1,603 research outputs found

    The rigid body dynamics: classical and algebro-geometric integration

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    The basic notion for a motion of a heavy rigid body fixed at a point in three-dimensional space as well as its higher-dimensional generalizations are presented. On a basis of Lax representation, the algebro-geometric integration procedure for one of the classical cases of motion of three-dimensional rigid body - the Hess-Appel'rot system is given. The classical integration in Hess coordinates is presented also. For higher-dimensional generalizations, the special attention is paid in dimension four. The L-A pairs and the classical integration procedures for completely integrable four-dimensional rigid body so called the Lagrange bitop as well as for four-dimensional generalization of Hess-Appel'rot system are given. An nn-dimensional generalization of the Hess-Appel'rot system is also presented and its Lax representation is given. Starting from another Lax representation for the Hess-Appel'rot system, a family of dynamical systems on e(3)e(3) is constructed. For five cases from the family, the classical and algebro-geometric integration procedures are presented. The four-dimensional generalizations for the Kirchhoff and the Chaplygin cases of motion of rigid body in ideal fluid are defined. The results presented in the paper are part of results obtained in last decade.Comment: Zb. Rad.(Beogr.), 16(24), 2013 (accepted for publication); 43 page

    Osobine ličnosti kao odrednice zaokupljenosti tjelesnom slikom i medijacijska uloga perfekcionizma u estetskoj kirurgiji

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    Objectives: The objectives of the study were to examine the relationship between symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder (body image) and personality traits: neuroticism, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and openness to new experiences as well as the mediating role of perfectionism on the relationship between personality traits and body image in people undergoing cosmetic surgery. Methods: The following measurement instruments were used: (a) The adjective measure of the five-factor model; (b) Burns scale of perfectionism; (c) Appearance Anxiety Inventory; (AAI). Results: The results of the Pearson correlation coefficient showed that all personality traits are significant determinants of body image. Pearson\u27s correlation coefficient showed that body image was significantly negatively associated with extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness, but positively associated only with neuroticism. The results of hierarchical regression analysis and mediation analysis showed that perfectionism has been shown to play a mediating role in the relationship between personality traits and body image. Conclusions: This research opens new directions for the study of psychological variables in cosmetic surgery and is also the first research in our area on the relationship between body image and personality traits. Because our sample is made up of participants who have had different surgical treatments, and given the huge increase in cosmetic surgery, a fuller understanding of personality influences can also allow surgeons to more accurately assessCiljevi: Ciljevi rada bili su ispitati povezanost simptoma tjelesnog dizmorfnog poremećaja (tjelesne slike) i sljedećih osobina ličnosti: neuroticizma, savjesnosti, ekstraverzije, ugodnosti i otvorenosti prema novim iskustvima kao i medijacijsku ulogu perfekcionizma na povezanost između osobina ličnosti i body image kod osoba podvrgnutih estetskim kirurÅ”kim zahvatima. Metode: KoriÅ”teni su sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: (a) Upitnik općih podataka koji je sadržavao sociodemografska obilježja; (b) Pridjevska mjera petofaktorskog modela; (c) Burnsova skala perfekcionizma; Inventar izgledne anksioznosti (AAI). Rezultati: Rezultati Pearsonovog koeficijenta su pokazali kako su sve osobine ličnosti značajne determinante zaokupljenosti tjelesnom slikom. Pearsonov koeficijent korelacije je pokazao kako je zaokupljenost tjelesnom slikom značajno negativno povezan sa ekstraverzijom, ugodnoŔću, savjesnoŔću i otvorenoŔću, a pozitivno povezan jedino sa neuroticizmom. Rezultati hijerarhijske regresijske analize kao i medijacijske analize su pokazale značajan medijacijski efekat perfekcionizma na povezanost između svih osobina ličnosti i zaokupljenosti tjelesnom slikom. Zaključci: Ovo istraživanje otvara nove pravce za istraživanje područja osobina ličnosti te zaokupljenosti tjelesnom slikom, a također je prvo istraživanje na naÅ”im prostorima o povezanosti zaokupljenosti vlastitom tjelesnom slikom i osobina ličnosti. Budući da je naÅ” uzorak sačinjen od sudionika koji su imali različite kirurÅ”ke tretmane, a s obzirom na ogroman porast broja estetskih kirurÅ”kih zahvata, potpunije razumijevanje utjecaja osobnosti može omogućiti i kirurzima točniju procjenu prikladnosti pacijenata za operaciju. Također može dovesti i do boljeg razumijevanja psiholoÅ”kih aspekata estetske kirurgije i ojačati osnovu za promicanje zdravijeg imidža tijela

