14 research outputs found

    Diphenyl diselenide protects neuronal cells against oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction : involvement of the glutathione-dependent antioxidant system

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    Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction are critical events in neurodegenerative diseases; therefore, molecules that increase cellular antioxidant defenses represent a future pharmacologic strategy to counteract such conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential protective effect of (PhSe)2 on mouse hippocampal cell line (HT22) exposed to tert-BuOOH (in vitro model of oxidative stress), as well as to elucidate potential mechanisms underlying this protection. Our results showed that tert-BuOOH caused time- and concentration- dependent cytotoxicity, which was preceded by increased oxidants production and mitochondrial dysfunction. (PhSe)2 pre-incubation significantly prevented these cytotoxic events and the observed protective effects were paralleled by the upregulation of the cellular glutathione-dependent antioxidant system: (PhSe)2 increased GSH levels (> 60%), GPx activity (6.9-fold) and the mRNA expression of antioxidant enzymes Gpx1 (3.9-fold) and Gclc (2.3-fold). Of note, the cytoprotective effect of (PhSe)2 was significantly decreased when cells were treated with mercaptosuccinic acid, an inhibitor of GPx, indicating the involvement of GPx modulation in the observed protective effect. In summary, the present findings bring out a new action mechanism concerning the antioxidant properties of (PhSe)2. The observed upregulation of the glutathione-dependent antioxidant system represents a future pharmacologic possibility that goes beyond the well-known thiol-peroxidase activity of this compound

    Extracellular superoxide dismutase is necessary to maintain renal blood flow during sepsis development

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    Background: Extracellular superoxide dismutase (ECSOD) protects nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability by decreasing superoxide levels and preventing peroxynitrite generation, which is important in maintaining renal blood flow and in preventing acute kidney injury. However, the profile of ECSOD expression after sepsis is not fully understood. Therefore, we intended to evaluate the content and gene expression of superoxide dismutase (SOD) isoforms in the renal artery and their relation to renal blood flow. Methods: Sepsis was induced in Wistar rats by caecal ligation and perforation. Several times after sepsis induction, renal blood flow (12, 24 and 48 h); the renal arterial content of SOD isoforms, nitrotyrosine, endothelial and inducible nitric oxide synthase (e-NOS and i-NOS), and phosphorylated vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein (pVASP); and SOD activity (3, 6 and 12 h) were measured. The influence of a SOD inhibitor was also evaluated. Results: An increase in ECSOD content was associated with decreased 3-nitrotyrosine levels. These events were associated with an increase in pVASP content and maintenance of renal blood flow. Moreover, previous treatment with a SOD inhibitor increased nitrotyrosine content and reduced renal blood flow. Conclusions: ECSOD appears to have a major role in decreasing peroxynitrite formation in the renal artery during the early stages of sepsis development, and its application can be important in renal blood flow control and maintenance during septic insult

    Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Receptor Antagonism Induces Protection from Lethal Sepsis: Involvement of Toll-like Receptor 4 Signaling

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    In sepsis, toll-like receptor (TLR)-4 modulates the migration of neutrophils to infectious foci, favoring bacteremia and mortality. In experimental sepsis, organ dysfunction and cytokines released by activated macrophages can be reduced by gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) receptor (GRPR) antagonist RC-3095. Here we report a link between GRPR and TLR-4 in experimental models and in sepsis patients. RAW 264.7 culture cells were exposed to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and RC-3095 (10 ng/mL), Male Wistar rats were subjected to cecal ligation and puncture (CLP), and RC-3095 was administered (3 mg/kg, subcutaneously); after 6 h, we removed the blood, bronchoalveolar lavage, peritoneal lavage and lung. Human patients with a clinical diagnosis of sepsis received a continuous infusion with RC-3095 (3 mg/kg, intravenous) over a period of 12 h, and plasma was collected before and after RC-3095 administration and, in a different set of patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) or sepsis. GRP plasma levels were determined. RC-3095 inhibited TLR-4, extracellular-signal-related kinase (ERK)-1/2, Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) and Akt and decreased activation of activator protein 1 (AP-1), nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B and interleukin (IL)-6 in macrophages stimulated by LPS. It also decreased IL-6 release from macrophages stimulated by TNF-alpha. RC-3095 treatment in CLP rats decreased lung TLR-4, reduced the migration of cells to the lung and reduced systemic cytokines and bacterial dissemination. Patients with sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome have elevated plasma levels of GRP which associates with clinical outcome in the sepsis patients. These findings highlight the role of GRPR signaling in sepsis outcome and the beneficial action of GRPR antagonists in controlling the inflammatory response in sepsis through a mechanism involving at least inhibition of TLR-4 signaling. Online address: http://www.molmed.org doi: 10.2119/molmed.2012.0008

    Brain and muscle redox imbalance elicited by acute ethylmalonic acid administration.

