15 research outputs found

    Urnula rhytidia (Berk.) Cooke, un raro discomicete (Pezizales, Ascomycotina), hallado en las Villuercas (Cáceres)

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    Urnula rhytidia, a rare Discomycete (Pezizales, Ascomycotina), collected in Las Villuercas (Caceres, W Spain). A rare ascomycete, Urnula rhy tidia, typically (but not always) associated with Eucalyptus litter, is thoroughly described, illustrated and discussed; its distribution, which is here summarised, is confined to isolated areas in different countries. The latter was reported in Spain once again. The authors afford new information to their previous taxonomic treatments, mainly enlarging the synonimic list. Finally, the curious ornamentation pattern of the spores is showed at S. E. M.Se describe, iconografia y comenta Urnula rhytidia, un raro ascomicete, generalmente (pero no siempre) ligado al humus de Eucalyptus spp ., que sólo aparece en a puntos dispersos en diferentes continentes. Se realiza una síntesis de su distribución, que ahora se amplía por segunda vez en lo que a España se refiere, y de los tratamientos taxonómicos anteriores, con especial énfasis en la lista de sinónimos. Por último, se aporta un estudio detallado al M. E. B. de la curiosa ornamentación esporal

    Urnula rhytidia (Berk.) Cooke, un raro discomicete (Pezizales, Ascomycotina), hallado en las Villuercas (Cáceres)

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    Urnula rhytidia, a rare Discomycete (Pezizales, Ascomycotina), collected in Las Villuercas (Caceres, W Spain). A rare ascomycete, Urnula rhy tidia, typically (but not always) associated with Eucalyptus litter, is thoroughly described, illustrated and discussed; its distribution, which is here summarised, is confined to isolated areas in different countries. The latter was reported in Spain once again. The authors afford new information to their previous taxonomic treatments, mainly enlarging the synonimic list. Finally, the curious ornamentation pattern of the spores is showed at S. E. M.Se describe, iconografia y comenta Urnula rhytidia, un raro ascomicete, generalmente (pero no siempre) ligado al humus de Eucalyptus spp ., que sólo aparece en a puntos dispersos en diferentes continentes. Se realiza una síntesis de su distribución, que ahora se amplía por segunda vez en lo que a España se refiere, y de los tratamientos taxonómicos anteriores, con especial énfasis en la lista de sinónimos. Por último, se aporta un estudio detallado al M. E. B. de la curiosa ornamentación esporal

    Pezoloma ciliifera (P. Karst.) Korf, un discomicete nuevo para España

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    Pezoloma ciliif era (p. Karst) Korf, a rare species in the world, is reported for the flIst tirne in Spain, on base to Albarracín mountains findings (Teruel, Spain). A detailed iconographic -macro and microscopicstudy is made. Besides, its ecological preferences are confrrmed, having a saprophytic habit in behaviour areas, during surnrner, at high elevations.Pezoloma ciliifera (P. Karst) Korf, una especie rara en el mundo, es citada por vez primera de España, en base a hallazgos realizados en la Sierra de Albarracín (Teruel). Se acompaña un detallado estudio iconognifico rnacro y microscópico, al tiempo que se confinna su comportamiento saprotrófico, estival, en ambientes palustres de alta montaña

    On some noteworthy alpine or subalpine Hyaloscyphaceae (Leotiales) found in the Pyrenees

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    Se describen, ilustran y comentan cuatro especies pertenecientes a Hyaloscyphaceae (Leotiales), procedentes de comunidades alpinas y subalpinas de Cataluña y Andorra, nunca antes citadas en la Península Ibérica. Se trata de Lachnum latebricola (Rehm) R. Galán et Raitv., Hyalopeziza nectrioidea (Rehm) Raschle, Incrupila dennisii (Müller) Müller y Lachnellula fuscosanguinea (Rehm) Dennis.Four alpine and subalpine species of the Hyaloscyphaceae (Leotiales, Ascomycotina) are described, illustrated and discussed. They wete collected in Catalonia and Andorra, and they are never been previously reported from the Iberian Peninsula. These are: Lachnum latebricola (Rehm) R. Galán et Raitv., Hyalopeziza nectrioidea (Rehm) Raschle, Incrupila dennisii (Müller) Müller and Lachnellula fuscosanguinea (Rehm) Dennis

