1,570 research outputs found

    Exchange Rate Misalignment and Growth: Old and New Econometric Evidence

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    Several studies have tried to identify the relationship between growth and misaligned or overvalued currencies. Many works (Easterly (2001) and Fajnzylber et alii (2002)), find negative correlations between exchange rate misalignment and growth for a long list of developing countries since the seventies; the more overvalued the currency, the smaller the per capita growth rates. Even after controlling the regressions for several types of variables, the studies cannot reject the statistical significance of overvalued exchange rates in explaining growth. This paper presents new econometric evidence for the exchange rate levels and growth relation based on a panel data study for 58 developing countries from 1960 until 1999 using PPP deviation measures. Our main contribution here is to estimate growth regressions with a real exchange rate index that deals with changes in real GDP per capita levels. We use a new overvaluation index that takes into account variations in real per capita incomes, adjusting, thus, our exchange rate estimates for the so-called Balassa-Samuelson effect. By correcting traditional real exchange rate annual estimates for GDP per capita increases, we intend to control our whole series for appreciations due to productivity increases as many authors do for some specific years.Exchange Rate Levels, Overvaluations, Growth

    Los notarios Pedro Quispe y Pedro de la Carrera: Variación lingüística en el Cuzco del siglo XVI

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    En el Cuzco de la última veintena del siglo XVI ejercían su labor de escribanos públicos de cabildo Pedro Quispe y Pedro de la Carrera. El primero de ellos, de origen indígena, dejó un libro de protocolo en que trataba los asuntos particulares de los indígenas que habitaban la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Purificación del Cuzco. Pedro de la Carrera realizará la misma labor en el cabildo del Cuzco llevando, sobre todo, los asuntos privados de los habitantes españoles, criollos y mestizos cuzqueños. Los documentos que un día configuraron sus respectivos libros de protocolo sirven de corpus para el presente trabajo. Partiendo de dicha documentación se realiza una aproximación al panorama de variación lingüística en la ciudad de Cuzco en la última veintena del siglo XVI. Variación lingüística que hallamos en el español empleado por indígenas con diferente formación y contrastamos con el castellano de españoles, criollos y, tal vez, algún mestizo de la misma época y ciudad. El corpus documental empleado es original y autógrafo, y está constituido por documentos pertenecientes a una misma tradición discursiva, factores estos que, debidamente aprovechados, contribuyen a la fidelidad de la muestra. In the last twenty Cuzco sixteenth century they exercised their work of public notaries of Pedro Quispe council and Pedro de la Carrera. The first, of Indian origin, left a protocol book that was private affairs of Indians who inhabited the parish of Our Lady of Purificación of Cuzco. Pedro de la Carrera held the same job at the town hall of Cuzco carrying especially the private affairs of the Spanish inhabitants, Creoles and mestizos Cuzco. These two books serve corpus protocol for this study. Based on this documentation it is done to approximate picture of linguistic variation in the city of Cuzco in the last twenty sixteenth century. Linguistic variation we find in the Spanish used by indigenous people with different backgrounds and contrast with Castilian Spanish, Creole and perhaps a mestizo from the same era and city. The documentary corpus employee is original and autograph, and consists of documents belonging to the same discursive tradition, these factors which, if properly harnessed, contribute to the fidelity of the sample

    Eva María Bravo-García (2018): Las voces del contacto. Edición y estudio de las Relaciones geográficas de México (siglo xvi). Varsovia: Facultad de “Artes Liberales”

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    El volumen objeto de esta reseña viene avalado, entre otras cosas, por el Consejo Europeo de Investigación, quien otorgó su apoyo para la realización de esta edición. En él, se recopilan 23 relaciones mexicanas elaboradas entre 1579 y 1582, documentos todos ellos originales, en los que intervinieron escribientes indígenas, criollos y españoles. La precisión y el rigor en el aporte detallado de los intervinientes preside cada una de estas relaciones, que se agrupan según las diferentes áreas y las distintas autorías e intervinientes, ya que en el proceso de redacción de estos singulares documentos intervenían, según demuestra la investigadora, diversos ejecutores. Así, por ejemplo, para el área de Zimapán..