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    Ethylmalonic acid (EMA) accumulates in tissues and biological fluids of patients affected by short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (SCADD) and ethylmalonic encephalopathy, illnesses characterized by neurological and muscular symptoms. Considering that the mechanisms responsible for the brain and skeletal muscle damage in these diseases are poorly known, in the present work we investigated the effects of acute EMA administration on redox status parameters in cerebral cortex and skeletal muscle from 30-day-old rats. Animals received three subcutaneous injections of EMA (6 μmol/g; 90 min interval between injections) and were killed 1 h after the last administration. Control animals received saline in the same volumes. EMA administration significantly increased thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances levels in cerebral cortex and skeletal muscle, indicating increased lipid peroxidation. In addition, carbonyl content was increased in EMA-treated animal skeletal muscle when compared to the saline group. EMA administration also significantly increased 2',7'-dihydrodichlorofluorescein oxidation and superoxide production (reactive species markers), and decreased glutathione peroxidase activity in cerebral cortex, while glutathione levels were decreased only in skeletal muscle. On the other hand, respiratory chain complex I-III activity was altered by acute EMA administration neither in cerebral cortex nor in skeletal muscle. The present results show that acute EMA administration elicits oxidative stress in rat brain and skeletal muscle, suggesting that oxidative damage may be involved in the pathophysiology of the brain and muscle symptoms found in patients affected by SCADD and ethylmalonic encephalopathy

    Induction of reactive oxygen species by diphenyl diselenide is preceded by changes in cell morphology and permeability in <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>

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    <p>Organoselenium compounds, such as diphenyl diselenide (PhSe)<sub>2</sub> and phenylselenium zinc chloride (PhSeZnCl), show protective activities related to their thiol peroxidase activity. However, depending on experimental conditions, organoselenium compounds can cause toxicity by oxidising thiol groups of proteins and induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Here, we analysed the toxicity of (PhSe)<sub>2</sub> and PhSeZnCl in yeast <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>. Cell growth of <i>S. cerevisiae</i> after 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 16 h of treatment with 2, 4, 6, and 10 μM of (PhSe)<sub>2</sub> was evaluated. For comparative purpose, PhSeZnCl was analysed only at 16 h of incubation at equivalent concentrations of selenium (i.e. 4, 8, 12, and 20 μM). ROS production (DCFH-DA), size, granularity, and cell membrane permeability (propidium iodide) were determined by flow cytometry. (PhSe)<sub>2</sub> inhibited cell growth at 2 h (10 μM) of incubation, followed by increase in cell size. The increase of cell membrane permeability and granularity (10 μM) was observed after 3 h of incubation, however, ROS production occurs only at 16 h of incubation (10 μM) with (PhSe)<sub>2</sub>, indicating that ROS overproduction is a more likely consequence of (PhSe)<sub>2</sub> toxicity and not its determinant. All tested parameters showed that only concentration of 20 μM induced toxicity in samples incubated with PhSeZnCl. In summary, the results suggest that (PhSe)<sub>2</sub> toxicity in <i>S. cerevisiae</i> is time and concentration dependent, presenting more toxicity when compared with PhSeZnCl.</p

    Cerebral oedema, blood-brain barrier breakdown and the decrease in Na+,K+-ATPase activity in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus are prevented by dexamethasone in an animal model of maple syrup urine disease

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    Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD) is a rare metabolic disorder associated with acute and chronic brain dysfunction. This condition has been shown to lead to macroscopic cerebral alterations that are visible on imaging studies. Cerebral oedema is widely considered to be detrimental for MSUD patients; however, the mechanisms involved are still poorly understood. Therefore, we investigated whether acute administration of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) causes cerebral oedema, modifies the Na+,K+-ATPase activity, affects the permeability of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) and alters the levels of cytokines in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex of 10-day-old rats. Additionally, we investigated the influence of concomitant administration of dexamethasone on the alterations caused by BCAA. Our results showed that the animals submitted to the model of MSUD exhibited an increase in the brain water content, both in the cerebral cortex and in the hippocampus. By investigating the mechanism of cerebral oedema, we discovered an association between H-BCAA and the Na+,K+-ATPase activity and the permeability of the BBB to small molecules. Moreover, the H-BCAA administration increases Il-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α levels in the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, whereas IL-10 levels were decreased in the hippocampus. Interestingly, we showed that the administration of dexamethasone successfully reduced cerebral oedema, preventing the inhibition of Na+,K+-ATPase activity, BBB breakdown and the increase in the cytokines levels. In conclusion, these findings suggest that dexamethasone can improve the acute cerebral oedema and brain injury associated with high levels of BCAA, either through a direct effect on brain capillary Na+,K+-ATPase or through a generalized effect on the permeability of the BBB to all compounds

    Effect of acute ethylmalonic acid (EMA) administration (6 μmol/g) on thiobarbituric acid-reactive species (TBA-RS) levels in cerebral cortex and skeletal muscle from 30-day-old rats.

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    <p>The experiments were performed in duplicate and the data represent mean ± standard error of the mean and are expressed in nmol. mg protein<sup>-1</sup> (n = 5 per group). ***<i>p</i> < 0.001 compared to control group (Student <i>t</i> test for independent samples).</p

    Effect of acute ethylmalonic acid (EMA) administration (6 μmol/g) on DCFH oxidation <i>(A)</i> and superoxide generation <i>(B)</i> in cerebral cortex and skeletal muscle from 30-day-old rats.

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    <p>The experiments were performed in duplicate and the data represent mean ± standard error of the mean and are expressed as DCFH oxidation: nmol. mg protein<sup>-1</sup>; superoxide: nM. min<sup>-1</sup>. mg of protein<sup>-1</sup> (n = 5–8 per group). *<i>p</i> < 0.05 compared to control group (Student <i>t</i> test for independent samples).</p