    Povezanost između depresije, anksioznosti, stresa i simptoma tjelesnog dismorfnog poremećaja i medijacijske uloge samopoÅ”tovanja u estetskoj kirurgiji

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    Objectives: The objectives of the study were to examine the relationship between symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder (body image) and depression, anxiety, and stress as well as the mediating role of self-esteem in explaining this relationship in people undergoing cosmetic surgery. Methods: The following measurement instruments were used: (a) Sociodemographic variables; (b) The scale of depression, anxiety, and stress (DASS); (c) The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSS); Appearance Anxiety Inventory; (AAI). Results: The results of the Pearson correlation coefficient showed that depression, anxiety, and stress were associated with the symptoms of Body dysmorphic disorder, and depression was the most significant. The results of hierarchical regression analysis, as well as mediation analysis, showed that self-esteem has a mediating role in the relationship between depression, anxiety, stress, and symptoms of Body dysmorphic disorder. Conclusions: This research opens new directions for research in the areas of depression, anxiety, stress, self-esteem, and body image in people who have undergone cosmetic surgery. It is also necessary to provide various psychoeducation programmes for the development of healthy ways of dealing with daily and life stressors, as well as support from psychotherapists whether it is anxiety, stress, depression, preoccupation with body image, or self-esteem.Ciljevi: Ciljevi rada bili su ispitati povezanost simptoma tjelesnog dismorfnog poremećaja (tjelesne slike) i depresije, anksioznosti i stresa kao i medijacijsku ulogu samopoÅ”tovanja u objaÅ”njenju ove povezanosti kod osoba podvrgnutim estetskim kirurÅ”kim zahvatima. Metode: KoriÅ”teni su sljedeći mjerni instrumenti: (a) Upitnik općih podataka koji je sadržavao sociodemografska obilježja; (b) Skala depresivnosti, anksioznosti i stresa (DASS); (c) Rosenbergova skala samopoÅ”tovanja (RSS); Inventar izgledne anksioznosti (AAI). Rezultati: Rezultati Pearsonovog koeficijenta korelacije su pokazali da su depresija, anksioznost, stress povezani sa simptomima tjelesnog dismorfnog poremećaja, a najznačajnijom se pokazala depresivnost. Rezultati hijerarhijske regresijske analize kao i medijacijske analize su pokazale kako samopoÅ”tovanje ima medijacijsku ulogu na povezanost između depresije, anksioznosti, stresa i simptoma tjelesnog dismorfnog poremećaja. Zaključci: Ovo istraživanje otvara nove pravce za istraživanja u području depresije, anksioznosti, stresa, samopoÅ”tovanja i zaokupljenosti vlastitom tjelesnom slikom kod osoba koje su podvrgnute različitim estetskim kirurÅ”kim zahvatima. Također je potrebna psihoedukacija za zdravo noÅ”enje sa svakodnevnim i životnim stresorima, podrÅ”ka psihoterapeuta i značajnih drugih bilo da se radi o anksioznosti, stresu, depresiji, zaokupljenosti slikom tijela odnosno samopoÅ”tovanju

    Strain Enhanced Superconductivity in Li-Doped Graphene

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    We present a new way to enhance the electron-phonon coupling constant and the critical superconducting temperature of graphene, significantly beyond all reported values. Using density functional theory, we explore the application effects of the tensile biaxial strain on the lithium intercalated graphene. Both effects together, the presence of adatom and the strain, trigger enhancement of critical temperature, up to 300\%, compared to non-strained lithium intercalated graphene.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    On some optimization problems in not necessarily locally convex space

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    In this note, by using O. Hadžić's generalization of a fixed point theorem of Himmelberg, we prove a non - cooperative equilibrium existence theorem in non - compact settings and a generalization of an existence theorem for non - compact infinite optimization problems, all in not necessarily locally convex spaces

    Existing state of exploration of hydrogeothermal potentials and the possibility of their use in the territory of Bogatić municipality

