriminant and convergent validity, consistency, and overall fit were evaluated using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The findings of the hypotheses testing revealed that "tourists’ attitudes and behaviors toward the local cuisine” had a significant and positive influence on their “intention to visit/revisit” and “intention to recommend”. Also, “destination food image” significantly and positively influenced the “intention of tourist to visit/revisit”; however, it negatively and insignificantly influenced the “intention of tourists to recommend”. This research used five variables related to local food consumption—quality, health/nutrition, emotion, prestige, and price—that impact tourists' attitudes and behaviors toward local foods in Delhi. However, in addition to these constructs, other factors or constructs may be involved that could affect the tourists' attitudes and behaviors. Future studies might explore and include these constructs to provide a more comprehensive image of Delhi's local food consumption value. Understanding tourists’ food-linked behaviors is critical for effective market conduct. However, the interrelations between travelers’ destination food image, LFC value, their perceptions of the local cuisine, and behavioral intentions are still unknown, and this will be one of the first attempt to discuss these behaviors

    Behaviour of consumers of conventional and organic ïŹ‚owers and ornamental plants in Italy

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    The paper analyses preferences and motivations of Italian consumers of flowers and ornamental plants, both conventional and organic. The results helped to outline their profile. Purchases are still done in the traditional places (flower shops for cut flowers and plant nurseries for potted plants), however positive trend is found for potted plants purchases at large distribution chains. Some differences came out as to purchase motivations: cut flowers are mainly bought in special occasions whereas potted plants purchases are linked to personal use. The results confirm a positive relationship between the purchase of flowers and plants and the age of the interviewees, besides showing that women are interested on purchases. The information we obtained is relevant not only for the sector’s operators in order to define effective managerial strategies, but also for the policy maker to address new market and consumption policies

    Consumer Demand for Environmental, Social, and Ethical Information in Fishery and Aquaculture Product Labels

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    [EN] Customers' attention to sustainability labels in fishery and aquaculture products (FAPs) has been increasing in the last decades, and the industry has adapted to this growing interest by adopting fish ecolabels. However, there is a growing interest to widen the sustainability concept to include the social and ethical information of the fishery and aquaculture industry and to go further from the voluntary approach on the labeling of these aspects in FAPs. For this reason, using data from 2021 Eurobarometer and using machine learning techniques, we disentangle the characteristics of the FAP buyers that consider the importance of environmental impact, ethical, and social information appearing on FAP labeling. The results confirmed that most of the consumers who consider environmental, social, and ethical aspects when buying FAPs also think that this information should be labeled. In line with other works, young, educated, and environmentally aware consumers in high-income countries are more likely to request this information in the FAP label. One interesting finding of the study relates with the asymmetric impact of the variables and the important group of respondents who do not consider these aspects but also advocate to include them in the FAP label. The study outcomes can be beneficial for policymakers to design future public policies regarding FAP labeling, as well as to be taken into consideration in the marketing policies of fishery and aquaculture producers and retailers.This work was supported by the National Plan for Scientific and Technological Research and Innovation (Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry), the Research Project PID2019105497 GB-I00, the European Fisheries Funds, opportunities for the fisheries sector through diversification, and the FLAGs management (DivPesc).Peiró Signes, A.; Miret Pastor, LG.; Antonino Galati; Segarra-Oña, M. (2022). Consumer Demand for Environmental, Social, and Ethical Information in Fishery and Aquaculture Product Labels. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9:1-14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.948437114

    Electric mobility in the Sicilian short food supply chain

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    This paper is the first study to explore the intention of entrepreneurs operating in the Short Food Supply Chain to adopt electric mobility inside their business. For this purpose, a case study approach was chosen, employing a questionnaire based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour and the New Ecological Paradigm to investigate the determinants affecting this intentional behaviour. The empirical analysis has been carried out in the city of Palermo (Italy), involving 42 entrepreneurs who participate in farmer’s markets. Results show that entrepreneurs with higher levels of intention to introduce sustainable means of transport, such as electric vehicles, are the most concerned about the environment and the delicate balance of natural ecosystems. Moreover, the more frequently local farmers participate in local markets, the higher is their intention to adopt electric vehicles for their business. The preliminary results here discussed enrich the existing literature and provide interesting insights for Short Food Supply Chain entrepreneurs and policy makers, paving the way for future research into this topic