    Zoowiki : un proyecto de colaboración interdepartamental

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    La presente comunicación presenta los resultados de un proyecto de innovación docente, desarrollado en el seno de la Facultad de Biología, con la colaboración de profesorado de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, en el que han participado más de 200 alumnos y un total de 10 profesores (adscritos a los Departamentos de Fisiología y Zoología, y Didáctica y Organización Educativa, respectivamente) durante el curso académico 2010-11. Bajo la premisa: “Facilitando el aprendizaje entre iguales”, se ha llevado a cabo el estudio, planteándonos entre otros objetivos, no sólo hacer más consciente al alumnado de que es responsable de su propio aprendizaje, sino también la necesidad de motivación y mejora del rendimiento académico del alumnado. Para ello y teniendo en cuenta la metodología de aprendizaje entre iguales, se han creado grupos de expertos en distintas temáticas en la asignatura de Zoología, culminando el trabajo desarrollado en la confección de una wiki: Zoowiki http://proyectodezoologia.wikispaces.com/This paper presents the results of a teaching innovation project, developed within the Faculty of Biology, in collaboration with faculty at the Faculty of Education, which involved over 200 students and a total 10 teachers (assigned to the Departments of Physiology and Zoology, and Teaching and Educational Organization, respectively) during the academic year 2010-11. Under the premise: "Facilitating peer learning, " has carried out the study, posing among other objectives, to make the students more aware of who is responsible for their own learning ... but also the need for motivation and performance improvement academic students. For this and taking into account the methodology of peer learning groups have been established in different thematic expert in the subject of Zoology, culminating in the work developed in the preparation of a wiki: Zoowiki (http://proyectodezoologia.wikispaces.com/)

    Family carers' experiences and perceived roles in interprofessional collaborative practice in primary care: A constructivist grounded theory study

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    Abstract Background Chronic conditions can lead to physical, cognitive and social decline; thus, increasing an individual's dependence on family who assist with activities of daily living. Interprofessional collaborative practice (IPCP), involving two or more health professionals working with the patient and their family, is one model of care for the high‐quality management of individuals with chronic conditions in primary care. Nevertheless, family carers have reported a disconnect between themselves and healthcare providers in previous research. This study aimed to explore the experiences and perspectives of family carers for individuals with chronic conditions, regarding their involvement in IPCP. Methods Aspects of constructivist grounded theory methodology were used. Family carers of individuals with chronic conditions were invited to participate in a one‐on‐one, semistructured interview about their experiences with IPCP in the care of their loved one. Interview transcripts were analysed using Charmaz's four‐step iterative process: (1) line‐by‐line coding, (2) focused coding, (3) categorisation of codes and (4) potential theme and subtheme development with memo writing to support each phase of analysis. The research team collaborated on reflexivity exercises, the conceptualisation of categories and the development of themes. Results Constructivist data analysis of interviews (average 40 min) with 10 family carers resulted in two themes. (1) Stepping in for my loved one represents the notion that carers take on external roles on behalf of their loved ones (subthemes: working with interprofessional teams, supporting independence and learning as I go). (2) Taking on the carer role, represents the internal factors that influence the external roles described in theme 1 (subthemes: feeling obligated to be involved and changing relationship dynamics). Conclusion This study outlines the external actions and internal influences on family carer involvement in an interprofessional team. The required knowledge and support to care for their loved ones is currently learned in an ad hoc manner, and carers' resources should be better promoted by health professionals. Additionally, the relationship dynamics between a carer and their loved one change as the carer becomes more involved in IPCP and influences how and the extent health professionals involve family carers. Patient or Public Contribution Carers were the study population involved in this qualitative study. Patient advocates who have chronic conditions, and are informal family carers, were involved in the creation and design of this study, including a review of the research question, participant information sheet and the interview guide

    Satisfacción de la madre con el cuidado del niño sano en una unidad de medicina familiar

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    Propósito y Método del Estudio: El propósito fue identificar los factores que determinan la satisfacción de la madre con el cuidado de la Enfermera Materno Infantil (EMI) en el programa de Vigilancia de la Nutrición, Crecimiento y Desarrollo del menor de 5 años (VNCD) en una Unidad de Medicina Familiar del IMSS del estado de Campeche, evaluar el grado de satisfacción de la madre, así como identificar el tiempo de duración de la visita con EMI que las madres consideran adecuado. El marco conceptual de Satisfacción del Paciente de Risser (1975) guió el presente estudio descriptivo, correlacional. Participaron 213 madres que acudieron con sus hijos a la visita con EMI. La muestra se determinó con un nivel de significancia 0.05, potencia de prueba de 90% y coeficiente de correlación de 0.20. Se aplicó la Escala de Satisfacción de la Madre con el Cuidad del Niño Sano (ESMCNS) y una cédula de datos de identificación de la madre y del menor. Contribuciones y Conclusiones: Como determinantes de la satisfacción de la madre con el cuidado de EMI se identificaron escolaridad de la madre y edad del menor (Fc = 10.90, gl=2, p = .001), se encontró que a mayor escolaridad de la madre y mayor edad del menor se incrementa la satisfacción con el cuidado, éstas variables presentaron una varianza explicada de 8.5%. La satisfacción de la madre con el cuidado de EMI se encontró en 78.05 (DE = 7.91). Las madres evaluaron mejor el área técnico profesional con 82.59 (DE = 9.04) en comparación al área de relación educativa 78.46 (DE = 10.85) y de confianza 74.93 (DE = 9.38), ésta diferencia fue significativa al aplicar la Prueba de Rangos de Friedman y la Prueba de Rangos de Wilcoxon. El tiempo de duración de la visita con EMI que las madres consideraron adecuado fue de 13 minutos. Se concluye que la escolaridad de la madre y la edad del menor determinan la satisfacción y ya que las madres evaluaron mejor el área técnico profesional se considera que el cuidado de EMI está centrado en la realización de procedimientos y que el tiempo de duración de la visita con EMI que las madres consideran adecuado es 13 minutos, lo que probablemente permitiría a la EMI incrementar la relación de confianza y enfocarse a los aspectos educativos del cuidado