    Pezoloma ciliifera (P. Karst.) Korf, un discomicete nuevo para España

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    Pezoloma ciliifera (P. Karst) Korf, una especie rara en el mundo, es citada por vez primera de España, en base a hallazgos realizados en la Sierra de Albarracín (Teruel). Se acompaña un detallado estudio iconognifico rnacro y microscópico, al tiempo que se confinna su comportamiento saprotrófico, estival, en ambientes palustres de alta montaña.Pezoloma ciliif era (p. Karst) Korf, a rare species in the world, is reported for the flIst tirne in Spain, on base to Albarracín mountains findings (Teruel, Spain). A detailed iconographic -macro and microscopicstudy is made. Besides, its ecological preferences are confrrmed, having a saprophytic habit in behaviour areas, during surnrner, at high elevations

    On some noteworthy alpine or subalpine Hyaloscyphaceae (Leotiales) found in the Pyrenees

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    Four alpine and subalpine species of the Hyaloscyphaceae (Leotiales, Ascomycotina) are described, illustrated and discussed. They wete collected in Catalonia and Andorra, and they are never been previously reported from the Iberian Peninsula. These are: Lachnum latebricola (Rehm) R. Galán et Raitv., Hyalopeziza nectrioidea (Rehm) Raschle, Incrupila dennisii (Müller) Müller and Lachnellula fuscosanguinea (Rehm) Dennis.Se describen, ilustran y comentan cuatro especies pertenecientes a Hyaloscyphaceae (Leotiales), procedentes de comunidades alpinas y subalpinas de Cataluña y Andorra, nunca antes citadas en la Península Ibérica. Se trata de Lachnum latebricola (Rehm) R. Galán et Raitv., Hyalopeziza nectrioidea (Rehm) Raschle, Incrupila dennisii (Müller) Müller y Lachnellula fuscosanguinea (Rehm) Dennis

    Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. et Schwein.) Svrcek et Kubicka, un discomicete con incidencia en la truficultura e interés forestal

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    Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. et Schwein.) Svrcek et Kubicka, a cup-shaped ascomycete related with truffle cultures and afforestation. A casual finding of Sphaerosporella brunnea in some greenhouses from Spain, growing in connection with several ectomycorrhizal plants, is reported. These plants were experimentally inoculated with low level inoculum of Tuber melanosporum. Sphaerosporella brunnea is described and illustrated, and its negative role in truffle cultures and its possible utilization in burned are as recovery is emphasized.Se da cuenta del hallazgo casual, en unos viveros españoles de Sphaerosporella brunnea, formando micorrizas con plantas diversas, las cuales habían sido inoculadas experimentalmente con niveles bajos de Tuber melanosporum. Se describe e ilustra esta especie, al tiempo que se destaca su papel negativo en la truficultura y su posible utilización en la recuperación de áreas incendiadas

    Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. et Schwein.) Svrcek et Kubicka, un discomicete con incidencia en la truficultura e interés forestal

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    Se da cuenta del hallazgo casual, en unos viveros españoles de Sphaerosporella brunnea, formando micorrizas con plantas diversas, las cuales habían sido inoculadas experimentalmente con niveles bajos de Tuber melanosporum. Se describe e ilustra esta especie, al tiempo que se destaca su papel negativo en la truficultura y su posible utilización en la recuperación de áreas incendiadas.Sphaerosporella brunnea (Alb. et Schwein.) Svrcek et Kubicka, a cup-shaped ascomycete related with truffle cultures and afforestation. A casual finding of Sphaerosporella brunnea in some greenhouses from Spain, growing in connection with several ectomycorrhizal plants, is reported. These plants were experimentally inoculated with low level inoculum of Tuber melanosporum. Sphaerosporella brunnea is described and illustrated, and its negative role in truffle cultures and its possible utilization in burned are as recovery is emphasized

