16 research outputs found

    Membrane interaction and perturbation mechanisms induced by two cationic cell penetrating peptides with distinct charge distribution

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    International audienceIndependently from the cell penetrating peptide uptake mechanism (endocytic or not), the interaction of the peptide with the lipid bilayer remains a common issue that needs further investigation. The cell penetrating or antimicrobial properties of exogenous peptides require probably different preliminary interactions with the plasma membrane. Herein, we have employed 31P NMR, differential scanning calorimetry and CD to study the membrane interaction and perturbation mechanisms of two basic peptides with similar length but distinct charge distribution, penetratin (non-amphipathic) and RL16, a secondary amphipathic peptide. The peptide effects on the thermotropic phase behavior of large multilamellar vesicles of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC), dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DMPG) and dipalmitoleoyl phosphatidylethanolamine (DiPoPE) were investigated. We have found that, even though both peptides are cationic, their interaction with zwitterionic versus anionic lipids is markedly distinct. Penetratin greatly affects the temperature, enthalpy and cooperativity of DMPG main phase transition but does not affect those of DMPC while RL16 presents opposite effects. Additionally, it was found that penetratin induces a negative curvature whereas RL16 induces a positive one, since a decrease in the fluid lamellar to inverted hexagonal phase transition temperature of DiPoPE (TH) was observed for penetratin and an increase for RL16. Contrary to penetratin, 31P NMR of samples containing DMPC MLVs and RL16 shows an isotropic signal indicative of the formation of small vesicles, concomitant with a great decrease in sample turbidity both below and at the phase transition temperature. Opposite effects were also observed on DMPG where both peptides provoke strong aggregation and precipitation. Both CPPs adopt helical structures when contacting with anionic lipids, and possess a dual behavior by either presenting their cationic or hydrophobic domains towards the phospholipid face, depending on the lipid nature (anionic vs zwitterionic, respectively). Surprisingly, the increase of electrostatic interactions at the water membrane interface prevents the insertion of RL16 hydrophobic region in the bilayer, but is essential for the interaction of penetratin. Modulation of amphipathic profiles and charge distribution of CPPs can alter the balance of hydrophobic and electrostatic membrane interaction leading to translocation or and membrane permeabilisation. Penetratin has a relative pure CPP behavior whereas RL16 presents mixed CPP/AMP properties. A better understanding of those processes is essential to unveil their cell translocation mechanism

    Insight into the mechanism of action of temporin-SHa, a new broad-spectrum antiparasitic and antibacterial agent.

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are promising drugs to kill resistant pathogens. In contrast to bacteria, protozoan parasites, such as Leishmania, were little studied. Therefore, the antiparasitic mechanism of AMPs is still unclear. In this study, we sought to get further insight into this mechanism by focusing our attention on temporin-SHa (SHa), a small broad-spectrum AMP previously shown to be active against Leishmania infantum. To improve activity, we designed analogs of SHa and compared the antibacterial and antiparasitic mechanisms. [K3]SHa emerged as a highly potent compound active against a wide range of bacteria, yeasts/fungi, and trypanosomatids (Leishmania and Trypanosoma), with leishmanicidal intramacrophagic activity and efficiency toward antibiotic-resistant strains of S. aureus and antimony-resistant L. infantum. Multipassage resistance selection demonstrated that temporins-SH, particularly [K3]SHa, are not prone to induce resistance in Escherichia coli. Analysis of the mode of action revealed that bacterial and parasite killing occur through a similar membranolytic mechanism involving rapid membrane permeabilization and depolarization. This was confirmed by high-resolution imaging (atomic force microscopy and field emission gun-scanning electron microscopy). Multiple combined techniques (nuclear magnetic resonance, surface plasmon resonance, differential scanning calorimetry) allowed us to detail peptide-membrane interactions. [K3]SHa was shown to interact selectively with anionic model membranes with a 4-fold higher affinity (KD = 3 x 10-8 M) than SHa. The amphipathic α-helical peptide inserts in-plane in the hydrophobic lipid bilayer and disrupts the acyl chain packing via a detergent-like effect. Interestingly, cellular events, such as mitochondrial membrane depolarization or DNA fragmentation, were observed in L. infantum promastigotes after exposure to SHa and [K3]SHa at concentrations above IC50. Our results indicate that these temporins exert leishmanicidal activity via a primary membranolytic mechanism but can also trigger apoptotis-like death. The many assets demonstrated for [K3]SHa make this small analog an attractive template to develop new antibacterial/antiparasitic drugs