    Effect of GA 3 and paclobutrazol on adventitious shoot regeneration of two Pelargonium sp

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    This study had two aims. The first was to improve the regeneration efficiency of Pelargonium leaf discs by adventitious budding. The second was to test the effect of gibberellic acid (GA 3) and paclobutrazol (PBZ) on callus formation and adventitious shoot regeneration in Pelargonium before using genetic transformation of this species for functional validation of genes involved in the process of GA regulation. GA 3 and paclobutrazol (an inhibitor of GA synthesis pathway) were added (together or separately) in the shoot regeneration media of two Pelargonium species, Pelargonium * hortorum \u27Panache sud\u27 (\u27P.sud\u27) and Pelargonium * domesticum \u27Autumn haze\u27 (\u27 P.dom\u27). In both cases, GA 3 applied alone, completely inhibited the bud regeneration. Moreover, the rate of callus formation decreased drastically when 5 M of GA 3 was applied to \u27 P. dom\u27 explants. Similar result was obtained with \u27P.sud\u27 explants using 20 M GA 3. Paclobutrazol (0.3 M) applied at the same time as GA 3 (10 M) could partially restore regeneration process of \u27 P. dom\u27. For \u27 P. dom\u27, the use of paclobutrazol alone increased callus formation and slightly improved the rate of regeneration. Moreover, initiated buds had a better appearance. For \u27P. sud\u27, which had an abundant callusing, paclobutrazol did not improve regeneration and led to hyperhydric shoots

    Entrenamiento y evaluación de una competencia genérica para los títulos de grado universitarios

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    Este trabajo surge ante la necesidad de entrenar y evaluar una competencia genérica en la materia de Zoología del Grado de Biología “Solidez en los conocimientos básicos de la profesión”. Consideramos que es fundamental que los estudiantes adquieran conocimientos suficientes para valorar la importancia de los aspectos genéricos que poseen los animales tales como, morfología, anatomía, histología, fisiología, embriología, etología y ecología. Al ser una asignatura difícil y poco atractiva para los estudiantes hemos utilizado la estrategia de aprendizaje entre iguales y un wiki dónde se han colgado todos los materiales trabajados por los grupos de expertos

    Heavy Fleet and Facilities Optimization

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    The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) is responsible for timely clearance of snow on state-maintained highways in Indiana as part of its wintertime operations. For this and other maintenance purposes, the state’s subdistricts maintain 101 administrative units spread throughout the state. These units are staffed by personnel, including snow truck drivers and house snow removal trucks and other equipment. INDOT indicated a need to carry out value engineering analysis of the replacement timing of the truck fleet. To address these questions, this study carried out analysis to ascertain the appropriate truck replacement age, that is different across each of the state\u27s three weather-based regions to minimize the truck life cycle cost. INDOT also indicated a need for research guidance in possible revisions to the administrative unit locations and optimal routes to be taken by trucks in each unit in order to reduce deadhead miles. For purposes of optimizing the truck snow routes, the study developed two alternative algorithmic approaches. The first uses mathematical programming to select work packets for trucks while ensuring that snow is cleared at all snow routes and allowing the users to identify optimal route and unit location. The second approach uses network routing concepts, such as the rural postman problem, and allows the user to change the analysis inputs, such as the number of available drivers and so on. The first approach developed using opensolver (an open source tool with excel) and the second approach coded as an electronic tool, are submitted as part of this report. Both approaches can be used by INDOT’s administrative unit managers for decision support regarding the deployment of resources for snow clearing operations and to minimize the associated costs