    Omentin protects H9c2 cells against docetaxel cardiotoxicity

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    Background : Association between obesity and cardiovascular diseases is well known, however increased susceptibility of obese patients to develop several cancer types is not so commonly known. Current data suggest that poorer overall survival in cancer patients might be associated to non-cancer-related causes such as higher risk of cardiotoxicity in obese patients treated with chemotherapeutic agents. Omentin, a novel adipokine decreased in obesity, is actually in the spotlight due to its favourable effects on inflammation, glucose homeostasis and cardiovascular diseases. Also, recent data showed that in vitro anthracycline-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis is counteracted by omentin suggesting its cardioprotective role. Objective: Our aim was to evaluate omentin effects against docetaxel toxicity. Results: Our data indicate that omentin inhibits docetaxel-induced viability loss and that increased viability is associated to decreased caspase-3 expression and cell death. Although omentin reduces NOX4 expression, it failed to reduce docetaxel-induced reactive oxygen species production. Our results indicate that omentin decreases docetaxel-induced endoplasmic reticulum stress, suggesting that cardioprotective role might be associated to ERS inhibition. Conclusion : These data suggest that omentin treatment may contribute to decrease susceptibility to DTX-induced cardiotoxicity.This work was supported by Fundación Mutua Madrileña 2014 (R.L.), Red de Investigación Cardiovascular (RIC) (RD12/0042/0039) an initiative of ISCIII (J.R.G-J), Programa de Consolidación de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas do SUG (GPC 2013-051) of Xunta de Galicia (J.R.G-J) and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV) (CB16/11/00226) of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (J.R.G-J). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscriptS

    Bioelectronics-on-a-chip for cardio myoblast proliferation enhancement using electric field stimulation

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    Background: Cardio myoblast generation from conventional approaches is laborious and time-consuming. We present a bioelectronics on-a-chip for stimulating cells cardio myoblast proliferation during culture. Method: The bioelectronics chip fabrication methodology involves two different process. In the first step, an aluminum layer of 200 nm is deposited over a soda-lime glass substrate using physical vapor deposition and selectively removed using a Q-switched Nd:YVO4 laser to create the electric tracks. To perform the experiments, we developed a biochip composed of a cell culture chamber fabricated with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) with a glass coverslip or a cell culture dish placed over the electric circuit tracks. By using such a glass cover slip or cell culture dish we avoid any toxic reactions caused by electrodes in the culture or may be degraded by electrochemical reactions with the cell medium, which is crucial to determine the effective cell-device coupling. Results: The chip was used to study the effect of electric field stimulation of Rat ventricular cardiomyoblasts cells (H9c2). Results shows a remarkable increase in the number of H9c2 cells for the stimulated samples, where after 72 h the cell density double the cell density of control samples. Conclusions: Cell proliferation of Rat ventricular cardiomyoblasts cells (H9c2) using the bioelectronics-on-a-chip was enhanced upon the electrical stimulation. The dependence on the geometrical characteristics of the electric circuit on the peak value and homogeneity of the electric field generated are analyzed and proper parameters to ensure a homogeneous electric field at the cell culture chamber are obtained. It can also be observed a high dependence of the electric field on the geometry of the electrostimulator circuit tracks and envisage the potential applications on electrophysiology studies, monitoring and modulate cellular behavior through the application of electric fieldsThis work was partially supported by Mineco through the projects FIS 2015–71933-REDT and RTI 2018–097063-B-I00, Consellería de Educación Program for Development of a Strategic Grouping in Materials – AeMAT Grant No. ED431E2018/08, Xunta de Galicia ref. ED431B2017/64. Xunta de Galicia, Spain, under Galician Programme for Research Innovation and Growth 2011–2015 (I2C Plan)S