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    Geothermal, that is, hydrogeothermal energy is an important resource that can contribute to the energy independence of the state. In the conditions of the modern energy crisis, renewable natural resources based on hydrogeothermal potential are invaluable. The municipality of Bogatić, as part of Mačva, is one of the most promising hydrogeothermal sites in Europe. The main reservoir of low mineralization geothermal waters consists of karstic Triassic limestone and dolomite. In the main reservoir, it is realistic to expect water temperatures up to 100Ā°C which can be used for heating purposes, in agriculture and aquaculture, industry, for balneotherapy, sports, recreation, and electricity production. Socio-economic, technical and technological and ecological advantages are numerous in comparison to other sources of energy. Considering that this is a region that has significant land potential, the production of food, primarily vegetable in greenhouses, based on the use of thermal energy, should be a priority for the whole region and the municipality of Bogatić

    Multimodal meaning construal in visual media

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    In this paper I will deal with the meaning of music in video games. By means of introduction, I will offer a brief history of music in games, after which I will dip into the concept of immersion, and finish the introductory part with an explanation of the difference between the linearity of movies and interactivity of video games. The main topics will be diegetic and non-diegetic music, cultural models, and establishing identity through music. I will finish with a discussion of the topics presented and will name some examples. I intend to show that music can serve as a medium to carry meaning in video games, and explain our perception of music when we experience it in this manner. I must note that I will focus on analysing music that comes solely from gameplay and our perception of music in this dynamic environment. I mention this because videogames sometimes also have cutscenes which most often serve as a way to introduce the story to the player. However, cutscenes are essentially short videos, and therefore do not require input from the player. As such they are beyond the scope of this paper


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    The paper is based on the thesis that the company competitiveness should be built on the basis of accounting support to strategic choices. Competitiveness at the single company level is, for the most part, a consequence of management activities. More recently, modern management concepts are available to them, which also require adequate information support. Hence, the content of the defined topic was intended to present the possibilities of accounting information support in achieving and measuring competitiveness, as identified based on customer attitudes about the key factors for companyā€™s market success. Achieving such an aim would contribute to identifying the criteria of accounting information system success in achieving desired market position, but also in promotion, to a great extent neglected possibilities of this part of information system, in domestic companies. Required adequacy of information support is presented in the form of accounting instruments which can help in setting and implementing differentiation strategy

    Plastičnost pseudoglejnih zemljiŔta opŔtine Ub

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    The paper includes the results of determination of Atterberg plasticity limits of arable (0-25 cm) and subarable (25-50 cm) horizons in 53 pseudogley profiles from the community of Ub. On the basis of performed laboratory investigations, it has been found that the pseudogley belongs to the group of moderately plastic soils, with plasticity index higher than 17. In the arable horizon, average moisture at the plastic limit is about 20 %, and in the subarable horizon - about 19 %. Average values of the liquid limit in the arable horizon are about 38 %, and in the subarable horizon about 40 %. The optimal moisture for machine tillage of the investigated pseudogley and for other field operations varies between 19 and 22 %. Several other physical and textural characteristics are presented, including clay activity index and potential mechanical instability and soil susceptibility to treading.U radu su prikazani rezultati određivanja Aterbergovih granica plastičnosti oraničnog (0-25 cm) i podoraničnog (25-50 cm) horizonta pseudogleja opÅ”tine Ub (jugoistočna Srbija) iz 53 profila. Na osnovu sprovedenih laboratorijskih istraživanja utvrđeno je da ispitani pseudoglej spada u grupu srednje plastičnih zemljiÅ”ta, s indeksom plastičnosti većim od 17. U oraničnom horizontu, prosečna vlažnost pri donjoj granici plastičnosti je oko 20 %, a u podoraničnom oko 19 %. Prosečne vrednosti gornje granici plastičnosti u oraničnom horizontu su oko 38 %, a u podoraničnom oko 40 %. Optimalna vlažnost za mehaničku obradu istraženog pseudogleja i izvođenje drugih poljskih radova varira u intervalu od 19 do 22 %. Određene su i prikazane i neke druge fizičko-mehaničke osobine, među kojima indeks aktivnosti gline i potencijalna mehanička nestabilnost i osetljivost zemljiÅ”ta na gaženje
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